Born Today March 14: Birthday Horoscope and Astrological Prediction for Personality, Love and Career
Photo: Aunty Flo

March 14 Zodiac Signs & Symbols

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Keywords: Searching, submissive

Ruler: Neptune

Ruling house: The twelfth house

Birthstone: Chalcedony

Exalted: Mercury

Element: Water

Shape: Vertical Lines

Quality: Mutable

Strength: Diversity

Weakness: Intruded

Best Color: Light yellow

Lucky numbers: 3, 7, 17, 19, 24.

Most compatible with: Capricorn

Born Today March 14: Birthday Horoscope and Astrological Prediction for Personality, Love and Career
Photo: Jagran

People born on March 14 Personalities

People born on March 14 can be defined as autonomous and active idealists. Just like true Pisces, they are conscious and devoted to their cause, once they find one. And this is quite easy for the charitable and utopian Pisces who's always ready to give the world a helping hand. They enjoy introspection and spending time solo. They hate impoliteness and avarice. The best setting for those born under this sign is has something to do with the water in the company of their loved ones.

Those born on March 14th it are true experts in changing their mind. Even those who adhered to a set of principles will remain open to the alternative to study and modify them if appropriate circumstances arise. More evolved natives of March 14th are able to consider multiple different planes of existence, either emotionally, physically, or spiritually. They are also interested in the relationship between their personal world (concerns for here and now) and the universal world (stable, eternal principles). Most people born on March 14th truly believe in some absolute principles. They can struggle for a lifetime trying to figure out what their place is. They recognize that even the smallest facts of life can be seen from various points of view. Therefore they may be frustrated in trying to reconcile different points of view, Aunty Flo cited.

Because they like to remain independent and usually are not in a hurry to join a cause or an alliance with a group, natives of March 14th should take care not to be seen by others aloof or superior through the attitude they display. Although they have a fine sense of humor and are not afraid to express their opinions strongly, they are somewhat cautious when it comes to offering their friendship.

In private life, those born on March 14th tend to be open, compassionate, and tolerant because they know no one can be absolutely right in a given situation and must take into account all points of view. However, they also tend to idolize their objects of affection that they cannot have. Less evolved individuals born on this day often have troubles when they do favors to the family members and are generally prone to indulge in relative valuations in which a person has to lose by comparison with another.

Positive traits: Self-sacrifice, a lot of talent and openness are apparently very different characteristics, but in these people, this is a successful combination that will bring many benefits to the communities where these idealists live. Pisces people are usually very romantic and devoted to their significant others. Those born under this sign have a dose of vulnerability that makes them sensible and perceptive to the world around them.

Negative traits: Learning to stop acting in a relaxed slow motion and take some action if they want to accomplish anything is one thing Pisces needs to do. Those born on this day are moody and paranoid. They can be found in a state of self-pity and disappointed at even the smallest sign that things don't go as they'd like them to. They are sometimes indecisive and are prone to become victims of their ideals and of their overly trusting nature. They need to understand that the world cannot be changed with a thought and that not everyone they meet carries the best intentions.

Born Today March 14: Birthday Horoscope and Astrological Prediction for Personality, Love and Career
Photo: Women Health

****Read More: Born in March: Birthday Horoscope - Astrological Prediction for Personality, Love and Career

Love and Compatibility for People born on March 14

Lovers born on March 14 are creative and adventurous. They love dating and meeting new and exciting persons but when it comes to the commitment they avoid any kind of attachment. However, if they ever get struck by love they start acting like fools and their whole world starts revolving around the object of their affection. They are attracted to energetic and fun persons who can keep up with their active and unpredictable lifestyle, according to The Horoscope.

Lovers born on the 14th of March are probably some of the best lovers of the horoscope. Now, that may seem like a big boast. That might seem like quite a compliment, but in this case, it’s perfectly deserved. You see, the biggest component of any kind of romantic relationship is the ability to listen. This is crucial because most people just want to be heard. Most people are focused on what they want. In other words, we’re looking to take, take and take from our partners.

Now, if you’re the type of person who actually sits down and listens to your partner and process the full meaning of what they’re trying to get across, you would be able to communicate with them at a very deep level. Whatever they’re feeling, you end up feeling and you work towards a happy solution. This also does wonders to your lovemaking and physical intimacy. You have it because you are able to truly listen and you understand that listening is not just hearing people.

They’re as confident in love as they are with all the other aspects of their life. Attractive and charming it is very difficult for someone to win their heart if they don’t show the slightest interest. They don’t settle for less than what they consider it’s best for them. And they are a pretentious lover. Freedom lover, they have an immense love for change and adventure and they will experience many love relationships in their life, that they will consider important. If they settle for one person, they will probably be hard to understand and they will still be governed by selfishness. They are most compatible with those born on 1st, 2nd, 8th, 10th, 11th, 19th, 20th, 28th, and 29th.

March 14 Zodiac people seem to be most attracted to the other water signs: Cancer and Scorpio as they tend to share the same vision of life. In love, Pisces is in a permanent search for someone who can support and offer a stable environment, and the most suitable to offer them this is the native-born under Taurus. The lover in Pisces is said to be least compatible with Aquarius. As for the rest of the partnerships between the other star signs and Pisces, you know what they say, stars predispose but people dispose of.

Born Today March 14: Birthday Horoscope and Astrological Prediction for Personality, Love and Career
Photo: Flex Job

Career for People born on March 14

People born on the 14th of March would do best in any kind of job that requires counseling. To be a great counselor, you have to know how to listen. A lot of people think that counseling is all about giving the right answers to the right people at the right time so they can produce the right results. You are able to do that because you have tremendous listening skills. You understand how to connect the dots as far as the signals that people send out goes.

This is no small feat. Why? Most people send out conflicting signals. Most people are actually confused regarding their own emotions. How much more complicated would it be if you are trying to get it across to somebody who is supposed to help you? Do you see how this works? You are able to cut through all of that and understand them at a very deep level and give them the right kind of advice.

Although discovering the "perfect" career is always difficult, you are lucky enough to have natural abilities that can translate to success in several fields. Your intensity and strong will may lead you to competitive fields like business, advertising, or sales. On the other hand, your passion and curious mind may lead you to intellectual pursuits, such as science, higher education, or research, which was the case for Albert Einstein, who was also born on March 14th. In whichever career you choose, be a pioneer in your field, much like Frank Borman, another of your celebrity birthday twins, said Famous Birthday.

March 14 Zodiac Facts

In the Gregorian Calendar, March 14 appears as the 73rd day of the year or the 74th day in case of leap years and there are 292 days left until the end of the year. The fourteenth day of spring, this is the Pi day, as it is noted 3 14 similar to 314, the Pi number.

Pisces comes fourth on the list of most common to least common zodiac signs amongst births. Considered to be of feminine symbolism, it has a general negative polarity and is an even number sign. This relates to introverted people who are hesitant and confident only in their own power. An archetype used to describe this sign is the Creator. These are also the natives of the zodiac who earn the least.

Famous people born on March 14 under the Pisces zodiac sign: Albert Einstein, Billy Crystal, Michael Caine, and Quincy Jones.

SUMMARY: March 14 Zodiac

If you’re a Pisces whose birthday is on 14th March, it can be very easy to give yourself away from a little too much, to the kinds of people for whom even your absolute best never seems enough. It can be hugely draining to go the extra mile time and time again for other people and feel you have so very little to show for it. It can make you feel introverted, tired of bothering with the world, and apt to hide away and let everyone get on with it.

However, it better is to remember that it’s okay to say no. It’s not unreasonable to refuse, kindly and politely, to do something you know is disadvantageous to you to do. People might try and talk you around, but if you know it’s not viable, you need to stick to your guns. People might try and talk you around, but if you know it’s not viable, you need to stick to your guns. Reinforcing your boundaries is a superb way of checking who is and isn’t a true friend to you, also. A real friend will accept your boundaries and speak more on the matter, maybe even apologize for imposing on you and thanking you for your time.

A fake friend, or someone only using your good nature to their own advantage, will take your refusal to capitulate as some kind of grand attack on their character, decrying you and conveniently forgetting everything you’ve done for them in the past. It’s petty and hurtful, but do you really want that kind of person ruling your life? Your greatest gift to humanity is your ability to listen well. Do yourself a favor and remain curious. Now, this doesn’t mean that you should be nosy. What this does mean is that you should remain curious enough to want to step into other people’s shoes. If you maintain your curiosity then you will not become impatient with age.

*For more: Astrological predictions for Personality, Love & Career of people born on another day in March!

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