What are the best fruits to prevent and treat cancers
Find out the surprising health benefits and uses of peaches, including anti-cancer
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According to experts in traditional medicine in China, Vietnam and Asian countries, peaches are classified as one of the best anti-cancer foods today from ancient experience.

What Are The Peaches

Peaches — or Prunus persica — are small fruit with a fuzzy peel and a sweet white or yellow flesh.

They’re thought to have originated in China more than 8,000 years ago.

Peach tree (Prunus persica) is a species of plum tree (Prunus), family Rose (Rosaceae). Peaches are related to plums, apricots, cherries, and almonds. They’re considered drupes or stone fruit because their flesh surrounds a shell that houses an edible seed.

Peach has a delicious taste, loved by many people with rich nutritional value. In addition to many vitamins and minerals, and low in calories, peaches are also packed with antioxidants, including all five classes of carotenoids, and are an excellent source of vitamin A and vitamin C, along with dietary fiber. profit. That makes peaches a health-promoting and disease-fighting fruit.

They can be eaten on their own or added to a variety of dishes. What’s more, peaches are nutritious and may offer an array of health benefits, including improved digestion, smoother skin, and allergy relief.

Peaches to Prevent and Treat Cancer - According to Modern Medicine Studies

According to a 2014 study, peach polyphenols successfully inhibited the growth and metastasis of at least one strain of breast cancer cells. Experts advise breast cancer patients to eat 2-3 peaches per day.

Another study found that these polyphenols not only slowed breast cancer growth, but also killed the cancer cells themselves without harming any healthy cells.

Caffeic acid, an antioxidant abundant in peaches, can inhibit fibrous carcinoma. Peaches also help slow down the growth of colorectal cancer.

It's not just the pulp and skin of a peach that are beneficial for fighting cancer. In traditional medicine, peach seeds (peach kernels) have been used for thousands of years to treat many diseases (blood-busting effect, onion stasis, laxative, laxative effect). In 2003, scientists discovered compounds in peach seeds that reduced the growth of skin papillomas and slowed the progression of benign tumors into cancer.

A dangerous side effect of the cancer chemotherapy drug cisplatin is liver toxicity. However, when cisplatin was used along with peach peels, the extent of liver damage was significantly reduced in a 2008 study in Korea.

During the course of research, scientists have now found a number of ingredients that contribute to longevity.

This fruit offers countless benefits for the heart, immune system and allergies.

Dietitian Maxine Smith, of the Cleveland Clinic (USA), explains that the fiber content of peaches is what brings these many benefits specifically.

Expert Smith notes: The special thing about peaches is that they contain both soluble and insoluble fiber.

Soluble fiber helps stabilize blood sugar and keep cholesterol levels in check. Insoluble fiber aids digestion and helps prevent constipation.

Lots of anti-cancer antioxidants

Peaches are packed with vitamin C and important antioxidants that can help prevent heart disease, stroke, and cancer.

Furthermore, the antioxidant beta-carotene, found in peaches, converts to vitamin A when eaten, which helps maintain vision.

As a general rule, the riper the peach, the more antioxidants it has.

The two antioxidants present in peaches are carotenoids and caffeic acid, which also have anti-cancer properties.

These chemicals have been scientifically proven to limit the growth of benign skin tumors and prevent them from turning malignant.

According to various studies, the polyphenols in peaches also have the effect of limiting the growth of cancer cells.

Furthermore, some studies have shown that polyphenols present in peaches have the ability to selectively kill only cancer cells, without affecting healthy cells.

High potassium content prolongs life

The high potassium content in peaches is very beneficial in reducing blood pressure, reducing stroke and kidney stones.

Another benefit of potassium is that it promotes muscle growth and prolongs life.

The study, published in the scientific journal Free Radical Biology and Medicine, found: "Peach fruit promotes longevity and health in part by regulating glucose metabolism and reducing oxidative damage."

Related: Can Dostarlimab Medicine Cure All Types of Cancer?

Cancer Prevention With Ellagic Acid and POH

Peaches contain ellagic acid and perillyl (POH), two substances revered by researchers as compounds with miraculous effects in fighting cancer.

Ellagic acid is recognized as the most effective modality for cancer prevention due to its anti-cancer and anti-mutagenic properties.

POH has been shown to remove proteins needed for cancer cells to grow, which has been tested and successful in many different cancers.

Fact - Check: People Should Not Eat Peaches

Fact-Check: Peaches Are the Best Fruit to Prevent and Treat Cancer
Peaches to Prevent Cancer - Fact Check

Although the research results are promising, that doesn't mean that eating peaches helps treat cancer in humans. Further research needs to be done before any claims can be made.

On the other hand, peaches also cause many side effects and some people should not eat them.

People with diabetes should avoid eating too many peaches because although peaches have a low glycemic index, they still contain about 7g of sugar per 100g of peaches (equivalent to 1 medium-sized peach).

In addition, people with internal heat, people with heat, people who have just woken up, children with incomplete digestive systems ... should not eat a lot of peaches.

People with diabetes

Peaches contain a large amount of sugar (each 100 grams of peaches contains 7 grams of sugar). Therefore, people with diabetes should not eat this fruit. Ingestion can make the disease worse.

Pregnant women

Many people say that pregnant women eating peaches will increase the risk of miscarriage, born deaf or mute, or have a lot of hair on the body. In fact, this is just a baseless rumor. There are no scientific studies to back this up.

However, experts recommend that pregnant women should not eat too many peaches because this fruit is hot, easy to cause bleeding. In addition, the large amount of sugar in peaches can also affect people with gestational diabetes. Therefore, pregnant women should only eat about 2-3 peaches/week to avoid affecting health.

People with physical weakness

People with physical weakness, many diseases in the body or poor gastric function should not eat peaches. Because this fruit contains a large amount of nutrients, it is not easy to digest, causing the stomach to work hard and cause fatigue.

Because peaches have a blood-busting effect, people with thrombocytopenia should not eat this fruit.

The person is hot inside

People with hot flashes with symptoms such as: dry mouth, sore throat, nosebleeds... it's best not to eat to avoid more serious heat.

Do not eat in large quantities

Each person should only eat one peach per day is enough, if you eat too much, it will increase calories, lead to excess energy, it will cause heat and discomfort, not good for health. Therefore, eating good peaches also needs to be enough. Excessive consumption can easily lead to overheating.

Should wash peaches before eating

Because peaches have a thick and hard undercoat, to remove this undercoat, many traders use strong cleaning chemicals to remove this hair so that peaches look better. Thus inadvertently making the peach skin "loaded" with toxic cleaning chemicals.

To be safe, experts recommend that it is best to wash peaches with warm water to remove any remaining hairs on the skin. Then use water to wash the rice with a little salt and soak the peaches for 5-7 minutes. The alkaline rice water will help remove cleaning chemicals and pesticides left on the pods.

Do not combine with bacon

Pork belly contains a lot of protein, while peaches contain a lot of malic acid. This type of acid will make the protein degraded when combined, the nutritional value is lost.

Do not eat with crabs

Peaches contain a lot of vitamin C, trace elements, and fiber necessary for the body, which can stimulate gastrointestinal peristalsis while cooling. Eating together can cause abdominal pain and diarrhea.

Peaches and Miscarriage?

Eating peaches absolutely does not cause miscarriage in the first 3 months as pregnant women often think. Oriental medicine also uses dried peaches, dried in the case of a miscarriage. Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners in Asia have mentioned the effects of peach kernels or peach seeds to regulate menstruation, stop postpartum bleeding, or clear menstruation.

A number of studies by scientists around the world showed that, in peach kernels, there is ergotin, which acts on uterine blood vessels, causes uterine contraction, so it has a hemostatic effect after childbirth.

The Benefits of Eating Peaches

Fact-Check: Peaches Are the Best Fruit to Prevent and Treat Cancer
Peaches and Benefits

Provide nutrition

On average, a peach has up to 13.2% of the vitamin C you need each day. This nutrient helps your body heal wounds and keeps your immune system going strong.

They can also help scavenge free radicals, chemicals linked to cancer.

Filter toxins out of the kidneys

The potassium present in peaches is an excellent kidney filter, reducing the chances of nephritis or kidney stones. Potassium combines with other vitamins found in peaches to help the kidneys and liver function properly.

So you should drink peach juice to help cleanse the intestines, improve kidney function and remove excess toxins from the body.

Good for eyesight

An antioxidant called beta-carotene found in peaches gives them their beautiful orange-yellow color. This substance when entering the body will turn into vitamin A, it is not only good for your vision health, but also helps strengthen the immune system, helping the body to function normally.

Good for digestion

One medium peach can provide you with 6% to 9% of the fiber your body needs each day. High-fiber foods can protect you from health problems like diabetes, heart disease, and colorectal cancer. Getting enough fiber can also help prevent constipation.

Maintain a healthy weight

Eating a peach you only need to consume less than 60 calories, they also have no saturated fat, cholesterol or sodium.

In addition, this fiber-rich food also gives a feeling of fullness for a long time, it takes a long time to feel hungry again.

Vitamin E Supplement

Not only nuts, peaches are also a rich source of vitamin E for your body. This antioxidant is important for many of your body's cells.

They also keep your immune system healthy, helping to widen blood vessels to limit the formation of blood clots.

Keeping bones healthy

Potassium can help balance the bad effects if you eat too much salt. They can also lower blood pressure, limiting the chances of kidney stones and osteoporosis.

Good for the gut

If you have stomach problems, then try a snack with peaches. They have a soft texture, less fiber than fresh fruit, and are easy to digest. We can help soothe an upset stomach, relieve diarrhea and flatulence.

Reduce swelling and inflammation

The phenolic components present in peaches are excellent natural anti-inflammatory drugs. The high vitamin A content in peaches has the effect of curing swelling and joint pain. Therefore, people with gout or arthritis should eat peaches regularly.


Peaches contain zinc, a substance with anti-aging properties. It also slows down the process of menopause in men by increasing the hormone testosterone in the body.

How to Preserve Peaches?

Place peaches in cool places at room temperature, for about 3 days. Or store in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator for about 7 days.

Note, before eating peaches, you must wash all the hairs on the outside to be able to eat if you don't eat a lot, your tongue will burn. In addition, it is also possible to preliminarily process peaches such as peeling and cutting pieces, then put them in a zip bag and vacuum as possible, put in the freezer compartment with a shelf life of up to 2-3 months.

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