December 28, 2024 | 11:55
Information or so-called "evidence" of North Korean soldiers fighting and dying on the Kursk front has been arriving, but it has all come from Ukraine, US, and European officials, and there is still no specific, reliable information. KnowInsiders attempts to verify the authenticity of news reports.
December 27, 2024 | 21:24
Russia or Ukraine's air defenses brought down Azerbaijan Airlines Flight 8432, according to Azerbaijani officials quoted in numerous reports.
December 26, 2024 | 08:16
New footage has emerged from the scene of the Azerbaijan Airlines Embraer E190AR crash, showing the pockmarked wreckage of the plane after it made an emergency landing in Kazakhstan on Christmas Day, killing dozens of people.
December 16, 2024 | 14:20
The Pentagon reportedly confirmed that mysterious drones around the world are "not human," according to a widely shared social media post, but the video offered no proof that they were alien-made.
How to
December 11, 2023 | 06:47
Burying a cell phone after it falls into water into rice is a trick used by many people around the world. However, with smartphones, is this traditional method effective?
November 07, 2023 | 10:06
We now know the "top secrets" concealed in these pieces of art, like paintings and statues, because of contemporary technology and hundreds of years of experience.
Fact - Check: Nostradamus Prophecies 2024 - What did Nostradamus predict for the World in 2024?
Why did Christopher Langan - the smartest man in the world with an IQ surpassing Einstein - fail all his life, having to work as a security guard and serve to earn a living?
Stephen Hawking is one of mankind's foremost astrophysicists. Some of his prophecies about the world are coming true.
It's easy to dismiss the pilot's competence and terrible weather as a flimsy explanation for Russian cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin's death, but they're actually the only plausible ones.