Photo dakota

Simple Ways To Turn Images Into Paint-By-Number Templates - Photo dakota


What Is Painting By Numbers?

Painting by Numbers is a system where a picture is divided into shapes, each marked with a number that corresponds to a particular color. You paint in each shape and ultimately the picture emerges as a finished painting.

The paint by numbers approach is often ridiculed as being simplistic, uncreative, and formulaic. I believe it's helpful in getting across the concept that a painting is built up through multiple shapes of color. These shapes often don't make sense individually, nor look like anything "real", but put together as a group they create the image.

The next step in developing as a painter is to learn to see such color shapes for yourself, without the aid of a printed diagram. Completing a paint by numbers project helps you learn to analyze a subject and observe areas of color. It helps you move away from focusing on what the finished subject will look like to looking at small areas and what color these should be painted.

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"'Painting by numbers' may not be as egregious a pursuit as one might imagine. Leonardo himself invented a form of it, assigning assistants to paint areas on a work that he had already sketched out and numbered."

-- Bülent Atalay in his book Math and the Mona Lisa: The Art and Science of Leonardo da Vinci

How Do Paint by Numbers Kits Work?

Photo prima
Photo prima

By the numbers A canvas with numbers for each color is included in the kit so the artist will know exactly where and what color to paint. It is impossible to choose the incorrect color with this approach. The greatest paintbrushes and canvases come with multiple paintbrushes for painting vast regions or fine details.

In order to prevent drying out, paints must be kept closed when not in use. If you buy a canvas that is already folded, just carefully iron it before painting to remove any wrinkles and make it simpler to paint on.

Some paint by number kits can take upwards of 10 hours for advanced artists and so are an excellent way to relax the mind. Using a lamp and a magnifying glass can help artists see very small numbers and reduce eye strain.

Lastly, artists who run out of paints can purchase additional colors from certain manufacturers without having to purchase another kit. When hanging a painting, note that cotton canvas should not be exposed to direct sunlight as it will cause the paints to fade faster. In addition, when gifting artwork to friends and family, protecting the surface in a framed glass will also help the art last longer not to mention make it look more finished and presentable.

READ MORE: Fact-Check: Top 15 Mysteries Behind the Famous Artworks of All Time

Best Free Sites To Turn Images Into Paint-By-Numbers

Photo Amazon
Photo Amazon

1. Paint by Numbers

On the website Paint by Numbers, you may use own photos and images to make unique paint-by-number templates. However, the website primarily caters to US citizens.

The built-in paint-by-number generator in Paint by Numbers will be useful if you don't have the time or resources to make paint-by-number templates with Photoshop.

Here's how:

• Click on Create Your Own.

• Scroll down and click on Choose File.

• Paint-by-Number generator tool

• Click on Options if you want to further customize your output.

• When done, return to Input, then click on Process Image, and wait a while for it to process.

Once completed, you'll see the generated image as well as the applicable color palette. Click on Download.

The left download button will download an SVG file, the middle download button will download a PNG file, and the right button will download the palette in PNG format.

2. Mimi Panda

Mimi Panda is another powerful paint-by-number tool that allows you to create coloring templates. Mimi Panda accepts uploads in PNG or JPG formats, provided they're under 10MB.

You can create as many paint-by-number templates as you want, but it may take up to two minutes to process each upload depending on the photo's complexity.

Here's how to do it:

• Click on Create Paint by Numbers.

• Click the Upload file here button to load your image. The image will be automatically marked with numbers, and the corresponding palette will be shown in the Image Colors section just beneath the image.

• Now, click on the Paint by Numbers download button at the top or scroll down and click on the Image Schema download button.

• You can also print the Paint by Numbers or the Image Schema by clicking on the appropriate button.

3. PBNify

One of the most well-known paint-by-number generators is PBNify, which enables you to quickly upload, trace, and convert your artwork into a paint-by-number template.

PBNify also provides a link to a business that enables you to create a complete kit with a canvas and colors using your paint-by-number template.

Here's how to PBNify your images:

• Upload your image via the Browse button or simply by drag-and-drop.

• Click all the major points on the image to select your custom color palette. The simpler the image, the better.

• Now, click PBNify and wait for your image to process.

• PBNify click points

• Click on Outline to see the outcome, then click on Save.

• PBNify outline

• Click on Save palette.

• Print out both the outline and the palette, then proceed to color or paint.

4. GitHub

You can also transform your images into paint-by-number templates for free via GitHub. This paint-by-number generator is being run as a demo site for the main GitHub project.

The layout and process closely mimic that of Paint by Number, except for minor differences like the design of the download button.

Here's how to use the GitHub

• Click on Choose File.

• Click on Options to add some customization if any.

• When done, return to the Input tab and click Process Image.

• GitHub-Paint-by-Number-generator-image-processor

• Now, click on your preferred download option, and you're ready to print or paint your paint-by-number artwork.

Tips for Successful Painting by the Numbers

Photo ART news
Photo ART news

Start from smaller portions

Everyone who has ever painted knows the importance of shading. This is especially very important when it comes to beginners, if you start with bigger portions of the canvas, it will end up being difficult to shade.

Starting from smaller portions also makes sure there is no smudging done. Bigger areas are always harder to begin with because they require a lot of time and attention!

Follow a color gradient!

A gradient of colors can be seen in almost every painting; for instance, an orange and yellow sunrise picture. It is preferable for the painting and the artist if the proper color gradient is used from the beginning. Nothing can compare to the feeling of watching a picture change before your eyes!

Due to the paintbrush, using related colors first always yields the greatest results. Smudges can be avoided by using a gradient of related colors.

Keep a jar of clean water for washing your brush (assuming it's an acrylic Paint by Numbers kit) to hand, as well as a cloth for wiping and drying the brush. Don't dunk the brush into the paint all the way up to the ferrule, just the tip. Rather pick up paint more frequently than have a glob of it fall off onto the painting.

Be patient! Don't splay out the hairs of the brush in an attempt to paint in an area more quickly. This will quickly ruin the brush and destroy the fine tip. Apply gentle pressure to bend the tips of the hairs slightly and glide the brush along the surface. Think of it as the paper (or canvas) pulling the paint off the brush rather than using the brush to push the paint down.

Hiding the numbers

It is important to remember, the numbers are there to help you. However, they are not part of the painting itself. The numbers peeking in through the paint coating can ruin a beautiful art piece.

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