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New York is located in the Eastern Time Zone. Summertime in New York, as in the rest of America, begins on the second Sunday in March and ends on the first Sunday in November. If you fly to New York during the hourly change, you will hear about Daylight Saving Time.

What Time Is It In New York Now: Time Zone, Time Difference, Clock, Jet Lag and Seasons
What Time Is It In New York: Time Zone, Time Difference and Clock

What Time is It in New York Now

New York State (NY) is in the Eastern Time Zone of the United States of America (USA). Eastern Standard Time (EST) is five hours behind Greenwich Mean Time (GMT-5).

Daylight Saving Time is observed in the state of New York, as it is in most other states in the United States. The time is changed forward by one hour to Eastern Daylight Time (EDT), which is four hours behind Greenwich Mean Time.

After the summer, New York clocks back an hour to US Eastern Standard Time (EST) or GMT-5.

Time Zone Currently Used in New York

Time Zone Currently Being Used in New York


Time Zone Abbreviation & Name

Example City

UTC -4


Eastern Daylight Time

New York

Eastern Time in New York

Time Zone Abbreviation & Name



Eastern Time

UTC -5:00 / -4:00

Time Difference to GMT/UTC

Standard time zone:

UTC/GMT -5 hours

Daylight saving time:

+1 hour

Current time zone offset:

UTC/GMT -4 hours

Time zone abbreviation:


• Latest change: Summer time started on Sunday-March 10, 2024.

• Switched to UTC -4 / Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).

• The time was set forward one hour from 02:00 to 03:00 local time.

• Next change: Winter time starts on Sunday-November 2024

It is worth noting that in New York, the date is spelled differently than in Europe, especially British English. If we place the day, month, and year 13 December 2017 (13/12/2017) in New York, the order must be reversed, with the month coming first, followed by the day and year (12/13/2017). If we locate it written in full, the date would be December 13th, 2017.

Sunrise and Sunset in New York

This is also knowledge that can assist you plan your visits and excursions while in New York; it is important to understand how to select the optimal time for your activities. For example, if you enjoy taking photographs, knowing when the sun sets or rises is essential.


Sunrise: 7:17, sunset: 4.53pm.


Sunrise: 6:49.

Sunset: 17:31.


Sunrise: 7:07

Sunset: 7:02 p.m.


Sunrise: 6:16.

Sunset: 7:35 p.m.


Sunrise: 5:38, sunset: 20:06.


Sunrise: 5:24.

Sunset: 8:29 p.m.


Sunrise: 5:37

Sunset: 8:25 p.m.


Sunrise: 6:06

Sunset: 19:53.


Sunrise: 6:36.

Sunset: 7:04 p.m.


Sunrise: 7:07

Sunset: 6:15 p.m.


Sunrise: 6:43.

Sunset: 4.37 p.m.


Sunrise: 7:13, sunset: 4.29pm.

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How Many Seasons Does New York City Have?

Every season in New York City provides a distinct experience. Spring brings the Cherry Blossom Festival to Brooklyn and the Tribeca Film Festival. Summer events include Shakespeare in the Park and the Coney Island Mermaid Parade.

The Village Halloween Parade and the New York Comic Con both take place in the fall. Winter festivities include the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree Lighting and New Year's Eve in Times Square. Because of its boroughs and subway system, New York City offers a broader selection of events and customs than the rest of the state. However, traffic at Times Square may be congested, particularly during high tourist season.


Spring average temperature ranges between 50-70°F.

Climate: mild, with intermittent rain showers.

Unique traditions and events include the Cherry Blossom Festival at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, the Tribeca Film Festival, and the Easter Parade on Fifth Avenue.

Average daytime hours: 12-14.


Summer average temperature ranges between 70-85°F.

Climate: Hot and humid.

Unique traditions/events: Shakespeare in the Park, Macy's Fourth of July Fireworks, and the Coney Island Mermaid Parade.

Average daylight duration: 14-15 hours.


Average temperature in the fall ranges from 50 to 70°F.

Climate: Cool and crisp.

Unique traditions/events: New York Comic Con, Village Halloween Parade, and Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade.

Average daytime hours: 10-12.


The average winter temperature ranges from 20 to 40°F.

Climate: cold with periodic snowfall.

Unique traditions/events include the Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree Lighting, New Year's Eve in Times Square, and Winter Jazzfest. Average daylight is 9-10 hours.

READ MORE: Is Noon 12 AM or 12 PM? What Does AM and PM Mean?

Jet lag New York

Jet lag in New York might make your journey to the Big Apple more difficult. Jet lag is defined as a disruption in one's Circadian rhythm (the sleep-wake cycle). This frequently occurs when going to or from a time zone that differs significantly from your own. Because the New York time zone is 5 hours ahead of the United Kingdom, you may have jet lag during or after your journey to New York.

Fighting Jet Lag

It's best to try to avoid jet lag in advance than to combat it in New York. Tips for preventing jet lag include adapting to the New York time zone before flying and refraining from drinking alcohol during the first few days of your stay. That implies that if you were hoping to do the Rooftop Bar Tour, schedule it for later in the day rather than the first.

Stay up a little later in the evening in the days leading up to your flight, and if possible, change your wake up time. When you arrive in New York, resist the impulse to retire to bed early, even if you are exhausted after the travel. When in New York, stick to your regular nighttime pattern, but modify it to the local hour. Try to spend as much time outside in daylight as possible to assist your inner rhythm adjust. Drink plenty of water during your flight to keep your body from becoming even weaker. Due to the time difference in New York, you may only experience jet lag at home. Sleeping or attempting to sleep on the flight home helps to avoid carrying jet lag with you. Try to take it easy for the first few days after you return.

Time Difference Between London-New York.

The time difference between London and New York is five hours. New York City is located in the UTC-5 time zone, which changes to UTC-4 during the summer. The United Kingdom is thus ahead of New York. This implies that while it's midnight in New York, it's already 5:00 in the United Kingdom.

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