
In recent years, the face of French far-right politics has undergone significant change. At the forefront of this transformation is Jordan Bardella, a dynamic and controversial figure who has quickly risen to prominence. As the president of the National Rally (Rassemblement National, RN), Bardella's journey from a modest upbringing to leading one of France's most significant political parties is a story worth exploring.

In France, the first of two rounds of elections to choose 577 members of the National Assembly, the lower house of parliament, will take place on Sunday. President Emmanuel Macron announced the early elections on June 9 in response to his ruling Renaissance party's dismal performance in elections for the European Parliament, which oversees the 27-nation European Union.

With the vote called so quickly, France's political parties had only twenty days to organize coalitions, rally support, and persuade voters to support their candidates.

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Who is Jordan Bardella - Far-right French Leader: Biography, Career and Personal Life
Who is Jordan Bardella - French Far-right Leader: Biography, Career and Personal Life

Jordan Bardella's Early Life and Background

Jordan Bardella was born on September 13, 1995, in Drancy, a suburb of Paris. His early years, spent in a working-class family of Italian descent, were characterized by difficulties and events that are typical of many in France's suburbs. Bardella often speaks about his humble beginnings, using them to connect with the party's base.

He grew up in the Gabriel Peri social housing complex in Saint-Denis, a northern suburb of Paris, an area often mentioned in media reports about drug crime and violence. Bardella's parents divorced when he was young and he lived with his mother. Bardella joined the RN as a teenager, then dropped out of college to become politically active.

Bardella’s interest in politics sparked early. At the age of 16, he joined the National Front (Front National, FN), the precursor to the National Rally, which was then led by Marine Le Pen. His rapid ascent through the party ranks was indicative of his political acumen and appeal among younger voters.

Jordan Bardella's Education

Early Education and Upbringing

Growing up in a working-class neighborhood, Bardella attended local schools, experiencing firsthand the challenges of the French educational system in less affluent areas. This upbringing in Drancy, a city known for its diverse population and socio-economic issues, profoundly influenced his political perspectives.

Secondary Education

Bardella completed his secondary education at Lycée Eugène Delacroix in Drancy. During his high school years, he developed a keen interest in history and geography, subjects that later contributed to his deep understanding of national identity and geopolitics—key themes in his political discourse.

Higher Education

Following his high school graduation, Bardella enrolled at Paris-Sorbonne University (now part of Sorbonne University), one of France's most prestigious institutions. He chose to study geography, a field that aligns well with his interest in territorial and cultural issues.

However, Bardella's time at the Sorbonne was brief. He left the university in 2014 after only a year of studies to focus on his burgeoning political career with the National Front (Front National, FN), the predecessor to the National Rally. Bardella's decision to leave his studies to pursue politics full-time highlights his commitment to the party and his early recognition of his potential in the political arena.

Political Training and Mentorship

While Bardella's formal higher education was cut short, his political education continued through hands-on experience and mentorship within the National Front. He quickly absorbed the party's ideology and tactics under the guidance of senior party members, including Marine Le Pen.

His role as a regional councilor in Île-de-France, elected in 2015, provided him with practical experience in governance and public policy. Bardella's involvement in political campaigns, especially the 2019 European Parliament elections, further honed his skills in communication and public engagement.

Self-Education and Media Savvy

In the absence of a formal university degree, Bardella has largely relied on self-education and real-world experience to develop his political acumen. He is known for his ability to articulate complex issues in a way that resonates with a broad audience, a skill likely refined through both self-study and his extensive media engagements.

Bardella is also a regular participant in television debates and public forums, where he demonstrates his deep knowledge of contemporary political issues. This continuous engagement with media and public discourse serves as an ongoing educational process, keeping him attuned to the public’s concerns and sentiments.

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Jordan Bardella's Political Career

Jordan Bardella
Jordan Bardella

The Young Leader

Bardella's political career officially began when he was elected as a regional councilor in Île-de-France in 2015. Known for his articulate speech and media-savvy approach, he quickly became a prominent figure within the party.

In 2018, at just 23 years old, Bardella was appointed as the spokesperson for the National Rally, showcasing his ability to resonate with the public and manage the party’s image. His effectiveness in this role caught the attention of Marine Le Pen, who saw in him a potential future leader.

European Parliament

Bardella's significant breakthrough came in the 2019 European Parliament elections. As the lead candidate for the National Rally, he spearheaded the party's campaign, which resulted in a significant victory. The RN emerged as the largest French delegation in the European Parliament, surpassing President Emmanuel Macron’s La République En Marche! This victory not only solidified Bardella's status within the party but also showcased his ability to mobilize support on a national scale.

Presidency of the National Rally

In November 2021, Marine Le Pen stepped down as the RN president to focus on her presidential campaign. Bardella was appointed interim president, a position he held until he was officially elected as the party president in November 2022. His election marked a generational shift within the party, as Bardella became the youngest person ever to lead the RN.

As president, Bardella has sought to modernize the party's image while maintaining its core nationalist and anti-immigration stances. Under his leadership, the RN continues to push for policies that resonate with its traditional voter base, such as stronger borders and stricter immigration controls.

Ideology and Political Stance

Jordan Bardella is known for his staunch nationalist views and his firm stance on immigration. He advocates for a “France first” policy, prioritizing the interests of French citizens over those of immigrants. Bardella is a vocal critic of the European Union, calling for greater French sovereignty and a reduction in EU influence over national affairs.

Despite his hardline positions, Bardella has made efforts to soften the party's image to appeal to a broader electorate. He emphasizes social issues such as economic inequality and has shown a willingness to engage in debates on climate change, positioning the RN as a viable alternative to traditional parties.

Jordan Bardella's Personal Life

Bardella’s personal life is less publicly known, though he is often described as a private individual. He has been in a long-term relationship with Nolwenn Olivier, the niece of Marine Le Pen, which has kept him closely tied to the Le Pen family. Bardella's Italian heritage and suburban upbringing play a significant role in shaping his political narrative, allowing him to connect with voters on a personal level.

Jordan Bardella's TikTok

Jordan Bardella's TikTok
Jordan Bardella's TikTok

Bardella, who owns a TikTok account with more than 1.2 million followers, has a great influence on young people in France.

According to a survey by Ipsos and Le Monde newspaper in April, about 1/3 of French voters aged 18-24 said they supported the individual RN leader when going to the polls. On French social networks, many young people call Bardella an idol, or representative of "forgotten France", and proudly share selfies with the young politician.

Challenges and Controversies

Leading a far-right party in France comes with its share of controversies. Bardella has been criticized for his views on immigration and his association with the National Rally's past, which is marred by accusations of racism and xenophobia. Despite these challenges, Bardella has managed to maintain a strong presence in French politics, largely due to his ability to adapt and modernize the party's platform.

The Future of Jordan Bardella and the National Rally

As Jordan Bardella leads the National Rally into the future, his ability to balance the party’s traditional values with a modernized approach will be crucial. With the 2027 presidential elections on the horizon, Bardella's influence on French politics is set to grow, potentially reshaping the political landscape in France.

Bardella's rise from a suburban youth to the leader of France's most prominent far-right party is a testament to his political skills and the changing dynamics of French politics. Whether he will succeed in his ambitions and what impact he will ultimately have on France remains a story to watch closely.

Great pressure on President Macron

Before the EU elections took place, Mr. Bardella's campaign director, Alexandre Loubet, announced that if the National Front Party won a resounding victory, they would ask the French Government to dissolve the National Assembly and proceed with the election. conduct elections ahead of schedule.

As soon as the election results tilted towards the far right, on June 9, French President Macron proactively announced the dissolution of the National Assembly and called for early elections on June 30.

Young politician Bardela is challenging French President Emmanuel Macron on immigration and violence.

In 2022, immigration will take place massively with the number of about 5.1 million people entering the EU, double that of a year ago.

This trend became a core issue in the EU election in France in the context of the "bread and butter" burden due to escalating energy and food prices because of the war in Ukraine.

With an immigrant background, Mr. Bardella has the advantage of being approachable and easy to persuade voters in the direction - the disagreement on French immigration does not come from mass immigration but from immigrants' refusal to Integrate into the community and comply with the general regulations of the host country.

Mr. Bardella is also a critic of French President Macron's desire to expand the EU to 37 members as well as giving up France's veto in EU foreign policy decisions.

The young politician believes that Europe can only be liberated by having fewer members, not more members.

He once claimed that the results of the EU election would be an early indicator of whose policies are more appropriate at this time.

What is National Rally?

Founded in 1972, the far-right nationalist and anti-immigration party was headed by Jean-Marie Le Pen until 2011. Le Pen is a Holocaust denier who has been found guilty and fined thousands of euros by the courts for his repeated remarks that minimize the deliberate killing of Jews during World War II.

His daughter Marine Le Pen led the party for the following ten years, trying to change its antisemitic reputation. Jean-Marie Le Pen was kicked out of the party in 2015 after he called the Nazi gas chambers a "detail of history" in an interview.

In 2018, Marine Le Pen changed the name of the National Front to "Rassemblement National," or National Rally. Detractors were quick to bring up the name of the well-known national rally, a political group that collaborated with France's Nazi-supporting government during World War II.

When she faced Macron in 2017 and 2022, the party came closest to the presidency under her leadership. Both times, she was defeated.

It is unclear how much of the National Rally's victories in this month's European elections will carry over into a national election, despite the party crushing other parties there.

According to several French polls, the National Rally may receive support from roughly one-third of voters in the June primary, but it's not clear if they would secure enough seats to secure a majority. There will be a second round of voting on July 7 if no candidate receives more than 50% of the total votes cast in the first round and at least 25% of the votes cast by registered voters.


Jordan Bardella's educational journey is a blend of formal schooling and practical political training. Although he did not complete his university studies, his experiences and self-directed learning have equipped him with the knowledge and skills necessary to lead one of France's most influential political parties.

Bardella's story underscores the idea that education extends beyond the classroom. His ability to leverage his personal experiences and adapt to the political landscape has been instrumental in his rapid rise to prominence. As he continues to navigate the complexities of French politics, his unique educational path will remain a key part of his identity and approach to leadership.

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