Why The World Is Afraid of Friday the 13th

Harmful Misunderstandings About Friday the 13th
Harmful Misunderstandings About Friday the 13th

The perception of Friday the 13th as an inauspicious day originates from a confluence of historical, religious, and mythological influences. This superstition has significantly influenced cultural and economic behaviors, as evidenced by biblical events, Norse myths, and the demise of the Knights Templar.

This superstition, stemming from the fear of the number 13 and the significance of Friday, has affected cultures worldwide, influencing behavior and economics.

The following are the six most detrimental misconceptions regarding Friday the 13th:

1. You will die the next morning when you pass a funeral

In medieval British beliefs, Friday and the number 13 were linked to capital punishment. During this period, prisoners were publicly hanged on Fridays and were required to take precisely 13 steps before reaching the noose.

Many individuals, captivated by this notion, are perplexed and believe that attending a funeral on this day will result in their demise the following morning. Statistics indicate that approximately 21 million Americans hold this belief; however, no verified cases have been documented as occurring.

2. Cutting your hair will bring great bad luck

Numerous individuals believe that cutting one's hair is an omen of misfortune; however, if performed on an inauspicious day such as the 13th, it is thought to transform into a harbinger of good fortune. However, some individuals contend that cutting one's hair on an inauspicious day will exacerbate one's misfortune.

Nevertheless, the veracity of this assertion has yet to be substantiated. This may merely be a fabrication created by individuals to instill fear in one another. This is merely a misconception regarding feng shui and Friday the 13th.

3. Born on Friday the 13th is not lucky

Friday the 13th is described as a "protective charm" that obstructs the arrival of luck in individuals' lives. This remains unsubstantiated by scientific evidence. However, numerous couples worldwide refrain from procreating on this day, even during years with multiple occurrences of Friday the 13th.

4. Opening on this day will meet disaster

This originates from the narrative of a business that commenced inadvertently on an unfortunate Friday. Consequently, on the day of its inauguration, the business experienced a significant fire at the oil depot. The cause remains inexplicable, leaving only the unfortunate symbolism of this day to rely upon.

In the Bible, the day Eve tempts Adam to consume the forbidden fruit, the day the flood transpired, the day Jesus was crucified, and the day the temple of Solomon was demolished… All are Fridays.

5. Cutting your nails on Friday the 13th will always bring bad luck

This lacks a definitive rationale for elucidation. It remains linked to misfortune concerning the numerals of Satan.

On Friday, 1306, King Philip apprehended the Templars and subjected them to severe torture. This is a poignant narrative conveyed as a cautionary tale against the devil's day. The Italian government still prohibits the number 13 in its lottery.

The power and influence of Friday the 13th is undeniably significant, regardless of its origins. A pervasive fear of a day referred to as "the devil's day" has taken root in many individuals' hearts.

6. Changing the bed position on this day will be full of nightmares

On Friday the 13th, regardless of your actions, you will experience an unprecedented sense of misfortune, even if you alter your bed's position.

Some individuals assert that this will lead to difficulties in sleeping, restless slumber, and particularly nightmares. This has not been verified, in fact.


It remains a common belief that on Friday the 13th, it is prudent to restrict activities such as shopping, traveling, socializing, or conducting business to avert misfortune.

The origin and meaning of Friday the 13th remain ambiguous. However, in numerous countries globally, this concept continues to proliferate and significantly impacts the lives of many individuals.

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