Top 10 Most Beautiful Insects In The World
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Insects. Photo: Mixi |
When insects come to mind, we most often picture the grotesque and nasty little invaders that break into our homes or torment us when we want a little peace, but when you look closely, nature is bursting with beauties and many of those include insects.
The List of 10 Most Beautiful Insects in the world
1. Cecropia Moth Caterpillar
2. Picasso Bug
3. Christmas beetle
4. Orchid Bee
5. Spiny Flower Mantis
6. Emerald Swallowtail
7. Panda Ant
8. Filbert Weevil
9. Spotted Tortoiseshell Beetle
10. Ladybug
Which are the Most Beautiful Insects in the World?
1. Cecropia Moth Caterpillar
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Photo: Maryland Biodiversity Project |
It’s doubtful to find any other insect as colorful and beautiful as cecropia moth caterpillar. With wingspan up to 6 inches, cecropia moth is the largest moth of North America. Even though it is pretty, it is not as impressive as a caterpillar. These larvae mostly found on maple trees.
Upon hatching, cecropia moth caterpillars have a black color. During the growth stage, you can see small projections on their body with tiny black hairs. These small projections on their body have attractive colors including green, blue, yellow and orange. A fully grown cecropia moth caterpillar can reach up to 4.5 inches in size.
2. Picasso Bug
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Photo: Earthling Nature - |
These bugs look as if they have been individually hand-painted by Pablo Picasso himself. Their green-patterned shells are nothing less than a work of art. Unlike most other bugs and beetles, their carapace that covers the wings is one piece.
The beautifully colored insects feed primarily upon the juices of a variety of plants. This species is present in tropical and subtropical Africa.
3. Christmas beetle
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Photo: Australian Geographic - |
Christmas Beetle is a splendidly hued scarab local to Australia and one of the beautiful insects. These are named so in light of the fact that they are rich in urban territories near Christmas. There are around 35 types of Christmas beetles in Australia.
It's vast creepy-crawly with a most extreme length of 20 mm. Much the same as the name, these creepy crawlies are acclaimed for their brilliant hues. Most species are found in green, brilliant, and darker hues.
Facts about the beetles.Beetles, of the insect order Coleoptera, are the most biodiverse group of creatures known, with more than 380,000 species described to date, making up 40 percent of all insect species on the books. When asked what a study of nature tells you about a creator, the British scientist J.B.S. Haldane once reportedly quipped that you can assume such a creator has "an inordinate fondness for beetles." A recent Proceedings of the Royal Society B study suggests the secret to beetle diversity, and likely to that of other insects groups, is their lifestyle versatility. This ensures that their species do not go extinct as readily as, say, mammal or amphibian species. |
4. Orchid Bee
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Photo: Our Breathing Planet |
Orchid bees are one of the most colorful insects in the world. There are 200 different species of orchid bees in the world. They live in tropical and subtropical regions of South and Central America. This beautiful insect group can be seen in different colors including metallic blue, green, purple, gold and bronze colors.
There is a strong reason behind why orchid bees named so. They play a significant role in pollinating more than 700 species of orchids in the tropical region. Despite the small size, orchid bees are active fliers and go for long distances (up to 30 miles) in search of food.
Besides the brilliant colors, a long tongue is another highlighting feature of orchid bees. Their tongue can measure up to 1.6 inches in length. It aids in drinking nectar from deep flowers.
5. Spiny Flower Mantis
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Photo: Reddit |
The body of the adult form of this species of praying mantis is white with orange and green stripes. It has spiny structures on the underside of its abdomen, giving it its name. It has wings, with a black and yellow "swirl" on them, mimicking an eye. When threatened, the spiny flower mantis will spread its wings upward to reveal the two "eyes" in order to scare its enemy off. The length of this creature is between 2.5 cm to 5 cm (1–2 inches).
When they’re first born, they are mostly black and look like ants. These tiny insects are native to Southern and Eastern Africa.
6. Emerald Swallowtail
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Photo: Pixabay |
Native to forests of Southeast Asia, Emerald Swallowtail is one of the most beautiful and colorful butterflies in the world. They also are known as an emerald peacock or green banded peacock. As the name suggests, the wings of these butterflies have stunning emerald green bands with dark green to the black background.
The underside of emerald swallowtails is orange with blue-black spots. Their wing can reach up to 3.9 inches.
7. Panda Ant
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Photo: Virily |
While the coloration of these insects is beautiful and resembles the coat of China’s giant panda bear, it serves a much more important function: as warning coloration to predators.
It is, in fact, not an ant at all but a wasp. The female of the species is wingless, which is why it is often confused with ants. The sting of this wasp is incredibly painful, giving it the nickname of “cow killer." These insects usually live in the sand in dry, tropical areas like the desert in Chile.
Fact about the Ants PlanetOutside in warm temperatures? If so, when you look down you'll probably spy an ant or two or 10 scurrying along. (It's not uncommon to see ants when indoors, either.) The renowned biologists Bert Hölldobler and E. O. Wilson estimated in their Pulitzer Prize-winning 1990 book, "The Ants" (Belknap Press), that on the order of 10 quadrillion ants live on the planet at any given moment. That's about 1.4 million ants per human, based on a world population of 7.3 billion people. |
8. Filbert Weevil
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Photo: Pikrepo |
Filbert weevil is an appealing however destructive bug local to the Western piece of North America and one of the beautiful insects. It's considered a nuisance as they can make harm oak trees. Both hatchlings and weevil feed on the oak seed of the oak trees.
These little creepy crawlies have an alluring long nose. Be that as it may, is difficult to spot them. Since these weevils are mottled dark-colored in shading. So they stay covered up on oak trees.
9. Spotted Tortoiseshell Beetle
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Photo: Earthling Nature - |
They are golden brown beetle measuring 6–8 mm with black spots on their elytra. They have a rounded body and a similar size to the ladybird. Their body is domed, with somewhat flatter areas along the edges. They look somewhat like tiny tortoises with a translucent carapace. When disturbed, they can press themselves close to the leaf surface with all appendages safely protected underneath, somewhat in the manner a tortoise can withdraw into its shell.
The larvae display the habit of carrying their fecal material and cast skins, forming a "shield or umbrella" that deters predation. These insects are widely distributed in North America.
10. Ladybug
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Ladybug is a beautiful, farmer-friendly insect that famed for its oval-shaped body with distinctive spots. They also are known as lady beetles and ladybird beetles. There are 5000 different types of ladybugs in the world. Even though ladybugs exist in various colors and patterns, an orange or red body with black spots is the most common.
The bright color of ladybugs is a warning to their predators. If threatened, these insects secrete a fluid from the joints in their legs which make them taste awful. Like said earlier, the ladybug is a family-friendly insect. Because it mainly feeds on plant-eating insects.
All bugs are insects, but not all insects are bugs.Not every insect is a bug. Strictly speaking, "bugs" are an order of insects called Hemiptera. These "true bugs," as entomologists also call them, are distinguished for having hypodermic-needle-like mouthparts. These beaks are perfect for piercing into tissue to slurp up fluids, whether from other insects, plants or — in the case of appropriately named bedbugs — blood from sleeping humans. |
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