Top 5 Zodiac Signs That Crazily Love Cats
Top 5 Zodiac Signs That Crazily Love Cats

No one is a better judge of character than your beloved furry companion, so when you introduce your partner to your dog or cat for the first time, it's pretty imperative that your pet gives them two paws up. When it comes to zodiac signs whose partners' pets love them without hesitation, certain signs always seem to have animals eating out of the palm of their hand — sometimes literally.

According to a 2010 study at the University of Texas, cat people tend to be more “creative, philosophical or nontraditional” when compared to dog people. Unfortunately, “nontraditional” is often taken in a derogatory way with the trope of the “crazy cat lady.” Rarely do dog people get such flak for loving their furry friends (or living with 12 of them). But there also might be an astrological reason you prefer keeping cats as companions.

This could have something significant to do with the element and quality that rules your sign. Some earth signs (Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo) might like the stability that a kitty can offer, and the fixed signs (Leo, Aquarius, Taurus, and Scorpio) can find these complex creatures a challenge to befriend (that they're willing to take on). In any case, your sign can say something about your choices in animal companionship.

Ahead, find out what the star's signs are definitively cat lovers and which cats breed you are!

Which Zodiac Signs Love Cats The Most?

1. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

2. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

3. Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

4. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

5. Pisces (February 19 - March 20)


Top 5 Zodiac Sign Love Cats The Most

1. Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Photo: KnowInsiders
Photo: KnowInsiders

Capricorn is one of the most ambitious signs, which means she’s always looking for her next big break – she wants to be the boss and she wants to be part of something big. That said, anything you do invite her to should have significance to her; Capricorn is not one to do something just for the heck of it.

So, if you don’t have any set plans, chances are Capricorn will ditch you for her cat. Hey, at least her cat is down to do whatever Capricorn wants to do, so she technically still gets to call the shots, right?

Do you know how easy it is for cats to get bored and walk away from you to find something better to do? Yeah, that describes Capricorn, too. And maybe, Capricorn secretly (or not so secretly) hates human interaction after so long and would much rather just chill with her cat at home.

Capricorn tends to treat her cat like a person or a best friend, and when they're together, Capricorn shows her cat affection she doesn't let everyone else see.

What is the best cat breed for Capricorn: Abyssinian Cat

Our favorite perfectionists of the zodiac, Capricorns are responsible, dutiful, and always there for those in their inner circle. Abyssinian cats are similar, known to be quiet, intelligent, and curious in nature, enjoying the company of their "pack" and staying active. Just like Capricorns, Abyssinians can be a bit playful, but never careless.

Read Read 'Cat Zodiac Sign' to Know their Personality and Horoscope

Cats are wonderful creatures, and have you ever wondered what your cat’s zodiac sign can say about their personality and what their horoscope looks like? ...

2. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Photo: KnowInsiders
Photo: KnowInsiders

Aquarius is the sign that arguably has the most cat-like personality. Also ruled by diligent Saturn, Aquarians can be distant, eccentric and have a reputation for being somewhat limited in their affections. Aquarius represents the air (or social) side of Saturn. Aquarians are free thinkers who often charm their furry friends through silly games and frank conversation. But also like a skittish adopted kitten who goes from hiding under the couch to making muffins on your chest after a period of adjustment—once an Aquarius has decided they love you, they get very clingy. Never one to smother with love, Aquarians treat their cats like they would any other friend. Aquarius appreciates that cats know that love requires difference and separation. Space is key.

The Aquarius cat is equally happy being pampered by their human or doing something on their own. They can be aloof sometimes but don’t take it personally, it’s just an Aquarius cat taking care of their emotional needs by detaching. One never knows what an Aquarius cat is going to do because they’re unpredictable and can be hard to figure out.

What is the best cat breed for Aquarius: Exotic Shorthair Cat

The Exotic Shorthair, made famous by Instagram kitties like delightfully-cute @snoooopybabe, keeps it unique in both its physical and inner traits. Marked by fluffy, plush fur and large, round eyes, this breed is instantly recognizable and always draws attention, much like Aquarius signs. Aquariuses tend to be esoteric, fiercely intelligent, lovers of freedom, and are so different they may even feel like outcasts. Exotic Shorthairs share similar traits, with a calm personality that hides intense curiosity and playfulness.

AQUARIUS Zodiac Sign: Dates, Meaning and Personal Traits

3. Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

Photo: KnowInsiders
Photo: KnowInsiders

Cancer is one of those people who treats her cats like her children. If she didn’t have friends who were there to stop her from doing something crazy every now and then, she would most definitely be the one to dress her cats up; she already spoils them with toys and treats, after all.

And when it comes right down to it, Cancer will almost always choose her cats over you partly because she feels like she has a responsibility to continue spoiling her cat children, but mainly because she just really loves spending time with her cats.

She really loves having someone to nurture and care for that isn’t a person because people tend to have limits to their need for love and affection. But as a cat owner, she knows that she can pick her cats up and kiss them and love them unconditionally, and they’ll always want more from her.

Cancer is most likely to be the one with the chubbiest cats because she loves to coddle them and she just can’t say no to their adorable faces (don’t worry, you’re not alone). She probably also has “quality time with my cat” penciled into her planner somewhere this week.

What is the best cat breed for Cancer: Himalayan Cat

No one does homebody like a Cancer – or for that matter, Himalayans. Cancers are known for being sensitive, emotional, natural caretakers, and for always seeking comfort (and cuddles). Himalayan cats are just the same, famous for their pleasant nature, love of affection, and devotion to their owners. Favorite place? Their owner's lap, which is basically like a Cancer sign's trusty couch or bed.

CANCER Horoscope: Characteristics, Astrological Predictions and Compatibility

4. Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Photo: KnowInsiders
Photo: KnowInsiders

We couldn’t write about cat people without including the zodiac’s top feline: Leo! Though they’re literally cats themselves, attention-seeking lions have more opposites attract relationships with their furry friends. Leos are ruled by the sun—the big, hot fiery ball that is the center of our human existence. Cats, on the other hand, are ruled by Saturn—the furthest planet from Earth that can still be seen by the naked eye. One glows expansively while the other is cold and distant. In other words, cats keep Leos humble, grounding them in their domestic life when they’d otherwise be galavanting all over town. Leos also love how photogenic their cat friends are, sometimes even preferring to share pictures of their pet over a selfie. Now you know that’s real love!

If you have a Leo cat, then you know that no matter when you got them; they’re always going to be the top cat in your household. Leo cats are strong, loyal, and energetic. They’re born with an instinct to protect and are natural leaders. They love being the center of attention and crave as much affection as they can get. Can cats have charisma? If they can, then the Leo cat has got it.

What is the best cat breed for Leo: Persian Cat

The most dignified cat of them all, but also extra fluffy and cuddly, the Persian cat is basically royalty. Just like this long-haired cat, Leos are known for being lovers of luxury, dazzling everyone with their presence, and being just a little bit vain. That being said, just like Persians, Leos are some of the warmest and loving beings out there — their warmth is limitless and they are usually relaxed, sweet, and kind-natured.

LEO Horoscope: Prediction for Love, Relationship For Life

5. Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

Photo: KnowInsiders
Photo: KnowInsiders

Pisces is already someone who would rather chill at home with all of her fluffy pillows and warm blankets and Netflix account, so when given the option to go out for the evening or stay at home with her cats and hang out, she's most likely to stay at home.

Sure, going out sounds fun, but then she has to get dressed and put on makeup and it becomes a whole thing. When she chooses her cats over you, it's because it makes her feel most like herself. She doesn't have the pressure to go out with people and have fun, even when she would rather be at home anyway.

Plus, she loves the comfort and companionship that cats bring and she knows that they're just as psyched about a warm blanket and snuggles as she is.

What is the best cat breed for Pisces: Birman Cat

Pisces are old souls, with a personality that seems from another time: dreamers, romantics, intuitive, and sensitive, this sign's quiet nature hides a whole universe. Similarly, Birman cats are an age-old breed, companions to humans for many generations over, and known to be docile and quiet. That being said, they are some of the smartest and most social cats, loving people but always keeping it calm, too.