PISCES August 2022 Horoscope: Monthly Prediction for Love, Career, Money and Health
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PISCES August 2022 Horoscope |
An overview for the month ahead - Pisces August 2022 Horoscope
Last month, Pisces had a lot going on in some of the more private areas of your chart. You spent the whole month with Jupiter in your second house, hopefully adding to your income rather than giving us the itch to make it rain. Another big player that month -and this month too, as you'll soon see- was Mars who had you irritated with your siblings or perhaps even your neighbours.
Now, this month wasn't just for the masc planets! Venus also really wanted you to beautify your home and create deeper bonds with your parental figures or ancestors right before dipping into your 5th and making you feel as sexy as you could ever feel.
In a short overview, this month Venus is still supporting your creative and sexy endeavours for about a week, Mercury has you communicating more with your committed partners, and Jupiter slows down the pace of your earnings a bit. |
Now the star-child of the month is really Mars who has you still mildly aggravated before starting his almost 6 month-long stays (including a retrograde) in your 4th house. But don't you worry, we'll figure it out together!
The good, the bad & the ugly. The good is that Venus will be in your 5th and 6th house this month! That 5h transit hits your ascendant too, so think of her as lending you to her "rose-coloured glasses." |
Heart eyes everywhere, creativity on ten, sex appeal on fire, getting the guts to approach your love interest & all. Then she moves on to your 6th house, where she'll be playing with the transiting Sun and opposing Saturn in your 12th house. The three of them doing a good old cowboy stand-off might have you consider how much you're appreciated at work for all the effort you put in to keep your routine afloat. If those feelings of being unappreciated aggravate there's a chance it could impact your physical & mental health. So don't be afraid to voice your feelings if they're bothering you.
The Bad… It's really not bad but more so uncomfortable. This is, of course, the Jupiter retrograde in your 2nd house of income potentially limiting how much you can invest and spend. Another transit you might want to keep in mind is Mercury in your 6th house trine to Mars in your 3rd! |
This is important because they will rule Mars when he arrives at your 4th house. But why would this be uncomfortable?
Well, Mars transiting your houses of communication, siblings, travel, home, and parents is not the cutest of the placements. This can mean arguments between you and close friends, neighbours, siblings, and parental figures will be peeking through the door; this is a time for you to utilize that nitpicky Mercurial energy to sort through the mess, keep the good & leave the bad, not the only way around! It's totally okay to feel your anger if there are arguments ahead, but this is not a time to lash out. Take a breath, process the info, and talk it out when you feel calm.
The Ugly… Okay, so now we get into the lunations for the month and well. This is not a cute one, Pisces. Remember that cowboy stand-off between Saturn vs Venus and the Sun? Well, the full moon will also be there on the 11th of August. |
Why is this "the ugly"? Well, Full Moons are not the comfiest transits. They bring the theme of "illumination" into the axis of the houses they transit. Since, for you, this is your routines/isolation, or conversely, physical/mental health axis, then it's easy to see how those aren't necessarily topics we want "illuminated" or "highlighted". This could be a time when something is revealed that will have you reconsider your work-life, BUT it doesn't have to be "ugly." By this, I mean it can be an off-handed remark that makes you go "ha!" Still, there's always the chance that this is something a little more serious, in which case take your time to process it, okay?
About the New Moon of August 27th. She'll take place in your 7th house. As the New Moon is the phase of the moon in which she regains her strength, she, in a way, points to the themes following the month. |
In the position she'll be in, Mars will be "dominating" her and the Sun. Again, this is not the comfiest of things because Mars is by nature pushy and hot-heated. At this time, those 4th house issues of irritability with people living in your home, including parents and partners, really stand out. Because Mars will be in your 4th house from now until next year, this New Moon can be taken as an opportunity to see how to get a handle on whoever or whatever Mars is representing in your life at the moment.
Who pulled the trigger? Was it you, or was it the other person? Was your reaction to the event appropriate? Is there a better way to handle these types of situations in the future? How can you communicate your frustration without overwhelming yourself and the other person? Those are some questions you might want to consider through this! You got this, Pisces! Use those super healing powers of Jupiter to rest your soul when you need to!
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Pisces August 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Love - Relationship
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Pisces August 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Love |
Pisces is mobilized to ensure the well-being of your loved ones. Count on Jupiter to provide you with the necessary resources to improve your living conditions and those of your loved ones. But there will be lively, intense exchanges and decisions taken on the spur of the moment (or at heart) at the beginning of the month. The least we can say is that you are evolving in a seasonal climate. Try to stay in control of your emotions. Otherwise, this frequency will end up causing disturbances. Avoid getting angry or attacking anyone. Instead, hold on to a dream, the quest for an ideal.
You're asking for attention and a little tenderness, what's going on? If you have the impression that you are forgotten, it is only a bad impression, your relatives bring you the proof by testifying to you their love and their affection. You are sometimes demanding and uncompromising, it is only a facade. This summer you melt like snow in the sun.
As a couple, sensitivity and complicity are your allies all the month of August. The reports are far from boring, you are overflowing with ideas, between the projects of holidays and the projects of the future you have something to do. You rejoice in the moments you spend with two. You are very in love.
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Pisces August 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Education
An excellent month during which your educational prospects look good since the stars are in a mood to bless you. Technical students would have good reason to be satisfied with their performance. In fact, many of them may score some notable success in some technical endeavours demanding dexterity and skill.
Those pursuing languages and journalism would also have much cause for satisfaction with their performance. Those of you studying accountancy of any variety would perform in an outstanding manner. There is further good news in that, those sitting for competitive examinations would also fare quite well.
Pisces August 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Career
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Pisces August 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Career |
While Jupiter continues to exalt your potential and talents and promote your financial or professional expansion, Pisces is more focused on your family or private life than on your work assignments. And if you are working, you're making sure that everything is running smoothly. If your ideas and methods are out of the ordinary, favor dialogue and don't impose anything on anyone. You will score points if you manage to stand out from the crowd without disrupting teamwork too much.
You may receive due recognition from superiors and co-workers for your creativity and enthusiastic performance at work. This can encourage you and make you work happily. Authorities might also entrust you with new job responsibilities, and your performance can receive all-round appreciation!
Pisces August 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Children - Family
There is little cheer for your family welfare this month, in the augury from the stars. There is a distinct possibility that some of you would develop strained relations with your brothers, leading to extremely unpleasant situations. You must draw on your reserves to remain calm and refuse to be provoked into any kind of confrontation.
In August, the children of many of you may well go on to make significant achievements since the stars are quite favourably disposed on this score. Those with leadership qualities could become team captains in some sport, or get elected to an important office in their institution.
Students of accountancy would also fare quite well. Those pursuing the fine arts may similarly have an excellent spell of creative activity. In fact, most of them would fare quite well in their studies or extra- curricular activities. There is little doubt that at least some of you would set some records.
Pisces August 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Money - Finance
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Pisces August 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Money |
Pisces will manage your finances productively in August. Just make sure that your whimsical nature doesn't push you to throw your money away. Daily life and managing your moods will give you too much trouble to think about making a fortune.
This appears to be a fortunate month for you, financially. You may make efforts to invest money even in risky propositions while also plan to make investments in new businesses. You could lend money to needy friends, too, now. But those people might not return the amount to you when you ask for it. So, please be cautious in this regard.
Pisces August 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Travel
There is little likelihood of any worthwhile gains accruing to you from travel circumstances, which you may undertake, since the augury from the stars is not too helpful about this. Most of you would travel by rail or by road in this pursuit of your professional objectives.
The most favourable direction would be North but in the present set of circumstances, this too, would bring little advantage. Some of you may even take a trip abroad and this would also fail to live up to expectations. Even the normal gain, whereby travel opens new avenues would be missing.
Pisces August 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Health
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Pisces August 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Health |
You may not experience any major health disorders this month. The favourable atmosphere prevailing around you is likely to give you peace. You might spend some pleasant times with family, relatives, and official circles, which can add to your physical and mental wellbeing.
Problems such as joint pain can also bother you. You will have to be careful about it and it is necessary for you to consult a doctor immediately. Avoid undergoing any operation, as it may be your wrong decision. In the latter half of the month, there will be an improvement in the health of an elderly person in the family. This period is going to be encouraging for those natives who have been struggling with their diseases for a long time.
During this time, avoid eating outside especially, deep-fried items. Untimely diets can cause you indigestion. It is advisable for you to avoid food that causes obesity. Be careful about diabetes and lifestyle diseases. Follow a healthy routine and do exercise.
Pisces August 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Leisure
You'll want to participate in some form of activity that will help you restore or maintain your physical and mental balance. Since your finances allow for some extras, treat yourself to a wellness cure or a short stay in a pleasant place that will enable you to recuperate.
Important numbers: 2, 12, 13 August important dates: 14, 24, 27, 28, 30 Special note: Financially, it promises to be a good time. An unexpected cash injection will increase the wealth of your portfolio. Remember, however, that money is an acquired thing and it is worth saving money because a good financial streak does not last forever. |
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