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December 2022 Tarot of 12 Zodiac Signs: Capricorn Season for A New Chapter of Life
December 2022 Tarot of 12 Zodiac Signs

December 2022 Astrology

Tarot of 12 constellations is like a chart, a miniature star map. But instead of explaining the movements of the planets, the Horoscope will apply tarot cards to typical astrological phenomena that have a profound effect on the 12 zodiac signs to interpret their destiny.

And the December 2022 Tarot of the 12 constellations is the story of the 12 zodiac signs in the Capricorn Season, the season of the end and also the beginning of a new chapter.

The December 2022 Tarot of 12 constellations is deeply influenced by the Capricorn season. This is a zodiac sign ruled by Saturn, the planet of discipline, seriousness and hard work. And the focus of this December 2022 Tarot is the motivation to develop a successful theme.

Capricorn allows constellations to build lasting and lasting things, be it partnerships, family feelings or business.

And no matter what difficult astrological phenomena, we can all use the energy of this Capricorn season to improve our year-end fortunes. Below are details of the influence of this season with the 12 zodiac signs.

December 2022 Tarot of the 12 Zodiac Signs


Card: Queen of Cups

Your intuition and affection are your greatest gifts this month, Aries. Take some time this month to nourish your mental and emotional side.

This Queen card will help you know how to listen, observe and feel how you enter the world. You need to know how to accept challenges, listen to your intuition to overcome.

It is possible that you will face many difficulties, but the benefits from this are huge. The quiet, warm and spiritual energy from the Queen of Cups will calm you down, and once you dare to take action, this energy will be revealed stronger, supporting you better.


Card: ACE of Wands

Just give it a try. If you are looking for a sign to move forward, then this card is a "yes". Take action, take time to consider ideas and plans. Listen to what direction your intuition is driving you, and jump right into new projects, create and express yourself there.

Consider it a sign of the universe. You can decide if you want to take the opportunity or not, and don't forget, this card is a reminder to only take on things that make you feel excited and energized.


Card: The Chariot

The Chariot card advises you to take the time to review the distance you have traveled, how far you have come, what you have done. From there, the big question arises: What needs to be given up to climb a higher ladder?

Because, in order to go further and really grow into the person you want to be, some things may need to be let go. This card forces us to make drastic changes to capture greater benefits.

There is a lot of potential in this message, but it also comes with many difficulties. Therefore, you need to consider whether you are satisfied with your current position or not. If the answer is no, then it's time to be ready to move on, making certain sacrifices to achieve your goals.

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Card: The Reversed Judgment

Don't judge too much, you need to turn your judgments into advice, better help. This is true and good for both others and yourself. With your thoughts, you have many ways to manifest into action, instead of negative judgment, we should convert to a more positive way.

The Judgment card wants you to do everything out of love, not out of other difficult emotions. When an action starts from the heart, you will be aware, make an effort, and act in the right direction.


Card: 6 of Cups

The advice from this card is to nurture your inner child. All the things you want to do in this life - live with purpose, maintain loving and healthy relationships, find a satisfying job - these are the things that serve your life.

But, above all, you need to understand what you WANT? Is what I'm doing really CORRECT with your WANTS?

You may find that the word "inner work" may sound ostentatious or vague, but you really need to nurture your soul, nurture your core, acknowledge your hurts and challenges. wake you have to face.

That's how you become stronger and wiser. It helps your mind to be open, free and certainly, will help you feel better about everything.


Card: 7 of Reversed Swords

During this month, your main focus is to avoid comparing and judging yourself. You need to get rid of harsh thoughts, don't let the whispers of others make you shake and doubt yourself, even become negative.

Limit the outside noises that are affecting you, and move on to consider what you have. What do you love in your life? What do you want to change in your life? What do you really need to feel safe and connected? Try to see more of your inner self.


Card: Knight of Pentacles

This Knight card advises you to plan carefully, consistently and thoroughly. Although it sounds boring, it is the ideal source of energy for the last days of the year in Capricorn's season.

Instead of focusing on the topic of how you want to change and what you want to do, you need to think carefully and gently about your next move. It calls for stillness and visualization of your future.

Feel all your options and take the space and time to carefully consider the first, soul-centered. Then start laying the groundwork for those ideas.


Card: The Hanged Man

This December, you are asked to focus on healing wounds, rebuilding connections, and serving the most basic of needs. The Hanged Man wants you to pay attention to your deep intuitive instincts and your heart. And make sure that all areas of Scorpioi's life are always stable, safe, secure, connected... see if anything is out of balance.

Because, only when we can find the right balance can we stop living in fear and start letting go of the things that prevent us from growing completely. This is challenging work at best, but totally worth it if you're hoping to connect with something greater.

The challenge posed by The Hanged Man requires patience but leads to a more open-minded, more growth-focused mindset, and is sure to mark a huge turning point in your life.


Card: 6 of Wands

Success isn't everything, and it's not as flashy as what people say and influence you. The 6 of Wands card has 2 faces.

First, think about what success really is? What it means and feels like to you. Success is not only proven in terms of material wealth, but does it also bring you what you need? Stability, peace or consolation? That is, you need to rethink whether you have had the real success you want.

And second, you have to ignore what your hater thinks or tells you. Those are the negative energies you need to get rid of completely, to avoid letting it stagnate your motivation towards your goals. Instead, focus on helping others by connecting, collaborating, and sharing what you know. Generosity will help you return to the positive.


Card: Queen of Reversed Pentacles

Happy Birthday Capricorn! This card is bringing some lessons for you here. The Queen of Pentacles reversed can create abundance in your life by helping you connect and work towards the things that really matter to you. You can take good care of others, because you are taking care of yourself as well.

You'll need to focus on yourself a little more this season of Capricorn. Take a moment to really map out how you can and want to better nurture and develop yourself in the future. Make a plan and make sure it's doable.

Note, this is NOT the time for flimsy diets or unattainable ideals. This Queen is extremely practical but she is also warm and friendly - so this should help you feel pretty good. At first, you will probably face a few difficulties, but when you find your opportunity, you will reap nice rewards.


Card: 4 of Cups

Give yourself some time to absorb what's left over this month. The card advises Aquarius to take time out and give yourself some space to rest, recharge, and recalibrate your body and emotions.

The time you give yourself can be an hour, a day or so. But this doesn't mean withdrawing from real life, it's just a call to create some boundaries to help understand and absorb the lessons you need.

That can be like spending some quiet time without a phone in the morning or the last thing at night. Or you can take a longer hot shower.

Or keep a daily journal, practice breathing or yoga for a few weeks. These practices can help you release stuck or grieving feelings and give yourself time and space.

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Card: 5 of Reversed Pentacles

You seem to be feeling deprived and disconnected. That feeling is like a shrinking, tightening - it's scarcity, low self-worth, and victimization - things that ALL of us humans face to varying degrees. each other every day.

However, since this card is in the opposite direction, you may begin to feel less stressed. While everyday stresses are present, we can choose to make them easier to breathe. No matter what you're going through, you always have the right to choose your perspective.

And although these difficult feelings will inevitably arise in life, it is up to you to decide how you will handle them and work through them in the future.

This is the moment when your perspective enters a new thought stage. So, take it slow and gradually change in the direction that you feel is right.


Above is the content of the December 2022 Tarot of 12 constellations. Thank you for following the article, wish you a new month full of luck and happiness.