Illustrated picture. Photo: Mixi
Illustrated picture. Photo: Mixi

If you are a newbie and are wondering how to change the user name and display name on Twitch, check out now!

Twitch allows you to change your username to something else if it is available. Although, you can only change your username once every 2 months. So it is best that you change your username if you are sure about it because you won’t be able to change it again before 60 days. On the other hand, you can change your display name any time you want, there’s no time limit for that.

What happens when you convert your Twitch username

Your existing channel URL will not redirect to your new name. This means that your followers might have a hard time finding your streams. You'll need to share your updated URL so that people can find your streams.

Your ad revenue may be delayed. If you're a Twitch Partner, your revenue will not be impacted, however, any ad revenue you make on the day of your name change may be delayed.

You won't be able to change it again for two months. You can only change your username once every 60 days.

You can't escape timeouts or bans. Changing your username does not remove you from channel or community timeouts or bans.

You might not be able to get the old name back. Your old username will be recycled and made available to other users after about six months.

How to change your Twitch username on a desktop browser

1. Go to the Twitch website.

2. Click on the profile icon at the top-right of the screen. Log in to your account if you're not already logged in.

3. In the drop-down menu, click Settings.

Photo: Businessinsider
Photo: Businessinsider

4. In the Profile tab, scroll down to the Profile Settings section. Click on the pencil icon to the right of your username.

Photo: Businessinsider
Photo: Businessinsider

5. In the pop-up window, type in the new username you want. Click Update.

Photo: Businessinsider
Photo: Businessinsider

6. Enter your password, then click Confirm.