How Many Prisoners/Prisons Are There In California? What Are The Biggest Prisons?
How Many Prisoners Are There In California? What Are The Biggest Prisons?
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California used to need a lot more prisons. There are large jails, little prisons, prisons with special cells for gang leaders, and prisons for people convicted of nonviolent financial fraud. There were so many prisoners crowded into so many prisons that federal courts intervened, ordering the state to find a solution to reduce congestion.

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How many prisoners are there in California?

California has the second-highest prison population, with 101,441 inmates, comprising 97,525 men and 3,916 women.

California has an incarceration rate of 549 per 100,000 inhabitants (including prisons, jails, immigration detention, and juvenile justice institutions), which means that it imprisons a greater proportion of its citizens than almost any other democratic country on the planet.

Furthermore, because people cycle through local jails rather quickly, the number of people affected by county and city jails in California is far greater than the graph above suggests. Every year, at least 368,000 people are booked into municipal jails in California.

Since 2017, California's institutional prison population has remained around 115,000 inmates, well below the Supreme Court's mandated objective of 137.5% of design capacity—the number of prisoners the system was designed to house. However, 13 of the 35 state-owned plants operate beyond their capacity. Approximately 15,000 extra inmates are not included in the institutional population because they are imprisoned in camps or one of the eight contract institutions that the state does not own. Four contract facilities are privately operated; three are publicly operated by the communities of Delano, Shafter, and Taft; and one is privately owned but managed by the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation. By June 2019, all of the convicts who had been detained out of state—more than 10,000 in 2011—were returned to California institutions.

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Do you know...?

California authorizes parole officials to restrict whom their clients can be near, including loved ones who are trying to help them.

California's decision to punish "failure to appear" may harm public safety.

The expense of incarcerating older people is quite high, and their chances of reincarceration are extremely low, yet 16% of people in California prisons are above the age of 55.

The majority of prisoners in California jails said they are unaware of any prison plan to deal to climate catastrophes such as high heat or cold, wildfires, or floods.

Which California prisons should close?

The state is determined to lowering its inmate population, a move that began in earnest in 2011 when new rules redirected more guilty people from prison to local prisons.

According to the Legislative Analyst's Office, California now spends around $106,000 per year to keep someone incarcerated for one year. Political support for these expenses has been declining, particularly among Democrats.

The goal, O'Neil wrote in the LAO report, should be for the state to avoid spending on major capital improvement projects at prisons and then deciding to close them, such as the audio-visual surveillance system installed at the Blythe prison or the $31 million health care facility built at the California City prison in 2021 - just months before the state announced its closure.

However, determining which facilities to close based on their infrastructural requirements has proven to be a tedious process for legislators.

Assembly Budget Committee Chairman Phil Ting, a Democrat from San Francisco, said the study is "significant," but he is unsure how to implement the closures since he has had difficulty understanding how the jail system choose which sites to close.

"We appreciate and we understand how difficult the job is that they are doing, but it has been difficult getting the most basic information," Ting went on to say. "For example, when we asked for information on capital planning, instead of providing us with a plan, they simply informed us of all the deferred maintenance for every single facility across all jails.

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How many federal prisons are in California?

California has 13 standalone federal prisons and eight federal prison camps. Each of the federal prisons in California is overseen by the Western Regional Office. In total, 11,235 convicts are confined in federal prisons throughout California.

What is the largest prison in California?

It is the largest and possibly most congested of California's prisons. It was designed to hold roughly 2,900 inmates, but it now contains over 5,000 as of January 1, 2013. The prison is located in King's County, approximately 180 miles north of Los Angeles, just off the I-5 Freeway.

Top 10 Biggest Prisons in California By Population

1. Avenal State Prison (ASP) - 4,612 inmates

2. California Substance Abuse Treatment Facility (SATF) - 4,535 inmates

3. Correctional Training Facility (CTF) - 4,265 inmates

4. North Kern State Prison (NKSP) - 4,153 inmates

5. Sierra Conservation Center (SCC) - 3,956 inmates

6. Wasco State Prison (WSP) - 3,951 inmates

7. San Quentin State Prison (SQ) - 3,897 inmates

8. Mule Creek State Prison (MCSP) - 3,846 inmates

9. California State Prison, Solano (SOL) - 3,438 inmates

10. California State Prison, Corcoran (COR) - 3,284 inmates


California's jails are notoriously overcrowded. Data demonstrate that the majority of California's state-run adult correctional facilities continue to house more offenders than they were built to hold. Prison overpopulation is often addressed by changing double-occupancy cells into triples and filling communal facilities such as gymnasiums with bunk beds. Prison overpopulation raises the likelihood of inmate violence, degrades sanitary conditions, and presents additional security issues for prison officials.

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