Daily Horoscope for 12 Zodiac Signs
Daily Horoscope for 12 Zodiac Signs

1. Aries - Horoscope Today

Love: Seducing an intellectual into being less so is a major challenge for you, with today's position of the planets. You know they find you extremely fascinating, but their programming just doesn't allow for the expression of so much pent-up emotion. They obviously need a little help, which you certainly intend to offer them. You only need to find the slightest chink in their armor to make an impact.

Health: Keeping yourself busy is never a problem. However, you will be more easily home in on what activities are priorities while the current transit lasts. There is an order of priority which, if you don't stray from, will build your health and self-esteem from the inside out. It all starts with what you eat, how often you exercise and how well you sleep. It's a short list, but mastering it is not easy, Aries!

Finance: You're reacting to financial statements as if you were a toddler again. The howling and shrieking won't make a bit of difference to the bottom line, though. Be a parent to your inner child and reign yourself in.

Photo: ELLE
Photo: ELLE
Aries Weekly Horoscope (April 5-11): Astrological Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health Aries Weekly Horoscope (April 5-11): Astrological Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health

2. Taurus - Horoscope Today

Love: Today's position of the planets means that you may have to bend over backward to get the message across to someone about how you feel. They know of your interest, and feel the same way about you too, but are currently going through a slightly self-centered stage, where they are focused on themselves. You need to do something radical to remind that you are alive and waiting!

Health: You have become more health-conscious recently! There is an intense love of relationships and connection that abides within all of our souls, and this is a wonderful time to define what that means to you. Without relationships, our lives would be somewhat empty. How can you improve what you give to your relationships? The smart thing to do would be to take care of your own needs as best you can: diet, exercise and rest are your responsibility. Everything follows from here, Taurus.

Finance: Going out to eat is costing you more than you realize. If you added up the checks from the times you've needed a plate of food in front of you to socialize, you'd willingly put yourself on a strict diet. No need to be draconian about either your caloric intake or your spending. Both in moderation suit your budget.

Photo: ELLE
Photo: ELLE
Taurus Weekly Horoscope (April 5-11): Astrological Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health Taurus Weekly Horoscope (April 5-11): Astrological Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health

3. Gemini - Daily Horoscope

Love: You are usually quite detached from your feelings, but today's position of the planets makes you both detached and involved at the same time, which you may find difficult to get your head around. You almost know what you want to communicate to the one you love, and yet can't really find a way to put it into words, as they sound too silly. Just take your time!

Health: You enjoy the praise of many, but you are quite often almost allergic to criticism (probably because you receive so little of it!). People are impressed by your high energy level and your ability to get things done. Try opening yourself up to areas you need to learn about. How are you in the healthy diet department? Are you focused more on maintaining weight levels than what's really going on under the surface? This is known as "cheating" on your health, and there are consequences!

Finance: You're not the kind to get moody just because you can't buy whatever you want. On the other hand, financial restraint is starting to wear a bit thin. If you're not clear exactly what the source of your sullen state is, don't make drastic changes to your budget just yet.

Photo: ELLE
Photo: ELLE
GEMINI Weekly Horoscope (April 5 - April 11): Astrological Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health GEMINI Weekly Horoscope (April 5 - April 11): Astrological Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health

4. Cancer - Daily Horoscope

Love: Today's position of the planets indicates that you are in the more light and flirtatious phase of your latest romantic liaison. You are still trying to impress each other, and to get to understand each other's motives a little more deeply. You are probably giving touching presents and whispering sweet nothings in each other's ears. But don't worry, soon enough you will get to the real magic!

Health: Giving to others is something you enjoy doing because it's a way to express your intuitive nature, which can sometimes get overlooked. You are a sensitive person, and getting your needs met can go overlooked as well, unless you have very old friends who've known you for a while! You need to learn to put your feelings into words. Be on the lookout for ways to express your feelings and to be heard, Cancer. A virtual book club is a fun and social way to express your emotional response to literature and could be a good place to start.

Finance: Your emotions are fueling your energy, so keep them positive. The higher your energy, the higher your balance, so being in an up mood is a must. The minute you feel overwhelmed or irritable, change your focus to something uplifting.

Photo: ELLE
Photo: ELLE
CANCER Weekly Horoscope (April 5 - April 11): Astrological Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health CANCER Weekly Horoscope (April 5 - April 11): Astrological Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health

5. Leo - Horoscope today

Love: Even though your heart may be pounding every time you get close to someone rather delicious, today it is better to tread lightly as far as this liaison goes. Today's position of the planets encourages positive and harmonious communication, but with more of a gentle touch than a passionate caress. Go out for a meal, or visit the latest collection of modern art, but don't try and force a deeper commitment.

Health: You generally need a lot personal time to sort out your complex feelings about the world. Try engaging in sports that can assist you in getting the most out of your personal time. Long distance running, swimming, hiking and mountain biking all require significant time commitment, which you can then put to good use inside your head. Healthy habits that meet your needs in combination are priceless. It's a long life, and you will enjoy yourself more, and have more to share with others!

Finance: Your response to low funds is to keep as many things as you can to a minimum. But some things just can't be controlled, like your subconscious, in which you are busily and happily spending a small fortune. You'll spend the day wondering if it's really all only a dream.

Photo: ELLE
Photo: ELLE
LEO Weekly Horoscope (April 5 - 11): Astrological Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health LEO Weekly Horoscope (April 5 - 11): Astrological Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health

6. Virgo - Horoscope Today

Love: It is better to take the risk of expressing how you feel today, rather than pretending you feel nothing at all. The present planetary alignment means that you have nothing to lose by opening up and being honest. The truth is that your friend is probably even more reserved than you, but also feels equally attracted. One of you has to do something; otherwise nothing will happen.

Health: You seem to love games that involve mystery - have you been playing enough board games lately? Generally speaking, there are not enough adults who play board games these days. Human beings are among the most playful creatures on earth. When it comes to working together to solve a mystery, we easily combine forces. Indulge your sense of mystery in choosing the books you read, the films you see, even the kinds of conversation you initiate with your friends. Socrates said, "I have decided to be happy because it is good for my health!"

Finance: Being social doesn't have to break your budget, and spending too much time alone is making you dull. Getting your energy back is a good investment of your time and your money. Let yourself be energized by other people.

Photo: ELLE
Photo: ELLE
VIRGO Weekly Horoscope (April 5 - 11): Astrological Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health VIRGO Weekly Horoscope (April 5 - 11): Astrological Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health

7. Libra - Horoscope Today

Love: The planetary alignment gives you extra bite in the love department. If you have been wondering whether to push someone into making more of a commitment, but don't like to appear too forward because you fear rejection, then take heart. Today you have so much courage you couldn't care what their answer is. Someone else will always say yes to your charms, if this doesn't work out.

Health: Today's planetary alignment gives you the ability to weigh both sides of an issue and decide which conclusion to draw. The planetary energies working together are reminiscent of the effects of the combos: diet and exercise, rest and action, time alone and time shared with others whenever possible. In each coupling, there is the preparation aspect and the realization aspect. Bringing this kind of balance into your life takes commitment - it does not happen by chance. Meditate (whatever that means to you), and focus.

Finance: You need to stick with the program, even if you think changing tacks now will move you forward faster. The goal isn't the quickest possible profit. Just because you're not making huge progress now doesn't mean your efforts won't pay off in the not-too-distant future.

Photo: ELLE
Photo: ELLE
LIBRA Weekly Horoscope (April 5 - April 11): Predictions for Love, Money, Career and Health LIBRA Weekly Horoscope (April 5 - April 11): Predictions for Love, Money, Career and Health

8. Scorpio - Horoscope Today

Love: There is more of a willingness to take action, partly due to the planetary alignment of today. You have a chance to begin a very fascinating conversation with someone, which could end up in a date. Although it may take a while to reach a more passionate level, getting to this point will be equally interesting, as you will have to use your seductive techniques to the max!

Health: Today you can evaluate and act with fluency. The greatest benefit of this special energy will come from focusing on yourself, not others. What is right for you in any given situation is up to you to decide. To prepare for making good dietary decisions, stock your house with healthy foods - and give yourself lots of choices. There are many ways to have healthy diet - fresh juices, colorful salads, expertly prepared tofu. These options take considerable effort, but the payoff is worth it, don't you think?

Finance: Today you can evaluate and act with fluency. The greatest benefit of this special energy will come from focusing on yourself, not others. What is right for you in any given situation is up to you to decide. To prepare for making good dietary decisions, stock your house with healthy foods - and give yourself lots of choices. There are many ways to have healthy diet - fresh juices, colorful salads, expertly prepared tofu. These options take considerable effort, but the payoff is worth it, don't you think?

Photo: ELLE
Photo: ELLE
SCORPIO Weekly Horoscope (April 5 - April 11): Predictions for Love, Money, Career and Health SCORPIO Weekly Horoscope (April 5 - April 11): Predictions for Love, Money, Career and Health

9. Sagittarius - Horoscope Today

Love: Today's planetary alignment means your current relationship could well benefit from a little more openness and experimentation. You are pretty open as it is, but may have become stuck in a rut of late, or found that days and weeks pass by in the same old way, with no new developments. Take action, and rediscover your natural exuberance and love of exploration; it will do you both good.

Health: Your inner and outer selves are engaged in a great dialogue these days. It may seem like you have a radio inside your head! This is something many of us feel right now. To understand what is being said, it is important to follow some rather strict guidelines: exercise enough so that you are tired enough to fall asleep early enough! The sleep you get during the current transits is vital. Your mind needs plenty of rest in order to sort out all the information at hand.

Finance: Your money worries and your personal problems may not seem to match, but they are all rolled up in the whole ball of wax. The ideal solution imaginable could be yours -- only if you recognize it. Until you do, follow your mood.

Photo: ELLE
Photo: ELLE
Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope (April 5-11): Predictions For Love, Financial, Career and Health Sagittarius Weekly Horoscope (April 5-11): Predictions For Love, Financial, Career and Health

10. Capricorn - Horoscope Today

Love: Recent conversations have brought you closer to understanding someone special, perhaps closer than you had ever thought possible. The planetary alignment now demands that you take some kind of action to secure what you have so painstakingly built up. Invite the one you adore out somewhere original, and make them a very special offer they can't refuse. The chances are they will only too willing to agree.

Health: When you know what you want, you exude a striking sense of satisfaction that people notice right away. You "beam" with inner satisfaction. With the present planetary alignment, you are able to tune into your highest self-awareness and perhaps even resolve conflicts that have been worrying you for some time. Use this month's energy to increase your physical activities - plan bike rides on weekends, use your free time for fun, aerobic diversions. The combination of these stellar forces makes your mood steady and pleasant.

Finance: Your energy levels fluctuate with your bank account. Extremes in either are best avoided but don't wrap your feelings so tightly around your money. Regardless, dealing with things in a methodical, plodding way is your best approach to all life today.

Photo: ELLE
Photo: ELLE
CAPRICORN Weekly Horoscope (April 5 - April 11): Predictions for Love, Money, Career and Health CAPRICORN Weekly Horoscope (April 5 - April 11): Predictions for Love, Money, Career and Health

11. Aquarius - Horoscope Today

Love: Today's planetary alignment gives you the opportunity to pair up with someone who has a very warm, ardent, and enthusiastic approach to life. This coupling will do you both a world of good, as your partner (current or prospective) will benefit from your ability to stand back and appraise a course of action, while you will benefit from their passionate attitude by learning much about something that you are often scared witless by.

Health: When it comes to our friends, we often most appreciate their warmth and caring, and the tender sympathy that exudes from them when all is well. To keep access open to this part of your personal nature, it is important to regularly exercise and keep your energy unblocked. A regular yoga practice will help you tremendously. The blood circulation, muscle stretching and deep breathing combine to help you relax and center your exuberance, so that you can channel it.

Finance: You know enough to not get upset by the ups and downs of your finances. The horizon line is where you focus your attention, and that's an especially valuable approach today. If a dip gets you emotional, at least you know your reaction is as temporary as the numbers are.

Photo: ELLE
Photo: ELLE
Aquarius Weekly Horoscope (April 5 - 11): Astrological Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health Aquarius Weekly Horoscope (April 5 - 11): Astrological Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health

12. Pisces - Daily Horoscope

Love: Even though your heart may be pounding every time you get close to someone rather delicious, today it is better to tread lightly as far as this liaison goes. Today's position of the planets encourages positive and harmonious communication, but with more of a gentle touch than a passionate caress. Go out for a meal, or visit the latest collection of modern art, but don't try and force a deeper commitment.

Health: Give in to your gentle side today. Where there is a tendency to eroticize, look further into your body and find the true need beneath the surface titillation. The astral energy is helping you address your needs. Do not be afraid to make changes that seem "irrelevant": if you don't like your fitness app, or you can't stand the gym where you belong, make a change! Things like this are best to clarify and act upon now, so that you don't end up punishing yourself in the long run.

Finance: Imagine a movie where there was no suspense and nothing bad ever happened. It would hardly be worth the price of the ticket. The same is true for your life. Instead of getting stressed out by the numbers today, look at it as entertaining.

Photo: ELLE
Photo: ELLE
PISCES Weekly Horoscope (April 5 - April 11): Astrological Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health PISCES Weekly Horoscope (April 5 - April 11): Astrological Predictions for Love, Financial, Career and Health

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