Say Happy Birthday in Indonesian - Best Wishes, Quotes and Popular Song in Bahasa Language
Say Happy Birthday in Indonesian - Best Wishes, Quotes and Popular Birthday Song

If you have Indonesian friends or relatives, you should know how to say happy birthday in Bahasa Indonesia. This is important!

How to say 'Happy Birthday' in Bahasa Indonesia

Friend, colleague, partner, or everyone around you must have their own birthday. As the person that connects to them, I believe you need to say something to them on that special day. Usually, we will congrats him/her. In the Indonesian language, there is a special expression used to say happy birthday.

In the Indonesian language, “Happy Birthday” = “Selamat Ulang Tahun”. You will also often hear Indonesian people add the word ‘ya’ onto the end of this sentence. You would add ‘ya’ when saying this to a friend.

Alternatively, you can also use some of these phrases:

English Indonesian

May your life be long

Semoga panjang umur

May your wishes be granted

Semoga permohonanmu terkabulkan

I wish that you stay healthy

Semoga sehat selalu

Happy birthday (more informal)

Met ulang tahun

Happy birthday (more informal)

Met ultah



In an informal conversation, you do not need to say it all. Sometimes, people in Indonesian say it in a shorter way, such as:

1. “Met Ulang Tahun!”

Met comes from “Selamet” = “Selamat” (means Congratulations)

2. “Met Ultah!”

Ultah is shorter form of Ulang Tahun. (means Birthday)

Examples and Phrases to Say Happy Birthday in Indonesian

These are some examples of how to say happy birthday in Indonesian:

“Selamat ulang tahun, kawan” (Happy Birthday, mate!) You can say it to your close friend.

“Hei, Met Ultah!” (Hei, Happy Birthday!) “Hei” is just an additional greeting word. It is same with “Hi” or “Hai”. You can use this kind of phrases as your first sentence when you meet the birthday person.

“Met Ulang Tahun ya”

“Met Ultah, Hana (menambahkan namanya)” This is to add personal nuance. You also can put his/her name in front of the sentences. It will become, “Hana, met ultah”.

“Selamat ulang tahun yang ke-25”. If you know his/her age, then you can add it to the sentences. As an example, you need to add it at the end of the sentences.

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VIDEO: Guide to Pronouncing 'Happy Birthday' in Bahasa Indonesian

Say 'Happy Birthday' in Bahasa Indonesia: Best Wishes and Quotes

In order to use birthday wishes correctly, you should know about the concept of it. Birthday wishes is usually expressed to someone in their birthday annually. In Indonesia, wishes especially birthday wishes are used to wish for someone’s good fortune in their life.

Birthday is the right moment, because many people expect some good fortune in their new ages. By giving people the birthday wishes, it helps them to be more excited in their new ages.

Birthday wishes in Indonesian is commonly using “semoga”, “mudah-mudahan”, and “harapan” (All mean 'wish', 'may'). Semoga (se-mo-ga) is the most used one in birthday wishes expressions. “mudah-mudahan” (mu-dah mu-dah-an) is common to be used in expressing birthday wishes, but many people choose to use “semoga” more often than “mudah-mudahan”.

Here are some examples:

The use of “semoga”

Say Happy Birthday in Indonesian - Best Wishes, Quotes and Popular Song in Bahasa Language
Happy Birthday in Indonesian

Semoga kamu semakin pintar, semakin rajin, dan sehat selalu.

I wish you will be smarter, more diligent, and may be always healthy.

Di ulang tahunmu ini semoga kamu menjadi orang yang berguna bagi sesama

In your birthday today I wish you can be a useful person for other people.

Selamat ulang tahun. Semoga kamu panjang umur dan sehat selalu

– Happy birthday. I wish you for a long life and may you always be healthy.

Selamat ulang tahun, teman. Semoga apa yang kamu inginkan dapat terwujud tahun ini.

– Happy bithday, buddy. I wish for whatever you want can be granted this year.

Semoga apa yang kamu cita-citakan dapat terwujud di hari ulang tahunmu ini.

– I wish for your intentions can be granted in your birthday today.

Semoga di hari ulang tahunmu ini, kamu dapat berjuang untuk mewujudkan harapanmu.

– I wish in your birthday now, you can struggle to grant your wish.

The use of “harap” or “harapan”

Say Happy Birthday in Indonesian - Best Wishes, Quotes and Popular Song in Bahasa Language
Happy Birthday in Indonesian

Selamat ulang tahun. Aku harap yang terbaik untukmu

– Happy birthday. I wish you all the best.

Aku harap kamu bisa semakin berbahagia di umurmu yang bertambah ini.

– I wish you will be happier in your new age.

Aku harap, kamu dapat menjadi kebanggan bagi orang tuamu di hari yang spesial untukmu ini.

– I wish, you can be your parent’s proud in this special day for you.

Apapun harapan kamu di hari ulang tahunmu ini, semoga dapat terwujud nanti.

– Whatever your wish in your birthday today, I wish it would be granted later.

Aku harap kamu bisa lebih sukses di tahun ini.

– I hope you can be more successful this year.

Semua harapanmu akan terwujud jika kamu berusaha. Selamat ulang tahun!

– All of your wishes will come true if you try harder. Happy birthday!

The use of “mudah-mudahan”

Say Happy Birthday in Indonesian - Best Wishes, Quotes and Popular Song in Bahasa Language
Happy Birthday in Indonesian

Mudah-mudahan kamu diberi umur panjang, sehat selalu, dan semakin berbahagia.

– I wish you will have long life, always healthy, and be happier.

Mudah- mudahan semua harapan kamu di ulang tahunmu ini bisa terwujud. Amin

– I wish for all of your wishes in your birthday can be granted. Amen

Selamat ulang tahun. Usiamu semakin bertambah, mudah-mudahan semua harapanmu dapat terwujud.

– Happy birthday. Your age is getting older, I wish all of your wishes can comes true.

Mudah-mudahan kamu semakin disayang oleh semua orang, terutama keluarga dan teman-temanmu.

– I wish you will be more loved by everyone, especially family and friends of yours.

Semakin bertambah usiamu, mudah-mudahan keinginanmu semuanya dapat kamu wujudkan.

– The older you are, I wish all of your wishes can come true.

Satu tahun lagi bertambah dalam kehidupanmu. Mudah-mudahan kamu semakin siap untuk menyelesaikan permasalahanmu.

– One more year is added in your life. I wish you can be more ready to solve all of your problems.

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How To Sing 'Happy Birthday' Song In Indonesian

If you want to go the extra mile for your loved one or friend, try singing the happy birthday song in Indonesian. The song named "Panjang umurnya" is most used in Indonesia:

Here’s the lyrics so you can sing along:

“Panjang umurnya

Panjang umurnya

Panjang umurnya

Serta mulia

Serta mulia

Serta mulia”

This translates to:

“Long is his/her age

Long is his/her age

Long is his/her age

And treasured

And treasured

And treasured.”

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