JANUARY 2022 Monthly Horoscope: Astrological Prediction for All 12 Zodiac Signs
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January 2022 Horoscope: A look at the month ahead
As the year of 2021 begins to come to a close, make sure to be open to the changes that will come as 2022 starts to unfurl. As January begins the moon will move into Aries, the first sign of the astrological zodiac cycle. The moon in Aries is characterized by youthfulness, passion, and determination. With the difficulties that have arisen within the past couple of years, these Aries traits will be a moving force in shaping the rest of January 2022 and the months that follow. In particular, this will be impactful on personal mood, feelings, and emotions.
You will be far more cognizant of the behavior of others and their sub-sequential wants and needs. This interaction between the Sun and Neptune shifts your focus from your personal demands to the bigger picture. Consequently, this is the ideal time to extend your talents to charitable causes and those in need. Further, use this day to gain a deeper understanding of your own spirituality.
While Mercury is in retrograde, there will be several changes and disruptions in your typical routine. Old methods will need to be reviewed and revised. It can be easy to become frustrated when project after project gets derailed, but it’s essential to acknowledge the importance of change. Use the change that Mercury in retrograde to inspire your own creativity and embrace your personal growth.
Thoughts, feelings, and emotions will be heavily intensified by this opposition. Emotions will not necessarily be harmonious, creating several emotional arguments. Intense encounters with loved ones are going to be plentifully abound. While it is easy to act impulsively and irrationally on your emotional instincts, be wary to act on them unless some sort of good can come of it. Subconscious thoughts will arise to the surface, clouding your judgement. Avoid jumping to any conclusions. This will only create more problems later on.
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Planetary Influences
In January, we will also be affected by other Astrological movements, such as the new moon in the sign of Capricorn, the Sun in conjunction with Pluto, the transfer of the Sun to Aquarius zodiac sign, or the departure of the planet Mercury from this sign. As Venus moves retroactively throughout January, let's look at how this aspect will affect the first month of the new year.
Venus enters a retrograde motion approximately every 18 months. It is the planet that is in this movement, perhaps the least of all the other planets that affect the 12 zodiac signs. This retrograde movement of Venus brings certain positive effects, but also negative energies. The transit of Venus in this direction means for the romantic relationship a cooling of feelings towards the other. It also affects those who are in a harmonious relationship, because some of you will require more romance than they are getting. We feel overlooked by a loved one and there may be problems with communication. If problems are not solved honestly and straightforwardly in the relationship during this period, they can later come to the surface and cause a disaster
The movement of Venus raises deep-rooted concerns about our relationship and reinforces the need to organize all emotional imbalances. This period is not suitable even for those who are looking for new love, because under the influence of retrograde Venus they flood our romantic awareness and confuse us with feelings of passion with feelings of love. Unmarried people can thus get into intensive relationships, which will be problematic for the future. Relationships that begin during the effect of the retrograde Venus on zodiac signs often mean mainly a lesson for the future, because they do not last long.
January 2022 Horoscope for Aries
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Always effective, but sometimes excessive! You may be more than perfect; you trigger jealousies, so close your eyes or turn a deaf ear. May you actually need to increase your income or your network on the internet? Do not worry, small difficulties fade. So, you will really find the power to act without too many obstacles.
Aries, Indeed, your energy comes back and you have to face the facts, you take a lot of initiatives. This helps you to conclude quickly and well, everything you do. If you wish to entrust a secret to someone, you only have to choose from it. Among all trusted friends around you, there are many who are willing to go to the fire for you. From the 23rd to the 25th, avoid being stubborn for unimportant detail.
![]() ARIES January 2022 Horoscope: Inner strong, spontaneous, and self-confident Aries, January will be quite eventful for Aries. Mars will take over, and thus these individuals ... |
January 2022 Horoscope for Taurus
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Uranus in your sign plays on your reputation or your social position? You say what you think and you think what you say. This is the best way to set the record straight, you who tend to forget it! Anyway, even if the conjunction of Mercury and Saturn square to your Sun, you throw a challenge, you know how to bounce and cut short these little things that can become annoying.
Taurus, Your usual realism does wonders, your obstinacy too. You do not give up, but you have a hard time relaxing. Still, it's the only thing to deal with ins and outs that you do not always master. The time is working for you; the end of the month is surprising; on the 4, 5 and 6 do not insist.
![]() TAURUS January 2022 Horoscope: At home, you will be facing major renovations and considerable changes at work. You will have enough energy for everything, and ... |
January 2022 Horoscope for Gemini
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Gemini, This month you are struggling with your great ideas and great speeches. Good, you have a public and whatever your industry you will be unanimous. Alas, every coin has two sides: you hardly support the slow pace and you'll have to force yourself to maintain an Olympian calm. Although you resist the contradiction, you manage to think and action.
Especially on the 4th and 5th of the month, where we could find you great. Anyway, you continue to bet on humor and against all odds you know how to remain Zen in all circumstances, in front of anyone. Trust the solution you expect is nearby, it will appear when you least expect it.
![]() GEMINI January 2022 Horoscope: In this January, Gemini will be focused on themselves and their self-development. They will set new career goals. Professional prosperity and ... |
January 2022 Horoscope for Cancer
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Cancer 2022 Horoscope. Photo: knowinsiders. |
Serenity and trust are your watchwords, once is not custom. Indeed, the stars are good for you; it allows you to rely on a supportive environment and on the dazzling intuitions to advance. You see immediately where you step and this ensures a train in advance. All fights are good to lead: "iron fist in a velvet glove" it's your motto and your way of acting. Everyone is caught, so you have no qualms about imposing your will. Basically, this is everyone's business, especially since you get rid of your fear of missing and not succeed. Your natural creativity is expressed, as well as a certain spontaneity that you no longer fear to show. Even on the material plane this method will benefit you.
January 2022 Horoscope for Leo
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Leo 2022 Horoscope. Photo: knowinsiders. |
You may have to make choices in a hurry, or consider the ones that have been needed for a while. Thanks to certain reactivity you will not have too much trouble to decide, or even to act. In any case you know exactly what you want or what you do not want.
Even if some people reproach you for being unrealistic, you assume without doubt. It is still what you have better to do; your authority is appreciated, as much in your professional circle as social or private.
If some financial complications interfere, you find a way to delay until better days, your morale of steel does not let it be said.
![]() LEO January 2022 Horoscope: January 2022 will bring a system of planets which favor setting new priorities. If you want to change something in your ... |
January 2022 Horoscope for Virgo
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Virgo, The month looks rather significant and this is on several levels. Do not hesitate to step out of your comfort zone to provoke proposals, which will prove much more exciting than what you thought, at first glance.
You effectively structure the means at your disposal, it allows you to optimize your answers and you reach the target. You willingly give up an agreed attitude in order to bet on the unexpected and the impulse of the moment. It does not look like you, but you are doing much better.
From an administrative point of view your steps are facilitated, especially as you demonstrate an effective rigor that takes you far. Some of your dreams now seem possible and more accessible than ever. By refusing pessimism, you tick all the boxes.
![]() VIRGO January 2022 Horoscope: In January 2022 Virgo will have to focus on cooperation and working in a group. Initially, it can cause problems, because ... |
January 2022 Horoscope for Libra
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The speed of reflection associated with the depth of thought, allow you good results; especially in the professional field. Your action is up to your ambitions and it does not go unnoticed. It is true that you have the deep conviction that an old dream is at hand, why not?
After all the energy does not fail you this month, you are able to surpass yourself and rebound with confidence. In fact, even if you do it discreetly, you like to evaluate and compare your performance. You decide to take your choices without affecting anyone, or anything. On the 13th you can make a good investment: moral or material. On the 31st, you are self-censoring.
![]() LIBRA January 2022 Horoscope: In the first month of 2022, Libra will have to bet on their own. Expressing yourself and your views, as well ... |
January 2022 Horoscope for Scorpio
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At the game of synchronicity you are the big winner. Everything seems to converge in the same direction: exchanges, readings, conversations picked up "randomly". You find answers without even having to search for them. But it's true that it's been a while since you've been waiting for life to show you the way.
This month of January is done. You finally look in the right direction and you will, without further ado, at the end of your desires. In exchange stop trying to make others happy despite themselves, everything will be better. Listen to your deep self; it speaks loud enough for you to hear it without increasing the sound.
![]() SCORPIO January 2022 Horoscope: Jupiter and Saturn will influence in the January 2022 Scorpio devoted to professional matters. A large number of duties will give ... |
January 2022 Horoscope for Sagittarius
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The presence of Mercury at the beginning of the month in your sign gives punch to your ideas and helps you to find out how to carry them out. You manage to convince your interlocutors and the doors open with incredible ease.
Do not get in too much trouble, you may end up with some unforeseen complications, certainly short-lived, but that would force you to wait for things to settle down. Take a step back and take one step after another; it will be the best way to benefit from your ability to impose yourself.
![]() SAGITTARIUS January 2022 Horoscope: The most important thing in January 2022 for Sagittarius will be feelings and emotions. A mood swing will make it ... |
January 2022 Horoscope for Capricorn
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Capricorn, Some recent decisions that you had trouble taking, are beginning to bear fruit. Your environment may have changed. Anyway you have stopped looking towards the exit and you assume your choices.
This month of January can be fruitful in terms of material: employment, placement, reordering or perspective. You want and need that the wind of novelty that you have requested really breathes on your life. Things are taking their course but maybe not fast enough for you, which is a shame! Yet you really feel that everything starts again and it shows; you are open to all eventualities.
![]() CAPRICORN January 2022 Horoscope: Family matters will be the Capricorn’s most important in January 2022. The atmosphere in the home will strongly affect the general ... |
January 2022 Horoscope for Aquarius
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Your audacity takes you further than you thought at first, even taking risks. Yet you feel ambivalent: on one side you're ready to jump into the water; on the other you apply the brakes. You will have to take a stand once and for all, so you will regain your trust.
If professional side you are less helpful than usual we cannot really blame you. Indeed, a certain restraint in the face of new rules, or new colleagues, allows you to benefit from a period of observation. This is doing you a favor. You do not rush and your analyses are, as always, very fine.
![]() AQUARIUS January 2022 Horoscope: January is a time of constant changes for Aquarius. There will be a lot going on, which will affect all ... |
January 2022 Horoscope for Pisces
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Pisces, You learn to empty without necessarily occupying it at all costs. In all that does not serve you any more: address book, objects and closets too full, worn conversations, what will you finally eliminate? Basically you know it perfectly well and for a long time.
You just have to get going and do it without too much regret or remorse. You see the skyline, far ahead of you and you have decided to reach it without too much delay. It is true that you know how to swim and that you can show yourself more than determined. However some may underestimate you, it may be that those are the most surprised.
![]() PISCES January 2022 Horoscope: In January 2022 Pisces will turn their attention to other people and will be very empathic. This is a very ... |
Important Dates in January 2022• 02 January 2022: New Moon in Capricorn zodiac sign and Mercury enters Aquarius zodiac sign • 09 January 2022: Sun and Venus in conjunction • 16 January 2022: Sun conjunct Pluto • 17 January 2022: Full Moon in the Cancer zodiac sign • 20 January 2022: Sun enters Aquarius zodiac sign • 24 January 2022: Mars enters Capricorn zodiac sign • 26 January 2022: Mercury leaves Aquarius • 30 January 2022: Sun square Uranus |
Read More: Horoscope 2022: Annual Forecast 12 Zodiac Signs in Love, Career, Finance and Health
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