The culture of Spain was shaped by its rich history and diverse nations. Today, a dynamic and passionate nation observes festivals and holidays year-round.

An Overview of Holidays And Festivals in Spain

Because Spain has such a rich religious history, many celebrations pay tribute to religious figures in Spanish culture. In addition, there are a plethora of other events planned to honor significant cultural moments. Many Spanish festivals coincide with public holidays.

National Holidays:Historically, most holidays observed in Spain were religious in character. Holy (or Maundy) Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Monday, Corpus Christi, the Feast of Saint James (July 25), and All Saints' Day (November 1) rank highest nationally.

Civic Holidays: Nonreligious civic holidays are less significant. After the Franco regime fell, July 18, the day the Spanish Civil War began, was no longer a national holiday. Since 1978, December 6 has been Constitution Day, the national holiday.Every autonomous community in the Basque Country and Catalonia has regional holidays in addition to "national" ones.

Both Religious and Civic Holidays: There is one significant religious and civic holiday. In addition to being the Day of the Virgin of El Pilar, October 12 is also known as the "discovery" of America (akin to the US celebration of Columbus Day); it has also been referred to as the Day of the Race (Día de la Raza) and Hispanic Day (Día de la Hispanidad).

Village and Town Holidays: Every town and village has its own holiday fiesta, which is perhaps the most important part of Spanish culture. These celebrations have religious roots, but bullfights and dancing are more common than honoring the local patron saint or Virgin Mary. Tourists from around the world enjoy the Pamplona Fiesta de San Fermín, Sevilla fair, and Valencia Fallas.

Full List of Public Holidays and Regional Holidays in Spain in 2025

1 Jan Wednesday New Year's Day National holiday

2 Jan Thursday Reconquest Day Observance

Reconquest Day is not a public holiday. Businesses have normal opening hours.

6 Jan Monday Epiphany National holiday

14 Feb Friday Valentine's Day Observance

The 14th of February is Valentine's Day, a holiday that is celebrated all over the world which traditionally honors romantic love. Over the past few years, the holiday has evolved into a secular manifestation, and it is now celebrated in virtually every country on the planet.

There is no official holiday observed on Valentine's Day. There are standard hours of operation for businesses.

28 Feb Friday, Day of Andalucía, Autonomous Community Holiday, Andalusia

Spain Calendar in 2025 - Full List of Public Holidays, Observances And Celebrations
The Alhambra in Grenada is in Andalucía.

Andalucía Day, or the Day of Andalucía, commemorates a referendum that took place on February 28, 1980. With this referendum, Andalucía was able to gain the support of the majority of Spanish voters and become an autonomous community.

An independent community has declared this day a public holiday. In the autonomous communities that observe this holiday, all public and private institutions will be closed.

1 Mar Saturday, Day of the Balearic Islands, Autonomous Community Holiday IB

Spain Calendar in 2025 - Full List of Public Holidays, Observances And Celebrations
Majorca is one of the Balearic Islands

Every year on March 1, the Balearic Islands, a region of Spain, celebrate a local public holiday called the Day of the Balearic Islands, also known as Día de les Illes Balears. On this day in 1983, the Balearic Islands' Statute of Autonomy went into force.

An independent community has declared this day a public holiday. In the autonomous communities that observe this holiday, all public and private institutions will be closed.

3 Mar Monday, Carnival Monday, Observance

Carnival Monday is not a public holiday. Businesses have normal opening hours.

4 Mar Tuesday Carnival Tuesday Observance

Spain Calendar in 2025 - Full List of Public/Regional Holidays And Celebrations
Carnival or Mardi Gras parades are mainly celebrated on Shrove Monday and Shrove Tuesday.

Western Christians fast during Lent, and Shrove Tuesday is the last day of Lent. It starts 47 days before Easter Sunday. Swahili, Fat Tuesday, and Pancake Day are some other names for Shrove Tuesday.

Monday is a holiday, but Tuesday is not. Businesses are open at regular times.

5 Mar Wednesday, Ash Wednesday, Observance

Spain Calendar in 2025 - Full List of Public/Regional Holidays And Celebrations
Ash is an important symbol of Ash Wednesday in many Christian churches

For Christians around the world, the first day of Lent is called Ash Wednesday. The Lenten fast has begun. On days other than Sundays, the Lenten fast lasts for 40 days. It ends on Holy Saturday, the day before Easter Sunday.

Ash Wednesday is not a public holiday. Businesses have normal opening hours.

19 Mar Wednesday, Fathers' Day, Observance

Father's Day is celebrated all over the world to honor the role that dads and other male figures play in their kids' lives. Today is a celebration of fathers and male parenting. This day is celebrated all over the world on different dates, but in many places it is on the third Sunday in June.

In 2025, Father's Day falls on the same day as San Jose, which is a public holiday in Murcia and Valencia. Because of this, businesses and schools may be closed.

19 Mar Wednesday, San Jose, Observance

Fallas de San José, or Saint Joseph's Day, commemorates St. Joseph, the spouse of the Virgin Mary. Every year on March 19, it takes place. In many parts of Spain, this date is also known as Father's Day (Día del Padre).

In Murcia and Valencia, San Jose 2025 is observed as an autonomous community holiday, and it is observed in 17 states.

19 Mar Wednesday, San Jose Autonomous, Community Holiday, Murcia, Valencia

31 Mar Monday, Eid al-Fitr, Autonomous Community Holiday, Melilla

Eid ul Fitr signifies the conclusion of Ramadan, the Islamic holy month of fasting and prayer, for Muslims worldwide. Within the Islamic calendar, it is one of the biggest and most significant holidays.

In 2025, Melilla will observe Eid al-Fitr as an autonomous community holiday, while Ceuta will observe it.

31 Mar Monday, Eid al-Fitr, Observance, Ceuta

When Muslims around the world celebrate Eid ul Fitr, the holy month of Ramadan comes to an end. During Ramadan, Muslims fast and pray. In the Islamic calendar, it is one of the biggest and most important holidays.

In 2025, Eid al-Fitr will be a holiday in Melilla and a celebration in Ceuta.

13 Apr Sunday, Palm Sunday, Observance

Christians believe that Palm Sunday celebrates Jesus Christ's triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

There is no holiday on Palm Sunday. It takes place on Sunday, April 13, 2025, and in Spain, most stores are open as usual on Sundays.

17 Apr Thursday Maundy Thursday Observance

On Maundy Thursday, Christians remember when Jesus Christ instituted the Eucharist at the Last Supper, which is written about in the Christian Bible.

In 2025, Maundy Thursday will be a holiday in 15 autonomous communities, 2 autonomous cities, and 2 states.

18 Apr Friday, Good Friday, National holiday

Easter is one of the most celebrated religious holidays in the world, celebrating Jesus' resurrection. Spain celebrates Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Monday as public holidays.

Due to the large number of tourists, 16 Spanish towns recognize Holy Week as an international tourist attraction. Caceres, Cuenca, Crevillente, Granada, Hellin, Leon, Lorca, Malaga, Murcia, Medina del Campo, Rioseco, Orihuela, Salamanca, Sevilla, Valladolid, and Zamora are among the 16 towns with Easter celebrations.

Churchgoers fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday during Lent. During Holy Week, Spanish culture is showcased on television, in international fairs, and in the press.

Each year, worshippers and tourists eagerly anticipate a charged atmosphere of religious festivities, devotion, and celebration. Every night of Holy Week has parades. They usually last miles and end after midnight.

19 Apr Saturday, Holy Saturday. Observance

Spain Calendar in 2025 - Full List of Public/Regional Holidays And Celebrations
Holy Saturday commemorates the day that Jesus ay in his tomb after he died. He was resurrected on Easter Sunday, the day after Holy Saturday, according to Christian belief.

The Christian bible says that Jesus Christ lay in the crypt after he died. On Holy Saturday, people remember that day. Thursday comes after Friday, April 19, and comes before Sunday, April 21. It's also called Black Saturday, Easter Eve, Easter Even, or the Saturday before Easter.

You can still work on Holy Saturday, April 19, 2025, even though it's a holiday. In Spain, most stores have set hours when they're open.

20 Apr Sunday, Easter Sunday, Observance

Easter Sunday is one of the most festive events among Christians worldwide. It commemorates Jesus Christ’s resurrection from death, as written in the Christian bible.

Easter Sunday is not a public holiday. It falls on Sunday, 20 April 2025 and most businesses follow regular Sunday opening hours in Spain.

21 Apr Monday, Easter Monday, Observance

In many places, Easter Monday is a public holiday. It's also part of the Easter season. Today is a Christian holiday, and it comes the day after Easter Sunday.

Five autonomous communities have declared Easter Monday 2025 as a holiday, and 14 states also do the same.

23 Apr Wednesday, Day of Aragón, Regional Holiday, Aragon

Aragon is a big area in the north-central part of Spain. It used to be its own kingdom for a long time before it joined with Castile-Leon to make modern Spain. After many steps, the crowns of Aragon and Castile were finally joined together when Isabella of Castile married Ferdinand of Aragon in 1479.

The holiday in Aragon is also called Saint George's Day, and it is held on April 23, which is thought to be the day that Saint George died. It's also the "National Day of Aragon" today. For some reason, Saint George is also very important in England, Portugal, and many other European countries, cities, and regions.

The story goes that Saint George was a Roman Cavalry soldier who turned Christian. When the Roman Emperor Diocletian asked him to make a sacrifice to Rome's pagan gods, he refused and was tortured for it. Because he stood up for Christianity, he was finally killed by being beheaded in the year 303. By the 400s AD, he had a monastery in Jerusalem built in his honor, and he was named a saint. Because of this, a lot of people celebrated "Georgemas" as a religious holiday on April 23.

23 Apr Wednesday, St George's Day, Observance

Spain Calendar in 2025 - Full List of Public/Regional Holidays And Celebrations
St George's Day is a time for giving books, roses and other gifts to loved ones

On St. George's Day (Sant Jordi or Día de San Jorge) in Spain, numerous Catalan men present their female relatives with roses. The day is commemorated annually on April 23. On this day, lovers also exchange gifts of roses and books.

Despite the fact that St. George's Day is not a public holiday, businesses and schools may be closed in 2025 due to the fact that it coincides with the Day of Aragón, which is a public holiday in Aragon.

23 Apr Wednesday Castile and León Day Autonomous Community Holiday Castile-Leon

1 May Thursday, Labor Day / May Day, National holiday

Labor Day is observed on May 1st in Spain. It is a national holiday that commemorates the social and economic accomplishments of Spanish workers throughout the nation.

In the 19th century, as the labor movements and trade unions expanded, trade unionists designated several days as a time to commemorate labor.

In the past, Labor Day was commemorated by protests and demonstrations in countries that maintained discriminatory laws concerning workers' rights. Nevertheless, it is now a commemoration of the working class and the significant progress that has been made in the areas of labor laws, equality, and other similar factors.

2 May Friday, Day of Madrid, Regional Holiday. Madrid

Spain Calendar in 2025 - Full List of Public/Regional Holidays And Celebrations
The autonomous community of Madrid's flag is red with seven white stars

In the autonomous community of Madrid, Spain, the second of May is celebrated as the Day of the Autonomous Community of Madrid (Fiesta de la Comunidad de Madrid, Dos de Mayo). It commemorates the anniversary of an uprising against French troops that occurred on May 2, 1808.

This is a public holiday that is observed by an autonomous community. Schools, businesses, and government offices in the autonomous communities that observe this holiday will be closed.

4 May Sunday, Mothers' Day, Observance

Spanish people honor mothers and mother figures on Mothers Day, which is called Día de la Madre or Día de las Madres. It falls on the first Sunday of May. In other places, people also celebrate it.

Moms' Day is not a holiday in the United States. It takes place on Sunday, May 4, 2025, and in Spain, most stores are open as usual on Sundays.

17 May Saturday Galicia Literature Day, Regional Holiday, Galicia

This is an autonomous community public holiday. Schools, businesses, and government offices in the autonomous communities observing this holiday will be closed.

30 May Friday, Day of the Canary Islands, Regional Holiday Canary Islands

Spain Calendar in 2025 - Full List of Public/Regional Holidays And Celebrations
Along the coast of Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain.

If you live in the Canary Islands, Spain, May 30 is the Day of the Canary Islands (Día de las Canarias). This is a public holiday. This event honors the culture of the islands. It also remembers the first meeting of the Canary Islands Parliament, which took place on May 30, 1983.

This is a holiday for the whole community. It is a holiday in some autonomous communities, so businesses, schools, and government offices will be closed.

31 May Saturday, Day of Castile-La Mancha, Regional Holiday, CM

The first regional courts in Castilla-La Mancha were opened on this day, which is known as "Day of the Region of Castilla-La Mancha" (Día de la Región Castilla-La Mancha). On May 31, this community has a public holiday every year.

This is a holiday for the whole community. It is a holiday in some autonomous communities, so businesses, schools, and government offices will be closed.

7 Jun Saturday, Eid al-Adha (Tentative Date), Regional Holiday, Ceuta, Melilla

During Eid al-Adha, Muslims exhibit their adherence to Allah through the act of animal sacrifice. The holiday is derived from a narrative found in the Quran, which is also recognized by Christians and Jews.

This is a public holiday for the autonomous community. Educational institutions, commercial enterprises, and governmental agencies in the autonomous communities recognizing this holiday will remain closed.

8 Jun Sunday, Whit Sunday/Pentecost, Observance

Pentecost is a Christian observance that marks the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples of Jesus Christ, as described in the New Testament. It is also referred to as Whitsunday or Whit Sunday.

Whit Sunday, also known as Pentecost, is not designated as a public holiday. The date is Sunday, 8 June 2025, and most businesses in Spain adhere to standard Sunday opening hours.

9 Jun Monday, Whit Monday, Observance

Whit Monday is a Christian holiday, also known as Pentecost Monday. According to the New Testament of the Bible, it is the day after Pentecost, also called Whit Sunday or Whitsunday, that marks the anniversary of the Holy Ghost's descent upon Jesus Christ's disciples.

Whit Monday is not a public holiday, but since it falls on the same day as Day of Murcia in 2025—a public holiday in Murcia—businesses and schools might be closed.

9 Jun Monday, Day of Murcia, Regional Holiday, Murcia

Every year on June 9, the autonomous community of Murcia in Spain celebrates the Day of the Region of Murcia, also known as Día de la Región de Murcia. The approval of Murcia's statute of autonomy on June 9, 1982, is commemorated on this day.

An independent community has declared this day a public holiday. In the autonomous communities that observe this holiday, all public and private institutions will be closed.

9 Jun Monday, Day of La Rioja, Regional Holiday, La Rioja

Spain Calendar in 2025 - Full List of Public/Regional Holidays And Celebrations
Local wine tasting is one of the activities on the Day of La Rioja

The Spanish autonomous community of La Rioja celebrates the Day of La Rioja (Día de La Rioja) every year on June 9. On June 9, 1982, the statute establishing the autonomous community of La Rioja was approved, and this date marks the anniversary of that event.

An independent community has declared this day a public holiday. In the autonomous communities that observe this holiday, all public and private institutions will be closed.

13 Jun Friday, San Antonio, Observance, Ceuta

On June 13, 1231, Saint Anthony of Padua died. This is commemorated on the Day of Saint Anthony (Romería de San Antonio). Ceuta observes a public holiday on June 13. Ceuta, a Portuguese colony in 1415, was a place of great devotion to this saint.

There is no official holiday in San Antonio. The opening hours of most businesses are regular.

19 Jun Thursday, Corpus Christi, Observance

Spain Calendar in 2025 - Full List of Public/Regional Holidays And Celebrations
Bread and wine are usually offered during Communion, or Eucharist, on Corpus Christi.

The Christian celebration of Corpus Christi is a time to reflect on the Sacrament of Holy Communion. The Day of Wreaths and the Feast of the Most Holy Body of Christ are additional names for the same event.

Eighteen states observe Corpus Christi in 2025, and Castile-La Mancha observes it as an autonomous community holiday.

24 Jun Tuesday, Saint John, the Baptist Day, Observance

Every year on June 24, people celebrate Saint John the Baptist Day, also known as La revetlla de Sant Joan or Nit de Sant Joan, in honor of the birth of St. John. In Spain's autonomous region of Catalonia, this is a public holiday.

On December 7, 2025, seventeen states will celebrate Saint John the Baptist Day, and the autonomous communities of Catalonia and Valencia will also observe the holiday.

25 Jul Friday, Feast of Saint James the Apostle, Regional Holiday, GA, M, NA, PV

James, son of Zebedee, is widely commemorated in Spain on July 25, Saint James' Day (Santiago Apostol), with a focus on his life and actions. James, the brother of James, was an early follower of Jesus. His burial place is said by some Christians to be in Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

In 2024, the Feast of Saint James the Apostle will be observed in fourteen states and five autonomous communities.

28 Jul Monday, Day of the Institutions, Regional Holiday, Cantabria

The Day of the Institutions of Cantabria commemorates the anniversary of the establishment of the province of Cantabria on July 28, 1778. A public holiday is observed in the autonomous community of Cantabria.

The Day of the Institutions does not qualify as a public holiday. It occurs on Sunday, 28 July 2024, and the majority of businesses adhere to standard Sunday opening hours in Spain.

5 Aug Tuesday, The Day of Our Lady of Africa, Regional Holiday, Ceuta

The Day of Our Lady of Africa, known as Día de Nuestra Señora de África or Fiestas Patronales, is a festive occasion for Christians in the Spanish city of Ceuta, Spain. On August 5, Ceuta observes a local public holiday.

This is a public holiday for the autonomous community. During this holiday, schools, businesses, and government offices in the autonomous communities will be closed.

10 Aug Sunday, The Day of Cantabria, Observance, Cantabria

Spain Calendar in 2025 - Full List of Public/Regional Holidays And Celebrations
People in Cantabria have a reason to celebrate the second Sunday in August – it's the Day of Cantabria .

The history, culture, and language of the Cantabrian region of Spain are honored on the Day of Cantabria (Día de Cantabria). In spite of being on a Sunday, it is not a holiday in the United States.

There will be no official celebration of the Day of Cantabria. The event takes place on Sunday, August 11, 2024, and the majority of Spanish businesses adhere to their usual Sunday opening hours.

15 Aug Friday, Assumption of Mary, National Holiday

The holiday is celebrated annually on August 15th.

An extremely significant day for Catholics worldwide, the Feast of the Assumption of Mary is also known as the "Easter of the summer" in certain European countries.

This main feast honors the Blessed Virgin Mary, who was the mother of Jesus Christ. It is also called the "Dormition of the Virgin Mary."

The summer vacation season begins in many countries, including Italy and Spain, and it's a time when city dwellers seek refuge from the heat by visiting coastal or hilly regions. Its calendar date has earned it the name "Feast of Our Lady of the Harvest" in several European countries.

Since the Assumption is a religious holiday, many followers observe it by going to mass, where the Blessed Mother is typically the focus of the preaching. Mass attendance is mandatory for Catholics on this Holy Day of Obligation.

2 Sep Tuesday, Day of the Independent City of Ceuta, Observance, Ceuta

Ceuta, Spain's Day of Ceuta (Día de Ceuta) is a public holiday every year on September 2 in the city. On September 2, 1415, Pedro de Menezes (or Meneses), Count of Viana do Alentejo, took over the city from King John I of Portugal. This date is celebrated as a holiday in the area.

It's not a holiday on Day of the Independent City of Ceuta. Businesses are open at regular times.

6 Sep Saturday Elcano's Day, Observance, Basque Country

Some communities in the Basque region of Spain hold a day of observance to recall Juan Sebastián de Elcano’s circumnavigation of the globe in 1522.

8 Sep Monday, Day of Asturias, Regional Holiday, Asturias

Asturias, a region in Spain, celebrates the Day of Asturias (Día de Asturias) annually on September 8. On this day, Jesus' mother, Mary, was born.

An independent community has declared this day a public holiday. In the autonomous communities that observe this holiday, all public and private institutions will be closed.

8 Sep Monday, Day of Extremadura, Regional Holiday, Extremadura

It is a public holiday every year in the autonomous community of Extremadura in Spain on September 8 for the Day of Extremadura (Día de Extremadura). Mary, the mother of Jesus, was born on this day in 1870.

Day of Extremadura is not a holiday in Spain. It takes place on September 8, 2024, a Sunday, and most stores in Spain are open as usual on Sundays.

8 Sep Monday, Virgin of the Victory, Observance, Melilla

Virgin of the Victory is not a public holiday. It falls on Sunday, 8 September 2024 and most businesses follow regular Sunday opening hours in Spain.

11 Sep Thursday ,National Day of Catalonia, Regional Holiday, Catalonia

Spain Calendar in 2025 - Full List of Public/Regional Holidays And Celebrations
Rendering of a waving flag of Catalonia

The recapture of Barcelona by the Bourbon forces on September 11, 1714, is commemorated on the National Day of Catalonia, also known as the Festa Nacional de Catalunya or La Diada.

An independent community has declared this day a public holiday. Schools, businesses, and government offices in autonomous communities will be closed on this holiday.

15 Sep Monday, Nuestra Señora de la Bien Aparecida, Regional Holiday, Cantabria

This is an autonomous community public holiday. Schools, businesses, and government offices in the autonomous communities observing this holiday will be closed.

17 Sep Wednesda,y Day of Melilla, Observance, Melilla

The Day of Melilla (Día de Melilla) in Spain marks the anniversary of September 17, 1497. On this date, the soldiers of the Duke of Medina Sidonia stormed the city of Melilla.

Day of Melilla is not a public holiday. Businesses have normal opening hours.

9 Oct Thursday, Day of the Valencian, Regional Holiday Valencia

The city of Valencia was taken from the Moors by King James I of Aragon in 1238. Today, February 14, is the Day of the Valencian Community (Día de la Comunidad Valenciana). It's also the Day of Saint Dionysius, which is a romantic holiday.

This is a holiday for the whole community. It is a holiday in some autonomous communities, so businesses, schools, and government offices will be closed.

12 Oct Sunday. Hispanic Day. Observance

This holiday is celebrated annually on October 12th. If October 12th falls on a Sunday, certain areas might shift the holiday to Monday, October 13th.

Spain's National Holiday, also referred to as Hispanic Day, Fiesta Nacional de España, or Día de la Hispanidad, is celebrated with great significance.

Spain's national holiday aligns with the Armed Forces Day, featuring a significant military parade in Madrid as a central element of the annual festivities. The Prime Minister holds a significant position in the ceremony, ranking just below the King. A diverse group of authorities, including foreign diplomats stationed in Spain and representatives from the Autonomous governments, are invited to participate in the parade.

In addition to the grand parade in the capital, Madrid, numerous other celebrations occur across the country.

In the Autonomous Community of Aragon, this date also honors Our Lady of the Pillar, their patroness. The Civil Guard also observes this.

Be aware that public transport will operate on a "Sunday service" schedule, resulting in reduced frequency. Be attentive to "domingos y festivos" on the schedules. Certain shops may be closed, particularly those located outside of city centers and tourist areas. The majority of restaurants are expected to be open.

13 Oct Monday Hispanic Day observed National holiday AN, AR, CE, CL, EX, O

1 Nov Saturday, All Saints' Day, National holiday

All Saints' Day is celebrated on November 1 in Spain to honor Christian saints who don't have their own day. Because All Souls Day is the next day, though, All Saints' Day has come to mean more than just remembering those who have died.

A lot of religious families decorate the graves of their loved ones on All Saints' Day. Some people even clean up the graves a few days ahead of time to get them ready. People from all over Spain go back to their home towns and villages after living in cities for a while. This causes a lot of traffic but also helps keep the memories of family members who have died alive.

The events are very solemn, and masses are held at many cemeteries several times a day. At grave sites, you can see a wide range of colorful and ornate flower arrangements, though chrysanthemums are the most traditional.

There will be a lot of bouquets in stores getting ready for the holiday, and flower vendors will line the streets. In Spain, All Saints' Day is the day when the most flowers are sold.

3 Dec Wednesday Day of Navarre Autonomous Community Holiday Navarre

6 Dec Saturday, Constitution Day, National Holiday

Spain Calendar in 2025 - Full List of Public/Regional Holidays And Celebrations
Constitution Day

This nationwide public holiday, which commemorates the Spanish people's 1978 adoption of the Spanish Constitution, is always observed on December 6.

Before being proclaimed by King Juan Carlos on December 27, 1978, the Constitution was accepted by the Cortes on October 31, 1978, and the Spanish people in a referendum on December 6. The Constitution defined Spain's governmental structure, its powers, and the manner in which the government would be administered.

Thus, December 6th has been a national holiday in Spain since 1983. Constitution Day is a commemoration of the day Spain became a democracy.

On December 6, Spain's Congress welcomes visitors and offers commemorative gifts to those who come on this day.

The majority of Spaniards celebrate this day as the beginning of the December holidays, which typically include a long weekend in conjunction with the Feast of the Immaculate Conception.

But Constitution Day has gained popularity recently as a day for political speeches and protest marches.

8 Dec Monday, Immaculate Conception, National Holiday

Sunday, December 8 is a public holiday in Spain and a holy day for Roman Catholics. Every year on December 8, the holiday falls. In Spain, this is often seen as the start of the Christmas season.

Catholics believe that Mary, who was the mother of Jesus Christ, was born without any sin. This is what the holiday is based on. The doctrine goes on to say that she was born "without any stain of original sin."

People believe that Mary's mother was Anne, who is now known as "Saint Anne," and that her father was Joachim. Folklore says that an angel told Mary's parents that they would have a daughter that "the world would honor." It is also said that Saint Anne had never had a child before she gave birth to Mary and promised to serve God from the start.

At least as early as the eighth century, people started celebrating the Immaculate Conception. Before that, there were already stories about how Mary was conceived without any sin. But there was a lot of disagreement about the matter for hundreds of years until Pope Pius IX finally settled it for Roman Catholics in 1854.

Along with special masses, there will be a parade of images of Mary through the streets of Spain on or around December 8. On the other hand, Immaculate Conception is mostly a family day in Spain, so you will see a lot of families out walking and spending the day together.

24 Dec Wednesday, Christmas Eve, Observance

Christmas Eve, which is the day before Christmas Day, is celebrated in many countries worldwide. It is a Christian observance that falls on December 24 in the Gregorian calendar.

Christmas Eve is not a public holiday. Businesses have normal opening hours.

25 Dec Thursday Christmas Day National holiday

26 Dec Friday St Stephen's Day, Autonomous Community Holiday, Catalonia, IB

In some parts of Spain, the day after Christmas is a public holiday called St. Stephen's Day, which is also known as San Esteban or Sant Esteve in Spanish. It honors the first known Christian who died for their faith.

St. Stephen's Day is a holiday in the Balearic Islands and an independent community holiday in Catalonia.

28 Dec Sunday Feast of the Holy Family Observance

Feast of the Holy Family is not a public holiday. It falls on Sunday, 29 December 2024 and most businesses follow regular Sunday opening hours in Spain.

31 Dec Wednesday, New Year's Eve, Observance

On December 31, the Gregorian calendar marks the end of the year. New Year's Eve is one of the biggest celebrations in the world because it comes before the New Year. No matter where you are, count down to 2019.

There is no public holiday on New Year's Eve. Businesses are open at regular times.

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