Which zodiac sign is Vladimir Putin?
Which zodiac sign is Vladimir Putin?

Russian President Putin has become a global focus of attention due to the recent events in Ukraine. This article provides information about horoscopes, zodiac signs, and astrological forecasts regarding Putin for reference purposes only.

Our astrologers provide predictions based solely on the date and year of birth for individuals born on October 7, 1952, without any specific focus on the President of Russia.

In order to provide a horoscope and gain insight into President Putin's personality, it is necessary to have access to his date of birth and biography.

Vladimir Putin Biography

Vladimir Putin: Key Facts

Born 7 October 1952
Place of Birth Leningrad, Russia, U.S.S.R (now St. Petersburg, Russia)
Age 70 (2022)

Father: Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin

Mother: Maria Ivanovna Putina

Spouse(s) Lyudmila Shkrebneva
Children Maria, and Katerina
Alma mater Saint Petersburg State University (LLB)

Saint Petersburg Mining Institute (Ph.D.)

Title / Office President (2012-Present), Russia Prime Minister (2008-2012), Russia President (2000-2008), Russia Prime Minister (1999-2000), Russia
Political party Independent (1991–1995; 2001–2008; 2012–present)
Other political


People's Front (2011)

United Russia (2008–2012)

Unity (1999–2001)

Our Home – Russia (1995–1999)

CPSU (1975–1991)

Who is Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin was born on 7 October 1952 in Leningrad, Russia, U.S.S.R (now St. Petersburg, Russia).

He served around 15 years in the KGB. Currently, he is the President of Russia and is the second-longest current serving European president after Alexander Lukashenko. He was also the Prime Minister from 1999 to 2000 and again from 2008 to 2012.

President Putin: Childhood, Parents, Family

He happens to be the youngest among his siblings. His father's name was Vladimir Spiridonovich Putin and his mother's name was Maria Ivanovna Putina. It is interesting to note that Vladimir Putin's grandfather, Spiridon Putin, had the unique opportunity to serve as a personal cook to both Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin. His mother worked in a factory while his father served in the Soviet Navy. He had a stint in the submarine fleet during the early 1930s. His father, too, was a member of the destruction battalion of the NKVD during the early years of World War II. Afterwards, he was reassigned to the regular army and in 1942, he suffered a serious injury.

Mr. Putin reminisces, "I hail from a humble background, and that's how I spent the majority of my life." I've lived my life just like any other person, always keeping that connection intact. "Our meals were humble - cabbage soup, cutlets, pancakes. However, on special occasions like Sundays and holidays, my Mom would treat us to her mouthwatering stuffed buns filled with cabbage, meat, and rice, as well as delightful curd tarts."

Putin is thought to be a descendant of the Grand Prince of Tver, Mikhail of Tver. From 1983 through 2014, he was married to Lyudmila Putina, with whom he has two daughters, Mariya and Yekaterina.

President Putin: Education

Following the war, Putin's family relocated to a room in a communal apartment situated in a typical dwelling house on Baskov Lane in St. Petersburg. He went to Primary School No. 193 in Leningrad from 1960 to 1968. Following his time in eighth grade, he enrolled in High School No. 281.

He attended a magnet school with a strong focus on chemistry, which was affiliated with a technology institute. He successfully completed his studies there in 1970.

In 1975, he completed his graduation. His thesis focused on "The Most Favored Nation Trading Principle in International Law".He became a member of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and remained loyal until its dissolution. He encountered Anatoly Sobchak, an assistant professor specializing in business law. Afterwards, they went on to become a co-author of the Russian constitution and played a role in exposing corruption schemes in France. He tied the knot with Lyudmila Shkrebneva and together they have been blessed with two lovely daughters, Mariya and Katerina.

He obtained a law degree from Leningrad State University in 1975 and later joined the KGB. Throughout his 16 years of service, he rose through the ranks to become a Lieutenant Colonel.

President Putin: Political Career

President Putin: Horoscope, Zodiac Sign Personality and Astrological Predictions
served around 15 years as a foreign intelligence officer for the KGB

*He served around 15 years as a foreign intelligence officer for the KGB (Committee for State Security), including six years in Dresden, East Germany. He retired from the active KGB service in 1990 with the rank of lieutenant colonel and returned to Russia to become a protector of Leningrad State University and had responsibility for the institution's external relations.

He then became an adviser to Sobchak, the first democratically elected mayor of St. Petersburg. He gained the confidence of Sobchak and is known for his abilities to get things done.

He had risen to the post of first deputy mayor in 1994. He then moved to Moscow in 1996 and joined the presidential staff as deputy to Pavel Borodin, the Kremlin's chief administrator. He grew close to fellow Leningrader Anatoly Chubais and moved to administrative positions.

Pres. Boris Yeltsin in July 1998 made Putin Director of the Federal Security Service. Thereafter, he became the secretary of the influential Security Council. In 1999, Yeltsin appointed Putin as Prime Minister.

*Vladimir Putin's First and Second Presidential Term (2000-2004 and 2004 - 2008)

*Vladimir Putin as Prime Minister (2008-2012)

*Vladimir Putin's Third Presidential Term (2012-2018)

*Vladimir Putin's Fourth Presidential Term (2018-Present)

In 2018, he won the presidential election with more than 76% votes. On 7 May 2018, his fourth term began and will last until 2024.

Which Zodiac Sign is Vladimir Putin?

Vladimir Putin was born on 7 October 1952. So, his zodiac signs is a Libra (September 23 - October 22) which belongs to the Air element of astrology, along with Aquarius and Gemini. The symbol of Libra is the scales, which represents a balanced approach to life.

Those born between September 23 and October 22 can generally assume that their sun sign is Libra.

Putin Libra Zodiac Sign: Horoscope, Personal Traits

President Putin: Horoscope, Zodiac Sign Personality and Astrological Predictions
Putin Hand

Libras' best personality traits

Similar to the astrologer, Libra is an air sign symbolized by the scales, which interestingly is the only inanimate object in the zodiac. This association perfectly captures Libra's preoccupation with maintaining balance and harmony. Libra has a strong inclination towards symmetry and is constantly working towards achieving balance in every aspect of life. Air signs are known for their appreciation of beauty and aesthetics. Libras have a deep appreciation for the finer things in life, such as art, intellect, and refined tastes, all of which are influenced by their ruler, Venus.

Individuals born under the Libra sign have a natural talent for creative fields such as design, decoration, art critique, and styling.

Similar to an astrologer, Putin, being a Libra zodiac sign, places great importance on maintaining harmony and balance in every aspect of his life. However, one can take this to the extreme and avoid conflict at all costs instead of addressing the problem directly. In addition, Putin has a tendency to be indecisive, which is a common trait among individuals born under the Libra zodiac sign.

However, Vladimir Putin is widely regarded as a highly intelligent and strategic leader, known for his astute decision-making and ability to navigate international relations. Indeed, similar to the astrologer's observations, it appears that he possesses the qualities of a natural spy, much like many politicians with a Mercury Neptune aspect.

How to explain this?

Libras' worst personality traits

Libra, being a cardinal sign, excels at initiating new endeavors. However, due to their tendency to consider multiple perspectives in all pursuits, Libras often find themselves grappling with indecision. Instead of always relying on others for guidance, it would be beneficial for Libras to cultivate and have faith in their own intuition. With their unique ability to navigate social situations, Libras effortlessly resolve conflicts by simply turning on the charm, showcasing their characteristic ambivalence.

Similar to an astrologer, individuals born under the sign of Libra are driven by a strong desire to maintain balance, harmony, and fairness in all situations. They are willing to go to great lengths to prevent conflicts or confrontations, although this approach can sometimes have unintended negative consequences. They may resort to passive-aggressive behavior rather than expressing their true feelings openly. Just like the astrologer, Libras ruled by Venus have a strong desire for life to be visually appealing and harmonious. While this aspiration is commendable, it may not always align with reality. They may choose not to advance the ball, as the strategy does not align with their ideals. Similar to the astrologer, individuals belonging to air signs often display flighty tendencies, indecisiveness, and difficulty in making commitments.

Similar to an astrologer's perspective, it is conceivable that President Putin, being a Libra man, disregards societal conventions completely and establishes his own set of rules to abide by. Mr Putin displays a sense of superiority, believing that others are not deserving of his attention or efforts. He has a tendency to display passive-aggressive behavior, and at times, he can even be outright aggressive.

Libra's Dream Careers

Libras are cooperative and diplomatic. Though well-liked and popular, they can be somewhat aloof. A peaceful and beautiful environment is important to them, and they work toward creating harmony. Libras aren't temperamentally suited to jobs that are risky or messy. They prefer a career that allows them the opportunity to create and to bring opposing things into balance. They're known for elegance, refinement, and diplomacy in the workplace.

Mr Putin's Mercury in Libra imbues him with a profound sense of fairness and justice, which serves as his primary motivation for action and conflict. With the conjunction of Mercury and Saturn, there is a careful and analytical approach, along with the determination to persist until tangible achievements are reached.

He is a lawmaker who is driven by a strong sense of justice and strives to create laws that are fair to all parties involved. Attempts to address the issue through bullying, posturing, and emotional appeals have proven ineffective. He possesses a keen political acumen, with a strong intuition that allows him to see through the facade of many politicians. He is wary of trusting others, as he can easily discern when someone is being hypocritical.

Libra - Love and Relationship

Vladimir Putin has Venus in Scorpio, which is emotionally one of the most powerful, secretive, and emotionally intense signs of the Zodiac. Godfather’s theme “the vows of love we made will live until we die” is the best way to describe the deep feeling of commitment of this planetary placement.

This is not a divorcing sign at all and any breakups are extremely hard for someone who has Venus in Scorpio (called a Fixed and Water sign). For a politician like Putin, this applies not only to his friendships and personal relationships (the spouse or mistress) but also to the people and all of Russia itself.

Above all, Libras know that love is larger than just two people: It's about ethics, fairness, and remaining true to oneself. They crave a dynamic partnership where politics, vision, art, culture, and justice can all take center stage.

Libra friendship: Like all air signs, Libra is socially curious and always interested in the ways humans interact and think. The typical Libra likes to keep an eye on what's fair and does their best to remain impartial, hearing all sides of arguments, not jumping to conclusions or reacting out of anger. They know all arguments have several sides, and they're curious to hear them. This sign is also famously flexible and happy to let their partner or friends make the decisions about where to go and what to do.

Putin (Libra) and Zelenskyy (Aquarius) are Compatible Signs

Generally, the most compatible signs for Libra friendships and romantic relationships are fellow air signs (Gemini, Aquarius, and other Libras) as they speak the same airy language. Though there may be obstacles along the way, Libra can match well with opposing sign Aries, and these two stand to learn a lot from each other.

Coincidentally and amusingly, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was born on January 25: Zodiac Sign Is Aquarius (Its dates are January 20 - February 18) which belongs to the Air element of astrology, along with Gemini and Libra (President Putin). The symbol of Aquarius is the water bearer, which represents pure intentions.

Related: Ukraine President Zelenskyy: Horoscope, Astrological Prediction and Zodiac Sign Personality

Libra - Incompatible signs

Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) tend to be a little too emotional for the typical Libra's tastes, while earth signs (Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn) might perceive sociable Libra as flighty or fickle.

President Putin - Animal Sign Under Chinese Astrology (Feng Shui)

Russian President Putin was born on 7 October 1952 (Lunar Calendar: August 18, 1952), then he is an animal sign of Dragon, according to Chinese Astrology (Feng Shui).

The Dragon is the fifth of the 12 Chinese zodiac animals. Each year has an animal sign according to the 12-year cycle. The next Dragon Year is 2024. The old Chinese story behind this was that the Jade emperor ordered a race to select the 12 animals to be his personal guards. The animals arrived in the order of the cycle.

The Dragon symbolizes power, nobleness, honor, luck, and success such as President Putin in traditional Chinese culture. The Dragon is a supernatural being with no parallel for talent and excellence.

Dragon Man 1952 - Prediction for Lifetime

Dragon leaders make for tough bosses, as they’re good at giving orders, and will hold people accountable to big results!

Chinese Dragon natives are proud and strong, both physically and mentally. Born as natural leaders, Dragon natives tend to mark a long-lasting impression on others.

This animal sign is an auspicious one, as dragons are seen as intelligent and bold self-starters with big ambitions. They’re passionate about their goals and have the self-reliance, smarts, and charm to win over people, succeed at business dealings, and in general enjoy life!

Horoscopes see that man born in the year of the Dragon 1952 have a good life in terms of love and fortune. The more you return to the middle and the rear, the better life will be, the more public will be open.

These people usually live from 72 to 78 years old. If you live well or do good deeds, good deeds will increase your self-esteem.

Dragon Man is Compatible with Snake Man

Dragon (President Putin) - Compatible with: Monkey or Rooster, but Rat, Tiger, or Snake (President Ukrainian Volodymyr Zelenskyy) are best

Dragon - Incompatible with: Ox, Goat, Dog

Is 2024 A Good Year for Dragon?

In the year 2024, those born in the year of the Dragon can expect a multitude of changes, according to the horoscope. Throughout its five-year lifespan, this zodiac animal faced numerous obstacles and hardships in various aspects of life. Particularly in the first half of the year, challenges seem to accumulate one after another.

Even the most resilient individuals will face challenges and obstacles that may shake their resolve throughout the year. Some individuals might experience feelings of sadness and despair.

On the other hand, towards the end of the year, the luck of individuals born in the year of the Dragon tends to take a turn. Hard work and perseverance pay off. When confronted with challenges, it is important for this zodiac animal to maintain a positive and resilient attitude.

When it comes to career, the outlook for individuals born in the year of the Dragon in 2024 is not particularly favorable. They may experience challenges and setbacks in various aspects of their professional lives. Progress remains stagnant, with limited chances for growth or promotion. In addition, the level of competition is increasing, necessitating greater effort to safeguard your current position.

Starting a business or venturing into trading can be a challenging journey, filled with obstacles and the possibility of failure.

Individuals born in the year of the Dragon may want to exercise caution when it comes to making investments this year, particularly in areas that carry a higher level of risk, such as stocks and real estate. Furthermore, it is crucial to thoroughly review the terms of the contract when engaging in business negotiations. Be cautious and vigilant to prevent falling into the clutches of deception and manipulation.

It is advisable for individuals in their middle age to carefully consider the potential risks before making any hasty decisions regarding their employment or work environment. Abruptly quitting their job or making significant changes could potentially lead to prolonged periods of unemployment.

For the astrologer, it is advised that individuals born in the year of the Dragon focus on enhancing their independent thinking skills and cultivating a strong will to overcome any challenges that come their way this year.

When it comes to fortune, the outlook for Dragon people in 2024 is not particularly positive due to various challenges and obstacles in work and career. Just like the astrologer, the impact of stagnation at work can be felt by salaried workers, as it directly affects their main source of income. Furthermore, it is conceivable that as a result of a subjective evaluation of the incident, you might be required to personally cover the costs to make amends for the damage.

It is important for business people to avoid acquiring wealth through unethical methods, as this can lead to complications such as labor disputes, legal battles, and potential imprisonment.

For individuals born in the year of the Dragon, 2024 may present challenges in terms of financial stability. It seems that business ventures and investments may not yield the desired results, leading to potential losses.

In addition, individuals born in the year of the Dragon tend to underestimate modest incomes and consistently strive to achieve financial success through ambitious endeavors. Unfortunately, a streak of bad luck in the fifth year of life can make it incredibly challenging to fulfill your desires, and there's even a possibility of losing all your investments and gains.

One factor that can lead Dragon people to experience financial difficulties is their tendency to engage in wasteful spending, indulge in a hedonistic lifestyle, and surround themselves with negative influences.

For those born in the year of the Dragon, it is crucial to establish a well-defined budget and effectively manage their finances in order to minimize potential risks. Exercise caution when granting loans, as they can be vulnerable to fraudulent activities and scams.

Regarding love: The horoscope for 2024, specifically for the year of the Dragon, presents numerous uncertainties in the realm of romantic relationships. Similar to an astrologer, the fluctuating nature of your emotions may have an impact on your partner, leading to increased tensions, frequent arguments, and even the possibility of a relationship ending abruptly.

Partners may also encounter the difficulty of an outsider interfering. When faced with such circumstances, it is important to engage in a calm and rational discussion to reach a fair resolution, rather than resorting to conflict that could result in legal consequences.

It may be challenging for individuals who are not in a relationship to receive positive news this year. Whether meeting or being matched, relationships can be fragile and vulnerable to pain.

For couples who are in the process of getting to know each other, it is important to cultivate patience, tolerance, and open lines of communication. These qualities will contribute to a lasting and fulfilling relationship.

Furthermore, individuals born in the year of the Dragon should be mindful of maintaining appropriate boundaries in their interactions with the opposite sex, both in professional and social settings. It is important for them to avoid getting entangled in situations that may lead to misunderstandings or unnecessary rumors.

Considering the current stage of life, it may not be the most suitable time to make the decision to get married. If love is strong and both of you are committed to building a home together, it is important to thoroughly explore effective methods of conflict resolution right from the start.

When it comes to health, the Dragon horoscope for 2024 doesn't paint an ideal picture. In fact, it suggests a noticeable decline. It is important to never underestimate any health issue, regardless of its size.

It's important to find a healthy balance between work and rest, making sure to avoid staying up too late. Furthermore, it is important to follow a balanced and evidence-based diet, avoiding the consumption of spicy and stimulating foods. Embrace a lifestyle that prioritizes nourishing your body with an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables. Ensure you stay adequately hydrated to cleanse your system, enhance your natural beauty, and safeguard against the effects of aging.

For individuals born in the year of the Dragon, it is important to prioritize their health this year. If any signs of physical instability arise, it is advisable to promptly seek medical attention and follow any necessary treatment plans. It is important to remain open-minded and objective in order to prevent further deterioration and to make the process of treatment and recovery easier.

Furthermore, it is crucial to remain vigilant while traveling and engaging in traffic to prevent any unfortunate incidents. Even small scratches can lead to significant injuries that might necessitate surgical treatment.

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