Say Happy Birthday in Khmer: Best Wishes, Quotes & Cambodian Song
How to Say Happy Birthday in Khmer

It’s always nice to wish someone a happy birthday on their special day but why not do it in a language that means something to them.

As well as wishing your loved one a happy birthday in Khmer, why not also sing the Khmer version of the happy birthday song!

Happy Birthday in Khmer (រីករាយថ្ងៃខួបកំនើត / rikreay thngaikhuob kam neut) is used in Birthday celebrations in Cambodia.

Most people around the world will agree that a birthday is one of the happiest and most important celebrations in their lives. This day is reserved not just because it is the day when you are born but it also symbolizes being grateful for another year of your life. But in Cambodia, they do not celebrate birthdays.

Unlike in other culture, birthdays in Cambodia is not considered as big events. Did you know that older Cambodians may not even know the exact date of their birthday? But don’t get them wrong. There is no reason to be sad because it’s part of Cambodian culture. This information might be new to you but for the very rich culture and tradition of Cambodians, this what makes them unique among others.

Happy Birthday Vocabulary In Khmer

If you want to know how to say Happy birthday in Khmer, you will find the translation here. We hope this will help you to understand Khmer better.

English Khmer
Birthday Th-ngai komnert
Party Pi-teech-bli-ung
Birthday cake Num koob komnert
Candles Ti-en
Birthday present/gift Cado koob komnert
Invitation Kar an-chun
How to Say Happy Birthday in Khmer - Best Wishes, Quotes & Combodian Songs
Say Happy in Khmer
How to Say Happy Birthday in Khmer - Best Wishes, Quotes & Combodian Songs
Say Happy Birthday in Khmer

How to say 'Happy Birthday' to Khmer people?

1. Rikreay Thngaikhuob Kam Neut (រីករាយថ្ងៃខួបកំនើត )

Say Happy Birthday in Khmer: Best Wishes, Quotes & Cambodian Song
Photo: Ling Learn Languages

This is the most common and easiest way to say Happy Birthday in the Khmer language. This phrase literally means Happy Birthday in English.

2. Saum Aoy Avei Avei Laor Brasaer (សូមអោយអ្វីៗល្អប្រសើរ)

Say Happy Birthday in Khmer: Best Wishes, Quotes & Cambodian Song
Photo: Ling Learn Languages

Wishing someone a happy birthday can also be indifferent form. You can use different words such as saum aoy avei avei laor brasaer (សូមអោយអ្វីៗល្អប្រសើរ) which means All the best! in English.

3. Khnhom Saumchounopr Aoy Anak Mean Thngaikamnaet Da Aschar (ខ្ញុំសូមជូនពរឱ្យអ្នកមានថ្ងៃកំណើតដ៏អស្ចារ្យ)

Say Happy Birthday in Khmer: Best Wishes, Quotes & Cambodian Song
Photo: Ling Learn Languages

Another way of wishing someone a Happy Birthday is shnhom saumchounopr aoy anak mean thngaikamnaet da aschar (ខ្ញុំសូមជូនពរឱ្យអ្នកមានថ្ងៃកំណើតដ៏អស្ចារ្យ). This means I wish you a great birthday in English.

Happy Birthday - Best Wishes & Quotes in Cambodian Language

Alternatively, you can also use some of these Khmer birthday phrases:

English Khmer
All the best Som oi krub yang ban la-or
Congratulations Abaarsatr
Happy birthday to you Chuon por th-ngai komnert
Have a great birthday Som oi meen th-nhai la-or
I wish you a wonderful birthday

Choun por th-ngai la-or knong th-ngai koob komnert

Video: Guide to Say Happy Birthday in Khmer

Watch the video below to learn the pronunciation of some of these phrases when you would like to say Happy Birthday in Khmer - Cambodian lagnuage.

How To Sing Happy Birthday In Combodian Language

Check out the video below to hear the Khmer birthday song. You’ll be happy to know it’s the same tune as the English version, they just sing it in Khmer.

Here is a popular Khmer version of the Happy Birthday song:

Gift Giving In Cambodian Culture

Everything that has to do with birthdays, including gifts, should not be left out. Although it is not required, people, especially children, want to get something during their birthdays.

Gifts are a sign of thoughtfulness for most of us. It may come in a different form. Talking about gift-giving, Cambodians practice a very unique etiquette. If you want to learn about this, check it out below:

Say Happy Birthday in Khmer: Best Wishes, Quotes & Cambodian Song
How to give a gift in Cambodian Culture

1. Gifts Are Usually Given During Cambodian New Year

Like what it says above, birthdays are not big events in Cambodia. Cambodian New Year is a very important celebration for them as it symbolizes new beginnings. Even so, you can still give a gift to someone if it is his/her birthday. There’s nothing wrong with being thoughtful.

2. Small Gift Can Also Be Taken If Invited To Someone’s Home For Food

As a visitor, it is nice to give small gifts like flowers, pastries, and fruits. It is also a sign of respect no come empty-handed when visiting one’s home. Please remember that showing respect results in stronger relationships.

3. Use Both Hands When Giving Gifts

Cambodians value respect. When giving gifts, using both hands is a sign of respect. It is a small gesture but it really means a lot in Cambodian culture.

4. Gifts Are Usually Wrapped In Colorful Paper

Just like in other cultures, a gift should be well-presented. Nowadays, people tend to use shopping bags as gift wrappers but in Cambodia, it is nice to wrap the gifts in colorful paper. As a receiver, it is nice to see gifts that are well-wrapped. Avoid using white paper because white color means mourning in Cambodian culture.

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