Ranking of 12 Zodiac Zigns in Every Thing
Ranking of 12 Zodiac Signs
Table of Content

The Best Money Zodiac Sign: Aries

1st place - Aries

2nd place - Lion

3rd place - Virgo

4th - Scorpio

5th - Taurus

6th - Capricorn

7th - Gemini

8th - Sagittarius

9th - Pisces

10th - Cancer

11th - Aquarius

12th - Libra

Smartest Zodiac Sign: Gemini

1st place - Gemini

2nd place - Sagittarius

3rd place - Scorpio

4th - Taurus

5th - Virgo

6th - Capricorn

7th - Aquarius

8th - Lion

9th - Libra

10th Cancer

11th - Aries

12th - Pisces

Top 4 Smartest Zodiac Signs According To Astrology Top 4 Smartest Zodiac Signs According To Astrology

Let's go through the content about top 4 smartest zodiac sign and what makes them the smartest of all.

Most Attractive Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

1st place - Aquarius

2nd place - Aries

3rd place - Cancer

4th - Capricorn

5th - Sagittarius

6th - Pisces

7th - Gemini

8th - Virgo

9th - Lion

10th - Taurus

11th - Libra

12th - Scorpio

Top 5 Prettiest Zodiac Signs Who Have Uncontestable Attractiveness Top 5 Prettiest Zodiac Signs Who Have Uncontestable Attractiveness

Based on astrology, each zodiac sign is more prone to shine in certain departments over others thanks partially to their ruling planets. The question of ...

Most Beautiful Zodiac Sign: Pisces

1st place - Pisces

2nd place - Virgo

3rd place - Lion;

4th - Aries

5th - Libra

6th - Taurus

7th - Sagittarius

8th - Gemini

9th - Scorpio

Rank 10 Cancer

11th - Capricorn

12th - Aquarius

Top 5 Most Beautiful Zodiac Signs According To Astrology Top 5 Most Beautiful Zodiac Signs According To Astrology

Being aware of your best physical features is essential to boost your self-confidence. Which zodiac sign is the most beautiful?

Most Jealous Female Zodiac Sign: Taurus

1st place - Taurus

2nd place - Libra

3rd place - Lion

4th - Pisces

5th - Gemini

6th - Capricorn

7th - Scorpio

8th - Virgo

9th - Sagittarius

10th - Aquarius

11th - Cancer

12th - Aries

Top 7 Most Jealous and Possessive Zodiac Signs That You Should Not Date

Most Profligate Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Rank 1 - Sagittarius

2nd place - Gemini

3rd place - Pisces

4th place - Libra

5th - Cancer

6th - Aquarius

7th - Aries

8th - Lion

9th - Capricorn

10th - Virgo

11th - Taurus

12th - Scorpio

Top 5 Most Profligate Zodiac Signs - According to Astrology Top 5 Most Profligate Zodiac Signs - According to Astrology

Are you one of the zodiac signs who make bad spending habits? We rounded up all things you need to know about top 5 most ...

Earliest Zodiac Sign to get Married: Virgo

1st place - Virgo

2nd place - Cancer

3rd place - Taurus

4th - Aries

5th - Libra

6th - Capricorn

7th - Pisces

8th - Scorpio

9th - Gemini

10th - Sagittarius

11th - Aquarius

12th - Lion

Most Luxurious Zodiac Sign: Leo

1st place - Lion

2nd place - Taurus

3rd place - Gemini

4th place - Libra

5th - Sagittarius

6th - Capricorn

7th - Pisces

8th - Aquarius

9th - Aries

10th - Cancer

11th - Scorpio

12th - Virgo

Most Daring Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Rank 1 - Sagittarius

2nd place - Aries

3rd place - Gemini

4th - Lion

5th - Aquarius

6th - Pisces

7th - Cancer

8th - Scorpio

9th - Capricorn

10th - Virgo

11th - Taurus

12th - Libra

Laziest Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Rank 1 - Sagittarius

2nd place - Aquarius

3rd place - Pisces

4th - Aries

5th - Cancer

6th - Scorpio

7th - Gemini

8th - Taurus

9th - Lion

Rank 10 - Capricorn

11th - Libra

12th - Virgo

Top 6 Laziest Zodiac Signs and Reasons

Most Honest and Kind Zodiac Sign: Libra

1st place - Libra

2nd place - Pisces

3rd place - Taurus

4th - Aquarius

5th - Sagittarius

6th - Gemini

7th - Cancer

8th - Lion

9th - Virgo

10th - Aries

11th - Capricorn

12th - Scorpio

Luckiest Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius

Rank 1 - Sagittarius

2nd place - Lion

3rd place - Capricorn

4th - Virgo

5th - Gemini

6th - Aquarius

7th - Taurus

8th - Libra

9th - Pisces

10th - Aries

11th - Cancer

12th - Scorpio

Most Attractive Zodiac Sign: Aquarius

1st place - Aquarius

2nd place - Libra

3rd place - Sagittarius

4th - Virgo

5th - Lion

6th - Pisces

7th - Aries

8th - Gemini

9th - Taurus

10th - Scorpio

11th - Cancer

12th - Capricorn

Most Innocent Constellation: Sagittarius

Rank 1 - Sagittarius

2nd place - Aries

3rd place - Lion

4th - Capricorn

5th - Gemini

6th - Aquarius

7th - Scorpio

8th - Cancer

9th - Taurus

10th - Virgo

11th - Pisces

12th - Libra

Most Sensitive Sign: Pisces

1st place - Pisces

2nd place - Cancer

3rd place - Libra

4th - Gemini

5th - Virgo

6th - Scorpio

7th - Taurus

Rank 8 - Capricorn

9th - Lion

Rank 10 - Sagittarius

11th - Aries

12th - Aquarius

Longest-Remembering Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

1st place - Scorpio

2nd place - Taurus

3rd place - Capricorn

4th - Gemini

5th - Aries

6th - Lion

7th - Virgo

8th - Libra

9th - Aquarius

Rank 10 - Sagittarius

11th - Pisces

12th - Cancer

Most Confident Zodiac Sign: Leo

1st place - Lion

2nd place - Scorpio

3rd place - Capricorn

4th - Sagittarius

5th - Pisces

6th - Taurus

7th - Aries

8th - Libra

9th - Gemini

10th - Cancer

11th - Aquarius

12th - Virgo

Top 5 Most Confident Zodiac Signs According to Astrology Top 5 Most Confident Zodiac Signs According to Astrology

Confidence is a belief in oneself, the conviction that one has the ability to meet life's challenges and to succeed—and the willingness to act accordingly. ...

Coldest Zodiac Sign: Scorpio

1st place - Scorpio

Rank 2 - Capricorn

3rd place - Virgo

4th place - Libra

5th - Sagittarius

6th - Pisces

7th - Cancer

8th - Gemini

9th - Taurus

10th - Lion

11th - Aquarius

12th - Aries

Most Amorous Zodiac Sign: Pisces

1st place - Pisces

2nd place - Libra

3rd place - Gemini

4th - Sagittarius

5th - Aquarius

6th - Scorpio

7th - Aries

8th - Lion

9th - Cancer

10th - Taurus

11th - Virgo

12th - Capricorn

Most Reliable Zodiac Sign: Capricorn

Rank 1 - Capricorn

2nd place - Cancer

3rd place - Libra

4th - Scorpio

5th - Virgo

6th - Aries

7th - Taurus

8th - Aquarius

9th - Gemini

10th - Lion

11th - Sagittarius

12th - Pisces

Most Easily Deceived Zodiac Sign in Love: Pisces

1st place - Pisces

2nd place - Sagittarius

3rd place - Gemini

4th - Lion

5th - Taurus

6th - Libra

7th - Aquarius

8th - Virgo

9th - Aries

Rank 10 - Capricorn

11th - Cancer

12th - Scorpio

Most Playful Zodiac Sign: Gemini

1st place - Gemini

2nd place - Aries

3rd place - Sagittarius

4th - Lion

5th - Libra

6th - Pisces

7th - Cancer

8th - Virgo

9th - Aquarius

10th - Taurus

11th - Scorpio

12th - Capricorn

Unique and God-Given Talent of 12 Zodiac Signs Unique and God-Given Talent of 12 Zodiac Signs

Let's discover the unique and innate talents of the 12 zodiac signs. This hidden talent is given to each person by astrology from birth, but ...

12 Zodiac Signs: Best Way to Start Up A Successful Business 12 Zodiac Signs: Best Way to Start Up A Successful Business

In order to realize the dream of getting rich, you have made tireless efforts. Today we are going to see how 12 zodiac signs of ...