Illustrative photo by Bombagiu.
Illustrative photo by Bombagiu.

Aries (March 21 to April 19) - How to Earn Extra Money

How to Earn more Money in 2021 according to your Zodiac Sign

Mistakes to make: Aries never lets a slim wallet hold them back from pursuing adventure. This cavalier attitude towards personal finances can afford them that freedom but it will dig them into a deep hole of personal debt if they aren’t careful.

Recommendations: In order for entrepreneurial-minded Aries to do well and earn more money, they have to find new ways to be ahead of the curve. If an Aries feels like they are not breaking boundaries or making strides, they are likely to feel depressed in their role and under-perform, says Siobhan Johnson, astrologist, spiritual healer, and tarot reader. Work for a start-up where Airies can carve out their own niche. “Start-ups give Aries the space to make it their own and try out new techniques.” Find out what your zodiac sign reveals about your health.

Bad Habits to Avoid: Impulse buys, late-night Poshmark rampages, bargain shops, auctions (because it’s actually a competition, right?), gambling.

Taurus (April 20 to May 20)- How to Earn Extra Money

How to Earn more Money in 2021 according to your Zodiac Sign

Mistakes to make: Taurus isn’t without money issues though. They are known to hoard resources even during times of plenty or work too hard even when they already have enough. Taurus typically has a mindset of scarcity and needs to learn how to trust the universe will give them what they need, no matter what.

Recommendations: Bulls find happiness in tangible representations of wealth, such as brand new clothes, jewelry, and their bank accounts. “Your feeling of being valued at work is tied up in your paycheck,” Johnson says of those born under Taurus, “so don’t feel weird or selfish asking for raises, bonuses, or benefits.” Taurus is a sign that knows (and loves) to put its foot down, so use that inherent firmness to get what you want at work. “The other thing that benefits the Taurus at work is knowing when to push. Don’t put up with stuff because you’re strong—push for change and improvements instead.”

Bad Habits to Avoid: Torturing yourself with comparisons to the super rich and their pots of gold. Enjoy what you have, live within your means, and don’t covet the lifestyles of others because you don’t know what they have to endure to get those riches.

Gemini (May 21 to June 20) - How to Earn Extra Money

How to Earn more Money in 2021 according to your Zodiac Sign

Mistakes to make: For Gemini, resisting short-term spending for long-term goals is a challenge, especially when they have a split opinion. This hyper-social sign will end up spending their paycheck at happy hour to hang out with the rest of the office after work but then is disappointed when they can’t afford that vacation they wanted to take.

Recommendations: Cancer’s biggest problem is their emotions. So, you need to be more analytical at your work to make more money. And since you are a very homely person, remote work would also be a great opportunity for you. This will bring inner peace for you and make you happier with your work; you will be motivated to make more money from your work.

Bad Habits to Avoid: Doing anything when one of your wilder twin personalities has hold of the wheel! Just pull over and wait for the mad urges to pass.

Cancer (June 21 to July 22) - How to Earn Extra Money

How to Earn more Money in 2021 according to your Zodiac Sign

Mistakes to make: Cancer gets hung up on the concept of financial security more than any other sign. In an effort to insulate themselves from future calamities, they typically put significant portions of each paycheck into a savings accounts. That sounds all very well and good until they realize they aren’t enjoying the fruits of their labor.

Recommendations: Cancers are very emotional people who often let their emotions get in the way of practical matters. If this sign feels strongly enough about something, the result will be extreme tunnel vision. That is why it is in a crab’s best interest to learn how to balance emotions and logic. “Developing a more analytical attitude [toward] work is a Cancer’s key route to success,” Johnson says. “A Cancer’s love of home is also a key aspect; negotiating remote work opportunities can really make life easier for you and make you a happier—and therefore better—worker.”

Bad Habits to Avoid: You like to impress others and make grand gestures to show your love and appreciation—that’s lovely, but don’t blow the budget here. Also, don’t let security be the be-all and end-all all the time. Sometimes you gotta move sideways or take a chance (or even a pay cut) to get into a new, lucrative trade.

Leo (July 23 to August 22) - How to Earn Extra Money

How to Earn more Money in 2021 according to your Zodiac Sign

Mistakes to make: Leo likes to spend their money on luxury items that are above and beyond what they need. Fine dining, extravagant clothing, luscious gifts to shower their sweetie all put a strain on their pocketbook. Leo wants to be royalty, and they want to be the provider, but sometimes the ends don’t justify the means.

Recommendations: Most likely to be billionaire, Leos are known for their creativity. You can also attract attention easily to you. So, don’t just go with the normal tasks assigned for you. Take up tough jobs to show your ability and initiative and this will help you to grab attention to grow network for new opportunities. “Don’t just go for the ‘good’ tasks at work,” Johnson advises. “Show initiative.” You can be well-liked and still have people take you seriously. Johnson adds, “You can also use your royal nature to build a good network of contacts around you, which should keep you updated on training, promotions, and new job opportunities.”

Bad Habits to Avoid: You are impulsive and proud, which can be a dangerous combo of traits in the workplace. Many a Leo has squandered a promising career pathway through a knee-jerk reaction, a tantrum, or an unnecessary feud. Tame your urges to go to war with those you disagree with. Instead, keep them close and neutralize their impact in more subtle (and positive!) ways.

Virgo (August 23 to September 22) - How to Earn Extra Money

How to Earn more Money in 2021 according to your Zodiac Sign

Mistakes to make: Virgo is skilled at selecting long-term investments where they can profit from in the long-term. But at what cost? In this earth sign’s drive for stability, they may end up selling out their community or engaging in enterprises that take a toll on the environment.

Recommendations:Virgoes are highly meticulous, grounded and practical about money matters. You don’t get upset if you don’t get a high-paying job because you are very wise about spending and saving money. And it’s not only about making money for you. It should be a respected source also where you will work and respect their values. You are also good at research and handling details, so you can try research-based work for more money. Johnson’s advice here is to keep track of your work performance as objectively as possible. “Keep logs of units sold or customers pleased, or how long it takes you to do a project,” she says. “Documenting your worth to the company like this will help you be brave when it comes to asking for raises or going for promotions. But use your powerful analytical mind to also eliminate the busy work that you’ve made for yourself in an effort to feel more useful. Your files don’t have to be alphabetical, chronological, and color coded.”

Bad Habits to Avoid: Listening to your inner critic who tells you that you don’t deserve that promotion or that you shouldn’t treat yourself to *that thing* because, who knows, your house could burn down tomorrow and you’d have nothing, blah blah. Tell it to STFU sometimes, and go get what you deserve.

Libra (September 23 to October 22) - How to Earn Extra Money

How to Earn more Money in 2021 according to your Zodiac Sign

Mistakes to make: Libras spend their hard-earned money like they have something to prove. Leaping for the check after an expensive night out can set a precedent they can’t afford to repeat. And as a people-pleaser who seeks harmony, Libras struggle to set up boundaries that would help them save the money they need.

Recommendations: The great mediators of the zodiac, Libras often forget to put their needs first. Libras strive to make peace between other people, and sometimes it makes them self-sacrificing to a fault. If you want to earn more money, you need to focus your vision more on yourself and be proactive. “Please make a decision—any decision,” Johnson says. “The best way Libras can move forward at work is to stop trying to please everyone.” Find your voice and don’t be afraid to let people hear it! Assert yourself. Find out what your decision-making style says about you.

Bad Habits to Avoid: Indecisiveness. When time is money, don’t waste it by overanalyzing stuff or second-guessing your decisions. You can lose opportunities through procrastination. Get a financial adviser to help structure your investments and plans if you’re still unsure!

Scorpio (October 23 to November 21) - How to Earn Extra Money

How to Earn more Money in 2021 according to your Zodiac Sign

Mistakes to make: Scorpio’s biggest money issue is judging and over-evaluating the value of a gift for themselves. Gifts from others also fall under their scrutiny and can lead to long-term resentment.

Recommendations: Competitive and intimidating, Scorpios can often find themselves at odds with co-workers who don’t share the same opinion or ones they see as potential rivals. The best way to perform better at work—and hopefully earn yourself more money—is to use that competitiveness in a constructive and positive way. “Due to your warlike nature, you are probably coming off as a bit snappish whether you think so or not, Johnson says. “Make an effort to smile a bit more and be more welcoming to tone down that intensity.” (Don’t fabricate an entirely false personality, just soften some of your edges.) Whether you like it or not, people are more likely to recognize and reward those they find pleasing or likable.

Bad Habits to Avoid: Maybe, like, getting a bit too obsessive over your money to the point where you cease to enjoy what freedoms or experiences it can unlock in your life. It’s a means to an end, Scorpio, not the end.

Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21) - How to Earn Extra Money

How to Earn more Money in 2021 according to your Zodiac Sign

Mistakes to make: Sagittarius can’t resist when it comes to making impulsive purchases that scratch a temporary need. Their desire for constant motion might propel them to spring for that last-minute plane ticket, even when they know they’d have more financial stability if they opted for a staycation this year.

Recommendations: These people are very good at meetings, client work, etc. So, try to do more company-sponsored events to increase popularity and invite new opportunities. “Sagittarians are very wise and do well in roles with meetings, client facing work, or academic work,” Johnson says.

Bad Habits to Avoid: I know it goes against the grain, but please try to put something away for a rainy day. We all get them, and your (in)famous luck can’t always protect you. Set up an account, automate the investments, and let it mount up.

Capricorn (December 22 to January 19) - How to Earn Extra Money

How to Earn more Money in 2021 according to your Zodiac Sign

Mistakes to make: Capricorn is skilled at budgeting, accounting for every single coin, how it is spent and how it was earned. This skill gives them financial prowess and the ability to keep a steady income stream flowing into their coffers. If Capricorn goes too far with their money obsession, however, their budgeting can become so constricting that they forget how to have fun.

Recommendations: Capricorns are already good with money, as they are generally very prudent and responsible. “Capricorns are built for entrepreneurship, thanks to their great ambition, hard-working nature, and monetary skills,” Johnson says. Still, there is always room for improvement; Capricorns can often be too fastidious and serious, making them more inwardly focused. Be more aware of your work environment so you know what is most important at the time. “Capricorns can also be stubborn, and need to remember that hard work in the wrong direction gets you nowhere,” she says. “Use your great capacity for hard work in the right places.” It would also behoove goats to be more concerned with teamwork and team-building.

Bad Habits to Avoid: Frugality can turn into stinginess if you’re not careful, and although your caution makes sense in your head, it can look selfish or mean to others if you get too fixated on saving for tomorrow. It’s nice to treat people (and yourself), to invest in today versus a horizon you’re not even close to yet. Live more in the now.

Aquarius (January 20 to February 18) - How to Earn Extra Money

How to Earn more Money in 2021 according to your Zodiac Sign

Mistakes to make: When it comes to money, Aquarius‘ biggest problem is they live in the future before it arrives. As the visionary of the Zodiac sign, Aquarius has good faith that eventually everything is going to turn out alright. But this optimism about the future can mean they’ll sacrifice their short-term health and take on excess stress in pursuit of fulfilling their financial vision. This often means not meeting their full earning potential and neglecting what they need in the short-term.

Recommendations: Aquarians are highly intelligent, creative, and inspiring. You can be a great leader in your profession because you are caring and know how to cater to each individual. You can be the one who takes the company to the next level and reap the rewards for it. However, Johnson advises you to be cautious. “Be very careful not to continually bail out under-performing coworkers, or take blame where it’s not due.” Here are the best ways to de-stress, based on your zodiac.

Bad Habits to Avoid: Making spontaneous decisions when you don’t have all the information! Aquarius, your assertiveness can tip over into dogmatism sometimes, and you don’t like listening to others when you’re on a roll. Please train yourself to note your epiphanies, but don’t act on them until you’ve researched some more. Save yourself from expensive mistakes!

Pisces (February 19 to March 20)

Mistakes to make: Pisces‘ biggest money issue is that they eschew money and worldly pleasures altogether. There is a value in operating on different systems of currency since money and time are both human-made. But while Pisces has no problem entering a dream world where money doesn’t matter, they need the other sign’s help if they are going to operate in this world effectively.

Recommendations: Like Libra, Pisces cares deeply for the well-being of others. This incredible sense of empathy can be a great thing, but it can also be quite the burden. When your coworker is having a bad day, for example, you are likely to internalize their feelings as your own. A Pisces needs to maintain a sense of individuality in the workplace to succeed and thrive. “The best way for a Pisces to progress in any role is to look after yourself better, trust your intuition and speak out more,” Johnson says. All work and no play makes all signs dull—read on for the ideal vacation based on your zodiac.

Bad Habits to Avoid: Stop the drifting and schedule financial check-ins, ideally with an adviser who can guide your attention to the most pressing matters. With regular interventions and updates, you can stay on top of your money without it becoming a drag.

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