DAILY HOROSCOPE on November 24, 2023: The Luckiest Color & Number of 12 Zodiac Signs
The Daily Horoscope - The Luckiest Zodiac Signs
Table of Contents

On this day Black Friday, the twelve zodiac signs will each issue their daily horoscope, in which they will make predictions about their love lives, careers, health, and financial futures.

When it comes to money, Virgo should not "try to beat the odds" and invest because their luck is poor. Scorpions, meanwhile, make steady professional headway because they have a firm grasp on their own skill sets and never stretch beyond their means.

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DAILY HOROSCOPE for November 25, 2023

WEEKLY HOROSCOPE November 20-26, 2023

MONTHLY HOROSCOPE for December 2023

1. Aries Horoscope | March 21 - April 19

Lucky number: 1

Lucky color: Gray

Noble zodiac sign: Aries

Combined luck index: 60%

Specific index: Love 60% Fortune 40% Health 90% Career 70%

Work: Today's horoscope (November 24, 2023) for the 12 zodiac signs predicts that Aries' career will be positive. Proactivity and ingenuity help this zodiac sign easily resolve all misunderstandings and problems with colleagues. A comfortable collective working environment helps you conveniently demonstrate your abilities.

Fortune: It is difficult for your fortune to be as expected. The habit of spending wastefully and investing without thinking can easily cause people of this zodiac sign to face the situation of "losing money".

Love: Love luck has a bright spot. The new day will bring positive signals in the love of single constellations, because you will have many opportunities to meet interesting people.

December 2023 ARIES Horoscope: Astrology Forecast for Love, Money, Career and Health December 2023 ARIES Horoscope: Astrology Forecast for Love, Money, Career and Health

2. Taurus Horoscope | April 20 - May 20

Lucky number: 5

Lucky color: Pink

Noble zodiac sign: Cancer

Combined luck index: 80%

Specific index: Love 20% Fortune 20% Health 50% Career 60%

Work: Career progress is average. Starting to do something always has certain difficulties, so Taurus should start slowly, trying a little every day. Looking back after a while, you will be surprised at what you have accomplished.

Fortune: Your fortune will decline for a long time. This zodiac sign will have to spend a large amount of money on useless things, thereby quickly draining their pockets.

Love: Poor love luck. Taurus will have a period of time to look at and re-evaluate the karmic relationships that they have during the period when Jupiter is in transit. For those who are making you tired and sad, forcefully push that relationship out of your life.

December 2023 TAURUS Horoscope in Love, Money, Career and Health December 2023 TAURUS Horoscope in Love, Money, Career and Health

3. Gemini Horoscope | May 21 - June 20

Lucky number: 7

Lucky color: Orange

Noble zodiac sign: Cancer

Combined luck index: 90%

Specific index: Love 20% Fortune 20% Health 20% Career 80%

Work; The daily horoscope for 12 zodiac signs predicts smooth career progress. Gemini's practical approach to work will bring them many advantages at work. Besides, favorable Jupiter also brings advancement opportunities for people of this sign today.

Fortune: The fortune of fortune goes down. Losing investments puts this zodiac sign at risk of ruin and borrowing can solve existing problems.

Love: Emotional luck is less cheerful. Couples often have arguments because of small misunderstandings. Both you and that person need to learn how to lower your ego to reconcile with each other, then with luck you can save this relationship that is on the verge of collapse.

Read more: GEMINI Horoscope in December 2023: Astrology Forecast for Love, Money, Career and Health

4. Cancer Horoscope | June 21 - July 22

Lucky number: 2

Lucky color: Gray

Noble zodiac sign: Capricorn

Combined luck index: 70%

Specific index: Love 90% Fortune 90% Health 70% Career 70%

Work: Career progress is going smoothly. A high sense of responsibility helps Cancer successfully complete all assigned tasks. Although there are many sad things, fortunately this sign never lets negative emotions affect its working spirit.

Fortune: The fortune of fortune is quite sublimated. A well-improved income source helps this zodiac sign comfortably pay for personal needs without worrying much.

Love: The emotional process is harmonious and happy. Jupiter's transit helps this zodiac sign realize that people who truly care will always be tolerant, share and accompany you.

Read more: CANCER Monthly Horoscope in December 2023: Astrology Forecast for Love, Money, Career and Health

5. Leo Horoscope | July 23 – August 22

Lucky number: 3

Lucky color: Blue

Noble zodiac sign: Sagittarius

Combined luck index: 20%

Specific index: Love 50% Fortune 90% Health 70% Career 80%

Work: Leo's career path is going "smoothly". Enthusiasm and high interest in work bring Leo many significant achievements. However, this constellation should not be subjective without taking precautions in relationships.

Fortune: Fortune is quite abundant. The horoscope advises you to try pampering yourself a little, accepting surprises to experience life more fully.

Love: Your love life is gradually improving. Jupiter direct is a time for bonding with loved ones. Therefore, people of this zodiac sign should rearrange their lives and seek intimacy with their family members.

Read more: Leo December 2023 Horoscope: Career, Love, Money and Health

6. Virgo Horoscope | August 23 – September 22

Lucky number: 1

Lucky color: Yellow

Noble zodiac sign: Sagittarius

Combined luck index: 20%

Specific index: Love 60% Fortune 20% Health 90% Career 20%

Work: Career path is relatively unstable. During Jupiter's favorable period, Virgo may be facing a lot of pressure and trouble from superiors and colleagues.

Fortune: The fortune of fortune is not good, so this sign should not "try to beat the odds" and invest. All the projects and plans that you thought were perfect will fail due to some incident, leading to loss of revenue.

Love: Love life is very interesting. In addition to sincere love, couples also show each other tolerance and respect. These are also necessary and sufficient factors that contribute to preserving a couple's love.

VIRGO Horoscope in December 2023: Astrology Forecast for Love, Money, Career and Health VIRGO Horoscope in December 2023: Astrology Forecast for Love, Money, Career and Health

7. Libra Horoscope | September 23 – October 22

Lucky number: 4

Lucky color: Blue

Noble zodiac sign: Libra

Combined luck index: 90%

Specific index: Love 40% Fortune 20% Health 90% Career 60%

Work: Career path has bright spots. Jupiter direct gives Libra the opportunity to understand the intrinsic value of something, while those around them cannot grasp it. This is your advantage, use it as effectively as possible.

Fortune: The fortune of fortune seems unstable. Luck is not enough, causing all investment projects of this constellation to suddenly run into trouble. You should improve the way you work to earn a stable income that is enough to cover your expenses like before.

Love: Love affairs face many disadvantages. This is also not a good time for this constellation to make any promises with that person. Instead, look back at what happened to gain more understanding.

Read more: Libra December 2023 Horoscope: Career, Love, Money and Health

8. Scorpio Horoscope | October 23 – November 21

Lucky number: 5

Lucky color: Blue

Noble zodiac sign: Scorpio

Combined luck index: 20%

Specific index: Love 20% Fortune 90% Health 90% Career 90%

Work: Career progress progresses clearly. Scorpio always knows where his abilities lie and you will never risk doing things that are not feasible. From there, you can avoid many unnecessary problems at work.

Fortune: Significant improvement in fortune helps people of this zodiac sign improve their quality of life.

Love: Emotional luck declines. Jupiter retrograde affects the harmony of couples. Whether you are married or single, you should focus your time on building your career path today.

Read more: Scorpio December 2023 Horoscope: Career, Love, Money and Health

9. Sagittarius Horoscope | November 22 - December 21

Lucky number: 7

Lucky color: Blue

Noble zodiac sign: Sagittarius

Combined luck index: 50%

Specific index: Love 90% Fortune 60% Health 80% Career 90%

Work: Career progress does not encounter many problems in my current job. But if you run into any trouble, Sagittarius don't worry too much and ask for support from your colleagues.

Fortune: Stable financial fortune. This zodiac sign should build a scientific financial management plan to avoid wasting money on unnecessary issues.

Love: Love luck promises to have clear progress. People of this sign are immersed in overwhelming happiness because of the surprises that their other half creates. The horoscope said that both people are wholeheartedly and wholeheartedly devoted to this relationship.

SAGITTARIUS Horoscope in December 2023: Astrology Forecast for Love, Money, Career and Health SAGITTARIUS Horoscope in December 2023: Astrology Forecast for Love, Money, Career and Health

10. Capricorn Horoscope | December 22 – January 19

Lucky number: 7

Lucky color: White

Noble zodiac sign: Virgo

Combined luck index: 80%

Specific index: Love 90% Fortune 80% Health 90% Career 20%

Horoscopes for the 12 zodiac signs predict that today's career path for Capricorn is unlikely to be as expected. We recommend that you consider the opportunities around you, from studying to improve your qualifications to many other issues. Because only by putting more effort into your current job, you can experience a good Jupiter phase.

Fortune: Wealthy fortune. Intelligence and the ability to grasp the times help this zodiac sign invest at the right time and earn "huge" profits.

Love: Your love life is improving passionately. This zodiac sign clearly understands its feelings and desires in a couple relationship. With sophistication and ingenuity, you are always proactive in the process of resolving problems and misunderstandings between both of you.

Read more: Capricorn December 2023 Horoscope: Career, Love, Money and Health

11. Aquarius Horoscope | January 20 - February 18

Lucky number: 1

Lucky color: Green

Noble zodiac sign: Scorpio

Combined luck index: 90%

Specific index: Love 50% Fortune 60% Health 50% Career 90%

Work: Career progress has had clear changes. Aquarius boldly rejects stereotypical paths and has bolder, newer thoughts. This is also the most important factor contributing to your success.

Fortune: The fortune of fortune remains stable. However, the omen of "waste of wealth" is coming, so this zodiac sign needs to be very careful with invitations to invest and cooperate.

Love: Love processes need to be more careful. The horoscope says that the negative energy of Jupiter retrograde can come from your lover, friends, family, colleagues or people in your social network, thereby making you tired. and boredom.

Read more: Aquarius December 2023 Horoscope: Career, Love, Money and Health

12. Pisces Horoscope | February 19 - March 20

Lucky number: 6

Lucky color: Red

Noble zodiac sign: Capricorn

Combined luck index: 90%

Specific index: Love 60% Fortune 20% Health 90% Career 90%

Work: Career progress goes smoothly and easily. Pisces has many opportunities for advancement at work, so boldly present your ideas and opinions to colleagues and superiors.

Fortune: The fortune of fortune plummets. Astrology predicts that this zodiac sign will spend money beyond its control when Jupiter passes through.

Love: Love luck brings a lot of good news. Single people have a special temperament that makes a good impression on everyone around them. If you are ready for a new relationship, going further will not be a problem.

Read more: PISCES Horoscope in December 2023: Astrology Forecast for Love, Money, Career and Health

Final Thoughts

You have just begun your journey into the 24th of December, 2023 and the predictions and in-depth analysis of the 12 zodiac signs' daily horoscopes. You can also check out where each zodiac sign lands on the luck index.

Every zodiac sign, whether fortunate or unlucky, needs to be ready to take advantage of opportunities and overcome obstacles at the drop of a hat.

Hope our astrological forecast helps you have more motivation and inspiration for a new day - May God give you peace and happiness!

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