Photo CDC
Photo CDC

Mosquitoes not only suck human blood, transmit dangerous diseases such as dengue fever, malaria ... but also deprive people of sleep. Materials available at home can easily keep mosquitoes away from your home.

Are mosquitoes dangerous?

The majority of people simply find mosquito bites annoying. However, some mosquitoes can transmit diseases-causing viruses. The most typical virus spread by mosquitoes in the continental United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, is the West Nile virus. To lower the risk of catching a virus that could make you sick, it's crucial to get rid of mosquitoes.

Why am I getting so many mosquitoes in my house?

The main attraction for mosquitoes is still, stagnant water, so if you have water standing in a tub, collecting around plants, or sitting in a sink or pet bowl, mosquitoes may be drawn to it. The more likely it is that you will have indoor mosquitoes, the more reason to remove stagnant bodies of water. Making sure there is no still or stagnant water in the house is the first step in getting rid of mosquitoes inside.

Diseases caused by mosquitoes

Malaria: Parasites infect and kill red blood cells to cause this deadly illness. Early detection of malaria is essential for its treatment and control.

West Nile virus: Although some people with the virus experience fever or other flu-like symptoms, most sufferers of the virus show no symptoms. For a small percentage of those infected with the virus, the nervous system becomes seriously ill.

The initial symptoms of the zika virus, which is typically mild, include fever, joint pain, and rash. The initial Zika symptoms typically go away after a week, but if a woman gets pregnant after being bitten by a mosquito, the disease can cause congenital anomalies.

The virus that causes yellow fever inflames the brain and spinal cord. Sore throat and fever are two of its symptoms.

High fever, rash, muscle aches, and joint pain can all be symptoms of dengue fever. In the worst cases, there's a chance of fatal bleeding, shock, and other complications. Most dengue fever cases occur in tropical and subtropical areas.

Joint pain, headaches, rashes, and fever are all typical symptoms of chikungunya. Fluids and bed rest are essential for the recovery of those with the disease.

How To Prevent Mosquitoes Inside Of Your House How To Prevent Mosquitoes Inside Of Your House

Mosquitos can make their way into your room through open doors and windows even the minuscule holes in your window screens. Those strategies may help ...

How to treat mosquito bites

It is quick and simple to treat mosquito bites. To reduce mosquito bites, adhere to these instructions.

Wash the affected area with soap and water to start. Dry completely.

Applying an ice pack to the affected area will lessen swelling and itching. Reapply if necessary.

Make a paste with 1 tablespoon of baking soda and enough water to make the paste in order to help with itching. Apply to the area that is harmed. After 10 minutes, rinse off.

Apply an over-the-counter anti-itch or antihistamine medication in accordance with the product's instructions if the paste is unable to reduce itching.

10 best simple ways to keep mosquitoes away from your home


Put the boiled vinegar in a dish placed in a room that does not close to the door. You will not be disturbed by mosquitoes all night.

You can choose apple cider vinegar.

One of the few organic components that, when combined with other specific components, produces a spray that repels mosquitoes surprisingly well is apple cider vinegar. Simply combine one-quarter cup of witch hazel with one-quarter cup of apple cider vinegar. Add some essential oils for fragrance next. Use one with anti-mosquito qualities if possible, such as eucalyptus or citronella. After mixing, pour the mixture into a spray bottle. Before each spritz, make sure to shake it up. Where necessary, spray to repel mosquitoes.

2. Sugar or beer

Put sugar water or beer in an empty bottle and put it in a dark place. When mosquitoes smell the sweet smell, they will get into the bottle and will stick to the beer or sugar water to death.

3. Dried orange peels

Photo puhnutoday
Photo puhnutoday

Burning dried orange peels in the house can replace mosquito incense, which not only repels mosquitoes but also eliminates special odors in the house.

4. Wear socks

Try to wear socks. Many people like barefoot, but they do not know that after wearing socks, mosquitoes feel the moisture of the human skin decreases. The volatiles on the surface of the skin decrease as well, so they will bite us less.

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5. Mosquito repellent

Photo the spruce
Photo the spruce

After two months of consistent use, switching to a different type of mosquito repellent will have a better effect.

When engaging in activities that inevitably result in an increase in carbon dioxide emissions and body odors, such as exercising outside, insect repellent may be necessary.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends a number of effective options for repelling mosquitos.


The chemical mosquito repellent N,N-Diethyl-meta-Toluamide (DEET) is one of the most widely used ones. It is among the most successful products on the market, according to studies.

DEET works by interfering with the mosquito's carbon dioxide and body odor receptors, making them less likely to identify someone wearing it as a potential source of food.

Depending on the product's DEET content, DEET offers protection against mosquito bites for 2 to 12 hours, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

DEET is offered in a number of different formulations, including liquids, sprays, lotions, and wristbands.

Use DEET products according to the label's instructions at all times.


A more recent type of insecticide is called picaridin. It works similarly to DEET in that it keeps the mosquito from recognizing its prey.

Meta-analysis from 2018According to a reliable source, picaridin's preventive effects last about as long as DEET's do.

For infants younger than six months, picaridin is a safe alternative to DEET because it has fewer potentially toxic components.

Oil of lemon eucalyptus

Oil of lemon eucalyptus may be a good option for those who prefer a natural, chemical-free repellent.

Repel and Off! Botanicals are examples of products that contain this natural oil.

6. Close the doors and windows

Photo puhnutoday
Photo puhnutoday

Place a container with detergent-water mixture in front of the window. A few dead mosquitoes will eventually appear in the pot. There is no need to spray insecticide if you use this method consistently.

Put a few uncovered essential oil coolers and canisters in the space, or paint some mint on the walls.

7. Essential oils

Put a few uncovered essential oil coolers and canisters in the space, or paint some mint on the walls.

In addition to keeping mosquitoes away, essential oils also clean the air, kill bacteria, add a pleasant fragrance, and cool the area so that you and your family can feel comfortable and rested. One of the most efficient ways to lower humidity, get rid of odors, and get rid of mold in humid areas with little sunlight is to use menthol.

Lavender oil

A well-known essential oil is the next method on our list of mosquito-removal tips. Another efficient natural mosquito repellent, lavender oil has a much more pleasant scent (to humans, at least). Use the scent of lavender oil to your advantage because mosquitoes detest it!

Spray lavender oil around your home and the neighborhood to deter mosquitoes. Fun fact: You can apply some to your skin to ward off mosquitoes and prevent bites! Additionally, a few drops of lavender oil go a long way in calming an already existing bite.


Similar to lavender oil, mosquitoes also hate the smell of mint. Once again, use this Achilles heel to your advantage. Take fresh mint leaves or mint oil and place it strategically around the home. Bonus points if you create a homemade sachet or two! You can also consider growing mint shrubs in pots on the patio to keep them away for good.

8. Perfume

Sprinkle a little perfume on your body or bed. The pleasant scent gives you a feeling of refreshment and also repels mosquitoes, making it easier for you to have a deeper sleep.

9. Use a fan

If mosquitoes make it hard to enjoy the apartment balcony, pick up a fan! The aggravating insects are not strong fliers and will do whatever they can to stay away from a serious breeze. As an added bonus, you'll stay nice and cool during those hot and humid mosquito-riddled months.

10. Dry ice

Although it takes more time, this mosquito repellent method is incredibly effective. Simply put, the carbon dioxide emissions from dry ice will eventually draw mosquitoes to the container or trap. They'll become entrapped and perish there.

Note: Handle dry ice with gloves or an oven mitt. It is so cold that prolonged contact with your skin could cause it to freeze. Take precautions to keep it out of the reach of children, pets, and adults who ought to know better.
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