According to Eastern feng shui and numerologist, Asian individuals frequently attach significance to the last digit of a phone number as it is believed to bring either good fortune or bad luck to the owner.
The color of a leather wallet in harmony with the zodiac sign can bring luck and success to the owner, according to Eastern feng shui combined with astrology.
According to eastern feng shui, the following four animal zodiac signs—the Chinese equivalent of the signs of the cat and rabbit—will have the best luck in 2024: vast sums of money, purchasing a home, a vehicle, etc.
With the most popular hair color trends of 2024 and the most auspicious hair colors for each of the 12 zodiac animals according to Eastern horoscopes and feng shui, get ready for an emotional year.
A lot of people who work in offices want their building to have a lot of green trees that bring luck and wealth to their owners.
According to feng shui of Vietnamese and Eastern countries, entering a house is one of the important rituals in a person's life. Therefore, you need to choose the best day in January 2024 to move into a new place (new house or new apartment).
With just a few basic feng shui principles, you can accelerate your professional growth. These are the small things, like organizing paperwork and adding more plants to the office, that are easy to forget.
The luckiest colors for the year of the Dragon (2024) are recommended by eastern feng shui to help you avoid bad luck and meet lots of good opportunities and good things.
According to Eastern feng shui, these four Chinese animal signs will experience great happiness and fortune in November 2023 and will become extremely wealthy.
According to the concept of Eastern feng shui, whatever you do, you must see the date and time so that everything goes smoothly. The cutting of nails on good feng shui days has also been passed down through generations.