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Most Auspicious Dates for Cutting Nails
The Most Auspicious Dates for Cutting Nails

Feng shui experts said, according to the concept of the ancients in Eastern countries such as China, India, Japan, Vietnam, etc., cutting nails is cutting a part of vitality.

However, many people often will not care about the good and bad days when cutting their nails because they think they are just superstitious notions.

However, most people in Eastern countries still believe that cutting hair, bathing or cutting nails and toenails should also take place on auspicious days and should be avoided on bad days.

Many people believe that cutting nails at a good hour, auspicious day can drive away bad luck and bring a lot of money, luck and success.

Fact About Cutting Nails to Remove Bad Luck and Getting Money, Success

According to folk beliefs in Eastern countries, fingernails, toenails, hair etc reflect the destiny of each zodiac sign.

These are considered elements that represent the human soul and body. Therefore, cutting these parts on any day can affect the person's feng shui and astrology. If cutting on a bad day can cause a decline in fortune. On the contrary, if cutting on a good day will be able to bring many good things, money, success.

Anthropology, feng shui five elements are closely associated with the minds of many Eastern people. Accordingly, nails are one of the parts of the body that belong to the yang qi of the body. If you cut your nails on a bad day, it can cause a decrease in yin and yang. From there, leading to the imbalance of the five elements and weak feng shui.

Therefore, many Eastern people still believe that cutting nails can drive away bad luck and bring good luck. This is usually done according to the solar or lunar calendar to choose the right day, avoid cutting nails on taboo days.

The Most Auspicious Dates for Cutting Nails

According to the five elements of heaven and earth, a good balance of yin - yang elements will bring you a lot of luck and positivity.

Therefore, cutting nails should pay attention to choosing a good time, day, and month to dispel bad luck and welcome many good things.

The question is when should you cut your nails to release bad luck?

Best Time of the Day for a Manicure

The Most Auspicious Dates for Cutting Nails and Getting Money, Success - According to Eastern Feng Shui
Best Time of the Day for Cutting Nails

According to Eastern feng shui, you should cut your nails in the presence of the sun, that is, between 6 am and 6 pm.

We need the sun's yang energy to help make up for the lost vitality. Even if it rains heavily, it's okay if the clouds cover the sun. As long as it's bright, and the sun is fine.

Should be cut during the day, not at night

According to the concept of the ancient Japanese and Turks that it is not advisable to cut nails at night. Because it can bring bad omens, death and premature death to people. The reason is that at night, the lighting conditions are poor, the tools are rudimentary, so it is easy to cut into the skin of the hands, causing infection. If not treated in time, it can lead to death.

Besides, according to spirituality, bleeding at night is very taboo. As this can attract evil spirits and bad luck. Therefore, you should not cut your nails at night. Cutting unlucky nails on a good yang day is a reasonable choice to eliminate bad luck.

Most Auspicious Dates for Cutting Nails - According to Eastern Feng Shui

The Most Auspicious Dates for Cutting Nails and Getting Money, Success - According to Eastern Feng Shui
Most Auspicious Dates for Cutting Nails

3rd, 4th, 5th and 14th, 23rd day of lunar calendar

These are considered lucky and positive days of the year, the time when joy and fortune come most quickly. Therefore, you can cut your nails unlucky on these days to make your fortune more prosperous and receive many good things.

The 8th, 11th and 19th days of the lunar calendar

According to the lunar calendar, the 8th, 11th and 19th days of every month are days that bring lasting peace, prosperity and luck. Cutting nails on these days can bring good health, a relaxed and positive spirit, and dispel stress and pressure.

The 9th and 20th day of the lunar calendar

The 9th and 20th of the lunar calendar are beautiful and happy days, everything is favorable and smooth. People often choose these days to depart, get married, build a house, etc. You can consider cutting your nails at this time to help increase the luck of the sand, add more joy and luck.

Video - Cutting The World's Longest Fingernails:

Most Auspicious Days for Manicures - According to Vajrayana Calendar

The Most Auspicious Dates for Cutting Nails and Getting Money, Success - According to Eastern Feng Shui
Most Auspicious Dates for Cutting Nails

According to the Vajrayana Calendar (An Indian School of Buddhism), experts make a List of Good Days - Bad Days for Nail Cutting.

See good and bad days according to the Vajrayana Calendar, which is popularly applied in India and many Eastern countries.

The auspicious days to cut nails in the month are on the following dates:

Day 3: Lucky money, wealth, money in like water.

Day 4: Meet flowers bloom, meet loved ones.

Day 5: Wealth growth

Day 8: Longevity

Day 10: Activate luck, continuously receive fortune in your pocket.

Day 13: Auspicious Consummation

Day 14: Money and fortune rush to constantly.

Day 15: Special auspicious

Day 19: Make friends with intellectuals

Day 22: Food is given

Day 23: The Auspicious Horse

Day 26: Peaceful life

Day 27: Increase in merit

Day 29: Good opportunity to make friends or live in harmony with intellectuals

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Unlucky Day - Don't Cut Nails

The Most Auspicious Dates for Cutting Nails - According to Eastern Feng Shui, Vajrayana Calendar
Unlucky Day - Do not Cut Nails

New Year's Day

According to Eastern feng shui, New Year's Day is a day when people abstain from cutting their hair or cutting their nails. Because of the old concept that this is the beginning of a new year to welcome many fortunes, good things, good omens.

Cutting off any part of the body or discarding anything will be considered as cutting off luck for the whole year. The client will have a lot of bad luck, bad luck, and difficult work.

The 6th and 7th of lunar months

On the 6th and 7th of the lunar month, unlucky, poor vitality, doing anything will also face many difficulties. Therefore, do not cut your nails unlucky on either of these two days as it can reduce your energy.

Friday the 13th

Westerners believe that Friday the 13th is a great cavalry day, so they should not choose to hold important events. According to reports from the Netherlands, scientists have studied the number of accidents and incidents that happened on Friday the 13th. Statistical results show that the rate of accidents and incidents increased by 30% compared to the previous day. with the remaining Fridays.

So even if you don't know if Friday the 13th is a bad day, you shouldn't cut your nails on this day. There is an old saying that "there is sacredness, there is abstinence and there is good". Therefore, if avoided, should be avoided to avoid encountering bad things.

Funeral Day

If there is a funeral at home, you should also avoid cutting off any body parts. Because at this time, negative energy and negative energy thrives around your house, bringing bad things to homeowners and people in the house.

Therefore, when cutting nails, removing a part of the yang qi in the body will cause yin and yang to seriously decline. From there, it is easy to bring bad luck and poor vitality.

Full Moon

The full moon day of the 15th lunar month is also on the list of days to avoid cutting nails or cutting off any parts of the body. This is the highest and brightest lunar day of the month. According to spirituality, on this day there is a lot of yin energy, unlucky negative energy sources gather everywhere, especially in the evening.

Therefore, cutting off an attached part of the body, such as a fingernail, can cause mental fatigue, gloomy yang, and negative energy. Whether it's day or night, cutting unlucky nails on the full moon day of the lunar calendar is also a taboo.

Bad Day for Manicure, According to Vajrayana Calendar

The Most Auspicious Dates for Cutting Nails - According to Eastern Feng Shui, Vajrayana Calendar
Unlucky Day - Do not Cut Nails

According to the Vajrayana calendar, which is a school of Buddhism that appeared around the 5th and 6th centuries in North India, the following are the days when you should not cut your nails:

Day 1: Not good for health, fortune and luck.

Day 2: There is a possibility of minor illness, eye and respiratory diseases.

Day 6: Quarrels, conflicts, disputes occur.

Day 7: Weak vitality, difficult to attract, attractive to others.

Day 11: Not lucid, hazy mind, absent-minded all day.

Day 12: The risk of having an accident, affecting the life of the destiny.

Day 16: It is easy to cause conflicts and unnecessary disputes

Day 17: Divinity, pale health, easily damaged.

Day 18: Poor talent, constantly spending money like water.

Day 20: Poverty, hunger, not favorable.

Day 21: Sickness, constant illness, depression.

Day 24: Susceptible to eye and vision diseases.

Day 25: Weak, easily sick, mind unfocused.

Day 28: Easily leads to quarrels and discord with everyone.

Day 30: Unlucky, the risk of having a life-threatening accident.


As explained above, the concept of nail clipping to release bad luck and welcome fortune has no scientific basis, no scientific research has been published.

Many people only cut their nails when necessary and do not pay attention to bad or good days but still live happily, happily and peacefully.

Luck is a common occurrence in life. You can't just rely on nail clipping to infer destiny. The choice to believe or not to believe in cutting nails to release bad luck depends on each person's spiritual conception.

Spirituality depends a lot on belief because there are cases where we cannot verify the consequences as well as the consequences of our actions. But a little attention is also a good thing, right? We have nothing to lose, the spirit is even more comfortable to work and study.

It's okay if you don't believe it, but forget about it. Don't keep thinking, fretting about it all day. If you believe you have to do it, if you don't believe it, then ignore it. If you think too much and worry too much, it will easily affect your health and lead to disease. Then when illness hits, you'll blame it on cutting your nails and the cycle of the week will repeat itself over and over again.

The feng shui and horoscope expert of hopes that the information about the auspicious day to cut nails and toenails will be useful to you.

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