Smart HR: Key Tips And Tools To Hire Better, Smarter, And Faster
Hire the best candidates in record time

By using online tools to create an engaging job posting, reaching out to candidates with modern communication methods, and making your interviews more efficient, you can find and hire the best candidates in record time.

Here is how to start smarter, communicate better, and interview faster to make your hiring process a breeze.

Start Smarter

It is possible to speed up the hiring process from day one. Once you have identified the area you need to hire staff for and the requirements of the job, you can use online tools to help you form an engaging and eye catching job posting. This will help you to attract the best candidates, and will hopefully get some resumes through the door quickly.

The job duties and responsibilities will provide you with the bulk of the posting. This can be a tricky part of the vacancy as if it is too specific it may prevent people with transferable skills from other industries from applying. Try to make the job description more general to cast a wider net so that you can attract experienced professionals from other sectors and industries. This will help you find the best candidates.

Help is never far away, even for HR departments. Powerful AI can help you to write your job descriptions, job duties, and responsibilities, thanks to Hiring People. Their software can help to 'punch up' your text and insert keywords that will push your posting up the search rankings when people are looking for new jobs. This can help you to get better candidates on your books in record time. It's game-changing for HR.

Communicate Better

There are smarter ways to contact your potential interviewees too. Emails and phone calls are not the most efficient way to communicate. Phone calls can be missed, and emails can end up in a spam folder. Modern problems require modern solutions. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to communicate in the modern world and you have lots of choices.

Generational differences may come into play here, with younger and older candidates having different preferences. Well crafted text messages are a great way to reach passive candidates who are already working and don't want to be interrupted by a call at work. Texts are more subtle and invitational, making it easier for potential candidates to reply and begin engaging with your business.

Don't forget to follow up with a personalized 'sales pitch' if a candidate shows interest. This will put a warm, human face on your brand and differentiate you from those automated messages that come from chatbots or the cold pixels of a business text message. Make sure to highlight all the perks, career opportunities, awards, impact sourcing, employee benefits, and everything else that sets your business apart from the competition.

Interview Faster

The interview stage can be a bottleneck in the hiring process. Arranging times and dates with multiple candidates can take a little bit of time on its own, and then you have to get through the interviews themselves and assess the results. It is possible to speed up a job interview, and make it both effective and efficient. Remember that it is up to you to take control and set the pace of the interview.

You can steer the conversation in a productive direction by giving little encouragement with your voice. If you repeat something they have mentioned, they will probably expand upon it with some extra details. Give them an opportunity to reflect on their answer and they may come up with something even better. Simply nodding is an effective way to show them that you are listening and supporting them. You can also use simple sounds like 'um' or say "go on" to help them feel comfortable and open up even more.

It's also helpful to summarize what they've said every once in a while. This way, they can see if they got their point across clearly, and make any changes they need to. If you need to discuss numbers or important details consider creating a handout you can give to them. Seeing numbers and text is much more effective than simply hearing them, and you may get a better response from your candidates.

Hiring the best candidates doesn't have to be a lengthy process. By using online tools to create an engaging job posting, you can attract experienced professionals from different industries. Modern communication methods like texting can help reach passive candidates, and following up with a personalized sales pitch can make all the difference.

During interviews, steering the conversation in a productive direction and nodding to show support can make candidates feel comfortable and open up even more. Finally, summarizing what they've said and using handouts can help make the interview process more efficient and effective.

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