Top Countries With the Highest and Lowest Rape Incidents (Reported Number)
Top Countries With the Highest Rape Crime in the World

Rape Statistics by Country and Worldwide

The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 1 in 3 women will experience sexual violence in their lifetime, with rape or an attempted rape occurring to 7% of those women.

An alarming number of unreported incidents have been caused by this lack of legal protection in addition to survivors' severe lack of access to resources and support. According to data on rape available in most countries, less than 40% of women who experience sexual violence seek help, and less than 10% ask for help from law enforcement.

Rape statistics vary widely between continents because of variations in sociocultural norms, views of gender roles, and legal systems. For instance, the number of reported rape cases in Europe is relatively low when compared to other regions of the world, but many cases go unreported.

Due to a number of factors, such as conflict and poverty, Sub-Saharan Africa has some of the highest rates of rape in the world. However, the data doesn't reflect this because many of these incidents go unreported.

Particularly prevalent are gender-based acts of violence in conflict-affected nations like South Sudan or the Democratic Republic of the Congo. For instance, since 1998 alone, over a million women and girls have experienced sexual violence in the DRC's South Kivu province.

Rates vary from country to country in the Asia Pacific region, but they generally remain high because of a lack of knowledge about sexual and reproductive health rights, economic inequality, and inadequate legal protections for victims. Harmful customs like honor killings, which are still prevalent in some nations like Pakistan or India, make this situation worse. Despite this, the official rape statistics are extremely low because the majority of these incidents go unreported.

Rape is most common among Indigenous women in Latin America, who frequently experience discrimination and are denied access to justice and medical care for sexual assault. Additionally, rates frequently exceed average levels in nations where organized crime organizations are active.

Last but not least, statistics demonstrate that North America has seen an increase in rape reports in recent years as a result of raised gender equality awareness and improved services for survivors.

In general, the likelihood that the system in place to record rape incidents is effective increases with a country's rape statistics, while the likelihood that rape incidents are not being reported increases with a country's rape rate.

Top Countries with Highest Rape Rates in the World - by Number of Reported Cases

(Rape Statistics by

The ten countries with the highest recorded rape statistics in the world are Botswana, Lesotho, Grenada, Sweden, Eswatini, South Africa, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Panama, Iceland and Suriname.

1. Botswana – 96.87

With 96.87 reported cases of rape per 100,000 people, Botswana has the highest rape rate in the world.

In fact, Botswana's rate of reported sexual assaults is more than twice as high as the global average of 35 cases per 100,000 people. Numerous factors, including the prevalence of alcohol abuse, gender-based violence, and a lack of adequate sexual education in the nation, have been linked to this alarming figure.

The government has made progress in resolving this issue by putting laws against gender-based violence into place, changing antiquated perceptions of sexual assault, and implementing thorough sex education in schools. However, reports indicate that much work needs to be done to reduce Botswana's still alarmingly high rape rates and bring them in line with international standards.

2. Lesotho – 89.29

Lesotho has 82.70 rape rate and around 1,777 incidents in per 100,000 people.

3. Grenada – 88.87

4. Sweden – 87.97

Sweden sits in fourth place at 87.97 cases of rape reported

5. Eswatini – 82.73

6. South Africa – 70.22

With a global rape rate of 132.4, South Africa leads the world. 70,196 incidents per 100,000 people, approximately. Approximately one in four men surveyed by the South African Medical Research Council admitted to rape, according to data from the World Population Review.

7. Saint Kitts and Nevis – 56.4

St Kitts & Nevis records 56.4 rapes per 100K people annually, putting it in in seventh position.

8. Panama – 53.98

As number eight on this list lies Panama with 53.98 rapes per 100K inhabitants.

9. Iceland – 46.3

10. Suriname – 43.3

Finally, the tenth country with the highest rape statistics is Suriname, at a rate of 43.3 rapes per 100,000 people.

Top 10 Countries with Lowest Rape Rate - by Number of Reported Cases

(Rape Statistics by

The ten countries with the lowest rates of reported rape per 100,000 people are Oman, Bermuda, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Azerbaijan, Syria, Mozambique, Palestine, Tajikistan and Nigeria.

There are no reported rapes per 100,000 people in nations like Bermuda and Oman. Other nations with comparable low statistics include Saudi Arabia and Egypt, where there were 0.09 and 0.12 reported cases of rape per 100,000 people, respectively. With 0.15 reported rapes per 100,000 people, Azerbaijan has a slightly higher rate than Syria (0.17 reported rapes per 100K). Mozambique and Palestine each had 0.19 and 0.25 rapes per 100K people, while Tajikistan and Nigeria round out the top ten nations with the lowest rape statistics in the world today with rates of 0.36 and 0.47, respectively.

Editor Note: In other words, the fact that these countries have such low rates does not mean that rape incidents rarely happen in those countries, but rather that such incidents are not being reported. It is crucial to remember that these statistics are based on the number of reported cases of rape incidents.

1. Oman – 0

2. Bermuda – 0

3. Saudi Arabia – 0.09

4. Egypt – 0.12

5. Azerbaijan – 0.15

6. Syria – 0.17

7. Mozambique – 0.19

8. Palestine – 0.25

9. Tajikistan – 0.36

10. Nigeria – 0.47

Oman and Bermuda are the two nations with the lowest rape rates. At first glance, it may seem impressive that there have been no reported rape incidents in Bermuda or Oman, but the causes may be cause for concern. Rape is a criminal offense that is incredibly underreported because many victims are afraid of being stigmatized or subject to retaliation. Cultural norms in these two nations strongly discourage survivors from discussing their experiences.

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Others Countries with High Rate of Rape In The World

Top Countries With the Highest and Lowest Rape Incidents (Reported Number)
Top Countries with Highest Rape Rates in the World


The most recent statistics from Zimbabwe National Statistics (ZimStat) show that 500 women were sexually abused each month, or 16 women were raped every day.

The number of cases reported increased from 1285 in the same period last year to 1524 in the first three months of this year. 276 of the reported cases involved children between the ages of 5 and 10 years, while 780 involved children between the ages of 11 and 16 years. As some cases go unreported, there are worries that the number may actually be higher.

Child rape increased in Zimbabwe by 42%, according to UNICEF. According to the report, there were 2,192 cases of child rape reported to the police in 2010, but there were 3,112 cases in 2014. In an atmosphere of secrecy and denial, many additional cases most likely went unreported.


In Bangladesh, there are 9.82 rapes per 100,000 people, or 11,682 incidents per 100,000. At least 975 rape cases, including 208 gang rapes, were reported in Bangladesh between January and September 2020, according to the regional human rights organization Ain-o-Salish Kendra (ASK).


As of 2020, India had 22,172 rape incidents per 100,000 citizens, or a 1.80 rape rate. Data from the World Population Review, according to the neighborhood human rights organization. In 2019, India saw 87 rape cases per day on average.


The NGO Sahil reported 3,832 cases of child abuse in 2018 which is an 11 percent increase from 2017 (3,445 cases).


According to a study done by the All-China Women's Federation, close to 40% of Chinese women who are in relationships or who are married report experiencing physical or sexual abuse.


The number of rape incidents in per 100,000 citizens is 1,289 as of 2020, according to Nation Master's Crime > Rape rate: Countries Compared data.


The rape rate in the US is 27.3 percent. similar to many other nations, where 84,767 rape incidents have been reported. Data from the World Population Review shows that 97% of rapists in the US go free while only 9% of them are prosecuted and only 3% of them are sentenced to time behind bars.

Self-reported victimization rates for rape and sexual assault increased from 1.4 per 1,000 people aged 12 or older in 2017 to 2.7 in 2018. According to survey findings, 734,630 people were allegedly raped in the United States in 2018 (threatened, attempted, or carried out).

70% of rapes in the US are carried out by people the victims know. Female college students between the ages of 18 and 24 are three times more likely to be sexually assaulted than women between the ages of 16 and 19. The likelihood of being a victim of sexual assault or rape is twice as high for transgender people and people with disabilities.

England and Wales

Rape is not a gender-neutral crime in the United Kingdom. It is a crime that only a man can commit against a person. Additionally, the UK has not yet adopted the widespread practice of classifying acts other than penis-only penetration (such as penetration with a finger or an object) as rape.

The Ministry of Justice (MoJ), Office for National Statistics (ONS), and Home Office published a report in 2013 titled "An Overview of Sexual Offending in England and Wales" that stated that there were approximately 85,000 victims of rape in England and Wales each year, including 73,000 females and 12,000 males, or about 230 cases per day. According to the study, 1 in 5 women have been the victims of sexual assault since turning 16.

The BBC reports that while overall crime is declining in England and Wales, the number of rapes reported to and recorded by police is at its highest level ever. It has increased by 29 percent.

A third of girls and 16% of boys have experienced sexual violence, and up to 250,000 teenage girls are abused at any given time, according to a study by the NSPCC on young people (aged 13 to 18). 3 percent of girls and 12 percent of boys reported sexually assaulting their partners.


With 2,907 cases reported in 2021, Russia has a rape rate of 3.40.

The number of rape and attempted rape crimes reported in Russia in 2019 was down from the previous year, at around 32,000.

New Zealand

The Roast Busters scandal in 2013 brought attention to the reality of rape in New Zealand. a group of young men from West Auckland who go by the name "Roast Busters" and are accused of trying to get underage girls drunk so they could be gang raped.

The rate of sexual assault in New Zealand is significantly higher than the global average, according to a report by the British medical journal The Lancet. With 16.4% of its population being female, the nation ranked third overall, behind Australia.

A sexual assault occurs in New Zealand every two hours, according to the Minister of Justice Publication Report. According to current statistics, one in three girls and one in six boys are likely to experience sexual abuse before the age of 16.

The number of sexual assaults increased by 20% in a year, and it doubled in schools. In New Zealand, only 9% of sexual offenses are reported to (and thus recorded by) the police. Only 13% of the reported cases result in a conviction. 91 percent of rapes are either not reported or the victims are coerced by the police to withdraw their complaints.


Sexual assault had the fastest increase in reported rates in Canada among all violent crimes that were reported to the police. Huffingtonpost reports that there are 460,000 sexual assaults per year in the nation. According to reports, 29 out of every 1,000 cases of sexual assault are reported to the police and count as crimes.

In North America, one in four women will experience being raped at some point in their lives. 11% of women who experience this torture suffer physical harm. Only 6% of incidents, according to statistics, are reported to the police. More than 80% of the victims are women, most attacks take place in homes, and 80% of the attackers are the victim's friends and family. The most alarming statistic is that 83% of women with disabilities will experience sexual assault at some point in their lives. 15% of boys and 17% of girls under the age of 16 are victims of sexual assault overall.


The reported rape rate per 100,000 people in Australia is quite high. An estimated 51,200 Australians who are 18 years of age and older have experienced sexual assault in the past year. The most recent incident of sexual assault was reported to the police by nearly one-third (30%) of the victims.

In Australia, 1 in 6 women must endure the agony of being raped by a non-partner, compared to 1 in 14 women worldwide, claims It claimed that rape occurs frequently against Australian women older than 15. In the global study, Australia (which included New Zealand) came in third place with 16.4% of women reporting being raped by someone other than a partner.

According to Karen Willis, executive officer of the NSW Rape Crisis Centre, more than 70% of these sex assaults are committed by family members, friends, coworkers, or schoolmates. 29% more rapes are committed by people the woman meets in a social setting or on a date. According to her, strangers are only responsible for 1% of rapes.

Denmark and Finland

In Europe, one in three women have experienced physical or sexual abuse in some way, and 5% have been sexually assaulted.

According to a 2014 study by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights, roughly 47% of women surveyed in Finland and 52% of women surveyed in Denmark reported having experienced physical and/or sexual abuse, respectively. In 1994, Finland became one of the last nations in the EU to criminalize marital rape.

More than one in ten of the women interviewed said they had been the victim of adult sexual abuse before turning 15 years old. One in ten had been the victim of sexual assault since the age of 15, and one in twenty had been raped. And more than 1 in 5 reported having been the victim of sexual or physical abuse by a current or former partner.

In Conclusion

Above are the latest statistics of top countries in the world in the rate of reported rape cases.

As KnowInsiders analyzed above, it is difficult to rank the countries with the highest rates of rape because there are so many unreported cases.

Our article serves as a warning, a wake-up call for women as well as leaders and managers to reduce the rate of rape.

The data and rankings are up-to-date but are for reference only as there are countless rapes that are not reported to the police and authorities.

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