Pregnancy of Each Zodiac Sign. Photo: The Bump
Pregnancy of Each Zodiac Sign. Photo: The Bump

According to astrology, your sign is determined based upon the Sun’s position exactly on the day you were born. For example, if you are a Virgo, then it’s because the Sun stayed on the Virgo constellation right at your birth date.

Scientists have discovered that individuals born under each sign have different behaviors, characteristics, and personalities.

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

Aries. Photo: Deccan Herald
Aries. Photo: Deccan Herald

The Aries confidence, determination, and love of physical challenges will make them see pregnancy as a welcomed challenge. Their optimist nature will aid them in taking on the emotional challenges faced during pregnancy.

However, be cautious as the Aries incredibly short temper make them extremely likely for their pregnancy-related hormonal surges to come out in bursts of severe anger and aggression.

The tendency to crave competition and be #1 in everything make the Aries very likely to be the annoying one in Lamaze class that is first to have their birth plan ready and have already mastered their burping technique.

TMI warning: the Aries brutally honest nature tends to mean that they aren’t shy about the ugly side of pregnancy. So, get ready to hear about hemorrhoids, mucus plugs, morning sickness and all the other less-than-appealing sides of pregnancy from your pregnant Aries friend.

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

Taurus. Photo: Deccan Herald
Taurus. Photo: Deccan Herald

The Taurus’s reliable and practical nature makes them likely to handle the stress of pregnancy with grace. They’re unlikely to ever miss a doctor’s appointment and are very likely to stay on top of their pregnancy health routine. Therefore, they are likely to have quite healthy pregnancies.

However, the Taurus’s dislike for sudden changes mixed with their disdain for insecurity tends to make the changes the body rapidly goes through during pregnancy really hard for them.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

Gemini. Photo: Spiritualservants
Gemini. Photo: Spiritualservants

The Gemini’s nervous nature make them quite likely to panic throughout their pregnancies about everything from being a “bad mom” to the fear of having a difficult labor.

Considering the Gemini doesn’t like being confined, they are also likely to experience a feeling of discomfort with the “confining” feelings of being pregnant (i.e. being limited in what they can eat/drink, being limited in what they can and cannot do, etc.).

Their difficulty with making decisions is also likely to cause some pregnancy stress as there are a lot of decisions to make in only nine short months, according to Yourtango.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

Cancer. Photo: Women's Health
Cancer. Photo: Women's Health

Cancers are the mothers of the zodiac—they are mother to everything and everyone,” Angel says. “They’re generally shy people but come alive in a home environment. They are often excellent cooks and teach their children the bliss of domesticity. Cancers also tend to be on the passive side, and need to encourage their kids to stand up for themselves. But they’ll transform into streetfighters to protect their young. Sometimes overprotective, they can veer toward smothering their kids, so learning to give them room to grow is important.

LEO (July 23 – August 22)

Photo: Women's Health
Photo: Women's Health

Leos are kids at heart and need a huge amount of attention. They tend to be a little on the narcissistic side, so while they can make good mothers, it’s important for them set aside their ego and learn to nurture their child,” Angel says. “They can be dramatic, but they can also be warm, generous and very creative. Leos can also sometimes get competitive with their kids and aren’t known for being super-responsible, but they’re fun parents.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

Photo: Melinda Marie Alexander
Photo: Melinda Marie Alexander

Virgos are the control freaks of the zodiac, so they have to be careful about being overly critical and learn to offer constructive criticism,” Angel says. “The classic Virgo is a bit of a germaphobe and is obsessed with cleanliness for their kids. They can also be hypochondriacs, so they have to be careful not to freak out every time their child has a cough or fever.” Virgos are also known for their intelligence and practicality, and are eager to pass on the same values in their kids. “They’re usually excellent at math and make good business people, and teach their children to be frugal and careful with their finances, as reported by thebump.


LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

Photo: DailyExpress.
Photo: DailyExpress.

People belonging to this zodiac sign are full of wisdom and are always willing to share stories with others. Libra mothers will inculcate the best possible values in their kids and will also have the patience to sail through the stressful bits of parenting. The best time for Libra women to conceive is from September 25 to October 15, January 25 to February 15 and May 25 to June 15.

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

Photo: StyleCaster
Photo: StyleCaster

As a Scorpio, you are very independent and can be hard to handle sometimes. Being a mother, you tend to be a bit demanding and control your child more than a normal level.

According to the 2021 pregnancy horoscope prediction, Scorpio also has 3 time frames to get pregnant with the baby most compatible to her parenting style: June 25th – July 15th, October 25th – November 15th, February 25th – March 15th.

If the result is successful, your baby will be either an Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius – the most free-spirited individual.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

Photo: Pikiran Rakyat
Photo: Pikiran Rakyat

As a mom you’ll be vibrant, bursting with energy and fun loving. Sagittarian mommies are free spirited and positive who will also encourage their children to be likewise. They will encourage a Child’s adventurous nature and will also reassure a child that it’s ok not to be judgmental about everything in terms of black or white and that there are other factors that influence a situation too. Best dates for a Sagittarian mom to conceive are: August 25th-September 15th, December 25th-January 15th, April 25th-May 15th.

This will give you a Libra, Gemini or Aquarius child who will enjoy life as much as you do. Your kids will also be social and curious about everything as well as be affectionate towards you. However routine may be an issue but you can easily help each other out by finding fun ways to do it.

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

Capricorn. Photo: India TV News
Capricorn. Photo: India TV News

You have strong work values and are also strict with defining boundaries. You are more like a daddy rather than a mommy and might be a tad too serious by expecting too much from your kids. Capricorn moms don’t take too well to failure. To conceive, these are the best dates for you: June 25th-July 15th, February 25th-March 15th, February 25th-March 15th.

These dates will give you an Aries, Sagittarius or Leo child who would complement your style of parenting. Such kids may feel a bit restricted initially but they will soon find their sense of security in you something which they will lack and they will soon start getting comfortable with the stability you provide them. You will teach your kids how to manage money and respect its value. They will also achieve a lot simply because you will be their biggest motivation.

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

Photo: India TV
Photo: India TV

An Aquarian mom is a patient listener who will motivate their kids to be independent thinkers. You will help your kids learn from their failures and will emphasize the value of relationships rather than money. The best time for an Aquarian Mom to plan a baby are July 25th-August 15th, November 25th-December 15th, March 25th-April 15th.

You will get a Capricorn Taurus or Virgo child which will dote on you as their hero and role model I life. Your philosophy and way of doing things will be comfortable with them and will learn to appreciate on relatives who are regarded as close to the family. Both mom and children will turn to each other for security and guidance when wandering off the road.

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

Photo: Indian TV News
Photo: Indian TV News

The Pisces have a bit of a fearful nature, which make them prone to worry during their pregnancies. Something that they will try to escape from by distracting themselves (generally with music or their preferred form of spirituality).

Warning: The Pisces tendency towards being sad to make them the most likely of the zodiac signs to suffer from post-partum depression.

Zodiac signs that will become pregnant in 2021

A child means a fundamental change within a family, especially when expected for a long time, and ardently wanted. For the women who have dreamed for some time to have their little miracle, the stars have exciting news. According to the 2021 horoscope, four zodiac signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Pisces will have great chances to become pregnant. If you are born under one of these signs, it would be a great idea to already start thinking about how you want the baby room to look.

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