LEO Horoscope September 2021 - Monthly Predictions for Love, Health, Career and Money
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Leo overview horoscope for the month ahead - September 2021
The first few days in September of Leo start with the feature of opposition between Mars and Neptune happening in your 2nd and 8th house. This transit speaks of your resources and that of others and the balance in between. Mars in your 2nd house indicates a need to take money matters much more seriously. It's probable that you have already seen some of this transit's effects in the antecedent month. Still, as Mars will be transiting out of Virgo and into Libra this September, the obstacle will be having to deal with other people. The 8th house is closely connected to the government, taxes and banking and having Neptune in there can cause some problems as the planet is somewhat unreliable when it comes to earthly matters.
Moving along two significant points in the Moon's orbit, conjoin having a powerful global effect. This conjunction will happen in your 11th house.
Whenever Lilith and the North Node join, the world hits a hard reset as we are all forced to face the side of ourselves we are not very comfortable showing others. This happening in your house of public life will have significant implications. You may generally feel as though as you need some time apart from the world. 11th house is usually associated with social media, so you may find that these platforms are especially tiring for you at this time. Some discomfort is imminent, as Leo does best in the public eye. Yet, this transit may be manifesting in that specific placement to invite you to learn how to be your own hype-man. Relying too much on public approval can be extremely unsustainable. Lilith here almost wants to question the validity of that esteem in the first place. She asks the question: "If all we do is for the approval of others, then what do we approve?" Perhaps you went too far in your need to keep a good presentation and forgot what you genuinely want along the way.
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As if this is not enough to think about, Lilith will also be part of a Grand-trine between Mercury and Saturn in all air signs. Air energy is about our ideas, discovery and study. This transit is happening in your 3rd, 7th and 11th house.
Adding to the Lilith conjunction, Mercury and Saturn question your approach to intimacy. If you have been putting up with other people's nonsense because you are afraid of losing some sort of connection, this trine will push you to ponder if it is worth it letting this go on for that long. A decision must be made, and once you make it, it will be much easier to make reasonable demands. Taking the time to think is crucial, so you don't let your emotions get in the way of your reason. When you know your needs, there is no need to compromise your well-being for others' convenience. There are times we have to make sacrifices, but if these go unnoticed and are continuously one-sided, that's a sign someone is taking advantage of your kindness. Mercury transiting your third house will make expressing your needs easier, so take advantage of that transit to make the requests you feel are necessary.
The Virgo New Moon in your 6th house will be pushing you to make decisions much more promptly. As this new lunar cycle unfolds, there will be an impulse to work out any unfinished business in your work life. This is a good sign of old projects coming to completion or even new connections with coworkers you haven't been too close to before. Another possible manifestation of this lunar cycle is a more rooted integration between your work and personal life and greater care to ensure one doesn't take over the other. This Moon will also be trine with Uranus, who has been transiting your 10th house. Uranus's influence could symbolize you are assuming a new role in your workplace or even an unexpected promotion. That being said, this would also be an especially auspicious time to ask for more responsibility, and of course, a raise. With Mercury still helping you out with your communication skills during this period, taking the time to craft a well-written email to plant the seed of your well-deserved rewards will prove to bring quick and tangible results. Of course, be mindful of your own limitations. If your work life hasn't been the focus for the last little while, it's best to not be too pushy.
The Full Moon in Pisces happening in your 8th house will close the month with an intense need for some me-time. With the influence of Neptune through this lunation, chances are your emotions may be quite overwhelming. A lot is going to be brought out of the darkest and deepest depths of your psyche. It's an excellent time to let the tears fall down, even if you think it's for a silly reason. Not every Leo will be going through the same emotional thunderstorm, but all need the space to be able to feel mellow for a day. Life is full of ups and downs, and when we learn to appreciate the less glorious bits, the up-swing is much more rewarding. So no matter how big or small you think your problems are, take this time to complain and yell at the world if you need to (I mean that figuratively, but as long as you're not disturbing anybody, you do you.) Neptune may give you an urge to run away from these emotions that are slightly harder to manage, but embracing them will be much more rewarding.
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Leo monthly horoscope for Love - September 2021
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Photo: Ganesha Speaks |
Leo compatibility is aided by your magnetic personality. You tend to be frank and this may hurt some people. Relationships will be marked by devotion and faithfulness.
Marital relationships will be compassionate and you will keep your partner comfortable and happy. There will be complete harmony in marriage and you will have the support of your spouse in whatever you do including planning for a baby.
Single Lions will be enthusiastic in pursuing love relationships this month. You are able to attract partners by your magnetic personality. Instincts will guide you to the right love alliance.
Leo monthly horoscope for Education - September 2021
Nothing particularly favourable about the augury in so far as your educational prospects are concerned. Students of electrical engineering, electronics, medicine, surgery and those pursuing languages, journalism and other forms of mass-communications would have to put in a lot of extra effort to get to their objectives.
Further, most of you may lack the drive and motivation that is required to get to the top. This would of course, reflect in your performance, and you would have to look inwards for inspiration to correct this. Also this would also indicate that those sitting for any competitive examination should go in for extra coaching.
Leo monthly horoscope for Career - September 2021
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Photo: Ganesha Speaks |
2021 Leo horoscope for professionals predicts excellent prospects for growth in their careers. Planetary configurations are highly supportive and they make the environment at the workplace harmonious. With the support of colleagues and seniors, you will be able to accomplish your targets effortlessly. You can also look forward to financial rewards.
You will have time for engaging yourself in charitable activities for the betterment of society. You can improve your professional expertise with the help of your seniors.
This would be little soon for any significant quantity of travel, though in your own area of effort there would be a lot interaction with people. Some of this would be with people of learning and spiritual stature. This would be of extremely beneficial nature. Some of you may perform noteworthy social or religious work.
Leo monthly horoscope for Travel - September 2021
Nothing particularly favourable about the augury from the stars this month, in so far as gain from travel are concerned, since the stars are not too favourably inclined. Most of the travels undertaken by you would be official in nature. This would be mostly by rail or by road with some of it being possibly, by air.
However, all your sojourns are unlikely to bring in the expected gains. In fact, even the most favoured direction, i.e. North, would fail to be beneficial in any significant way. Since you would be facing an adverse set of circumstances, you would do well to cut down your travel plans, to the minimum.
Leo monthly horoscope for Health - September 2021
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Photo: Ganesha Speaks |
September 2021 Leo horoscope for health is blissful and you have the support of stars for this. There will not be any serious health problems, while small health disorders can be taken care of by routine medical assistance in the Mercury retrograde.
However, you cannot ignore your exercise and diet plans to keep yourself fit and healthy. Relaxation methods such as sports and meditation will reduce your stress levels and help you retain your mental well-being.
Even a tonic for your chronic disorders would give you much relief this month because of a favourable stellar configuration. A good month, during which you have nothing much to worry about on health grounds, except just this little bit of care.
Leo monthly horoscope for Family & Children - September 2021
This would be a beneficial month for your family since the stars are in an obliging mood. A month during which your devotion for your father will grow significantly. The family atmosphere would be pleasant with harmony among the members. In such an atmosphere, children would behave in a good natured manner and do well in their studies and other extra curricular activities.
There is the likelihood that some of you would gain substantially from your maternal relations. Even otherwise, you all should do quite well financially, with a rise in the overall family income fairly certain for most of you. A beneficial month during which you would have few worries.
A month during which your children should do well for themselves since the stars are quite favourably disposed towards to their affairs. Most of the children would do well in studies as well as in extra-curricular activities. Those studying in any area of accountancy would fare exceedingly well. Those pursuing the fine arts like music, dance, drama, and the like should also do quite well. The behaviour of most of them would also be quite pleasant and they would display proper regards towards their elders. There is some reason to be apprehensive about the possibility of an injury.
Leo monthly horoscope for Finance - September 2021
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Photo: Ganesha Speaks |
2021 September monthly forecast for Leo zodiac suggest prosperous times for business people. Exporters and traders will make good profits from their business activities. People engaged in fine arts will have no problem in marketing their products.
Stellar positions are propitious and it is the right time for starting new ventures by businessmen. Speculations and investments will be profitable. Financial agencies will support your business activities.
Further, the climate would remain congenial for investment and the launching of new ventures, and those of you who have such plans on the anvil, should put these into motion. Further, any pending loan application with banks or financial institutions, or proposals for fresh advances would also get expeditiously cleared.
Leo Important numbers: 3, 5, 7 Leo September important dates: 6, 8, 10, 25, 30 Horoscope September special note for Leo Do not plan any social meetings at the end of the month. The huge amount of financial matters will make your spontaneity dormant. September will be marked by further laziness and romance. However, slowly start to deal with more mundane, everyday matters, especially those related to the family. |
READ MORE: September 2021 Horoscope - Monthly Predictions for 12 Zodiac Signs in Love, Career, Health and Finance!
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