16:59 | 01/08/2021 Print
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Happy Wedding Aniversary - Photo: Youtube |
No matter if you’ve been dating for a few years or married for a decade, an anniversary is something to celebrate.
It’s a day that holds a special place in your heart (and calendar) because it marks your decision to spend your life together. From sweet to funny, every couple has a different style of expressing their love. Finding the perfect balance of romance and thoughtfulness can seem challenging when you’re writing to one of the people you care most about in the world.
If you’re struggling with what to write in your anniversary card, some happ anniversary quotes or messages will help you put your feelings into words. And if you’re looking for the right wedding anniversary gift or wedding anniversary cards, these wedding anniversary wishes will help you find the right words to express your love—whether it’s your first wedding anniversary gift you’re shopping for or your 50th wedding anniversary gift.
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Photo: Getty Images |
• To the most beautiful woman who has given me the most beautiful life, a very happy anniversary.
• Every love story is special, unique and beautiful—but ours is my favorite.
• When a love is true, there is no ending. I hope we get to celebrate for many years to come. Happy anniversary!
• I want to love you, adore you, take care of you and make you the happiest person there ever was for all of time.
• I didn’t think it was possible to love you any more than I did the day I married you, but somehow my love only grows. I love you today and always.
• Happy anniversary to the only person in the world that I want beside me every day and every night for the rest my life. I love you, sweetheart. Happy anniversary!
• I’m so excited about the future because I can’t wait to make all of our dreams come true. Happy anniversary and cheers to many more.
• I believe everything happens for a reason because it led me to you. I love you, happy anniversary.
• Forever wouldn’t be long enough with you. Happy anniversary, with all my love.
• Having you by my side makes me the happiest, most grateful and luckiest person in the world. Happy anniversary to my soul mate.
• Because of you, I laugh a little harder, cry a little less, and smile a lot more.
• For the two of us, home isn’t a place. It is a person. And we are finally home.
• You know you are in love when you don’t want to fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.
• Forever is a long time, but I wouldn’t mind spending it by your side.
• The secret of a happy marriage is finding the right person. You know they’re right if you love to be with them all the time.
• I just want you to know, that when I picture myself happy, it’s with you.
• In case you ever foolishly forget: I am never not thinking of you.
• A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.
• Love grows more tremendously full, swift, poignant, as the years multiply.
• In a sea of people, my eyes will always search for you.
• Our anniversary is just a momentary celebration, but our marriage is a timeless one.
• I’m in love with you, and I’m not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things.
• I’m much more me when I’m with you.
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Photo: Getty Images |
Your anniversary wishes and messages don’t have to be serious. A good sense of humor is important in any relationship. Show off your playful side with an anniversary message that will make your partner laugh but still tell them how much they mean to you. Add these funny messages to any personalized anniversary gift so it makes your partner smile for years to come.
• You’re my favorite husband.
• There’s no one I’d rather sit on the couch watching TV with. Happy anniversary!
• It’s pretty cool that we’ve been together for however long we’ve been together. Happy anniversary!
• Sometimes I wonder how you put up with me, but then I remember that I put up with you too, so that makes us even. I love you!
• You’re alright I guess. Happy anniversary!
• Even though your snoring drives me crazy, I wouldn’t pick anyone else in the world to share my bed with. Happy anniversary!
• Happy anniversary! Let’s order takeout and be in bed by 10pm.
• I’m yours. No refunds.
• You married this crazy. Happy anniversary!
• Sometimes I get jealous of you. After all, you married the world’s most beautiful and brilliant woman. Happy anniversary, dearest husband!
When in doubt, a sweet message and compliment will go a long way with any partner. It’s a lovely way to say “not only do I love you, but you’re my best friend.” These sweet anniversary quotes and messages are perfect for your anniversary card, or you can even add them to an anniversary invitation if you’ll be throwing a party with friends.
• Happy anniversary to my better-in-every-way half. Seriously, you’re amazing.
• I love doing life with you. Happy weddingg anniversary!
• Like the smiles in our selfies, you light up my life. I love you! Happy anniversary.
• From sending you good night texts to wishing you good morning, everything seems sweeter since I met you. Happy anniversary.
• The good things in life are better with you.
• I am so blessed to be married to someone as wonderful as you. Happy anniversary.
• I can never tell you enough how beautiful you are, how much you make me smile and how much you mean to me. Happy anniversary to my one true love.
• Happy anniversary! Thank you for always loving me for who I am.
• There’s nowhere else I’d rather be than right here by your side with your hand in mine. Happy anniversary.
• In a world where so many things can be uncertain, you are the one thing that I will always be sure of. Happy anniversary!
Anniversary messages for partners with kids
• I don’t care about life’s twists and turns, as long as I have you and our beautiful family. Happy anniversary my love.
• To my beautiful wife, the mother of my children and my lifelong partner. I love you more than you even know.
• Happy anniversary to the person who gave me the greatest gift of all time—eternal love and our beautiful children.
• Today, we celebrate the best decision you’ve ever made—making me your wife and the mother of your kids. Happy anniversary, honey!
• I want to thank you for everything you do for me and the kids. You make managing our home, taking care of the kids and having a career look so easy. How did I get so lucky? I love you, honey.
• Even after all this time, my heart still melts when you walk into the room. Happy anniversary.
• You are the peanut butter to my jelly and the macaroni to my cheese. We make a perfect (kid-friendly) pair. Happy anniversary, my dear.
• Never in my wildest dreams could I imagine that I would find you and that you would make my dreams come true. Our little family is everything I could have hoped for and more. Happy anniversary!
• They say the greatest marriages are built on teamwork. Thanks for being on my side through all the tantrums and meltdowns. I love you!
• Thank you for always believing in us and our future. Look how far we’ve come! Happy anniversary to the most amazing father and husband I could ask for.
Anniversary for your girlfriend or boyfriend
• Happy anniversary dear boyfriend. The years are just a number which makes us even stronger than ever. I love you so much, many happy returns of the day!
• You are the true meaning of happiness, joy, and restfulness for my soul. Thank you for treating me like a queen. Happy anniversary, my king. Love you so much.
• Among the few good things that I have ever done in my life, falling in love with you was the best them. Happy anniversary, my love.
• Happy anniversary my love. I loved you, I love you and I will love you forever.
• This is the day we joined our hearts in love. We promised to never leave each other and here we are! Happy anniversary, my love.
• Happy anniversary to the hottest, cutest, and sweetest boyfriend ever.
• Thank you for making the last twelve months so magical and fulfilling every dream of mine. Happy 1st Anniversary. I love you so much.
• Happy Anniversary to my soul mate! I am so happy to have you in my life. Thanks for making my day so beautiful.
• Your presence in my life tells me how blessed I am. You completed my life with your love. Thank you for coming in my life, love.
• 365 days have passed with a blink of an eye. Every day was filled with love. I cannot imagine a single day without you anymore. Happy 1st anniversary, sweetheart.
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Photo: 365Canvas Blog |
• Mom and Dad, I cannot begin to describe how blessed I am to have amazing parents in my life. Seeing true love through you both makes my heart happy. As your daughter/son I see perfection in both of you. I love you.
• You don’t marry someone you can live with. You marry the person who you cannot live without.
• The only thing better than having you for parents is my children having you for grandparents. Happy anniversary Mom and Dad.
• You two are a living example of how a couple can be committed to their love and nurture a family’s growth year after year. Happy wedding anniversary to you!
• Because of you both, the world knows that truth and love exist. Keep these beliefs alive and cherish one another. Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad!
• You are the parents that all kids hope to have, you are the couple that all lovers hope to be and you both are the pillars of support that every family wishes it had. Happy anniversary to the best parents ever.
• Another year to create precious memories together. Another year to discover new things to enjoy about each other. Another year to strengthen a marriage that defines forever. Happy anniversary!
• The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds.
• The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved; loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves.
• All, everything that I understand, I understand only because I love.
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Photo: Etandoz |
• “Because of you, I laugh a little harder, cry a little less, and smile a lot more.”
• “For the two of us, home isn’t a place. It is a person. And we are finally home.”
Stephanie Perkins
• “You know you are in love when you don’t want to fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.”
Dr. Seuss
• “Forever is a long time, but I wouldn’t mind spending it by your side.”
• “The secret of a happy marriage is finding the right person. You know they’re right if you love to be with them all the time.”
Julia Child
• “I just want you to know, that when I picture myself happy, it’s with you.”
• “In case you ever foolishly forget: I am never not thinking of you.”
Virginia Woolf
• “A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person.”
Mignon McLaughlin
• “Love grows more tremendously full, swift, poignant, as the years multiply.”
Zane Grey
• “In a sea of people, my eyes will always search for you.”
• “Our anniversary is just a momentary celebration, but our marriage is a timeless one.”
• “I’m in love with you, and I’m not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things.”
John Green
• “I’m much more me when I’m with you.”
• “I saw that you were perfect, and so I loved you. Then I saw that you were not perfect and I loved you even more.”
Angelita Lim
• “It’s so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.”
Rita Rudner
• “Marriage is not just spiritual communion, it is also remembering to take out the trash.”
Joyce Brothers
• “I’ll love you even when you’re old and wrinkly.”
• “Some people ask the secret of our long marriage. We take time to go to a restaurant two times a week. A little candlelight, dinner, soft music and dancing. She goes Tuesdays, I go Fridays.”
Henny Youngman
• “A wedding band is the smallest handcuff ever made, I’m glad I chose my cellmate wisely.”
• “A marriage anniversary is the celebration of love, trust, partnership, tolerance and tenacity. The order varies for any
given year.”
• “A good marriage is like a casserole—only those responsible for it really knows what goes in it.”
• “For marriage to be a success, every woman and every man should have her and his own bathroom. The end.”
Catherine Zeta-Jones
READ MORE: Day of Parents (June 1): Best Wishes, Quotes and Messages
• “Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are the same.”
Emily Brontë
• “If you live to be a hundred, I want to live to be a hundred minus one day so I never have to live without you.”
A. A. Milne
• “There is no more lovely, friendly and charming relationship, communion or company than a good marriage.”
Martin Luther
• “‘Cause all of me loves all of you, loves your curves and all your edges, all your perfect imperfections. Give your all to
me, I’ll give my all to you. You’re my end and my beginning, even when I lose I’m winning.”
John Legend
• “In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine.”
Maya Angelou
• “Chains do not hold a marriage together. It is threads, hundreds of tiny threads, which sew people together through the years.”
Simone Signoret
• “You are the finest, loveliest, tenderest, and most beautiful person I have ever known and even that is an understatement.”
F. Scott Fitzgerald
• “For it was not into my ear you whispered, but into my heart. It was not my lips you kissed, but my soul.”
Judy Garland
• “I wish there was a word more than ‘love’ itself to convey what I feel for you.”
Faraaz Kazi
• “The minute I heard my first love story I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don’t finally meet
somewhere. They’re in each other all along.”
Jalal ad-Din Rumi
• “Forever is a measure of time used by people who share an ordinary love. Our extraordinary love is immeasurable … for us,
forever just won’t do.”
Steve Maraboli
• “The couples that are ‘meant to be’ are the ones who go through everything that is meant to tear them apart and come out
even stronger than they were before.”
• “The best love is the kind that awakens the soul; that makes us reach for more, that plants the fire in our hearts and brings
peace to our minds. That’s what I hope to give you forever.”
Nicholas Sparks
• “I love you, and I will love you until I die, and if there’s a life after that, I’ll love you then.”
Cassandra Clare
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Sally Polly
Article URL: https://knowinsiders.com/happy-wedding-aniversary-best-wishes-quotes-and-romantic-messages-30788.html
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