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Every nation has a unique cuisine that is served in a way that is integral to its culture. For example, one cannot help but think of Turkish tea when one thinks about Turkey. It is a key element of sociability there and a mark of their hospitality.

Similarly, because people there typically lead fast-paced lifestyles, the culture of the USA is widely linked to junk, quick, and processed foods. People are inclined to develop intense hatred for foods they detest because they are emotionally.

10 Least Favorite Foods in the US But The Rest Of The World Love
Top 10 Least Favorite Foods In The US But The Rest Of The World Love

Top 10 Least Favorite Foods In The US But The Rest Of The World Love

1.Blood Sausage

10 Least Favorite Foods in the US But The Rest Of The World Love

Blood sausage may seem scary, but it's actually seasoned cooked blood that's been put into casings. But it's a tasty method to use all parts of the animal, and quite popular in Europe and Asia. Think of it as a delicious meatloaf with a blood flavor!

2. Marzu Casu

Casu marzu, a Sardinian cheese tainted with live maggots, is for the genuinely daring. The maggots break down the cheese's fat, giving it a creamy texture that some people find to be irresistible. Though it's considered a delicacy in its native country, this may be a bit extreme for most Americans.

3. Soup with Bird's Nest

The Chinese delicacy known as "Bird's Nest Soup," which is cooked with edible bird's nests, is quite expensive. Usually from swiftlets, the nests are dissolved in a soup that frequently contains additional ingredients like shark fin. Although some people find the flavor and texture unimpressive, in Chinese culture it represents good fortune and social standing.

4. Licorice

Imagine if candies tasted like...well, dirt. A popular confection in Europe and Asia, licorice is a black candy with an anise extract flavor. However, the strong flavor of licorice root hits many Americans hard.

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5. Stinky Tofu

The name of this fermented tofu dish, which is famous in Taiwan and China, is accurate: stinky tofu. When brined and deep-fried, it releases a strong smell. The fragrance shouldn't stop you! It's a favorite street snack because of its savory flavors and contrasting textures.

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6. Natto

In Japan, natto, or fermented soybeans with a strong flavor and sticky texture, is a staple for breakfast. Natto is full of probiotics and protein, and it's good for you. Yet, some Americans who are not used to fermented foods may find its distinct qualities repulsive.

7. Century Egg

10 Least Favorite Foods in the US But The Rest Of The World Love

A Chinese specialty, century eggs are preserved duck or chicken eggs that have been matured for several weeks or months. The aging process imparts a strong ammonia-like fragrance and a black, jelly-like consistency. Some find the taste rich and creamy, while others find the fragrance off-putting.

8. Surströmming

10 Least Favorite Foods in the US But The Rest Of The World Love

Sweden's fermented Baltic herring, known as surströmming, is well known for its strong, unpleasant smell. Long after the can is opened, the powerful fragrance produced by the fermenting process may still be detected. Although some Swedes find the flavor distinctive, most Americans may find its intensity to be a significant barrier.

9. Balut

10 Least Favorite Foods in the US But The Rest Of The World Love

Southeast Asians love to eat balut, a fertilized duck egg that is incubated for 14–21 days. The half formed chick within is consumed in its whole. Although Americans may not understand the notion, many people love the contrast of the savory meat and creamy yolk.

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10. Durian

10 Least Favorite Foods in the US But The Rest Of The World Love

The Southeast Asian fruit known as durian is notorious for its strong, garlicky smell that can fill a whole room. If one can ignore the aroma, however, a smooth, custard-like fruit is revealed. Durian enthusiasts love the fruit's nuanced flavor, but other Americans find the scent off-putting.


The Americans have their own taste! While it is widely acknowledged that food plays a fundamental role in our lives, the nutrients it contains give our bodies the fuel they need to perform throughout the day. However, it has always been more than just food; it is an experience that makes our lives happier and more comfortable.

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