August 2024 US Calendar: Full List of Holidays and Celebrations
August 2024 US Calendar: Full List of Holidays and Celebrations
Table of Contents

The month's name was originally derived from the Latin word Sextilis. In the eighth century BC, during the early Medieval period, the month was called August in honor of Augustus Caesar, the first Roman emperor.

The US Calendar for 12 Months in 2024: Full List of Holidays and Celebrations

January - February - March - April - May- June - July - August - September - October - November - December

Weather & Seasons

August is the eighth month of the modern calendar, with 31 days. It also concludes the summer months in the Northern Hemisphere, which includes the Dog Days of Summer. This often hot and humid season draws people to pools and beaches to cool off. In the Southern Hemisphere, winter continues.

August's moon is known as the Sturgeon Moon, after the prehistoric species that swim in North America. They were formerly plentiful and easy to catch during the hot August summer.

In sports, the US Open Tennis Championships begin at the end of August, while the National Football League begins its preseason games.

Quick Facts About August

1. August is the only month with one of the top 1,000 male names.

2. The Purple Heart was created on August 7, 1782.

3. The Perseid meteor showers occur annually in August. Depending on the year, it can be one of the most beautiful displays in the sky. National Sleep Under the Stars Night is the ideal holiday to attend this event!

4. More people relocate in August than in any other month. Whether they bought or sold a property or are moving into a larger or smaller apartment, doing it during a summer month is easier than doing so during another.

5. Notable people born in August are:

Louis Armstrong

Neil Armstrong

Lucille Ball

Benjamin Harrison

Herbert Hoover

Lyndon B. Johnson

Bill Clinton Barack Obama

Jerry Garcia

Smokey Bear

Sam Elliot

Gillian Anderson

Margaret Burbidge

Orville Wright

Coco Chanel

H. P. Lovecraft

Connie Chung

Amy Adams

August 2024 US Calendar: Full List of Holidays and Celebrations

01 THU National Girlfriend Day

Female friendships need to be recognized every day, but August 1 is officially National Girlfriend Day. It's a day to appreciate your girlfriends' love and support, who are always there for you no matter what.

This is an ideal day to make plans with your closest girlfriends. You can go to brunch, indulge yourself to a spa day, or remain at home and order takeout. It's crucial to spend the day together, talking and bonding.

READ MORE: Top Most Popular Holidays & Festivals in August Around The World

What to do on National Girlfriends Day?

Call your closest girlfriends and plan something with them. You can go for lunch, a picnic, shopping, or simply binge-watch your favorite TV shows at home. Any plan is acceptable, as long as you spend the day doing something you all enjoy together, such as conversing, strengthening ties, and reminiscing.

Treat yourself to something special, like a weekend getaway or a spa retreat!

Many individuals use this day to demonstrate their appreciation for their friends on social media, by sharing images with the hashtag #NationalGirlfriendsDay.

Of course, this may be an excellent time to ask someone out on a date or to spend a few special moments and a small sum of money on your girlfriend.

01 THU Colorado Day

Every year on August 1st, the Colorado people celebrate Colorado Day, which commemorates the state's entry into the United States in 1876. It is a day to celebrate Colorado's statehood while also learning about the state's history and heritage.

Colorado Day is not a public or state holiday, therefore businesses and schools are open as usual.

What To Do On Colorado Day

Colorado Day is an ideal day to visit some of the state's museums, as many of them provide free admission for the day.

To get into the museums for free, you must be at least 13 years old and have a valid Colorado ID. This is the ideal day to learn more about Colorado's history, as it celebrates its statehood.

Colorado is known for its huge stunning landscapes, nature, and wildlife, so spend the day enjoying the great outdoors.

The best part is that, just like museums, Colorado State Parks provide free admission on Colorado Day! If the day falls on a weekend, make the most of it by organizing a camping trip with family or friends.

01 THU National Minority Donor Awareness Day

01 THU World Scout Scarf Day

01 THU International Childfree Day

01 THU World Lung Cancer Day

01 THU Lammas Day

01 THU Be An Angel Day

02 FRI International Beer Day

02 FRI National Ex-Girlfriend Day

Every year on August 2nd, people around the world commemorate National Ex-Girlfriend Day. This is a relatively new holiday, but it is quickly gaining prominence. It allows people to reflect on previous relationships, appreciate the lessons learnt, and perhaps learn something about themselves.

The day immediately follows National Girlfriend Day on August 1st, therefore it could have been formed in response to that observance.

READ MORE: Top 10 Best Apps/Websites to Find An AI - Virtual Girlfriend

03 SAT National Watermelon Day

04 SUN Coast Guard Birthday

Every year on August 4, the US Coast Guard commemorates its birthday. The United States Coast Guard was established on this day in 1790 to provide coastal protection, enforce tariff and trade rules, and prevent smugglers from entering the country by sea.

The Coast Guard's duties have only grown since 1790, yet it remains the country's oldest continuous marine agency.

The United States Coast Guard is a branch of the military and armed forces, with the motto Semper Paratus, or Always Ready. The Coast Guard's core values include honor, respect, and devotion to duty. The United States Coast Guard will have been in duty for 233 years in 2023.

04 SUN Sisters' Day

Sisters' Day, also known as National Sisters' Day, is observed annually on the first Sunday in August.

It's a day to honor sisters and the ties between them.

Even if you and your sister battled a lot growing up, sisters are still our childhood companions and best pals. Someone who regularly has your back understands everything about you and adores you.

A sister has been with you since the beginning, serving as your first friend and confidant.

04 SUN National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day

August 4 is National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day, which honors America's favorite cookie. No one, no matter their age, can resist a warm, gooey chocolate chip cookie and a glass of milk.

It is a classic dish, which is why a full day has been set aside to honor its existence. Bake a batch or get some from your favorite bakery, then tuck in!

What to do for National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day

The greatest way to celebrate is to make a fresh batch of chocolate chip cookies. If you do it frequently, why not attempt a new and unique recipe? If you're new to baking chocolate chip cookies, Ruth Wakefield's original Toll House recipe is a good place to start. Make sure you invite friends and family around to share the cookies, and bring lots of milk.

If you don't feel like baking, several bakeries and cafes are offering special bargains for National Chocolate Chip Cookie Day, including free chocolate chip cookies!

04 SUN National Friendship Day

National Friendship Day is observed every year on the first Sunday of August to honor the most fundamental tie of friendship.

National Friendship Day allows us to express our gratitude to our friends and reflect on the cherished bonds and people who stand by us through thick and bad.

How to Celebrate National Friendship Day.

The greatest way to commemorate National Friendship Day is to get together with your friends and spend the day having fun together.

Plan a virtual meeting with your long-distance pals and send them gifts. You might also revive the traditional tradition of sending greeting cards along with flowers.

However, what matters most is that you communicate your love and gratitude to them and take time out of your hectic schedule for them.

04 SUN American Family Day

04 SUN Barack Obama's Birthday

06 TUE Hiroshima Day

07 WED Purple Heart Day

Purple Heart Day, also known as National Purple Heart Day, Purple Heart Appreciation Day, and Purple Heart Recognition Day, is celebrated annually on August 7.

The Purple Heart Medal is a medal given by the President of the United States to members of the United States military who are wounded or killed while serving their country on or after April 5, 1917.

Purple Heart Day is not an official holiday in the United States, thus businesses and schools are open.

07 WED National Lighthouse Day

08 THU International Cat Day

08 THU International Infinity Day

09 FRI National Book Lovers Day

National Book Lovers Day, observed on August 9, honors those who cannot live without books and reading.

People adore books because of their enormous potential. They can transport you to a fantastical new realm or back in time. They allow you to escape your life's difficulties and burdens and become immersed in a pool of emotions.

Books are an endless source of knowledge. They contain memories from the past, since looking at an old book will always bring you back to the moment in your life when you read it. In short, books are amazing. Spend the day getting lost in a book!

09 FRI International Day of the World's Indigenous People

09 FRI International Coworking Day

10 SAT Lazy Day

National Lazy Day, like many other unofficial holidays, has no clear origin. However, it appears to have become a popular day among individuals, most likely because who doesn't enjoy a day when they can be a 'couch potato'?

What to do on a lazy day?

The obvious solution to this is to be lazy! This does not imply that you should spend the entire day sleeping, though you can if you wish; instead, use the day to rest and avoid overworking yourself.

You may sit on the couch and catch up on that TV show you've been meaning to watch, or you can spend the day lying in the park and reading that book you've been meaning to read for a long time. All of this should be done in your most comfortable attire.

This is also a great day to give yourself a break and leave the housework for tomorrow. You can even order takeout instead of making dinner.

10 SAT National Bowling Day

National Bowling Day, observed on the second Saturday of August, commemorates one of America's classic sports. It is suitable for players of all ages, including those with handicap.

So it's no surprise that over 100 million individuals worldwide like the game. The goal of this day is to generate more interest in the sport.

10 SAT National Spoil Your Dog Day

10 SAT National Garage Sale Day

11 SUN National Son and Daughter Day

August 11 is National Son and Daughter Day, a day when parents may express their love for their children, whether they are little children or adults, and spend time with them creating new memories.

Many people believe that having children is the best gift that life can provide you. So, on National Son and Daughter Day, remember that and set aside whatever troubles you may be having with your children. Forget about chores and homework, and spend the day spoiling your children.

Make your sons and daughters feel loved by taking the time to listen to them about their lives, hopes, and dreams, and, most importantly, cherish every moment you have with them.

12 MON Victory Day

12 MON Middle Child Day

Every year on August 12th, Middle Child Day honors and celebrates the often-overlooked middle children.

If you are the parent or sibling of a middle kid, spend the day spoiling them and giving them the attention they deserve.

This is an excellent approach to ensure they have a very happy Middle Child Day!

How to Celebrate Middle Child Day.

If you have a middle child or sister, contact them and invite them to spend the day with them as the focus of attention!

The key thing is to listen to them and let them know they are appreciated.

If you have a good relationship with your middle sibling, share your favorite Middle Child Day memes with them to make them chuckle.

12 MON International Youth Day

12 MON National Vinyl Record Day

12 MON World Elephant Day

13 TUE National Filet Mignon Day

13 TUE Left-Handers Day

Left Handers' Day is marked on August 13th around the world to honor the wonderful left-handed persons in a world dominated by right-handers.

This is a day to honor the 10% of the world's population who rely on their left hand to complete most things.

It is also an important day because it promotes awareness about the challenges that left-handed persons face and pushes businesses to adapt daily goods to be left-handed friendly.

14 WED Social Security Act

14 WED National Financial Awareness Day

14 WED World Lizard Day

15 THU Assumption of Mary

Catholics in the United States observe the Feast of the Assumption of Mary on August 15th.

It is thought to be the day Mother Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, was physically and spiritually carried to heaven to be with her son forever.

It is a Holy Day of Obligation, thus churchgoers are required to attend mass on this day.

15 THU National Relaxation Day

August 15 is National Relaxation Day. It is not simply a day to sit back and do nothing, but rather a day to accomplish things that will leave you feeling refreshed and calm. Whether it's drinking herbal tea and taking a bubble bath, or booking a day at the spa, just make sure you don't do any work or anything that would stress you out. This is an excellent day to leave your problems behind!

Relaxing and taking pauses on a regular basis benefits our mental health, makes us happier, and allows us to sleep better and feel more rested. This assists to boost our productivity.

The Best Ways to Relax on National Relaxation Day:

Take some time away from your screens. While social media and the internet have many advantages in today's world, they may also easily overwhelm and stress you out if you are continuously bombarded with news and messages about the lives of others. Put aside your phone or computer and engage in a relaxing activity such as reading, drawing, or cooking. Avoiding screen time before bed is especially important because it can disrupt your sleep habits.

Try meditating. Many people swear by the effectiveness of meditation to reduce stress and increase overall well-being. The wonderful part about meditation is that you can practice it anywhere! A smart place to start is to download one of the many apps that walk beginners through the practice of meditation.

Do something you enjoy, such as listening to music or reading. Both have been shown to promote relaxation by providing an escape from stress and daily life. According to studies, classical music reduces blood pressure and slows the heart rate.

Treat yourself to a spa day. What better way to unwind than by getting a massage or relaxing in a lovely sauna? You can take it a step further and schedule some beauty services, such as a haircut, facial, or manicure.

15 THU International Homeless Animals Day

15 THU National Back To School Prep Day

16 FRI Bennington Battle Day

16 FRI Hawaii Statehood Day

Hawaii Statehood Day, observed every third Friday in August, commemorates Hawaii's official entry into the Union as the 50th state in 1959.

The nature of this day is extremely contentious; some residents believe it should be celebrated lavishly, while others say it should be observed quietly.

Some people argue that this holiday is culturally insulting to Native Hawaiians.

Hawaii Statehood Day is a public holiday in Hawaii, thus schools and some businesses stay closed.

16 FRI National Bratwurst Day

16 FRI Tell a Joke Day

16 FRI National Roller Coaster Day

16 FRI National Airborne Day

16 FRI National Rum Day

17 SAT National Black Cat Appreciation Day

17 SAT National Thrift Shop Day

17 SAT National Nonprofit Day

17 SAT International Geocaching Day

18 SUN National Couple's Day

18 SUN National Fajita Day

19 MON National Aviation Day

National Aviation Day, observed on August 19, recognizes aviation's development and revolutionary impact on scientific and technological progress. It is the birthday of Orville Wright, one of the Wright brothers, who were the first individuals in the world to successfully build a motor-powered airplane and inventors of aircraft controls.

World Pilots Day, on the other hand, is observed on April 26 each year.

19 MON National Potato Day

19 MON World Humanitarian Day

World Humanitarian Day is an annual United Nations event commemorated on August 19. It is a day to celebrate humanitarian personnel and recognize their contributions as assistance workers during global humanitarian emergencies.

It is also a day to memorialize people who have died while on humanitarian missions. The goal of this day is to raise awareness of the critical humanitarian work being done around the world, as well as the need of all countries working together to help people in need during difficult times.

19 MON World Photography Day

20 TUE National Radio Day

Radio's popularity has declined over time due to the introduction of television and the internet, which now includes streaming websites. Show your support and admiration for your favorite radio station by spending the day listening to the radio. Encourage others to do the same.

If you want to learn more about how radio shows are created, call a local radio station and ask if you may come visit them and learn more about their operations.

20 TUE World Mosquito Day

20 TUE National Chocolate Pecan Pie Day

21 WED Senior Citizens Day

Senior Citizens Day is held on August 21st to honor the elderly and thank them for being the foundation of our community.

We frequently seek advice and guidance from the elderly and gain significant lessons from their life experiences. Senior adults are noted for their compassion and desire to help others in times of need. That's why we set aside a day to recognize and honor them.

This national holiday should not be confused with the International Day of Older Persons, which was established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1990 and is observed on October 1. It is also infrequently and unofficially known as World Senior Citizens Day.

21 WED International Day of Remembrance and Tribute to the Victims of Terrorism

21 WED National Spumoni Day

22 THU National Tooth Fairy Day

22 THU World Plant Milk Day

23 FRI Cheap Flight Day

23 FRI National Sponge Cake Day

23 FRI International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition

23 FRI Ride Like The Wind Day

24 SAT National Waffle Day

National Waffle Day is an unofficial holiday observed on August 24. Waffles, which originated in France and Belgium, have become a household staple in the United States and Canada. Some people favor sweet waffles with fruit and maple syrup, while others appreciate waffles with fried chicken, which is an American Soul Food meal. Sweet or savory, National Waffle Day is the ideal day to try out new toppings and enjoy some tasty waffles.

Make a waffle party and invite your friends and family over. You can add as many toppings as you wish so that everyone can try new flavors, or you can stick with classics like maple syrup. You can also try something different than classic American waffles, such stroopwafel or a Hong Kong Egg Waffle.

If you don't feel like cooking, many restaurants and diners have National Waffle Day specials and offers, so take advantage of them!

24 SAT Kobe Bryant Day

24 SAT International Strange Music Day

24 SAT Pluto Demoted Day

25 SUN National Secondhand Wardrobe Day

25 SUN National Park Service Founders Day

26 MON Women's Equality Day

26 MON Janmashtami

Janmashtami or Gokulashtami is celebrated every year on Ashtami, the eighth day of the Krishna Paksha in the month of Bhadrapada, according to the Hindu calendar.

This Hindu festival commemorates Lord Krishna's birthday and is also known as Krishna Ashtami. It often occurs in August or September on the Gregorian calendar.

26 MON National WebMistress Day

26 MON National Dog Day

National Dog Day is recognized and celebrated on August 26th each year. In some parts of the world, it's known as International Dog Day. The day honors all breeds of dogs and promotes the development of love and kindness via ownership and adoption.

Having a dog is much more than simply having a pet. There are many dogs out there who need to be saved and placed in loving and caring homes. National Dog Day serves as a reminder that dogs deserve to live loving, abuse-free lives.

27 TUE National Just Because Day

28 WED March on Washington

28 WED Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day

28 WED Bow Tie Day

29 THU International Day Against Nuclear Tests

30 FRI National Beach Day

Gather a group of friends and plan a clean-up at the beach nearest you.

Encourage the beachgoers to join you in collecting the trash that they have left behind.

When you're finished, lie down on your towel and relax, then cool off with a dip in the water. Make an enjoyable day out of doing something nice for the environment!

There are numerous groups around the United States dedicated to keeping beaches clean. Check to see if there is one near you and offer to help them.

30 FRI College Colors Day

30 FRI International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearance

30 FRI National Grief Awareness Day

31 SAT World Distance Learning Day

31 SAT International Overdose Awareness Day

31 SAT Eat Outside Day

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