5 Youngest And Oldest U.S. Presidents in History
♦ How Many Presidents Are In The United States? Full List and Interesting Facts
♦ How Many US Presidents Have Been Assassinated?
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Minimum Age to become U.S. President
The main worry expressed by delegates to the American Constitutional Convention in 1787 when considering the age of the US president was not that the office holder was too old, but rather that the presidents' political beliefs were too young. The immaturity and rawness of 21-year-olds can affect their decision-making. As a result, the United States Constitution's Article II establishes the President's minimum age at 35 but not his maximum age.
This frequently enables voters to choose a President while they are in their 60s or even 70s, which is the age at which a lot of regular people retire. Some commentators believe that the absence of an upper age limit for presidents raises the possibility that they won't be able to handle the demands of the position.
Strategic studies expert Gary J. Schmitt of the American Enterprise Institute worries that people will vote for one candidate but select another without giving it much thought because of age-related memory loss, which can be exacerbated by work-related stress, and a higher percentage of dying while in office.
For example, American history would have been very different if President Franklin Roosevelt had passed away during the term that Henry A. Wallace held as Vice President, rather than Harry Truman. Apart from a handful, the majority of America's aging presidents seem like competent individuals.
The US President lives longer than most peopleIt is still believed that the stress of being President tends to accelerate a person's aging process. But a 2011 study by S. Jay Olshansky — a professor at the School of Public Health at the University of Illinois at Chicago — found that U.S. Presidents, at least those who weren't assassinated, actually tended to live longer than other American men of their contemporaries. |
Who are the Youngest U.S. Presidents?
1. Theodore Roosevelt
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Theodore Roosevelt - Youngest U.S.President |
Roosevelt, at the age of 42, is the youngest president in history. Roosevelt served as William McKinley's vice president before becoming president following McKinley's assassination.
At 42 years, 10 months, and 18 days old when sworn in, Theodore Roosevelt was the youngest president of the United States.
At the age of 23, Roosevelt was elected to the New York state legislature. At the time, he was the state's youngest legislator in New York.
Roosevelt's leadership, on the other hand, defied his youth. When Roosevelt was re-elected in 1904, he told his wife, "Ma'am, I am no longer a political accident."
2. John F. Kennedy
John F. Kennedy is often mistaken as the youngest President for assassination while he was in office.
Kennedy was 43 when he took office and 46 when he was assassinated. Kennedy narrowly defeated Richard Nixon in the 1960 election.
Kennedy is not only the youngest owner of the White House; he is also the youngest president ever elected.
Remember, Roosevelt was not elected president at first, and he was vice president when McKinley was assassinated.
3.Bill Clinton
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Bill Clinton |
Bill Clinton was elected President at the age of 46. Clinton was the 42nd President of the United States and the first Democratic President to win a second term since FDR.
When Bill Clinton, the former governor of Arkansas, was sworn in for his first two terms in 1993, he became the third youngest president in US history. At the time, Clinton was 46 years, 5 months, and 1 day old. there.
4. Ulysses S. Grant
Grant became president at the age of 46, just shy of his 47th birthday.
Ulysses S. Grant was the country's fourth youngest president. When he was sworn in in 1869, he was 46 years, 10 months, and 5 days old.
Grant was the youngest president in history until Roosevelt was promoted to the presidency. He was inexperienced, and his presidency was marred by scandal.
5. Barack Obama
Obama took office at the age of 47. He was the first African American president.
Barack Obama is the country's fifth youngest president. When he was sworn in in 2009, he was 47 years, 5 months, and 16 days old.
During the 2008 presidential campaign, his lack of experience was a major issue. He was president after only four years in the United States Senate, but he had previously served as an Illinois state legislator for eight years.
Amazing Facts About U.S.Presidents♦ 21 states have been the birthplace of U.S presidents with Virginia producing the most at eight including George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison. ♦ President Richard Nixon is the only president to resign from office, following his involvement in the Watergate Scandal. ♦ Three presidents have been impeached, with President Donald J. Trump being impeached twice, but none have been removed from office, according to History.com. ♦ James Polk (1795-1849): President James Polk and his wife often opposed party activities, banned drinking, playing cards and dancing at the White House. ♦ Zachary Taylor (1784-1850): Zachary Taylor never voted for president until he was elected to the position in 1848. ♦ No Vice President: Millard Fillmore (1800-1874): After President Taylor died, Millard Fillmore became president without a vice president. Fillmore is the first of four presidents to have no vice president. The Constitution did not yet provide for the replacement of vice presidents who died or left office at the time. The 25th Amendment, which allowed the president to appoint a vice president with congressional approval, was not ratified until 1967. ♦ First President to use electricity in the White House: Benjamin Harrison (1833-1901): The first president to use electricity in the White House, but because of fear of electric shock, Mr. Harrison never touched the light switches and he usually go to bed with the lights on. ♦ Heaviest President: William H. Taft (1857-1930): William H. Taft was the heaviest president in history and the only president to be appointed to the Supreme Court. He is also the most recent President to sport a mustache while in the White House. No president has worn a mustache in office since he left office in 1913. ♦ Prohibition and Alcoholism: Warren Harding (1865-1923): As a senator, Mr. Harding voted to Prohibit the making and sale of alcohol even though he liked to drink. When he became President, Mr. Harding had a bar that was always stocked with whiskey. ♦ Franklin D. Roosevelt (1882-1945): He was a president who was distantly related to his wife and 10 other presidents. ♦ The only president without a college degree: Harry S. Truman (1884-1972): Mr. Truman is one of eight presidents who never attended college and is the only US president in the 20th century not to have a college degree. . ♦ Musical Genius: Richard Nixon (1913-1994) - While Richard Nixon is often mentioned with the Watergate scandal, most people are unaware of his musical talent. President Nixon could play five instruments without reading the staff. ♦ Astrologer: Ronald Reagan (1911-2004) - Mr. Reagan and his wife were so enamored with astrology that the President hired an astrologer to advise him named Joan Quigley. When Mr. Reagan's consultation with Mr. Quigley spread, articles were headlined with headlines like "The Astrologer Runs the White House". First Lady Nancy Reagan later confirmed that astrology was only one factor in determining Reagan's schedule, not political decisions. ♦ President does not drink: President Donald Trump is one of the few US presidents who do not drink. He did not want to drink this alcoholic beverage because his brother died of alcoholism in 1982. |
Who are the Oldest U.S. Presidents
Former Presidents of the United States were capable and brave and often outlived other American men of their contemporaries.
1. Joe Biden
Since taking office at the age of 78 in 2021, Biden has held the record for the oldest president. If Biden runs for a second term and wins, he will be 86 years old at the end of his presidency. He is currently the oldest president in history.
President Joe Biden celebrated his 80th birthday, making him the first person to hold the office of President of the United States in their 80s.
Biden has been mocked for his age, but he is not the only president to be a few years older. The following are the top five oldest presidents in American history.
2. Ronald Reagan
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Ronald Reagan |
Reagan took office at the age of 69 and left office at the age of 77. Reagan was chastised for his age while in office, but he proved to be "remarkably resilient" during his two terms.
When he finished his second term as President of the United States of America in January 1989, he was 77 years and 349 days old. While campaigning in 1980, Reagan attempted to assuage concerns about his age by promising to resign if the White House doctor discovered he was suffering from dementia. During his presidency, Reagan demonstrated tenacity, surviving an assassination attempt in 1981 as well as surgery to remove a cancerous tumor in his large intestine in 1985.
3. Donald Trump
Trump took office at the age of 70 and served until the age of 74. If Trump is re-elected, he will be the second-oldest president in history. After contracting COVID-19 during his presidency, Trump was also chastised for his age and health.
Mr. Trump announced that he will run for President in 2024, at the age of 78.
4. Dwight Eisenhower
According to Axios, Eisenhower was 62 when he took office and 70 when he left. He was the 34th President of the United States and a World War II hero.
Dwight Eisenhower - The 34th President of the United States of America left the White House in January 1961 at the age of 70 and 98 days. This World War II hero works out regularly and weighs only seven pounds more than when he graduated from the prestigious West Point military academy. He did, however, just miss his first term.
Eisenhower experienced chest pain while on vacation in Denver in 1955. The personal physician initially failed to recognize the gravity of the situation, and hours passed before a cardiologist was summoned from a nearby military hospital to perform an electrocardiogram, which revealed that President America (then 64 years old) had suffered a severe heart attack. Eisenhower spent six weeks in the hospital recovering, but thanks to his popularity, he easily defeated his re-election opponent the following fall.
5. Andrew Jackson
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Andrew Jackson |
When he took office, the seventh President of the United States was 61 years old; by the end of his second term, he was 69 years old.
Despite his reputation as a military veteran and outdoorsman, he had spent many years battling numerous illnesses by the time he arrived at the White House; hair samples revealed he had lead poisoning from an old bullet wound. Jackson also suffered from chronic diarrhea as a result of illnesses contracted while fighting Indians in the 1810s.
According to biographer Sean Wilentz, Jackson's smoking and chewing tobacco habits did not help matters, and he became ill several times during his two terms. Jackson served until the end of his term, but when he returned to his plantation in Hermitage, Tennessee, he was physically exhausted and suffered from headaches, insomnia, side pain, and a chronic cough.
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