GEMINI July 2022 Horoscope: Monthly Prediction for Love, Career, Money and Health
GEMINI July 2022 Horoscope

An overview for the month ahead - Gemini July 2022 Horoscope

So far, 2022 has been a prominent and productive year for Gemini. This is because you spend most of your time with Jupiter this year in your 10th house. This is the most auspicious position for Jupiter to be in any chart, but even more so for you, since your 10th house is one of Jupiter's signs, meaning that the planet of expansion has all the power to help you spread your wings far and wide.

With that said, the past few months had a bit of a shift with Jupiter entering your 11th house. This is by no means a worse place for Jupiter to be in. Despite it not being his sign, this is the house where the prolific planet can bring about meaningful connections and friendships into our lives. While less dramatic than the 10th house, the 11th is your second best.

Now that we have such a picture painted, you know that either way, Jupiter's got your back. This will be important to remember because this month, the planet will be getting ready to start its retrograde by the Full Moon happening on the 28th of July.

The retrograde means not that Jupiter will be weak but that the ease and flow in finding allies at this time will slow down and backtrack. The last few months were merely a sneak peek into 2023 when Jupiter officially enters your house of friends and stays there for most of the year. So, know that July is your month to go back to business. Take all the advice you need this month, as you'll need to diligently apply them going forward.

Another vital transit to pay attention to is the Full Moon this month happening in your 8th house. The 8th house is the place of loans, debt, and shared resources, and having that area highlighted at a time where partnerships are already prominent in your life could suggest that some of the assistance from your allies could be monetary.

It could even be that Gemini finally get the money you needed to make a dream project a reality, and the Jupiter retrograde coming later into your 10th house could be a confirmation of the return to that idea. Mercury, the ruler of your sign, will also be in your 2nd house during this lunation on the 13th of July. This gifts you with the insights and commercial prowess of the God of trade themselves. Don't be afraid to be bold with your moves. There's really no time to waste here.

This month, the New Moon is also very interesting—even more so for you. This is due to the fact that it happens very close to the triple conjunction between Mars, Uranus and the North Node taking place on the 1st of August.

This transit is one of those that come with the potential to shake things up globally, with both the planet of discord (Mars) and the world of revolution (Uranus) getting together with the intensifying mathematical point in the Moon's orbit (North Node). On a global level, this can escalate things overnight but fit's all internal for you. Almost as though you're only seeing all of this lack of order from your basement window. You'll know something's up, but you'll also see that you're protected.

One other important factor about this Moon is that it happens in your 3rd house. This is the place of siblings, close friends and daily rituals such as prayer, meditation and other practical spiritual matters.

When it comes to friends and siblings, you might want to pay extra attention to whoever plays such roles in your life. With Mars' involvement in these transits, it could be that they're off-put by the new alliances you've made through the last months. You'll have to try your best to make these figures not feel left out to avoid conflict, though it might be a little tricky since this will be entirely a product of their perception. The potential for this tension to escalate is higher if you were born during the day, so take extra care and be sure to communicate any issues that might arise.

July is looking quite bright for Gemini, other than the late-month hiccups. You're just getting ready to make big moves in the months to come, so be sure to pay attention. You're not overlooking any details. Here's to a great year!

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Gemini July 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Love - Relationship

GEMINI July 2022 Horoscope: Monthly Prediction for Love, Career, Money and Health
Gemini July 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Love

If Gemini have a talent for the art of understatement (on the 5th), count on Venus to show your aspirations and desires in a more obvious way. If your appetites push you to excess, you will rally the support of those you love around exciting prospects (the 23rd, the 31st). Count on Venus to reinforce your radiance and launch a new cycle of expanding your love life in beauty.

The delightful planet contributes to your success, even if you seem more concerned with financial matters than with your emotional fulfillment. You can count on its undeniable charm to calm things down, so be careful not to let your current affairs intrude too much on your personal life.

Gemini July 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Education

This month your pursuits in education would have to face rough weather since the stars are not very favorable placed. Most of you might lack the drive and motivation for success. This would bring progress to a grinding halt owing largely to your own indifference. To correct this, you should turn inwards for inspiration, and with determination, you can overcome this apathy.

Technical students and students of medicine would have to put in a lot of extra effort to maintain their ranking. Those pursuing the arts would also have a difficult time. They, too, would have to put in a great deal of extra effort. Those sitting for any competitive examination should go in for extra coaching since this could well turn out to be the decisive factor for success.

Gemini July 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Career

GEMINI July 2022 Horoscope: Monthly Prediction for Love, Career, Money and Health
Gemini July 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Career

Jupiter encourages your initiatives and projects. Gemini know how to mobilize those who defend your interests but do not take advantage of this support to spend more than expected. This attitude earns you criticism. Your arguments will be much more convincing on the 23rd and 31st, as your ability to act as a fine strategist works wonders.

Measure the impact of your words at the end of the month. Possible slippages alter your credibility. Prefer to put forward your talents and potential rather than play with your charm and avoid opposing head-on with someone stronger than you.

GEMINI Yearly Horoscope 2022 - Astrological Prediction for Love, Career, Money and Health GEMINI Yearly Horoscope 2022 - Astrological Prediction for Love, Career, Money and Health

Gemini July 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Children - Family

Your family matters a lot. This month, you will realize that you need to spend more time with your loved ones. Working a lot will only cause you to have problems with your spouse and child or children. Create balance in your life. Gemini 2022 astrology calls on you to set aside the weekends to bond with your family.

Gemini might be thinking about getting pregnant this month, but you need to take your time and evaluate your decision. Think about all the positives and negatives that come with having a baby and whether you are ready for the same.

Gemini July 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Money - Finance

GEMINI July 2022 Horoscope: Monthly Prediction for Love, Career, Money and Health
Gemini July 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Money

Gemini know how to take advantage of discreet but effective support. However, this protection doesn't give you the right to throw money away or build castles in Spain. You will hold tight to discussions on the 10th and 14th. But less so on the 26th and 28th, when you will be expected to do so.

You aspire to serve a cause, fulfill a mission, reach an ideal, or change direction. Know that it is not by putting pressure on your banker or a loan shark that you will get the best out of the game.

Gemini July 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Travel

A month that does not augur too well for the prospect of gains from travel, since the stars are not favorably disposed. There is a possibility of an injury or some physical trouble to you, during your travels. You should, therefore, be careful.

Further, the circumstances would be such that your job or business would demand a certain amount of travel this month. Unfortunately, this would not be very successful. Even the sojourns to the most favorable direction, i.e. West, would not bring any relief. Some of you may take a trip abroad and this too would not achieve anything and your objectives may remain unfulfilled.

Gemini July 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Health

GEMINI July 2022 Horoscope: Monthly Prediction for Love, Career, Money and Health
Gemini July 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Health

Gemini natives are generally clumsy. They are not careful with how they handle their bodies. To avoid bruises and broken bones this month, you need to be careful with the way you carry yourself. Remember to avoid dangerous situations that are not good for you.

July will see you enroll in a gym because you are adding weight. Keep your weight in check. Adding weight can be beneficial to others but detrimental to others. Always do the things that ensure you enjoy good health.

Gemini July 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Leisure

Gemini feel like letting go. Be careful that you don't get carried away by exciting prospects. Join a yoga class or meditate to calm your bubbling temperament. Avoid taking too many risks between July 19th and August 4th, when a Mars lurking in the shadow of your sign invites you to be cautious. Prefer to read than plan a hike in the mountains.

You're too busy to think about distracting yourself. However, if you find that your efforts are in vain, you'd rather go to the beach than camp out in vain.

Important numbers:

4, 6, 10

July important dates:

4, 5, 14, 20, 21

Special note:

A lot of joy will come from someone who comes to you from afar. Plan a meeting with a larger group, and you will have an enjoyable time. You will need good fun and relaxation.

Read More: Top Unluckiest Dates To Avoid In July 2022 for Everything in Life

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