Daily Horoscope (Today & Tomorrow - March 8): Love, Health & Financial Prediction for each Zodiac Sign
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Daily Horoscope (March 8). Photo: The Horoscope |
Below are Astrological predictions for all Zodiac signs Today (March 8, 2021):
1. Aries - Horoscope Today
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Aries. Photo: Allure |
Daily Horoscope: Love: The planetary activities have brought around a tumultuous time in your relationship front. The last few days have been eventful and this has put you in a defensive mood where you just hope to keep your head down and maintain peace. However, this is the very time when you need to explore your relationship in a more aggressive style to understand its depth.
Health: You have been in denial regarding some aspect of your physical or mental health for the last few days. Today is the day of clarity. The protective shell of denial will be removed and you will confront the truth about your health today. This is the first positive step towards recovery as you can now do exactly what needs to be done except only denying the situation.
Finance: Five days after Mars left your income sector, a friendly aspect between Uranus here and the Moon in your career sector will dispel any fears that things will drop off. Instead, while the pace and urgency as dropped off on both fronts, as the Moon and Uranus connect this will give you an intuitive read on the resources that are still very much still in play.
2. Taurus - Daily Horoscope
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Taurus. Photo: Allure |
Love: The state of your relationship has been rather confusing lately and you have not been able to interpret or understand the signals your partner has been sending you. Today, you will gather some information regarding your partner which will help you understand and evaluate the situation better. You may also have to take some decisive action based on this information, but take care to keep your cool as you take your decision, Prokerala noted.
Health: Happiness is the key to your good health and the reverse is also true. It is essential that you recognize this link between your health and happiness. So, the energy that you spend in maintaining your health will all go to waste if you are unhappy in your mind. You need to embark on a journey of self discovery to discover the root of your unhappiness if you want to enjoy good health.
Finance: Thanks to the Moon's departure from your financial sector yesterday your financial instincts and imagination are fuelled but with a bonus this month. While it might not have been pleasant at the time and the Moon's clash with Mars may have created some financial tension, in his early days in your income sector the warrior planet of the cosmos is fired up and ready to see you fight for what you deserve.
3. Gemini - Daily Horoscope
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Gemini. Photo: Allure |
Love: The day will have a pleasant beginning. A lot of warmth and laughter from your partner will brighten up the personal relationship. You have faced a difficult time in your personal life. So this is the time to go out with your partner, lie down and have some real fun! Laughing at yourselves will vanish most of your worries as a couple.
Health: You have been thinking about bringing about a drastic change in your diet in the last few days, but were being held back by doubts. Today, all doubts will vanish and you will understand what exactly is needed for your own continuous good health. This can lead to a complete change in your lifestyle. The new way that you choose can appear unconventional and scary, but this is the right path for you.
Finance: The Moon's monthly visit to your financial sector is always a valuable chance to check in but signals a point where dominant focus on money matters as a whole is waning. Even the money gods are shifting to a more long term focus, making room for income potential to get its first look in this year. While that won't until next month, the first step is to first get go money matters on track to a point where it is almost autopilot.
4. Cancer - Daily Horoscope
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Cancer. Photo: Allure |
Love: The day is going to be stable as far as relationships are concerned. You will be able to enjoy a quiet and contemplative time with your partner. Take time to enjoy what you have. Taking part in ordinary domestic chores can create a level of contentment in your relationship which will give you a sense of happiness and renew your love.
Health: You will have to consult a healthcare expert today for some health related issues. But if you do not heed the advice now then you are headed for serious trouble on the health front. Do not ignore any health issues now. Even smallest issues should be investigated closely. With proper care, you can maintain a fit lifestyle and avoid health related problems.
Finance: While only an asteroid, Pallas Athena's departure from your financial sector today signals the start of a separation between a short and a long term approach to money matters. Until now the two have overlapped but Mercury's departure in eight days will signal the final separation. This small step today leaves you wiser but with some loose ends still to tie up.
5. Leo - Horoscope today
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Leo. Photo: Allure |
Love: Stress from your work or other areas of life are likely to affect the harmony in your relationship. Small issues may assume out of proportion importance today. This can lead to a major disagreement about a minor issue in your relationship. If you are single, schedule some relaxing activities by yourself. The day is not favourable for communication as there are chances of being misunderstood.
Health: Your health remains in peak condition today. It is necessary to start a light exercise routine in the morning for continual good health and today is the best day to take the first step towards this. You may develop some complaint of the teeth towards the evening. It is also necessary to change your dietary pattern immediately for your continuous good health.
Finance: Even though the Sun is just 12 and Venus just 14 days away from leaving your financial sector, a lot of water will pass under the bridge between now and then. That includes the first New Moon here with Venus, planet of money involved in eight years and Mercury returning with the smart head for money needed to focus on the 'when, where and how'.
6. Virgo - Horoscope Today
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Virgo. Photo: Allure |
Love: Gentleness and care is necessary to relate to your partner right now. He or she is dealing with an issue that is very important to him / her. You need to inspire the confidence so that he / she decide to confide in you. Prepare to lend your full support. Passing successfully through this crisis will have a long lasting effect on both of you.
Health: You are pretty charged today. Divert the excess energy in keeping yourself fit and fine. Devise a strategy for proper exercise on a regular basis. Make a point to commit yourself to it. You cannot afford to compromise with your health so check your tendency of drifting away from routine tasks.
Finance: With the Sun just 12 and Venus just 14 days away from your financial sector, you are nearing a new wave of planetary activity support and attention for money matters. With the Moon set to return between now and then but still six days away, while money matters need to be on your radar it is more about paying attention while taking a wait and see approach.
7. Libra - Horoscope Today
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Libra. Photo: Allure |
Love: It is great day since you will be able to communicate openly to your partner. You have been looking for this opportunity since long! Reveal all your secrets with them and share the concerns you have! It will let the inflow of enthusiasm in your relationship, bringing you closer as friends and as a couple as well.
Health: Your mind is very active today. You are full of ideas and inspiration. You will be constantly coming up with new plans which you will be able to plan and execute very easily. Your only problem today will be that you may feel overwhelmed by the flood of new ideas that will constantly fill your mind. You are also likely to inspire others around you to a higher level of activity.
Finance: Five days after Mars left your financial sector, the Moon forms a friendly aspect to Uranus, who is staying on to keep the momentum going. This is a chance to check in and regroup for after eight weeks of Mars fuelling your financial passions and fighting spirit while things have dialled back is no way that Uranus will let you go back to a state of complacency.
8. Scorpio - Horoscope Today
Love: Friends, co-workers and all sorts of people you know may try to enlighten you about the things you must do for your love life to gather up some pace! Follow what they say to update your dating database, except the flirting tips! You are looking for love so better focus on it rather than
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Scorpio. Photo: Allure |
locking yourself for some momentary pleasure!
Health: You have been suffering from a minor but persisting problem of health in the last few days. Today, somebody will suggest alternative treatment of the condition to you and you will try it. Chances are high that it will work very well and you will be rid of the problem. This may well start your complete conversion to alternative treatment. Non invasive treatments are likely to work better in your case.
Finance: The Moon's departure from your income sector yesterday has not only left you with a sharp nose for money but with both sides of the financial fence energised. It was the Moon's clash with Mars, during the warrior planet of the cosmos' early days in your financial sector that has fired up his warrior spirit in a way that allows you to jump in the deep ends when it comes take your financial power back, Johnhayes noted.
9. Sagittarius - Horoscope Today
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Sagittarius.Photo: Allure |
Love: You are passionate and romantic. You have been experiencing a very intense relationship with your partner. You both enjoy each otherメs company. Today is the day to honor each otherメs space. Every relation needs space for it to grow and flourish. If you donメt, it will decay within no time. Visit your friends and family. They also need you.
Health: Your heart is not content until and unless you feed others well. Ask your heart to love you too! Encourage yourself to eat well, sleep well and take plenty of rest which your body has been demanding since long. Attend cooking sessions to inspire you to prepare and eat your favorite cuisines. Do not be health conscious when not required!
Finance: The Moon's first visit to your income sector since Mars' departure from your work sector five days away is just as important for income as it is for job matters. It is the Moon's friendly aspect to Uranus on the job front that not only creates positive conditions on both fronts today but is confirmation that the two remain linked and active.
10. Capricorn - Horoscope Today
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Capricorn. Photo: Allure |
Love: You are going to require a lot of patience to deal with your partner today. Do not pick on every issue as this is going to disturb the peace and harmony in your relationship. Even minor disagreements and negligible issues can flare up into major problems. Silence is going to be golden today. Just keep your cool and believe in the innate strength of your relationship and this phase too will pass.
Health: Entering an exercise class or any other regular physical activity is a must today. If you have been trying to improve your stamina or lose some weight, this day is ideal to take the first aggressive steps towards the new regime. You will be able to find the inspiration to stick to your new routine now. You may take on a far strenuous regime than what you are used to.
Finance: There is gradual stripping away of the faster planets that returned to your income sector to get this financial year moving and those that will stay on to keep the money flowing. The next planet to leave is only a minor planet but as the asteroid Pallas Athena leaves your income sector today she leaves you with her wisdom and sense of resolve.
11. Aquarius - Horoscope Today
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Aquarius. Photo: Allure |
Love: You are likely to be swept off your feet by a gesture that your partner decides to make. If you are used to intimate dinners, be prepared for a rowdy but friendly family gathering tonight and vice versa. If you are single, this gesture can help you see your prospective partner in a new light and take decisions about the future accordingly.
Health: You are likely to be at the peak of your health today. The day is especially favourable for athletes and those taking part in competitive sports and you are likely to be met with a high degree of success. In addition, you will also feel an amazing surge of energy and your mind will also be fresh and alert.
Finance: On the same day that Venus moves into her final two weeks in your income sector, she and the Sun are joined by the asteroid Pallas Athena today. While not a major player, she has her mix of wisdom and resolve to the resources already available. Anything that can help you make the next 14 days as lucrative as possible is an advantage.
12. Pisces - Daily Horoscope
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Pisces. Photo: Allure |
Love: It may be a situation of trial for you to choose between your way and your partner's. But just retain your cool and do not land up questioning your partner over any issue. Try to reciprocate the love you have lavished from your partner. And remind him too of the hard time both of you have passed with your joint efforts rather than yielding to any one person's wishes!
Health: You may feel like changing your routine. But do not do it abruptly without thinking properly. You have a tendency to dream about the future and forget the present. So enjoy your present without making any amendments to your current lifestyle. Your health is entirely in your hands, if you are staying alone.
Finance: With the Sun just 12 and Venus, planet of money just 14 days away from your income sector, you can expect a growing sense of anticipation. With the Moon set to return between now and then it is also important to take a wait and see approach, with more clues and insight the closer you get to the time. Until then, continue to trust your professional instincts.
**** For more predictions of Love, Money- Financial, Health - Well-being horoscopes, please click here!
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