How to Say Cheers in 50 Different Languages (Toasting Drinks)
How to say ‘cheers’ in many languages

The simple act of buying a local a drink while traveling unites people from all walks of life. Can you tell me the French word for "cheers"? Perhaps a Japanese version of the cheer? Or perhaps cheers in Indian or Chinese?

Learn more: Toasting Drink Tradition Around the World: Origin, Unique Rituals

The History of Toasting Drinks

That was done by the ancient Egyptians. Old Chinese people did it. The Greeks also did this. Drinking alcohol has been around for thousands of years, according to the evidence. Also, clinking glasses together and "toasting" has been around for a long time, but no one can really say when it first originated.

According to one widely held but hotly contested theory, the sound of "clinking" was believed to ward off evil spirits. The liquid in one glass would spill into the other's cup if the glasses were smashed together, according to another story, so it could be proven that neither drink was poisoned.

However, it is still true that people all over the world enjoy toasts and drinks. The most common translation of the toast is "good health," which is exactly what we all need after a few too many.

When making new friends, it's crucial that you know how to say "cheers" in their language. If you want a handy reference, you can download this cheat sheet to your phone, laminate it, and put it in your passport. Exalt and prostrate!

How to Say ‘Cheers’ in 50 Different Languages

1. Cheers in Afrikaans: Gesondheid! (Ge-sund-hate)

2. Cheers in Albanian: Gëzuar! (Géschuar)

3. Cheers in Arabic (Egyptian): في صحتكم!(Fee-sa-ha-tak)

4. Cheers in Armenian: Կենացդ (gen-ots-nute)

5. Cheers in Azerbaijan: i Afiyët oslun! (Afeeyet Ohs-lun)

6. Cheers in Basque: On egin! (On egín)

7. Cheers in Bosnian: Živjeli! (Zhee-vi-lee)

8. Cheers in Bulgarian: Наздраве! (NAZ-dra-vey)

9. Cheers in Chinese (Cantonese): (Gom bui)

10. Cheers in Chinese (Mandarin): 乾杯! [干杯!] (Gan BAY)

11. Cheers in Czech: Na zdravi (NAZ-drah vi)

12. Cheers in Croatian: Živjeli! (ZHEE-vi-lee)

13. Cheers in Danish: Skål!(Skol)

14. Cheers in Dutch: Proost! (Prohst)

15. Cheers in English: Cheers! Bottoms up! Down the hatch! Here’s mud in your eye!

16. Cheers in Esperanto: Je via sano! Toston! (YEH VEE-ah SAH-no/Tóston)

17. Cheers in Estonian: Terviseks! (Ter-vi-seks)

18. Cheers in Ethiopian (Amharic): Letenachin (L’-TAY-nah-chin)

19. Cheers in Farsi: (Ba-sal-a-ma-TEE)

20. Cheers in Finnish: Kippis! (KEEP-us)

21. Cheers in French: Santé! (Sahn-tay)

22. Cheers in Gaelic (Irish): Sláinte! (Slan-che)

23. Cheers in German: Prost! (Prohst)

24. Cheers in Greek: στηνυγειάσας! (Stin Eyiassou/Stin Eye-ee-yass-ooh)

25. Cheers in Hawaiian: Kāmau! (Ka-Mau) or Hipa! Hipa!

26. Cheers in Hebrew: לְחַיִּים!/L’Chaim! (Leh HAI-em)

27. Cheers in Hungarian: Egeszsegere! (Egg-esh Ay-ged-reh)

27. Cheers in Italian: Salute! Cin cin! (Salut-ay/Chin Chin)

29. Cheers in Japanese: /Kampai! (Calm-pie)

30. Cheers in Korean: 위하여 (Gun-bae)

31. Cheers in Latvian: Prieka! (Pree-eh-ka)

32. Cheers in Lithuanian: i sveikata! (Ee sweh-kata)

33. Cheers in Luxembourgish: Prost! (Prohst)

34. Cheers in Maltese: Evviva! (A-vee-va)

35. Cheers in Mongolian: Эрүүл мэндийн төлөө! (Erüül mehdiin tölöö)

36. Cheers in Norwegian: Skål! (Skoal)

37. Cheers in Persian: به سلامت: ی! (beh salamati)

38. Cheers in Polish: Na zdrowie! (Naz-droh-vee-ah)

39. Cheers in Portuguese: Saúde! (Sa-ooh-de)

40. Cheers in Romanian: Noroc! (No-roak)

41. Cheers in Russian: Будем здоровы! (Boo-dem Zdo-ro-vee-eh)

42. Cheers in Serbian: Ziveli! (ZHEE-vi-lee)

43. Cheers in Slovak: Na zdravie! (Naz-drah-vee-ay)

44. Cheers in Spanish : ¡Salud! (Sah-lood)

45. Cheers in Swedish: Skål! (Skol)

46. Cheers in Thai: ไชโย! (Chok-dee)

47. Cheers in Turkish: Şerefe! (Sher-i-feh)

48. Cheers in Vietnamese: Chúc sức khoẻ!/ Một hai ba, yo! (chook-sa-koi-ah/Maht, hi, bah, yo!)

49. Cheers in Yiddish: געזונטערהייט! Zei Gazunt! (Zye GAH-zunt)

50. Cheers in Zulu: Oogy wawa! (oogee-wawa)

Final Thoughs

During your lifetime, you will be making a great number of toasts, and hopefully in a great number of different languages. Now is the time to raise a glass with some new acquaintances and toast the present moment.

It is a lot of fun to be able to say "Cheers" in a variety of languages while you are eating dinner, and it is even more fun to teach other people how to do it.

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