Weekly Horoscope (February 22 - 28): Accurate Prediction for All Zodiac Signs in Love, Health, Career and Finance
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Weekly horoscope for all 12 zodiac signs. Photo: Prokerala |
Look for insights about the good or bad things coming your way this week using our free weekly horoscope. If needed, take our astrologer’s advice to resolve the issues and acquire the most out of your week. Make sure to read your horoscope this week, to get all the highlights of your week in advance!
Weekly Horoscope (February 22-28) Planetary Overview
According to Your Tango, this week we are still within the Saturn Uranus Square that is going to dominate our energy for most of the year:
February 22 — Saturn in Aquarius Square Uranus in Taurus: This longer transit affects serious relationships and commitments. It's the first of three ending in 2022 which will settle past karmic debt and initiate a new beginning in love and in our life path, one of the most influential transits of the year.
February 23 — Mars in Taurus Trine Pluto in Capricorn: A very passionate and charismatic transit resulting in feeling and appearing more attractive, intense feelings and actions, fated events.
February 25 — Sun in Pisces Sextile Uranus in Taurus: Expect excitement and motivation about unexpected changes and events, big life moments such as love commitments, engagements, moving in and others are possible around this time, feeling freer to follow our hearts and caring less about what others think.
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Photo: Astrostyle |
Venus Enters Pisces: Venus, the planet of love enters the most romantic sign of the zodiac meaning our relationships and desires get turned up and turned on, romance, love, and fate are all in play with this transit, believing in love and a return to hope.
February 26 — Jupiter in Aquarius Trine North Node in Gemini: Life-changing direction and events, expect the unexpected, things may move more quickly around this time, trust is key for the abundance coming in.
February 27 — Full Moon in Virgo: Events that began August 18th, 2020 will come to fruition, highlighting the healing effects of love, feeling ready to move on or begin new, desiring to leave the past behind
Read your detailed weekly horoscope below:
Aries (March 21 - April 19) Weekly Horoscope: Practice humility
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Photo: Serve Pakistan |
At the starting of the week, things will be in your favor. You are likely to meet someone special in the middle of the week. By the end of the week, you might feel a little low, and there will be a lot of work pressure on you.
Though your M.O. is about winning, the full moon on the 27th is about owning your mistakes, Pure Wow cites. Are you mindful of screen time? Caught up on your reading challenge? Getting enough sleep? If you’re not—and let’s be real, who’s on top of self-care during a pandemic?—this is your yearly opportunity to reset your habits. It’s not just your kids who need to get a sticker every time they remember to floss. Start rewarding yourself for getting through the day.
Taurus (April 20 - May 20) Weekly Horoscope: Take your happiness into your own hands
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Things don’t happen as we want them to, but as we need them to. When we resist that, we cause ourselves more difficulties than necessary. Having a plan and vision when it comes to happily ever after is a great blueprint but remember to be flexible in the building of it.
The more we sometimes cling to specifics the more challenges we create. Be prepared this week for a change that will affect your overall vision, with a different lens you might just be able to see how amazing it is when things don’t work out.
Gemini (May 21 - June 20) Weekly Horoscope: Inner peace is everything
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Photo: Serve Pakistan |
You’ve been a workaholic lately and TBH, you’re pushing yourself harder than anyone needs to be pushed during a pandemic. Let this week’s full moon on the 27th be a reminder of what you really need.
Taking a few days off from work to hang with your kids, clean up the house and have a long catch-up with your mom isn’t going to affect your career goals. In fact, your coworkers might comment on how refreshed you are when you get back to work next week.
Cancer (June 21 - July 22) Weekly Horoscope: The first step is admitting there’s a problem
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Photo: Serve Pakistan |
Your nesting vibes will be high this week as it feels like you just may have everything you need at least for the time being. It seems you are always trying to balance how much it is to focus on yourself versus your relationship.
Worrying over how to make yourself happier and complete is understandable but realizing you can’t do that for your partner is a valuable lesson that you often need to learn.
This week enjoy caring and loving your partner or love interest, but not to the point where you solve all their problems for them. They are responsible for their healing just as you are, remember this, and you’ll also learn what balance truly is.
Leo (July 23 - August 22) Weekly Horoscope: Abundance starts with knowing what you need
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Photo: Serve Pakistan |
The full moon on the 27th falls in your money sector, making this the perfect week to review your budgets and break free from some unnecessary financial obligations. Do you really need to pay for every streaming service when all you do is watch an endless loop of Gilmore Girls?
Alternately, if you’ve been contemplating a big purchase—like that oh-so-dreamy-but-way-expensive hybrid memory foam mattress—now’s an auspicious time to click buy.
Virgo (August 23 - September 22) Weekly Horoscope: Who’s looking out for you?
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Photo: Serve Pakistan |
Things always happen exactly as they’re meant to, and you just may finally see movement on something you’ve given up hope in. Let life surprise you this week.
Let go of the reigns and the idea that if an unexpected love or detour comes in, it doesn’t have to be a bad thing. But you also have to recognize that there is no such thing as the perfect love or partner.
Look for what’s real instead of what’s shiny and new. The next best thing isn’t always our next partner but in what we have once we have shifted the lens that we’re viewing it through.
Libra (September 23 - October 22) Weekly Horoscope: Connect consciously
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Photo: Serve Pakistan |
Lately, you’ve felt adrift, like everyone’s alone together—without you! Luckily Venus’ shift into Pisces on the 25th brings some inspiration back to your daily routine. You’re sprucing up your home office, turning looks for Zoom meetings, and back on that coworker group text grind.
Life is good! But at the full moon in Virgo on the 27th—which falls in your unconscious sector—, you might realize that though you’re keeping busy, you’re still spending your entire day staring at a screen. Use this as an opportunity to mindfully disconnect.
Scorpio (October 23 - November 21) Weekly Horoscope: Don’t repeat history
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Photo: Serve Pakistan |
It’s going to be a week that you’ll be having difficulty tearing yourself out of the bedroom. If you’re going to have a problem this is a great one to have, but just be mindful that you’re not using your extracurricular activities as a way to not actually deal with your problems or feelings.
At times you can dismiss or try to bury feelings that aren’t convenient to deal with, or that you worry will ruin the good you’re experiencing.
This is a week when it’s all going to come out though, whether you plan it or not. Enjoy private time with your lover but remember you should be able to trust your truth with them, not just your body.
Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21) Weekly Horoscope: Success isn’t always more responsibility
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Eleven months into a pandemic, what even is a work/life balance? You work at home and live at work. But this week’s full moon in Virgo on the 27th brings a major breakthrough for your career that translates into even better news at home.
It’s a huge relief—whether it’s a green light for an extended leave or a sweet coworker taking an assignment off your plate. Now you have way more time to play teacher for your kids! This is about doing less so you can have more.
Capricorn (December 22 - January 19) Weekly Horoscope: Make your own paradise
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Photo: Serve Pakistan |
There’s a levelness that you’re feeling this week that may unsettle you because it’s been a long time since you felt like this. As much as you sometimes get used to feeling like you have to work or struggle for love, you also need to learn to enjoy it when it freely comes.
There are still mountains to climb, but this week it’s okay to pause and enjoy the rewards for the work that you’ve already done.
Don’t let the work that always exists in life take you away from appreciating it when everything just feels good. Take time off from those tasks that drain you this week and simply make time to appreciate some quality time with your lover.
Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) Weekly Horoscope: When in doubt, bring it up
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Photo: Serve Pakistan |
The full moon on the 27th falls in your shared resources sector so if you’ve been avoiding a conversation about money with your partner, now’s the time to get into it. Whether you’re saving for a wedding, buying a car, or browsing Zillow for your dream house, open up about your financial concerns so you can figure out what’s really possible. If the numbers just aren’t adding up, you might be scrambling to get another loan or launch that Etsy shop side hustle.
There's an energy here to break a negative family pattern and move toward healthy living. This is a slow, powerful aspect that could cause you to decide to move to a location more conducive to your peace of mind and personal happiness.
Pisces (February 19 - March 20) Weekly Horoscope: Fall in love with yourself
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Photo: Pinterest |
We only know that we’ve really healed once we’re actually doing things differently. As a feeling sign, you have mastered the heart, but the mind is something that often gets carried away with its own agenda.
But as you’ve grown you’ve also learned how to discern what thoughts are real and what isn’t. This is one of the hallmarks of growth, especially in relationships-but it doesn’t stop there.
You also need to be able to express yourself, stating your needs and your truth to your partner. One of your struggles is that because you’re so intuitive you often expect your partner to be as well, but because one of your lessons is to be an advocate for your own needs. You still need to speak up. It’s not enough to just feel like things will be different this time, you actually need to make them different.
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