A strange contradiction presents itself on Monday; pursue it, and you may stumble upon a discovery
A strange contradiction presents itself on Monday; pursue it, and you may stumble upon a discovery

Weekly Overview for Aquarius from March 01 – 07

A strange contradiction presents itself on Monday; pursue it, and you may stumble upon a discovery. Experiments and extraordinary strides figure into Tuesday and Wednesday as well -- you feel a bit like a mad scientist making a series of breakthroughs -- but by Thursday you're more careful, taking care and covering the details. You know as well as anyone that oftentimes things are not as they seem. Keep this in mind on Friday. And this weekend, someone who seems to have little to do with your life will tell you a story you find endlessly fascinating. Amazing what you can learn from other people.


Weekly Horoscope: Is it warm in here? Yes, probably for you -- you've got a touch of glorious, crazy spring fever as the week begins. Your magical delirium can lead you to an amazing romantic discovery too.

Hooray! If Wednesday and Thursday seem slightly dull by comparison, know that lovely changes are afoot -- and that Friday through Sunday are some of the best days for love for little ol' you all month. Watch for a definite relapse of that sweet, sweet ailment from the beginning of the week, and enjoy the heck out of yourself -- and someone else.


This week may bring many positive changes in your career. You may get the desired support from your seniors. Also, help and guidance from your spouse may help you to get success at the workplace. Female senior or authoritative figure is likely to help you to solve the work you are in. Additionally, there are chances of long-distance travelling related to work. Due to favourable transit of planets, you may get the desired result in your business and career. Moreover, there may be a small celebration in the workplace. However, avoid negative thinking and negative people around you to have a peaceful time in your career. Positive company and patience are keys to attain success in your career.

Strange things are afoot on Monday. You're trying to take your cues from the past (as is always wise, when it comes to business), but you can hardly decipher what's going on in the present. The numbers just don't make sense. Neither do the weird platitudes that keep falling out of certain mouths. You have no interest in platitudes right now. Grab hold of the peculiarities around you and savor the weird, creative people in the office midweek. An interest in someone else's mind may develop into a full-fledged office crush by the end of the week. A love affair is within the realm of possibility now.

Photo: Astrology Zone
Photo: Astrology Zone


This week, you need to focus on your health and don't get into an unnecessary argument. Also, avoid using electronic gadgets. Stars are giving a clue that you should come in contact with nature and enjoy the happiness of good health. However, excessive workload and lack of exercise may give health challenges. Meditation may give a good sleep and also a comfortable lifestyle which is required for good health. Also, try to come in contact with nature and enjoy the happiness of good health. Moreover, follow a healthy diet to maintain your health and regain your energy level.


This week, you may get financial gain from your previous investment. Besides, a wholesale business may also be successful this week. However, it may not be a favourable time to make a major investment. Additionally, there are chances of unplanned expenditure on family and in-laws. It may be a favourable week to clear all the backlogs and tax-related issues as well. Additionally, luck may be on your side in terms of financial gain from friends and elder siblings but do not give money as a loan. You may get some good news or gain from land and property-related matters.

**READ MORE: Weekly Horoscope (March 1 - 7): Accurate Predictions for All Zodiac Signs in Love, Health, Career and Finance

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope Tarot Card

Photo: Building Beautiful Souls
Photo: Building Beautiful Souls

The Ten of Cups is one of the most uplifting cards that you can receive. This card points to happiness in general, perhaps in a more mature, grown-up, global kind of way as opposed to the more personal, less global, wish-fulfillment promised by the Nine of Cups. Either way, it’s a good card.

The Ten of Cups speaks of happy family life, (even if you are single) and to general well-being that goes beyond yourself to include those that you are most concerned about – parents, siblings, children, etc. Being spiritually fulfilled is also part of the picture here. This is a good card to see, regardless of the question.

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**For more Weekly Horoscope Predictions for 12 Zodiac Signs, click here.

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope March 1 to 7, 2021

Monday to Friday brings extra personal freedom to enjoy more socializing. Positive change in your love life could lead to love at first sight and an exciting new romance. Your partner should be willing to help you explore your more unusual and kinky sexual desires. Creative breakthroughs can help you develop your artistic or musical potential and find your own unique style. This is a good time to experiment with a new hairstyle, clothes and accessories.

Saturday and Sunday increased emotional sensitivity could lead to misunderstandings with others and confusion about your own feelings. It is also possible that your intuition is negatively influenced by your subconscious fears. So take care in relationships because you could easily over idealize someone and ignore their negative character traits. This would leave you vulnerable to deception and scandal.