Slow internet speed can disrupt work meetings and interrupt your favorite series. There are several steps you can take to enhance the speed of your connection if you're experiencing lag or delays. By implementing these straightforward techniques, you can enhance your internet speed and experience quicker downloads and video conversations.

Before we move on to ways to improve your internet speed, let's first check the current speed.

The Simple Tips To Speed Up Your Internet
Simple Tips To Increase Your Internet Speed

How Can Your Internet Speed Be Checked?

1. Select a Trustworthy Speed Test Instrument

Choose a reliable speed test tool first. Websites that are popular and offer reliable findings are Ookla's Speedtest and Netflix's These easy-to-use tools provide you with a brief overview of your upload and download speeds.

Note: During the speed test, make sure that no other devices or apps are using up your internet bandwidth in order to obtain accurate results. On your computer or mobile device, close any tabs or applications that aren't needed.

2. Start the Speed Test: Click the "Go" or "Start" button after opening the website of your choice

Your ping, upload, and download speeds will all be measured by the tool. Though it only takes a minute, the knowledge obtained is priceless.

Compare the test findings with the internet plan you currently have after it is finished. It's time to take the required action to increase your internet connection if your actual speed noticeably falls short of the promised speed.

READ MORE: Don't Turn On Wifi 24/7: You Could Lose All the Money in Bank Account

Why is my WiFi so slow?

Even with gig speed internet, there are a lot of things that can impair the performance of your WiFi network and affect your internet speed, like the following:

Physical disruption home symbol: Your internet speed may be being slowed down by WiFi interference.

The faster the signal, the longer it must travel or the more it must pass through and around.

WiFi speed will be slowed by physical obstacles like walls or appliances as well as the quantity of devices connected.

Outdated hardware with a modem icon: You can see slower-than-normal upload and download speeds if your network is outdated, overly slow, or simply not built for quicker connections.

Some modem and router models from earlier years aren't able to provide gigabit+ speeds.

Furthermore, if your modem is nearing the end of its useful life, it may result in problems connecting to your service provider.

It could be time to think about upgrading to the newest and best services and solutions for your technology.

Faster speeds are not supported by all devices:

Check the owner's handbook or use the model number to search the web to find out what speeds your gadget can handle.

It's also possible that the firmware or drivers on your device are outdated.

Your devices' firmware and drivers enable WiFi connections:

Your router and modem are only two examples of the devices whose software is embedded and keeps them safe and performing at their best.

Therefore, your modem or router may be slowing down your internet speed if its firmware is outdated.

Malware or viruses padlock iconVirtual private networks (VPNs), antivirus programs, and firewalls can all interfere with your network.

Your computer or smartphone's firewall or antivirus software may cause connection speeds to drop because they are continuously checking data for viruses or malware before allowing it to pass.

In order to safeguard your privacy, a VPN encrypts data, which can impede speed.

10 Simple Tips To Speed Up Your Internet

The Simple Tips To Speed Up Your Internet

1. Update your security to cut off bandwidth leeches

Additional users consume up internet bandwidth, which slows down your connection. If you don't secure your Wi-Fi network, you're inviting hackers onto your network. For this reason, Wired advises all homeowners to use WPA2 security and a complex password to secure access to their routers.

If your house is automated, protecting your Wi-Fi network from outside interference is even more crucial. Every connected device consumes bandwidth, and your automated home devices are less likely to receive the bandwidth they require the more external devices that use your network. Furthermore, if you don't maintain the security of your network, outsiders may have way too much power over your automated security system, air conditioner, and coffee maker.

2. Turn your router back on

Restarting your router is an easy yet powerful way to possibly increase the speed of your internet. Routers may experience malfunctions and gather temporary data over time, which could affect how well they operate. Refreshing the machine with a short restart can often result in better connectivity.

Follow these steps:

-Locate the actual router in your house or place of business to learn how to restart it. Usually, it's a little box with several connectors for connecting gadgets and blinking lights.

-Either find the router's power button or unhook the power cord. After shutting down the router, give it ten to fifteen seconds.

-Reinstall the power cable or press the power button. Await the router's complete restart and the stabilization of the indicator lights.

-Reconnect your devices to the Wi-Fi network after the router has resumed.

-To see if there has been any progress, run another speed test.

-Clear the Cache and Cookies in Your Browser

The amount of data that has gathered in the cache and cookies of your browser may affect your internet speed. Although clearing your cache and cookies could force you to log back into websites, doing so can help fix problems with sluggish loading times and boost internet performance in general. For more optimizations, move on to the next section.

3. Upgrade to faster internet

For faster WiFi, think about purchasing a gaming router or a mesh WiFi setup.

Purchase a WiFi extender.To expand the range of your wireless network, use a WiFi extender.

Check for dead zones or weak connection spots in your network by running multiple router speed tests.

Your internet performance may be affected by weak signals in specific areas of your house or place of business.

If you have taken the time to troubleshoot every possible issue that could be causing your internet speeds to go down and have tried every solution to make your connection better, then a WiFi extender might work wonders.

Make that there are no physical obstructions separating your primary router and the WiFi extender, and that the extender is within range of the router.

By doing this, you can improve coverage across your house or place of business and increase the range of your wireless network.

4. Utilize Your Electrical Wiring

A power line kit is a substitute for extenders. Electrical wire can transmit digital signals, and gadgets that use power lines are made to take use of this feature. Power line networking kits are produced by a number of vendors, such as TP-Link ($60, Amazon) and Netgear ($120, Amazon).

This is how it operates: You insert a power line plug into a wall socket after connecting it to your router. Any other room in your home can have a wired or wireless connection by adding an additional power line socket. Although there would be a slight decrease in speed, this is an easy and practical solution. Electrical wiring should support this unless your property is really old, but just in case, it's advisable to purchase your kit from a retailer who offers a generous return policy.

5. Place your wifi router in a high, open area

The strength of your Wi-Fi router's signal is greatly influenced by its location. To get the best Wi-Fi signal, place the device in an open, elevated area with few impediments. Signals move perpendicular to your router, as we have already explained. Many of your Wi-Fi signals will go horizontally along the floor if your router is on the ground, which will limit the areas of your home that may be reached.

If your property is multi-level, you might be able to boost internet speeds and enhance the signal by placing the router on the second floor. Your router's ability to broadcast to the rest of your house may be limited if it is positioned too close to materials like brick or concrete. The more densely packed the area surrounding your wireless network, the higher the signal loss.

6. Position your wireless router in the middle of the room

Optimizing the range of your signals can be achieved by positioning your router in the center. Here are some other places you may put your router to increase internet speeds and your Wi-Fi signal since you probably won't hang it like a chandelier in your living room.

The ideal locations for your internet router

In the middle of the family room or living room, on a mantle

On a modest coffee table thoughtfully positioned in the middle of a living room or hallway

In the event that you lack a basement, on the second-floor landing

Locations you should not place your broadband router

In the kitchen, where other electronics produce waves that could impede your signal

In a windowsill or a corner of your home—the majority of signals will go outside when you're not using them.

Down in the cellar

7. Activate a Password on Your WiFi

You probably don't need us to remind you, but your Wi-Fi network requires a password. It's useful for deterring hackers and preventing your neighbors from using up all of your bandwidth, which will cause you to lag behind. Use AES encryption whenever possible, as it is the fastest and safest option for encryption.

READ MORE: How To Check Wi-Fi Signal Strength on Every Device

8. Turn off unused electronics

Numerous devices connecting to the Wi-Fi at once can cause issues. Connect everything you can to Ethernet and disconnect whatever you don't need connected (like the "smart" tea kettle you've never been able to get to operate). Ensure that internet access is restricted to those that require it.

A good router will allow you to prioritize a specific device or service, like all of the routers mentioned above. It's a convenient technique to ensure that other people's Facebook video streams never interfere with your gaming sessions.

9. Knowing Your Wi-Fi Number Soup

The majority of the gadgets and routers we've been evaluating over the last few years now have Wi-Fi 6, and Wi-Fi 7 is already in the works. Next up is Wi-Fi 6E. Which one should you get, and what does it all mean? For all the information, see our guides on Wi-Fi 6, Wi-Fi 6E, and Wi-Fi 7. We've even explored the topic of whether upgrading to WiFi 7 is worthwhile. The moral of the story is to go for it now if you can afford it. The quicker connections for more devices offered by Wi-Fi 7, the Wi-Fi 6E's successor, will result in speedier internet in general.

Better cloud gaming and high-quality video delivery are all made possible by Wi-Fi 7, which also helps with AR and VR applications that need for high throughput and low latency.

10. Run a malware scan

Make use of an antivirus program on your PC. Viruses and malware can occasionally prevent a computer from connecting to the Internet. Using antivirus software will help you find and get rid of any dangerous apps on your computer.

Even if all appears well, it's a good idea to perform antivirus scans once a week or so.

In summary

Recall that the Wi-Fi router plays a major role in dictating the internet speeds you experience across your house. You may increase the strength of your home Wi-Fi signal and get quicker internet at home by using any of these suggestions. It might be time to look for new internet service in your area if you've tried these tips and are still not obtaining the speed you require.

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