Photo KnowInsiders
Unusual Families In The World - Photo KnowInsiders

Every family in the world is unique but some families can be down right strange and not always in a strange way but sometimes unhealthy one. Below are some of the most unique families around the world, number one will inspire you.

Top 10 Unusual Families In The World

1.Chana Family

2. Abby and Britney Family

3. Dwarf Family

4.The Rapunzel Family

5.The Kulkanis Family

6. Lia and Aro Family (The Vampire family).

7.The Brett Family

8. The Deaves Family

9. Grizon Ulas Family

10. The Bannon Family

1.Chana Family

Photo WonderList
Photo WonderList

Frankly speaking, Ziona Chana is the head of the largest family in the world, he married 39 wives and blessed with 91 sons, 33 grandchildren and 14 daughter in-laws. Ziona Chana feels blessed by God, the whole family lives in a 100 rooms mansion in India. Chana is allowed to marry as many wives as he wants since he's a village head.

This is the largest family in the world with a total number of 180 single family members which is not extended. 94 year old Chana zione from India has 39 wives, 94 children, 14 daughters in law and 33 grandchildren.

They all live under a 4 storey building with 100 rooms. Consuming about 200 pounds of rice,130 pounds of potatoes and 39 chickens a day.

If Duggar family was a grand family for you, how about a man named Ziona Chana who married 39 women, fathered 94 children, have 14 daughters-in- laws and 34 grandchildren, bringing family to 180 members in total. He holds the Guinness world record for being the head of the largest existing family in the world.

2.Abby and Britney Family

Photo In Touch Weekly
Photo In Touch Weekly

They were born as conjoined twin sisters. Having 2 hearts, 2 sets of lungs and one reproductive system. Just like their fellow teens at 20,they go on trips, parties and a even have jobs as teachers.

They have a coordination so superb that regardless of of them controlling half of their entire body, they're able to play football, ride a bicycle and even have a driver's license.

3.Dwarf Family

Photo The Mirror
Photo The Mirror

54 year old shuhan lives in India with his large unique family.They all suffer from a genetic disorder that causes short limb dwarfism.

At one time they were 21 family members 18 of whom had this genetic disorder.They're now 11 members and he says that he has hard time finding a job and has often been teased by the villagers due to his families heights.

4.The Rapunzel Family

This family consists of long hair members, Terelynn Russel and her three daughters live in a very rare condition that causes tremendous hair growth. The length of their hairs is over 6 feet long and they all live in Morris, Illinois, together with her husband. Teralynn said that washing her hairs is very difficult since it can drag her down when it gets wet.

5.The Kulkanis Family

The members of this family are so tall that they never make use of public transport instead they prefer moving from place to place with scooters. The head of this family, Sharad Kulkarni is 52, is 7ft 1.5ins tall and his wife is 46, is 6ft 2.6ins tall and their daughters are more than 6ft tall. They stand out in any place that they go in India and are often teased by locals.

6. Lia and Aro Family (The Vampire family)

Photo Pinterest
Photo Pinterest

You might be a fan of vampire movies, but you can't love it to the extent that Lia and Aro do, they can be called the Vampire couples since they drink each other's blood every week (via videos they shared). These couples always dress like vampires anywhere that they are going, it was Aro that turned Lia into a vampire just within a few months of dating. Lia says that she always feels weak if she stays long without drinking bloody, scary right?

7.The Brett Family

Photo The Brett Show
Photo The Brett Show

This family consists of 10 boys and a girl, the morning routines of this family are quite intense, Alexis being the woman of the house wakes up by 5:30 am everyday to prepare for the day and her husband, David, does the cooking and takes care of their children sometimes. Alexis spends her extra time on exercise because she believes that routines are the same even after marriage.

8.The Deaves Family

This family is the definition of unusual, a father and his daughter started a family of their own after many years that he left his family. The daughter said that he loves his father very much after they reunited, they both have 2 kids together. Although they broke up in 2009 and started living like father and daughter again.

9.Grizon Ulas Family

Photo Twitter
Photo Twitter

The members of this family walk with their hands and feet, the reason was because they all suffer from poor vision and cannot see properly when they walk straight. This situation is caused by genetic mutation and chromosomes 17 that affects the cerebellum part of the brain.

10.The Bannon Family

A Chicago family with Linda Bannon, a mother and a son, the members of this family suffer from a rare genetic condition that hinders the growth of the upper limbs. Mr Bannon was living in that condition until the birth of Timmy who inherited it from him. Bannon Linda and Timmy are now recognized as the best armless swimmers in the world.

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