
Birthday Horoscopy and Astrological predictions for March 7


What is your Zodiac sign if you were born on March 7?

As a Pisces born on March 7th, your personality is defined by sensitivity, intuition and a self-sacrificing nature. In any matter of life, you display great sensitivity. While other struggle in the realm of emotions, you may have notice a psychic-like intuition about what others are thinking or feeling.

Instead of using your receptivity to gain an advantage, you display a commitment to helping others. Your friends and family would be the first to admit that you are truly selfless when it comes to helping others. You would truly do anything for anyone, regardless if they were a close friend or acquaintance, Astrologyk noted.


March 7 - Astrological Predictions for Personality

People born on March 7 have an idealistic and visionary approach to life. They are quite domestic beings although they can be very sociable when caught in the right mood. They surround themselves by people from whom they can learn something and are always in some sort of rush or search. They are independent learners and often their creativity helps them stand out. They hate avarice and rudeness and often don't understand why people are so selfish and cruel to others.

Positive traits: Self sacrifice, a lot of ability and openness are apparently very contrasting characteristics, but in these people this is a successful combination that will bring many benefits to the communities where these visionaries live. Pisces people are usually very romantic and faithful to their significant others. Those born under this sign have a dose of vulnerability that makes them attentive and intuitive to the world around.

Negative traits: Not letting people take advantage of them is one thing Pisces needs to learn. They tend to be gullible and believe that everyone they meet shares their ideals and that they carry only the best intentions. Those born on this day tend to exaggerate anything negative that happens to them and they also tend to base their action on intuition rather than on steady reason. They are prone to negative behaviors such as lack of initiative due to recurrent feelings of self depreciation at the slightest sign that things don't go the way they want them to, Thehoroscope sited.

March 7 - Astrological predictions for Love


Yes, you can be rather sexual but also mystical and very romantic which is a trait that most Pisces have. Making love to you is intimate, passionate, and it thrills your partner, but this is only if they get close enough to you so that you are able to show your private and intimate side.

Communicating and understanding are what guides you through the paths of your thoughts which at times it can be dark and complicated, for that matter, and it isn’t something that everyone can digest. It is only people who stand firm on the ground and are open who will be able to know your real nature.

On a negative note you can be indecisive and find it difficult to decide what you want from love and your business is the only area in which you portray your strong will. When others have fun with you, they need to learn that, you are generous and will be willing to sacrifice everything in order to be happy and at certain times, your decisions will confuse everyone, Hellohoroscope noted.

March 7 - Astrological predictions for Career


The challenge of selecting a career is always daunting, but luckily, your natural abilities will create many opportunities for you to explore. Your gifts for communication and understanding would be a welcome addition to fields such as business, public relations or media.

On the other hand, your intellectual interests may take you into the realm of academia or research, much like Luther Burbank, who was also born on March 7th. It is possible that a compassionate career may bring you the most fulfillment in life, such as teaching, therapy, counseling, social work or advising. In the same light, you may find that your passion is bringing a smile to people's face, which was the case for Rik Mayall, another of your celebrity birthday twins, Famousbirthdays expressed.

March 7 Icons

March 7 Birthday Element - Water

Your sign’s elemental pair is water and of all the zodiac signs, you have the only mutable connection with the element. Your special connection to water allows your personality and communication to take on the fluid and adaptable qualities of a free-flowing river. In addition to giving you the gift of effective communication, water’s influence also allows you to be at ease in the deep oceans of emotion. Continued embrace of water’s influence will allow your compassion and emotional understanding to grow, but be aware of the moodiness, as this is one of water’s negative influences.

March 7 Ruling Planet - Nepturn

The Pisces is under the planetary rulership of Neptune, but as you were born in the second Decan, or part, of the sign, you receive a generous helping of the Moon’s influence also. Neptune is the planet of refinement, which explains your sensitive and compassionate qualities.

The Sabian Symbol for your birthday is an easter promenade. This symbol encourages you to participate in a variety of collective experiences, especially on a community level. Through participation, people with differences can unite and display true excellence.

March 7 Lucky Color: Light sky blue


The luckiest colors for those born on the 7th of March is light sky blue. Light sky blue says a lot about your personality. On the one hand, you have a tremendous amount of potential as far as emotions and sensitivity go. On the other hand, it also speaks volumes regarding your lack of confidence.

Do yourself a favor and focus more on your sense of possibility and curiosity, and you would go much farther in life as well as your relationships.

March 7 Lucky Numbers

The luckiest numbers for those born on the 7th or March are – 1, 2, 17, 24, and 60.

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