Weekly Horoscope (April 26- May 2): Predictions for Love, Money, Career and Health with12 Zodiac Signs
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Planetary Overview
This week, Moon enters Scorpio. Full Moon April 2021 at 07h06 opposite Uranus brings unexpected events, sudden, changes, impulsiveness, and rebelliousness. However, the limiting and depressing influence of Saturn is an even stronger influence. This combination of hard Saturn and Uranus aspect makes this a full moon of restrictive change.
Aries (March 21-April 19) Weekly Horoscope: The road ahead is visible, but not clear of rocks and obstacles
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Photo: Star Naming |
The week begins like a storybook, complete with babbling brooks and trees that talk and strangers meeting in the woods and falling in love. Exercise figures on Monday, but it's a fun exercise -- the kind you barely notice. The middle of the week is less dreamy and fun, but don't stop exercising: It will keep you in good spirits even as the details and the drudgery threaten to drag you down. On Friday you're happy and charming (it's so much easier to be charming when you aren't stressed, isn't it?) and on Sunday you have all the time in the world to sleep in.
On Tuesday, April 27, there's a full moon in Scorpio in your house of resources from others, lighting up opportunities for gaining through investments or low-interest loans. Over the next two weeks, you have opportunities to refinance your house or do some bill consolidation. Consider collaborating with experienced investors, learning investing secrets through formal education courses, or in a mentorship program.
***Click here for Monthly horoscope of Aries: ARIES May Horoscope 2021: Astrological Prediction for Love, Career, Health and Family
Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Weekly Horoscope: Put yourself to the test
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Photo: Star Naming |
Monday finds you having to mediate a dispute between two of your friends -- and then, horribly, becoming involved yourself. That's what happens when friends become arbiters! Find a way to back out of the situation gracefully, perhaps by fully admitting that it was never your any of your business. Losing face is a lot better than losing a pal. The middle of the week is a corrective to all this early-week weirdness: Tuesday through Thursday is fun and flowers everywhere. Friday and Saturday are exciting, and Sunday is emotionally rich, but, compared to the rest of the week, low-key.
On Tuesday, April 27, there is a full moon in Scorpio lighting up your house of relationships. Over the next two weeks, you have opportunities to connect on a deeper level with your significant other. If you're looking for love, this is a good time to have a conversation with someone you're interested in. It doesn't matter how many emails you send or texts going back and forth. Twenty seconds of live conversation will tell you if this person is worth pursuing.
*** Click here for monthly horoscope of Taurus: TAURUS May Horoscope 2021: Astrological Prediction for Love, Career, Health and Finance
Gemini (May 21 - June 20) Weekly Horoscope: stay behind the scenes until you have all your ducks in a row
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Photo: Star Naming |
Words come easily to you on Monday, and everyone around you seems to be responding well. If only the same could be said for your communications with your family on Tuesday. And on Wednesday. And on Thursday. You and your family have just hit a rough patch, communications-wise. Meanwhile, you'll be preoccupied with way too much communication (correspondence, phone calls, emails, chatter) in the rest of your life. Until Friday, the spotlight lands on one person -- one person for you to focus on all day and night and all of Saturday, too. Sunday finds you entering unknown territory.
On Tuesday, April 27, there's a full moon in Scorpio lighting up your house of healthy bodies and busy minds. Over the next couple of weeks, you could have a lot of amazing ideas on how to do self-care. You might decide to try a different way of eating. You might take up Zumba in your living room or practice sun salutations on your balcony.
**** Click here for monthly horoscope of Gemini: GEMINI May Horoscope 2021 - Monthly Predictions for Love, Health, Career and Money
Cancer (June 21 - July 22) Weekly Horoscope: The tried-and-true method may not work
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Photo: Star Naming |
The bigger the better, as they say. You are right there with them on Monday, as nothing is too grandiose for your tastes and you feel like showing off a bit. Tuesday brings a return to modesty somewhat, with you focusing on small details and quality friendships. Wednesday and Thursday you'd do well to spend with friends. Make some plans together (A ski trip?). But on Friday and Saturday, plan to stay close to home because something there needs your attention this weekend. Deal with it directly and it won't blow up into a crisis. Don't deal with it directly and you run this risk.
On Tuesday, April 27, there's a full moon in Scorpio in your house of romance and risk-taking. For the next two weeks, there is a lot of positive energy around finding love, especially of the physical kind. You could make a connection that makes your heart pound. Set up some coffee dates for yourself with people you've met on an online dating site. Or let your aunt introduce you to that nice person she keeps talking about.
**** Click here for monthly horoscope of Cancer: Cancer May Horoscope 2021 - Monthly Predictions for Love, Health, Career and Money
Leo (July 23 - August 22) Weekly Horoscope: Don't let negative thoughts ruin your day
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Photo: Star Naming |
You are a supreme being at the beginning of the week. Top of your game. Better than ever. Whatever you do, let your heart be your guide and proceed with confidence. Unfortunately, on Tuesday, the outside world will give you a bit of a sinking feeling and you'll find yourself retreating into your own head. Wednesday and Thursday are quiet, introverted days as well -- serious days, in fact -- but Friday is a return to form. Friday is all friends and action and romance and hot chocolate. The mood will carry on through Saturday. Sunday, check in with the family.
On Tuesday, April 27, there's a full moon in Scorpio lighting up your house of home and family. Over the next two weeks, there's a lot of energy dealing with relatives, ancestors, and passing stuff from person to person. Leo, you may have a garage filled with great grandma's prized possessions, or perhaps you've been eyeing your great uncle's piano. Now items may be passed from family member to family member. Today, you're not just moving a couch; you are moving the prized family sofa.
**** Click here for Monthly horoscope of Leo: LEO May Horoscope 2021 - Monthly Predictions for Love, Health, Career and Money
Virgo (August 23 - September 22) Weekly Horoscope: It's time to implement the plan
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Photo: Star Naming |
There's too much happening at the outset of the week for you to get a handle on anything. Sometimes being busy is fun, but you're a little too busy for your own good. Sink a needle into all the madness and let the tension out. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday are productive but pleasant -- as fine a time as ever to chart plans and discuss ideas (and, if you have spare time, to tidy up). Shopping figures into your day on Friday -- shopping for something with a partner, likely -- and Saturday has you thinking about money. Sunday, your intellectual curiosity may lead you to the library.
On Tuesday, April 27, there's a full moon in Scorpio in your house of thinking process. Over the next two weeks, it's good to pay attention to what you say to yourself. Virgo, one of your natural talents is to define what's not working and look for ways to improve. You're a whiz at making spreadsheets more efficient, cleaning the house in half the time, or finding the best route when driving. But you can also be quite hard on yourself. Today have supportive thoughts and a loving internal dialogue.
**** Click here for monthly horoscope of Virgo: Virgo May Horoscope 2021 - Monthly Predictions for Love, Health, Career and Money
Libra (September 23 - October 22) Weekly Horoscope: It's time to take the risk and show your creativity to others
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Photo: Star Naming |
You may not have all the answers, but someone else thinks you do -- and that's a great place to be. You're admired. If the group is without a leader and you have what the group needs, step up to the task. You are a good listener (especially important on Tuesday and Wednesday) and grudges slide right through your fingertips these days (especially important on Thursday). Friday, some heavy duty flirting sets your heart aflutter. Your mind, meanwhile, swirls with thoughts of beauty. It's amazing the unexpected turns life takes. On Sunday your unexpected thoughts turn to business.
On Tuesday, April 27, there's a full moon in Scorpio, highlighting your house of money. For the next two weeks, you can gain additional sources of revenue, boost your current income, or sell off excess items to make some profit. This is a good time to have a garage sale or put collectibles up on Facebook marketplace. Libra, your small business could take off. Or you could gain some extra paid hours in your job.
*****Click here for monthly horoscope of Libra: LIBRA Horoscope May 2021 - Monthly Predictions for Love, Health, Career and Money
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) Weekly Horoscope: someone could help you become aware of a family pattern
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Photo: Star Naming |
Work is worrying you on Monday -- something's up with the boss. If you find yourself tiptoeing around, well, this is probably smart of you -- your instincts are to be trusted. Being flamboyant and forward is not the answer right now. On Tuesday or Wednesday, someone will let you in on a secret that changes your understanding of an issue you thought you had all figured out. On Thursday, doing a favor for a friend makes you far happier than you could have predicted. The key to sustaining this happiness on Friday and Saturday is to be aware and take your time. Sunday is a day of energy and rebirth.
On Tuesday, April 27, there's a full moon in your own sign of Scorpio. This is a significant period for Scorpios. Over the next two weeks, you could be making some personal decisions about your life and relationships. This is an empowering aspect. Scorpio, you have the ability to make your own choices now.
**** Click here for monthly horoscope of Scorpio: SCORPIO Horoscope May 2021 - Monthly Predictions for Love, Health, Career and Money
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) Weekly Horoscope: The only thing in your way is your own brain
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Photo: Star Naming |
The Sun is smiling on Monday, and you, in this happy glow, can't help but smile, too. You are the beneficiary of good luck and also some long-time-in-coming goodwill. Wednesday and Thursday, an authority figure puts a cramp in your style, but by Friday, you're getting hugs from friends right and left, for no reason at all. When someone asks you about your hopes for the future on Friday or Saturday, your goals will suddenly seem more attainable than ever. Expect rich dreams on Saturday night; you won't be able to get them out of your head on Sunday.
On Tuesday, April 27, there is a full moon in Scorpio in your house of intuition. Your spider-sense is tingling today as you are picking up what people are feeling even through a video conference feed. Not much is getting by you as you watch facial expressions and gestures. Over the next two weeks, your intuition is telling you much about the people you're interacting with. Being mindful and studying this can help you keep this enhanced sixth sense long after this full moon energy has passed.
****Click here for monthly horoscope of Sagittarius: SAGITTARIUS May Horoscope 2021 - Monthly Predictions for Love, Health, Career and Finance
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) Weekly Horoscope: Stay busy while you wait for opportunities
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Photo: Star Naming |
You thought you had a certain person figured out -- boy were you wrong! Whatever assumptions you have at the start of the week, drop them. Spend Tuesday and Wednesday doing research. There are so many things you don't know yet -- you don't even know all the things you don't know! On Thursday you're going to achieve a lot (and you'll finally start to feel grounded) and Friday you'll have time to devote to a new project. You go into Saturday with a ton of energy and a goal, but expect the culture around you to take you in unforeseen directions. Friends figure strongly on Sunday.
On Tuesday, April 27, it's the full moon in Scorpio in your house of friendships and community. Over the next two weeks, it's good to reconnect with some friends you haven't spoken to in a while. You might need to pay your dues to a professional organization to become a member in good standing again. Consider getting a group together through Meetup. Capricorn, see who you can gather either online or at the park.
****Click for monthly horoscope of Capricorn: CAPRICORN May Horoscope 2021 - Monthly Predictions for Love, Health, Career and Money
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) Weekly Horoscope: Many around you are telling you that you are amazing
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Photo: Star Naming |
The car sputters to a stop on Monday. At first, you're annoyed to be by the side of the road, but this is only the beginning of the adventure. Sometimes the most amazing experiences begin with the most unpromising circumstances. This is a good lesson, and it's something you carry with you the rest of the week. Wednesday and Thursday are business-related, Friday is social but intellectually stimulating, and Saturday you stumble across something utterly, wonderfully, mind-bendingly new. On Sunday, unwind.
On Tuesday, April 27, there is a full moon in your house of career. For the next two weeks, there is a giant spotlight on you when you're at work. You are seen by your supervisor and your supervisor's supervisor. This is a great time to ask for a raise or about a promotion. Aquarius, you can also find a new job. Post your resume during this two-week period, and you could get a much better position.
****Click here for monthly horoscope of Aquarius: Aquarius Horoscope May 2021 - Astrological Prediction for Love, Money, Career and Health
Pisces (February 19 - March 20) Weekly Horoscope: Pisces, you actually have everything you need to move forward
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Photo: Star Naming |
Your way of doing things works great for you, but it might not work great for someone else. Ditto your way of looking at things. It's important not to be bossy, and it's especially important this week. As wise as your criticisms are on Tuesday and Wednesday, the people you're around may be entirely uninterested in hearing them. And relationships with the people around you are the key to your well-being right now. When a problem arises with a partner (in either the business or romance realm) at the end of the week, be quick on your toes and solve it right away. No sense letting weirdness linger.
On Tuesday, April 27, there's a full moon in Scorpio in your house of education. This is where the spotlight is for the next two weeks. You might be finishing up a semester of school, perhaps getting ready to turn in a project or take final exams. You might be studying something independently through a video course or private tutor. This is a good time to get back into good study habits and focus your attention on your true goal. This puts all the work you're doing into perspective.
****Click for monthly horoscope of Pisces: Pisces Horoscope May 2021 - Astrological Prediction for Love, Money, Career and Health
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