Top Zodiac Signs with the highest EQs
Illustrative photo.

Some people are inherently more emotionally competent than others. We'll tell you which zodiac signs have the highest EQ. The ten most emotionally intelligent signs of the zodiac

1. Pisces

Top Zodiac Signs with highest EQs
Photo: StyleCaster

You are a sensitive and imaginative person - the symbol for empathy and empathy par excellence. The loving and caring fish are particularly emotionally intelligent: they always try to see things from the perspective of other people.

2. Cancer

Top Zodiac Signs with the highest EQs

The second most emotionally intelligent sign is Cancer. They tend to feel deeply, over-analyse a lot and also carefully examine every thought. On the surface, they look a lot tougher than they really are. However, in reality, they are highly sensitive and delicate, which gets them easily upset and disappointed, according to timesofindia.

3. Libra

Top Zodiac Signs with the highest EQs

The Libra always strives for harmony and justice. If her immediate surroundings are bad, she does not feel comfortable herself. Their emotional-intuitive abilities explain their extraordinarily high EQ: As talented observers, they can interpret the body language of their fellow human beings particularly well and recognize their feelings.

Even if your star sign is not part of this list: You can learn emotional competence. For example, you can train them by developing a positive attitude and extending them to all areas of life. Now and then listen to yourself, write down your feelings and thoughts, or be more aware of other people. You will see - with a little practice, your EQ will improve suddenly.

4. Gemini

Top Zodiac Signs with highest EQs
Photo: Times Now

Geminis find it very difficult to keep their emotions under control. If they get upset by something, everyone will quickly notice it. Even if they try really hard to hide their emotions, one can comprehend their worry and disappointment. Their emotional intelligence is visible in their linguistic and listening skills.

READ MORE: Top 3 Smartest Zodiac Signs according to Astrology

5. Virgo

Top Zodiac Signs with the highest EQs

Despite your rational-perfectionist nature, you can understand and understand the feelings of others. You can listen well because you don't push yourself to the fore during a conversation. Your analytical skills make it possible to assess people precisely. Also, you would never act at the expense of others to feel better about yourself, illustrates pressfrom.

6. Scorpio

Top Zodiac Signs with the highest EQs

Scorpios wear their hearts on their sleeves. It’s not a big deal for them to show their vulnerability, but they dwell in a constant fear that someone will use their 'weakness' against them. If someone happens to take advantage of a Scorpio–they will never stop ghosting them. At least, not until they get sufficient revenge. They use their emotional intelligence to take care of those who hurt them.

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