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In principle, the time between Friday evening and Monday morning should be entirely yours. Sunday afternoon arrives, and instead of enjoying the time with family, friends, your significant other, or your beloved pets, you have these thoughts flying through your mind:

“What meetings do I have tomorrow?”

“What deliverables do I owe my boss?”

“What time do I have to wake up to make that morning meeting?”

The Best Simple Tips To Fight Sunday Night Blues
Best Simple Tips To Fight Sunday Night Blues

What are the Sunday night blues?

The Sunday Night Blues is a sensation of dread, worry, and sadness that strikes you on Sunday afternoon or evening. It is also known as Sunday Night Depression, and psychologists categorize it as "situational depression," which is a type of depression that occurs in response to your circumstances and resolves when those circumstances change.

Whatever you call it, it is genuine. According to a Monster poll, 78% of individuals get it, with 62% having it "really bad" on Sunday.

More than just the blues!

For some, it can be a debilitating scenario with serious mental health consequences. Lexie Graff's work as a hygiene assistant at a dental clinic altered, and it began to affect the rest of her life.

"I reached a point where I was quite depressed, and my Sunday blues were terrible.

One night, when my husband and I were watching TV, I got up and went to the kitchen. I sat down at the table and simply began crying."

Causes of Sunday Night Anxiety

Sunday Fears and Loss of Freedom

According to Katerina Georgiou, a counselor and psychologist, there are two major events that occur on Sunday nights. For many, it's the loss of the weekend, when we have more freedom and time for ourselves. However, we are also awaiting the upcoming week and wondering what it will bring.

"Sunday marks the end of the weekend, the end of a break, and the end of the very brief respite from the previous week's work," she explains.

"The party is suddenly ended, and five days of work ahead can feel like a completely new mountain to climb. The anticipation of that might be extremely burdensome."

Sunday Scaries and Work Stress

Your employment will also influence whether or not you are dreading the upcoming week.

"If you dislike your job, and you don't feel you had much time to come up for air in the first place, then that feeling worsens," Georgiou adds. "If what lies ahead is high stress, difficult meetings, office politics, and possibly an uncomfortable commute, that inhalation of breath will increase. It's sometimes just a fleeting sensation, but for others, it can be devastating."

Many of us only have two days off to recover from a busy work week, which is insufficient and can lead to anger.

"The spike of excitement at a Friday night is suddenly met with a dramatic anticlimax on Sunday, rather than a slow burning feeling of relaxation and release," explains Georgiou.

Sunday anxiety and pressure to enjoy the weekend

Sunday is also the day when we strive to complete everything on our to-do lists that we were too busy to finish during the week, which might put pressure on us to be productive.

According to Nicky Lidbetter, CEO of Anxiety UK, you may also anticipate to have a great time during the weekend, and if that does not happen, it can lead to bad mood and resentment.

"Often people recall Sunday evening as being a stressful time, going back to school, getting things ready for the week ahead," argues Lidbetter.

"That can carry over into adulthood, when you believe the week ahead is the polar opposite of the weekend. You can no longer be free-spirited, and you have no control. And 'being in control' is critical for persons suffering from anxiety, because feeling out of control is what causes anxiety to persist."

Sunday scaries, drink, and inadequate sleep

The way we spend our weekends might also influence how we feel on Sundays, as excessive alcohol use, which is a depressive, can impair our mood. Also, feeling apprehensive or depressed at the end of the weekend might cause sleep problems, which can exacerbate your mood.

"People get focused on getting a good night's sleep because they have so much to do the next day," Lidbetter adds. "People are concerned about not being able to sleep or waking up during the night. It can become an obsession, which can lead to problems.

Charlotte*, who already suffers from anxiety, says she appreciates the tranquility of a lazy Sunday, but becomes increasingly concerned as the evening approaches.

"As Sunday evening approaches, my anxiousness grows. "I can have trouble falling asleep or waking up," she explains. "I sometimes find myself frozen in fear, shaking and worrying about everything that could go wrong and the things that I have to do this week."

6 Best Tips To Beat The Sunday Night Blues

The Best Simple Tips To Fight Sunday Night Blues

Prepare for Monday on Friday

If Monday's tasks consistently ruin your weekend, consider setting better boundaries. Before you leave the workplace — or your home workspace — on Friday, clean up, check unanswered emails, and make a to-do list for Monday morning. That way, you may make the weekend completely work-free and allow yourself to detach. Listen to your gut: If you feel better and more energized after a work-free weekend, go for it. But, if emptying out your work email inbox on Sunday evening may help you feel less burnt out, go for it.

Disconnect from emails

Just because your employer is using email doesn't imply you have to. Guess what happens when you start replying to work emails on Sunday evening? Your management will expect it. Instead, establish a routine in which you check email during the week and reserve weekends for personal activities. Set boundaries and stick to them. If you can take time to recharge over the weekend, your Monday morning at work will be far more productive.

Keep track of household duties

Are you putting too much strain on your weekend? If your Sunday tension is caused by an unfinished to-do list, consider dividing your duties and errands throughout the week after work rather than saving them all for the weekend, or make Saturday your "get-stuff-done day." Save a few low-stress tasks for Sunday, such as preparing meals for the week, catching up on washing, or ensuring that your gas tank is full.

Make enjoyable plans for Sunday evening

There is no rule that states you cannot have fun on Sunday night. Our social life are often busier on Fridays and Saturdays, but if you're constantly fighting the Sunday night blues, it's time to change up your routine. Invite friends over for a game night or a family meal on Sunday evenings. Make a trip to a park or museum that you haven't visited in a while. Making a regular plan to spend time with loved ones will help you break the tendency of focussing on bad sentiments and instead enjoy your weekend.

Employ mindfulness practices

Mindfulness enables us to live in the present rather than the future. Here are some basic meditation exercises from the Mayo Clinic to help you prepare for a great workweek:

• Practice a body scan meditation. Lie on your back, legs extended, arms at your sides, palms up. Slowly and methodically focus your attention on each area of your body, starting with your toes and working your way up to your head. Be mindful of any sensations, emotions, or thoughts that come with each portion of your body.

• Practice sitting meditation. Sit comfortably, with your back straight, feet flat on the ground, and hands in your lap. Breathe through your nose and concentrate on how your breath moves in and out of your body. If bodily sensations or thoughts distract you, take note of them and then restore your attention to your breathing.

• Engage in a walking meditation. Find a peaceful area (ideally outside in nature) and begin walking slowly. Concentrate on the experience of walking, becoming aware of the feelings of standing and the small motions that keep you balanced. Feel the ground beneath you and concentrate on staying in the present moment.

Anticipate the week ahead

The Sunday-Monday boundary is completely psychological: one day flows into the next like a river. Break down your Sunday apprehension by planning something to look forward to in the approaching week. Set aside time for lunches with friends, mark future classes or happy hours on your calendar, and make an effort to discover new interests. There's no better time than now to schedule time for yourself and your needs outside of work. Just do not overbook yourself.

READ MORE: Top 100+ Sunday Inspiring Quotes to Celebrate the Upcoming Week

Schedule from Friday to Sunday to beat the blues

We have a schedule to help you beat the blues.

Friday afternoon

There are a few tasks that, if completed on Friday afternoon before you depart, can free up brain space over the weekend and allow you to rest.

Organise your emails.

Clear your email inbox so it's ready to go on Monday. Respond with a fast "Thanks!" or "Got it!" to everything that requires acknowledgement. When you receive an email, mark any that require your attention.

List your accomplishments.

Summarise what you accomplished this week. This might help you feel a feeling of accomplishment and closure when you've completed your task, so you're not always thinking about the next thing you need to do.

Plan Monday's tasks.

Plan 3-5 things for the following day so you're set to go and don't have to think about what you need to complete over the weekend.

Saturday morning

Set yourself prepared for the weekend on Saturday morning so you may fully enjoy your time off.

Finish your duties and errands.

Do your duties early in the weekend rather than delaying them till later. Your naturally upbeat mood on Saturday will make it easier to complete your weekly to-do list, whether it's grocery shopping, meal planning, budgeting, or cleaning.

Create Sunday Funday plans.

Plan something fun for Sunday night so you'll have something to look forward to. Bonus points if it includes additional people! Depending on your preferences and budget, you may purchase movie tickets, prepare a gourmet meal, call pals for a weekly pizza catch-up, or plan a sunset walk with a friend.

Sunday evening

Try to think of Sunday night as just another night in your life, rather than the conclusion of the weekend or the start of the new week. This includes acknowledging that not everything must be completed tonight and that some tedious or difficult chores can be spread out over the course of the week. If you're feeling low, consider these strategies:

Distract yourself.

It may seem stupid, but simply distracting yourself with something nice, such as a favorite hobby, a phone call with a friend, or a good book, might help you break out of a negative thought cycle.

Write it down.

Plan something fun for Sunday night so you'll have something to look forward to. Bonus points if it includes additional people! Depending on your preferences and budget, you may purchase movie tickets, prepare a gourmet meal, call pals for a weekly pizza catch-up, or plan a sunset walk with a friend.


Spend some time away from your electronics! If you receive work-related notifications on a regular basis, this will help you stop thinking about it.


It has been shown to alleviate anxiety and depression while also providing endorphins!


It is common to feel sad on Sunday nights. It can be difficult to accept that the weekend is over and a new week is about to begin. If you are having the Sunday night blues, we hope our methods to cope will be helpful.

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