Daily Horoscope (Today - April 7): Predictions For Love, Health & Financial With 12 Zodiac Signs
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Daily Horoscope (Today & Tomorrow April 7) for 12 Zodiac Signs |
1. Aries - Horoscope Today
Love: You may wish to maintain a detached outlook on an affair in which you have become deeply involved recently. The present astral configuration insures that you get some distance between you and the person who is affecting you so. This is vital right now, as you really need time to assess your emotional status, and decide if this whole issue is a positive or a negative in your life.
Health: Keeping things in balance is never a done deal: there is always another day with things that need tweaking, issues that need ironing out. Give yourself the benefit of regularly balancing what you eat, in order to satisfy that desire for equilibrium. Eating fresh, organic produce is one of the best things you can do for your health. But you don't always have to be the one who cooks! Treating yourself to takeout once in a while can have a relaxing effect.
Finance: Don't let money worries ruin an otherwise great day. Block it out, even if it takes a lot of effort. You need to relax, have fun or exert effort toward something completely unrelated to finance if you want to get your energy back. Consider it a sound investment.
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Photo: Smart Travel |
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2. Taurus - Horoscope Today
Love: Today's astral configuration may imply that you have to resort to using shock tactics to get yourself noticed by someone special. As you are a fairly gentle and placid person, and dislike making a fuss about anything, this has to be a radical gesture; and to be honest, you must also be severely in love to even be contemplating this next step. But sometimes needs must!
Health: Your wounds don't always heal quickly. Once you feel burned by someone, you are likely finished with him or her for quite some time. On the other hand, you are willing to forgive and forget if a straightforward conversation settles the score. If you have feelings of misgiving about a friend, air them out with this person. Speak your truth and then decide if the friendship is worth saving. You will feel better about yourself if you find out for sure.
Finance: Yes, you are engaged in a power struggle, but keep up your poker face. Acting arrogant will only tip your hand. It's no different than grabbing the check or letting it sit on the table like the elephant in the dining room. Stay subtle, discreet and reserved.
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Photo: Smart Travel |
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3. Gemini - Daily Horoscope
Love: A familiar face from the past may shock you into realizing just how much you have changed, but also how much your former love interest has changed as well. The present astral configuration means that you now have a distinct opportunity to get to know them in their updated format, as opposed to your memory of their old and tacky programming. It seems that you will really enjoy this reunion.
Health: It has been a productive month for you. This is truly a time of growth and prosperity, and with the present celestial atmosphere, it is not too late to add one more thing to your wish list. Have you been paying enough attention to your diet, exercise plan and sleep pattern? These are the areas where we need constant reminding. Give yourself the benefit of watching what you eat, how you sleep and whether you are exercising enough. Dare to have it all!
Finance: You need to be truly intellectual today. That means examining even your opinions that are so strong you take them for granted. You have at least one investment that you love dearly but makes no financial sense. Shine a light on them.
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Photo: Smart Travel |
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4. Cancer - Daily Horoscope
Love: The present astral configuration may make you wonder just what you have been missing. It seems that you may decide to experiment with all kinds of original ways of being with your love interest, whether this is in terms of activities outside the home, those within, or perhaps both. One thing is certain: breaking with your regular routine will be very enlightening, and certainly something you will want to repeat, Cancer!
Health: Personal growth comes in many forms and packages, and sometimes the most challenging thing we can do is ask ourselves what we would really like to see change in our personal habits. Whether it's brushing your teeth more often or giving up alcohol for a period of time, there are things you will automatically think of - when you ask yourself the question seriously. Don't be afraid to take steps to improve your manners or physical appearance. It's a healthy conscience that wants to fit in and look good!
Finance: You want to make an extravagant gesture, but the object of your desires doesn't really need that. Flashing money is just a turn off for some people. That doesn't have to make you feel like a bargain basement admirer, though. You have in excess all that has real value anyway.
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Photo: Smart Travel |
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5. Leo - Horoscope today
Love: With today's astral configuration, partners may want to shock you into submission, tired of your dominant attitude. However, you may well be so surprised that you actually give in and let them rule the roost or call the shots for a day. Secretly, you are hoping that they will make a real mess of it and will reinstate you by tomorrow. But actually I wouldn't be so sure!
Health: You love this time of year because it's all about evaluating and planning. What can you do for your health that was lacking during the past few months? If you prefer bottled water, do you have a water delivery service? It's cheaper than buying bottles. If you prefer organic produce, consider signing up with a monthly club that delivers local organic produce to your door for much less money than what you would pay at the market. Plan for a healthy year!
Finance: Your finances are getting you down for all the wrong reasons. They can make or break your bank but not you. If you think about it, your biggest achievements had nothing to do with money anyway. Stay focused on what really matters.
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Photo: Smart Travel |
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6. Virgo - Horoscope Today
Love: With today's astral configuration, partners may want to shock you into submission, tired of your dominant attitude. However, you may well be so surprised that you actually give in and let them rule the roost or call the shots for a day. Secretly, you are hoping that they will make a real mess of it and will reinstate you by tomorrow. But actually I wouldn't be so sure!
Health: You love this time of year because it's all about evaluating and planning. What can you do for your health that was lacking during the past few months? If you prefer bottled water, do you have a water delivery service? It's cheaper than buying bottles. If you prefer organic produce, consider signing up with a monthly club that delivers local organic produce to your door for much less money than what you would pay at the market. Plan for a healthy year!
Finance: Your finances are getting you down for all the wrong reasons. They can make or break your bank but not you. If you think about it, your biggest achievements had nothing to do with money anyway. Stay focused on what really matters.
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Photo: Smart Travel |
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7. Libra - Horoscope Today
Love: This is a great time to try a more experimental approach to your love life. The current planetary position indicates that if you have been working with the traditional way of dating, and have discovered this to be sadly lacking, you will need to come up with something completely new and untested. The more original, radical, and enthusiastic you are about your plan, the better chance it has of succeeding.
Health: There is a lot of unconscious material being stimulated right now, and you typically are not fond of this sort of thing. The manner in which you handle the unconscious is up to you. Pick an area in your life - such as diet, for example, and decide to aggressively improve it. Through the introduction of new nutritious substances (tofu, root vegetables, spices) and learning how to prepare them, your hidden feeling will be encouraged to risk making themselves known to you.
Finance: The less money you have, the more creative you're forced to be. You know what they say about necessity. You can come up with some excellent ideas today. Throwing money at a problem is starting to feel just plain frivolous.
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Photo: Smart Travel |
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8. Scorpio - Horoscope Today
Love: The position of the planets indicates that although you want to get to the passionate stage of a current relationship, you will just have to wait. The person you are involved with needs to warm up to the idea of the pair of you becoming deeply intimate. They need to work on this for a while and adjust their emotional dials until they feel ready to cope with it.
Health: We are born to hope and dream. In order to encourage these beautiful qualities, we are charged with nurturing our bodies and listening to ourselves. A regular exercise regimen gives you the presence of mind to figure out your next step in life. The amount and quality of rest you give yourself is directly proportionate to your ability to know and get what you want. When you take these issues seriously, you are living to the best of your abilities.
Finance: Being your own boss has its pitfalls and you're experiencing one. Maybe you're being a bit too lenient with your own performance. Who knew that having a problem boss was so motivating for you. Start giving yourself a harder time.
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Photo: Smart Travel |
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9. Sagittarius - Horoscope Today
Love: You have the opportunity to get to know someone much better, and in the kind of sporty setting that you find such a turn on. The position of the planets indicates that while you both find each other attractive, you are also aware that you both need to bide your time, and get to know each other more deeply before jumping into a relationship. It will be worth the wait, Sagittarius!
Health: Wonderful transits are occurring these days to allow for personal growth. Emotional material that has been ignored or repressed may come up. To manage this kind of awakening, it is important to stay physically active so that mental energy does not dominate you. Committing to some kind of aerobic exercise at least three times a week will help you immeasurably. Drinking a whole lot of water will also help you flush out those toxins - both physically and symbolically.
Finance: A bit of humor goes a long way. All you have to do is crack a smile or two and you'll feel like you've been bestowed with all the riches and fortune one person can hope for in life. Well, that's a bit of an overstatement, but being cheerful certainly can't hurt.
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Photo: Smart Travel |
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10. Capricorn - Horoscope Today
Love: Today's position of the planets allows you to plan a warm and seductive scenario well in advance, to be sure of ultimate success. You may have been wondering just how to attract this prize catch, when you are suddenly rewarded with the answer. All you need now are the right clothes and the perfect atmosphere. The natural chemistry between you will certainly do the rest.
Health: You are a natural nurturer, and no matter how much we tell you to nurture yourself you will always have a need to nurture others. Try to combine the two wherever possible. In fact, the planetary energy at play gives you increased perception, and you are intuitively able to sense your boundaries. You may find you wake up early in the morning during the current transit. It's a great time to take a walk and give yourself some personal time - and the dog might love it, too!
Finance: You don't care what it is -- from the contents of your wallet to your life's savings -- you're not willing to share. Don't be surprised if that means no one wants to share their resources with you, either. Don't wait until you get too lonely to change your attitude, Capricorn.
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Photo: Smart Travel |
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11. Aquarius - Horoscope Today
Love: This could be a prime opportunity to meet some wonderful new people, amongst whom there could be someone special waiting just for you. The position of the planets today presents you with an opportunity to party, or get out and about, which could be very fruitful. Make sure to be your radical and non-conformist self, so as to make maximum impact. A treat certainly lies in store for you.
Health: Today's astrological atmosphere translated into English would be: "as good as it gets." There is a lovely aspect at play that calls for celebrating what you do best. Whatever makes you feel good, these couple of days should be shared with people you like, doing things that you like. In fact, when you enjoy transits like this one to their fullest, you are often blessed with insight that can help you overcome obstacles in the near future. Gain positive power through healthy, sane celebration.
Finance: If you look back over the last year and a half, you'll realize just how extraordinary the changes you've gone through have been. That you're not alone doesn't lessen the effect of your gestalt. You see how different you are now, and understand why.
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Photo: Smart Travel |
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12. Pisces - Daily Horoscope
Love: Today's position of the planets brings a wonderful shade of romance into your life, which is even more pleasant because you weren't expecting it. At a gathering or even a sporting event you could find yourself the object of some warm and very inviting attention. Although this may not become the love of your life overnight, you will gradually discover how much you share, and how deeply you both feel.
Health: Your ability to instigate new things is well known. With the predominant energy today, you are especially tuned into a "new and improved" way of doing things. You will feel inspired to regenerate the old and find a fresh new way to direct your energies. To enhance this process, pay special attention to your diet. Fresh fruits and vegetables and low caffeine intake are highly recommended, as is substituting fish for red meat.
Finance: Your spending needs to be put on a strict diet. Unfortunately, your wallet is getting the exact opposite of fat. You've almost blown your self-imposed budget, but you still have time to cut back before the real indulgence kicks in.
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Photo: Smart Travel |
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