Top 5 Most Confident Zodiac Signs According to Astrology
Top 5 Most Confident Zodiac Signs According to Astrology

Your sun sign is a great starting off point to determining your level of confidence. That’s because this placement represents your core identity, self-expression, and how you see the world. While every zodiac sign embodies self-assurance in their own way, those with a sun sign belonging to a fire element typically embody confidence more conspicuously. Fire signs are notorious for being ambitious, direct, and undeterred by the opinions of others.

Mercury, the planet of communication, is also a great indicator of confidence. How you process information and express yourself is governed by this planet, so knowing the qualities of your Mercury placement can help you determine how secure you are with yourself. If your Mercury sign is self-assured Leo, for example, you’ll likely have no problem addressing your needs or holding your head up in the face of adversity.

Another way to tell if you’re astrologically confident is by looking at your Mars sign. Mars is a malefic planet that rules your impulses and sensuality — so if you’re looking to see how assertive you are in the bedroom, for instance, understanding how your Mars sign behaves in this context is a clear tell. If your Mars sign is, say, sensual Scorpio, not only are you likely an extremely passionate lover, but you have no issue taking charge when it comes to career, friendships, and relationships, too. That’s because Mars also represents how you assert yourself in all areas of life.

Astrologer Ryan Marquardt also looks for connections between someone’s sun sign, moon sign, or rising sign to discern a person’s self-assurance: “If any of these three points are making positive connections with each other, that usually indicates someone who has a confident nature.”

If you prefer all eyes on you while you show off your assets, then you’re probably recognized by your brazen belief in yourself. Read on to find out if you’re one of the most confident zodiac signs.

Who are the most insecure zodiac signs, and who are the most confident?

While it does depend on which zodiac signs you ask, Water signs Cancer and Pisces tend to take things to heart, leading to lowered self-esteem and an increase in insecure feelings.

On the other hand, confident zodiac signs tend to be Fire signs like Aries and Leo, who prefer to be in the spotlight, absorbing all the attention, good or bad.

As with confidence, we can be insecure about many things. We may have the opposite of self-confidence and be highly doubtful of our abilities or our talents. We may not feel that we can trust other people to do the right thing for others, and not just themselves.

No one is 100 percent confident or insecure; most of us have a lot of one and a little of the other.

Which zodiac signs are most confident?

1. Aries (March 21-April 19)

2. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

3. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

4. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

5. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)


Top 5 Most Confident Zodiac Signs

1. Aries (March 21-April 19)

Photo: KnowInsiders
Photo: KnowInsiders

Confident Key: Aries has sky-high confidence

There’s nothing in the world that can faze an Aries - they’re that confident! That said, this confidence can quickly become arrogance, and they often go around thinking they’re always right…

Whilst some people can go into any situation without a shred of self-doubt, others instead fade away into the background and hate having to speak up. It’s sad to say, but there’ll forever be people that will never truly believe in themselves despite the encouragement they are given. Step into any office or classroom, and you’ll soon see those that are happy to step into the spotlight and those that shy away from the attention. The differences between them are incredible!

Aries Confident Secret: Burn some energy

Let's be real: Aries are often branded as too confident. The trick for you, dear Ram, is to temper your excitement so that you don't go into every single interaction with your metaphorical guns a-blazing. Find an outlet for all that energy your fire sign is so famous for, whether that's a quick visit to the gym or a stroll around the block. Doing something more physical than mental will help you focus your thoughts later.

Being sure of yourself is a state of mind and there are many things that influence your self-belief; these include childhood experiences, education, and even your level of personal sensitivity. That being said, the biggest factor for self-confidence will always be your zodiac sign. Indeed, your personality is a result of astrology, so it's only logical that the stars play a huge part in how you step up to challenges, problems, and even social situations. As horoscope fans, you're probably aware of this anyway, but if not look away, because spoiler alert because Leo is the most confident sign; but how do the others rank?

2. Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Photo: KnowInsiders
Photo: KnowInsiders

Confident Key: Leo is the most confident zodiac sign

One phrase that can describe Leo in the best suitable way is bold and beautiful. They do not hesitate in going all out to achieve what they want. A believer in themselves, they do not depend on anyone for the achievement of any objective. They are good with both their professional as well as personal lives. And to add to it, they are good at taking care of themselves.

We had to put Leo first because you just knew they’d be on the list, didn’t you? Jennifer Lopez is a Leo. The mononymous Madonna is a Leo. Jen Sincero, author of You Are a Badass is a Leo. You can’t make this stuff up. So why are those born under the lion’s sign so self-assured? Well, Leo is ruled by the sun—a big, hot, fiery ball that’s always expanding. Sounds confident, right? The sun is our literal source of vitality here on Earth and Leos makes sure to radiate the same kind of energy, not only to pump themselves up but to share that warmth with everyone they love. Leos prefer to exist in the center of the universe but remember: They need to give energy just as much as they receive it. A Leo who loves you won’t ever let you forget it.

Leo Confident Secret: Find your power pose

Although the science behind it is a little shaky, there's something perfectly Leonine about striking a Wonder Woman-inspired stance in front of the mirror before conquering the world. It's true that Leos love to strut, but wouldn't be caught dead looking goofy in any sort of professional setting. So, your best plan of action is to indulge in a little swagger while at home: strike a tough pose, sing your favorite pump-up song, or recite the battle speech from Return of the King — anything that reminds you of the power you possess.

3. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Photo: KnowInsiders
Photo: KnowInsiders

Confident Key: Sagittarius has an abundance of assurance

Those born under Sagittarius have confidence in both themselves and life. They're so confident that they set out to pass self-esteem onto others, and can regularly be found giving out advice to those that struggle to see their own self-worth.

Sagittarians are hard workers as well as smart workers. They overcome all obstacles and ensure that they finish their work to give the desired result. Even though they are scared of setbacks, they focus on their work in a great way and do not hesitate to sideline everything to finish their work. They are quite optimistic and can come out of negativity with ease. The Sagittarians have the capability and capacity to stand on their own.

The most optimistic sign of the zodiac, Sagittarians never let criticism bring them down. Instead of moping over it, they learn from it. Things always seem to work out for them because they don’t let haters get in their heads and ruin their plans. They keep all the negativity at bay and believe in themselves to always do their best in all spheres of life.

Sagittarius Confident Secret: Learn something new.

Given your reputation as the adventurer of the Zodiac, Sag, your bookworm tendencies are often overlooked. But, more than a few Archers like to do their exploring within the pages of an illuminating tome on philosophy or history — and going on such a journey is just the thing you need to calm your nerves. Afterward, you'll feel refreshed and even armed with new pearls of wisdom that you'll doubt love to impart unto others.

4. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Photo: KnowInsiders
Photo: KnowInsiders

Confident Key: Scorpio is shy beneath the surface

Scorpios realize they have some flaws, but for the most part, they like the way they look. They like their personality. They like the life that they have created. They aren’t bothered by the person they see when they look in the mirror. They are happy with who they are, and even though they have a few bad habits, they don’t think they’re horrible enough to bother changing them.

Scorpions are often extremely guarded which doesn’t let them expose any of their insecurities even though they may have multiple. Their Plutonian personalities crave control and they feel good only when they are in control of things around them and especially themselves. Having a great deal of confidence within them makes them come across as quite confident beings, even as children.

Scorpio Confident Secret: Laugh a little.

Left to mull over your own thoughts for too long can send you down a self-serious spiral, Scorp. We can't exactly picture you walking into the boardroom with a spring in your step, but a little levity can be a secret weapon to preparing for your big moment. Ask a friend to tell a joke or scroll through your favorite meme account. Pausing to crack a smile won't just take your mind off the task at hand, but it'll actually relieve some of your stress, too.

5. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Photo: KnowInsiders
Photo: KnowInsiders

Confident Key: Aquarius is naturally assertive

Though most of us associate confidence with the fiery energy of Aries and Leo, what if true self-assurance comes from being level-headed? Aquarius is Leo’s opposite, and like all opposite signs, the two have more in common than we think. Both Leo and Aquarius are concerned with the collective. While Leo spreads warmth, Aquarius spreads wisdom. As the second-to-last sign of the zodiac, Aquarians give off the vibe of a street smart and well-traveled grandmother who’s been everywhere and done everything. Sure, these air signs are a bit eccentric, but that’s why everyone thinks they’re so cool. Aquarians have strong social values and never shy away from asserting their beliefs. Just don’t expect them to show up to everything or weigh in on every matter. They only mettle when their opinion is necessary.

An Aquarius also has high self-esteem. They are extremely enthusiastic people. They know their talent and never fear competition. They might suffer a few setbacks in life but that doesn’t hamper their self-esteem. This is what keeps them going and they, often, take failure in good spirits.

Aquarius Confident Secret: Put it on paper.

The mind of an Aquarius is incredible to behold, if not a little overwhelming. Your wheels are always turning — and you're eager to share your best ideas with others if only you could sort them out quick enough. It's rare for a Water Bearer to embrace analog methods in this day and age, but your rapid-fire thoughts will be best served (and, later on, expressed) if you put pen to paper and jot them down as they come. Then, you can easily sift through them and hone your point before bringing it before a group.

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