Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn 2023: Which Zodiac Sign is Most Miserable? Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn 2023: Which Zodiac Sign is Most Miserable?
Mercury Retrograde 2023: Race of 12 Zodiac Signs in 4 Fierce Retrogrades Mercury Retrograde 2023: Race of 12 Zodiac Signs in 4 Fierce Retrogrades
Mercury Retrograde in Taurus in 2023
Mercury Retrograde in Taurus in 2023

Influence of the 2nd Mercury Retrograde in 2023

Mercury retrograde in 2023 takes place all 4 times, there is a special thing that all 4 times of Water retrograde this year take place in the position of the Earth signs. That means stability will be broken in 2023.

According to astrology, on this April 21, 2023, we will welcome the 2nd retrograde of this year of Mercury.

And as with any Mercury retrograde period, in the second one in April, the impact this astrological phenomenon has on people's lives is not small.

Although the official impact period of this time is from April 21 to May 14, in fact starting from April 7, 2023 we can already feel some of the disturbances of Mercury retrograde. , the impact will also last and completely stop around May 31, 2023.

This retrograde of Mercury will take place in Taurus - an Earth sign that governs stability and financial matters. Mercury retrograde in Taurus signals widespread instability in all matters. Not only that, any agreement, whether in person or in writing, that you make carries the risk of being disadvantaged.

Taurus is inherently a very "stubborn" sign and hates change. When impacted by Mercury retrograde, this energy will cause huge changes. They can be good or bad, depending on the situation.

Furthermore, you may face stubborn and irrational attitudes from your clients, partners, partners, lovers, family or friends.

Taurus represents the comfort zone, luxury, candlelit dinners, fine wine and dinner parties... ie the needs for enjoyment. But with this retrograde of Mercury, you will feel uncomfortable when your needs are not met.

In particular, you may be pushed out of your comfort zone. Health care and beauty services during this time also need to be cautious to avoid emergency situations.

You may also feel lazier and more sluggish than usual, with plans easily interrupted. The communication process is prone to misunderstandings.

Do's and Don'ts During Mercury Retrograde

• Be patient in all matters.

• Don't try to resist change when you can't do the opposite.

• Stay calm when pushed out of your comfort zone.

• Embrace and accept whatever life throws at you.

• Exercise to overcome laziness.

• Do not make any financial arrangements or buy or sell properties during this time.

• Keep your finances under control.

• Try to communicate peacefully and gently with people.

• Try to focus on long-term goals.

• Reschedule your meetings.

• Wear blue to increase communication, keep calm.

Impact of Mercury Retrograde on the 12 Zodiac Signs

Air Zodiac Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

When Mercury is in retrograde motion in the constellations of the Air elemental family, it's important to pay extra attention to money problems and guard against the plans of petty individuals or theft.

You are naturally witty, gregarious, and articulate, so you won't have any trouble communicating with the people around you, and this bodes well for the Air group's predetermined relationship with them. This Mercury retrograde, though, may not go as smoothly as planned.

The Air group can get too excited and force you into a "excessive," even awkward, scenario. Since then, you've been singled out as an object of hatred and even attack, and the once-blessing ordained relationship has faded away.

If you're a Libra in a competitive workplace, for example, you need to watch what you say and how you act to avoid being smeared by your detractors. While making commercial investments, Aquarius has to slow down and think things through thoroughly rather than jumping to conclusions based on the advice of others. In the meanwhile, Geminis should be careful with their possessions, both at home and while traveling.

It's important to remember and heed the warning that during this Mercury retrograde, your Air zodiac sign will be the one most impacted monetarily. Never put all your eggs in one basket or trust anyone with your money without checking their credentials first. If you disclose everyone your business strategy, you won't know who to trust.

Actually, Mercury retrograde during this time is not harmful for the future growth of the Air group, and in fact, thanks to it, you will have the chance to re-sift your relationships, sort out the type of person you want to be in your life, and so on. Get rid of false pals and concentrate on genuine connections instead.

April 2023 Horoscope of Air Signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius April 2023 Horoscope of Air Signs: Gemini, Libra and Aquarius

Fire Zodiac Signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius

The Fire signs are naturally upbeat and hopeful, but it might be challenging to resist feeling depressed or mentally drowsy during the second Mercury retrograde. It's a love story in The Fire group.

You can experience a lot of insecurity in your existing relationship during this period. Couples should keep their arguments to a minimum; singles should also pay attention lest they run across bad apples and become emotionally duped.

In actuality, those born under the Fire sign are energetic and engaged in romantic relationships; they rarely adopt a passive attitude. Once you like someone, you will "attack" and pursue them right away.

Yet, due to Mercury's retrograde period, the Fire group has recently experienced unstable psychology, erratic emotions, and a propensity to damage others around them as well as to be readily held accountable by others. because of his illogical actions.

Reminder and advice: At this time, the Fire group must first learn to regulate their emotions and keep in mind not to lash out at people nearby.

Aries should be more considerate and fair in their existing relationships. Put yourself in the other person's shoes to better understand them, and try not to push your ideas too hard. Leo should also learn to display vulnerability when necessary to appease both parties' sentiments; after all, you can't constantly pressuring someone to change to suit your needs.

Sagittarius, instead of allowing the relationship to devolve into a protracted cold war, you should use communication to address disagreements. It is important to communicate everything openly; do not brood alone.

If you are a single Fire sign, don't jump into a new relationship right now; instead, take your time, think things through, pay more attention, and don't turn your head. For the sake of fleeting honor, disregard the advice of those around you, but don't disregard the odd things your intuition is attempting to tell you. You risk making a poor decision if you believe nice words on a whim.

Water Signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

Water signs tend to be emotional individuals, thus during this Mercury retrograde phase it is particularly vulnerable in this regard, according to astrology.

It's likely that the people who are closest to you—close friends, family members, lovers, and life partners—will exert invisible pressure on the Water group and make you feel quite depressed at this time.

Even Scorpio, who appears uninterested on the outside but is very interested in others, is a water sign that is highly emotional. They will be quite concerned about what other people think of them, yet because of this, Scorpio will create unseen pressures and become even more self-conscious than usual during this time. critiques or complaints made by others.

Your long-standing balance will be gravely harmed by the Water group's excessive empathy during this Mercury retrograde, and it is simple for this group to lose their customary confidence and doubt their own talents. You still need to pay closer attention because prolonged stress might have an impact on your health.

Reminder and advice: Water signs prefer to hold back; during this time, emotions can easily override judgment, so you should take a moment to collect yourself before making a choice.

Cancer must broaden their social network, cultivate good friends, and carefully consider the ideas of others.

Scorpio should try to be more vulnerable; when you can communicate your true feelings, things will seem much lighter.

Pisces should constantly remind themselves to remain reasonable and avoid unjustified self-doubt. When the strain gets too much, you should make the right relief decisions, like playing sports or going on a trip to get your bearings.

April 2023 Horoscope of Water Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Scorpio And Pisces April 2023 Horoscope of Water Zodiac Signs: Cancer, Scorpio And Pisces

Earth Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Although Earth signs are renowned for their certainty and stability, this Mercury retrograde has greatly diminished their level of well-being.

It is clear that the Earth group's energy is in a very bad state right now. This could be because they are suddenly required to adopt a new project or change a new business without their own consent. lack of planning, managing expertise, and experience. They will become confused and find it tough to adapt as a result.

The Earth group will struggle to expand their daily capacity as a result of these surprises because despite their best efforts, the outcomes are still far from adequate. It will gradually change how people approach their work.

Work quality suffers, accomplishments are ridiculed, supervisors criticize, and subordinates lose trust, which causes them to become even more perplexed about how to perform properly.

Reminder and advice: Earth signs have an excellent image in the workplace since they take responsibility for all they do. But, you should be aware that relationships, no matter how positive, can quickly degenerate when it comes to personal interests.

Yet, this team should not begin a new project hastily at this time; instead, they should be well-prepared for the first few steps, actively adjust the status, and interact with superiors and subordinates more frequently. This will help them "survive" the Mercury retrograde phase.

Taurus, don't just keep working; doing so blindly and without regard for the circumstances will only result in your efforts being wasted. Instead, show off your talent when it is appropriate.

Virgo should practice being flexible and adaptable to the situation at hand rather than being overly rigid and missing opportunities or delaying goals.

In workplace connections, Capricorn will need a little more sobriety. The other party may appear kind on the outside, but they may be hiding ideas that will hurt you on the inside.

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