Table of Contents

Life Lesson No. 1

My friend likes a computer, needs about 30 million, his monthly income is only 7 million.

His wife told him: "You're crazy, if you buy it, we'll get a divorce".

He asked me what to do. I said: "You don't deserve that computer, you don't even have the courage to get what you like, so how do you plan to roll in society in the future?".

He gritted his teeth and bought that computer. To pay off his debt, he started looking for some part-time jobs. In the end, he paid off the debt within a month. His wife did not leave him because of his madness. She took him to a car supermarket, said: "Husband, let's buy this BMW in installments". At first he was startled, thinking his wife was crazy. A year later, he paid for the car in full.

Conclusion: If you lack the confidence to pursue the things and people you desire, it may hinder your chances of success.

Life Lesson No. 2

A Zen master saw a scorpion fall into the water and decided to save it. Who would have thought that as soon as he touched it, it pricked his hand? The Zen master was unafraid, and he took action again, this time getting stung. The person next to him said, "It always stings people, must we save it?" The teacher of Zen responded: "Stinging people is the scorpion's instinct, and being honest is my instinct, how can I abandon my instinct because of its instinct?"

Conclusion: Our fault lies in the fact that, because of the crowd, it changes itself.

9 Essential Life Lessons You Should Keep in Mind
Essential Life Lessons

Life Lesson No. 3

Someone asked a farmer: "Do you plant barley?".

The farmer replied, "No, I'm afraid it won't rain."

The other asked, "So do you plant cotton?"

The farmer replied, "No, I'm afraid the worms will eat it."

The other asked: "So what do you plant?".

The farmer replied, "I don't plant anything, I want to be safe."

Conclusion: Someone who is unwilling to take risks or make sacrifices may feel that they are not accomplishing anything.

Life Lesson number 4

Three people left the house: one with an umbrella, one with a walking stick, and one bare-handed. When he returned, the person with the umbrella was soaked, the person with the walking stick had fallen, and the third person was unharmed. It turned out that the person with an umbrella when it was raining took a risky step and got wet.

When walking on a slippery road, the person leaning on the cane relies on himself to have a cane, so he walks quickly, which results in occasional falls. When it rains, the person who walks bare-handed seeks shelter; when the road is slick, he walks carefully; otherwise, he is safe.

Conclusion: Sometimes it is not our failure that we fail, but our advantage.

Read More: Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil: Symbolism, Meaning and Unique Facts

Life Lesson No.5

The task of sweeping up fallen leaves in the temple falls to a small monk, who takes a long time to complete each day. He was told by someone: "Before sweeping, shake the tree to make the leaves fall, then sweep, so tomorrow you won't need to sweep anymore" .

The following day, leaves were still falling all over the temple yard, but the little monk thought it reasonable and happily followed it.

Conclusion: Regardless of your efforts today, the leaves will continue to fall tomorrow. Speeding, even if you're having a good day, is a matter of taking responsibility for your own life.

9 Essential Life Lessons You Should Keep in Mind
Important Life Lessons Everyone Learns the Hard Way

Life Lesson No.6

A crow on his flight met a dove on his way home. The pigeon asked: "Where do you want to fly?"

The crow replied, "Actually, I don't want to go, but everyone thinks my cry is not good, so I want to leave."

The dove said to the crow: “Stop wasting your time in vain! If you don't change your voice, no matter where you fly, you won't be welcome."

Conclusion: If you hope things will turn out well, then start by changing yourself.

Life Lesson No. 7

Three sons living in a home where there were frequent arguments between the parents and frequent beatings and injuries to the mother at the hands of their father.

The oldest son felt sorry for his mother. In the future, I must treat my wife more kindly.

The second son concluded, "I will never get married when I grow up. It really doesn't make sense!"

So, the husband can beat his wife like that, the third son thought to himself.

Conclusion: Even with an identical living environment, different ways of thinking can lead to vastly different lives.

Life Lesson No.8

A successful businessman in a small town opened a gas station and did well. The other one arrived and started a restaurant. When the third person arrived, a supermarket was open. This town quickly grew populous and prosperous.

A business prospered after a merchant in another town opened a gas station. The second individual arrived and unlocked the second gas station. The third individual arrived and unlocked the third gas station. The state of business is not what they had anticipated.

Conclusion: If you insist on following the path of others, you will surely fail.

Life Lesson No. 9

Mr. A rides a bicycle, pedaling hard with both feet. In 1 hour, he can only walk about 10 km.

Mr. A drives a car, presses on the gas with one foot, and can travel 100 km in 1 hour.

Mr. A sits on a high-speed train, closes his eyes, and can travel 300 km in 1 hour.

Mr. A sits on a plane, eats delicious food, and can travel 1000 km in 1 hour.

Conclusion: Same person, same effort, but different at the launch pad, the results will be different.

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