Top 5 Most Popular and Delicious Vegetable to Try Everyday in America
Top 5 Most Popular and Delicious Vegetable to Try Everyday in America

Green Giant, the iconic brand synonymous with delicious and high-quality vegetables for families, released today the findings from its annual Favorite Veggie Survey. Broccoli secured the number one spot, yet again, as America's favorite vegetable, followed by carrot and corn. The brand polled over 5,000 Americans in an open-ended survey timed to National Eat Your Vegetable Day (Thursday, June 17).

Although broccoli remains America's favorite, the popularity of corn substantially increased over the past year. Additional survey findings include:

  • Broccoli ignites Americans' taste buds - 100% of consumers surveyed who picked broccoli as their favorite vegetable noted 'taste' as a top factor in making their selection.
  • Carrots most coveted on the West Coast - The East Coast predominantly prefers broccoli, whereas the West Coast primarily chose carrot as the favorite veggie.
  • Corn is popping! - Compared to survey data from 2020, seven times more states selected corn as a favorite in 2021. And while broccoli is America's favorite vegetable, according to the general population survey, corn is the runaway favorite vegetable among Americans ages 55-72.
  • Farewell to these old 'favorites' - Tomato and cucumber were noticeable favorites in 2020 that didn't make the favorites list in 2021.
  • Broccoli: the favorite, but falling fast - From 2019 to 2021, the number of states selecting carrot as the favorite vegetable has increased by 500%; meanwhile those selecting broccoli has decreased 23%.

Survey Data Compilation: 5,366 American consumers ages 18 to 72 agreed to take a survey naming their favorite vegetable. The survey was conducted from 4/28/21 through 5/11/21 and the users were recruited through a Suzy poll.

Top 5 Most Popular and Delicious Vegetables to Try Every Day in America

5. Asparagus

4. Sweet potatoes

3. Spinach

2. Carrots

1. Broccoli


5. Asparagus

Photo: thespruceeats
Photo: thespruceeats

Asparagus is the fifth most popular veggie in America with 50% of survey respondents saying it's a favorite. This is great news because asparagus is filled with vitamins and minerals including folate, iron, phosphorus, potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, and zinc. If you've ever wanted to add asparagus to your weekly menu, here is a guide to picking out the best stalks and cooking asparagus perfectly every time.

Currently, no studies have tested the effects of asparagus on weight loss.

However, it has a number of properties that could potentially help you lose weight.

4. Sweet potatoes

Photo: seriouseats
Photo: seriouseats

Those potato findings, however, conflict with data from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) that showed potatoes were "the most commonly consumed vegetable" in the country, at least in 2016.

Its data showed the average American consumed 46 pounds of potatoes per year, including fresh, frozen, dehydrated, potato chips and French fries. The second most-consumed veggie was the tomato (um, attention experts at the USDA, tomatoes are scientifically a fruit), which the study attributed to a large consumption of pizza sauce.

3. Spinach

Photo: simplyrecipes
Photo: simplyrecipes

Over half, 55%, of respondents love to eat spinach. Spinach is a delicate vegetable that can be easily overlooked, but its health benefits are indisputable. It can lower the risk of heart disease, protect eye health as you age, and lower blood pressure. It's definitely worth learning how to use this powerhouse veggie. Start with this super easy garlic-lemon spinach recipe.

The possible health benefits of consuming spinach include improving blood glucose control in people with diabetes, lowering the risk of cancer, and improving bone health. Additionally, this vegetable provides minerals and vitamins that can confer a range of benefits.

2. Carrots

Photo: delicious
Photo: delicious

Carrots are the #2 most craved veggie in America, just 1% behind the most popular pick (more on that next), and hungry folks truly use them for everything. 34% say carrots are the most dippable veggie, they are also the most likely veggie to be included in a veggie tray. Plus, they are a vegetable that Millennials will actually eat.

Carrots have a lot more to offer. The (usually) orange vegetable boosts immunity, promotes vibrant skin, reduces cholesterol, boosts oral health, protects the heart, improves digestion, increases cardiovascular health, and detoxifies the body, thanks to a plethora of vitamins and minerals. This is why we had to list out a few of our favorite carrot recipes so we could reap some of those amazing health benefits!

1. Broccoli

Photo: pinterest
Photo: pinterest

Broccoli is America's favorite vegetable, with 70% of those surveyed saying they're a fan of the cruciferous plant. It also has a host of health benefits, including giving the body a burst of vitamins and minerals like vitamins A, B6, manganese, folate, and potassium.

There are plenty of tasty recipes that can use leftover broccoli to make a great meal. Beef & broccoli is an American dish consisting of pieces of flank steak that are stir-fried with broccoli and seasoned with a Chinese-style sauce made with oyster sauce, soy sauce, and cornstarch. The dish has Chinese influences, although it is not originally Chinese, but it is believed that the first versions of the dish were prepared by Chinese immigrants who had settled in San Francisco.

Fun Facts about Broccoli

Broccoli heads are made up of little buds that are ready to flower.

Broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable. It is called this because the flowers have four petals and resemble a Greek cross.

Broccoli is related to cauliflower, kale, cabbage, turnips, rutabagas, Brussels sprouts, and Chinese cabbage.

Broccoli comes from the Latin word “brachium” which means “branch” or “arm.”

Over 30,000 broccoli plants can grow on one acre of land.

If broccoli is not harvested in time, it will turn into a head of yellow flowers.

Broccoli is a great source of vitamin C, which helps to keep our immune system strong.

Broccoli is a good source of vitamin K (for our blood) and vitamin A (for our eyes and skin).

The Most Popular Vegetable in Every State

Photo: vegetablegrowersnews
Photo: vegetablegrowersnews

We took a look at the most searched vegetables in every state. It may not surprise you that potatoes were at the top of the list for nearly every state, with tomatoes as a close second. To avoid listing potatoes 50 times in a row, we chose the most popular unique vegetable for each state. After parsing out the top searched vegetables, we found the single vegetable that got the most love in each state (relative to other states and total veggie searches in that state). Several have ties to the climate and the cuisine, like chile peppers in Colorado and New Mexico. Some we could definitely see coming (looking at you, Idaho). But others on this list surprised us. What's the most popular vegetable in your state?

Alabama: Corn

Alaska Winter: Squash

Arizona: Chile Peppers

Arkansas: Onion

California: Garlic

Colorado: Chile peppers

Connecticut: Zucchini

Delaware: Cabbage

District of Columbia: Bell Peppers

Florida: Spinach

Georgia: Summer Squash

Hawaii: Pumpkin

Idaho: Potato

Illinois: Broccoli

Indiana: Corn

Iowa: Cabbage

Kansas: Onion

Kentucky: Summer Squash

Louisiana: Sweet Potato

Maine: Winter Squash

Maryland: Garlic

Massachusetts: Broccoli

Michigan: Bell Peppers

Minnesota: Winter Squash

Mississippi: Potatoes

Missouri: Onion

Montana: Winter Squash

Nebraska: Corn

Nevada: Chile Peppers

New Hampshire: Cabbage

New Jersey: Tomato

New Mexico: Chile Peppers

New York: Garlic

North Carolina: Summer Squash

North Dakota: Cabbage

Ohio: Zucchini

Oklahoma: Potato

Oregon: Spinach

Pennsylvania: Tomato

Rhode Island: Summer Squash

South Carolina: Broccoli

South Dakota: Winter Squash

Tennessee: Sweet Potato

Texas: Chile Pepper

Utah: Garlic

Vermont: Cabbage

Virginia: Bell Pepper

Washington: Broccoli

West Virginia: Summer Squash

Wisconsin: Onion

Wyoming: Chile Pepper

When did broccoli become popular in the USA?

Broccoli has been growing for over 2,000 years and was a favorite vegetable of the Romans. It originally was grown in the eastern Mediterranean region. Broccoli was not introduced to North American soil until the 1900s when Italian immigrants planted it in their family gardens in New York. In the late 1920s Italian immigrants in northern California began planting broccoli to sell commercially. Today, California produces over 90 percent of the United States broccoli crop. Other states that grow broccoli include Wisconsin, Ohio, Arizona, Maine, Washington, Colorado, Oregon, Texas, and Florida. With growers across the nation, fresh broccoli is available in grocery stores throughout the year.

Calabrese broccoli is the most common variety of broccoli found in the United States. It was first grown in the Calabria region of Italy. It is also known as the “Italian Green.” Broccoli Rabe (pronounced ROB) is another type of broccoli that is grown in the Mediterranean region of the world. This type of broccoli has thinner stalks and a much stronger flavor than the Calabrese variety and is very popular in Italian cuisine. Broccolini is also called baby broccoli. It is a cross between Chinese kale and Calabrese broccoli, but it looks like asparagus stalks with a broccoli head. It is smaller and sweeter than regular broccoli.

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