Daily Horoscope (April 21): Prediction For Love, Health, Money and Career
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Daily Horoscope (Today & Tomorrow April 21) |
1. Aries
Love: The present planetary alignment indicates that you may wish to get some advice on certain matters within your relationship that may have been of concern to you recently. You take this aspect of your partner (current or prospective)ship very seriously, and therefore do not want to jump to any wrong conclusions. Discussing it with someone experienced in this area may help you decide what your next steps should be.
Health: Getting the most out of your private time starts with watching what you eat, so that any sudden changes don't make you feel uncomfortable. There is no reason why you shouldn't continue eating your basic three meals, with no snacks aside from fruit or veggies. With all the added stress nowadays, it is especially important to drink lots of water and stay away from dehydrating coffee and black tea.
Finance: It doesn't take all the riches in the world to achieve your goals. In fact, it doesn't take any more than what you already have. Thinking otherwise is just another delaying tactic. Get to work accomplishing what really matters.
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Photo: Star Naming |
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2. Taurus
Love: You are inclined to see the flaws within your current relationship, and perhaps to be more critical than you would normally. The present astral configuration encourages you to think very carefully about your motives, and also to determine whether you are both meeting each other's needs. If you enter into a discussion with each other, it is likely to be quite somber. It may be better left for another time.
Health: Busy times can be distracting, so take care to slow down your mind when you are making decisions. Concentrate on pacing yourself while things around you speed up. To help stay grounded in your emotions, try doing yoga twice a week. Focus on breathing deeply, expanding your lungs with the regular breaths and stimulating the circulation of fresh blood to your vital organs. This kind of TLC will make you feel and look radiant at any time.
Finance: No matter what you do, it's like money down the drain with some people. Don't waste your time, energy or money on someone who just makes you feel weird. You have more important things on your mind than figuring out why someone or something rubs you the wrong way.
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Photo: Star Naming |
![]() Taurus Weekly Horoscope (April 19 - 25): This is a good time for impulse buying on fashion, cosmetics, and jewelry. Your creative talent is easy ... |
3. Gemini
Love: You are inclined to much deep thought today, in contrast to your usual attention span, which resembles that of a grasshopper. The present planetary alignment is helping you consider your involvement in a certain relationship. Right now you may tend to see more of the faults than the highlights. Talking things through could help if you can give each other some constructive criticism. Don't overdo it, though!
Health: Waking up a little earlier can give you the opportunity to have some healthy time alone before the day begins. You will benefit from taking a little time each day to center yourself in terms of what you want to accomplish. You tend to get wrapped up in other people's agendas because you are so talented at helping others achieve their goals. Focusing on yourself over a cup of herbal tea in the morning can have a powerful effect on your life.
Finance: Thinking only of the cost is too cerebral and intellectual an approach. On the other hand, you don't want to break the bank on the first purchase when you have so much more to buy. A bit of heart and a bit of common sense, in the right proportion, is what you need.
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Photo: Star Naming |
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4. Cancer
Love: The present astral configuration may encourage you to hide your deeper thoughts and feelings behind an impenetrable barrier. You could put yourself into a very introspective mood, which will not help the communication between you and your partner (current or prospective). However, if you can break out of it and say a few words, try and make them as positive and upbeat as you can. Don't get your love interest down as well!
Health: Making the best of a difficult situation is something that you are so gifted at, it often escapes you just how much you are willing to work at having a positive attitude. However, sometimes it can be useful to notice what you don't like about a given situation. Allow yourself to feel disappointment sometimes. It is not always up to you to "make the best of it." Practice conserving your positive attitude and willpower for situations that really deserve it.
Finance: The key to pleasing others is to do what they like, not what you like, and the price tag doesn't change a thing. That's a lesson worth more than gold, especially for someone like you. Take a step back from your emotional response and remember that some things are about making others tick.
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Photo: Star Naming |
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5. Leo
Love: Sometimes the only way out of a catch-22 situation is to get the help of a third party. Today's movement of the planets encourages you to ask the help and advice of someone who can guide you to a successful resolution of the problem. You may both have a tendency to see the worst at the moment. Hopefully, when you emerge from your meeting you will be more positive.
Health: Always watch what you eat so that you feel your best at all times, and especially at stressful ones. We all tend to become distracted while chatting away or watching TV - we barely notice what we put in our mouths! There are ways to handle these situations and most of them involve just a little bit of forethought. For instance, for every alcoholic beverage you ingest, drink one glass of water (preferably with no ice).
Finance: You might not be able to buy exactly what you want, but you can buy its equivalent if you're willing. Looking left and right for a substitute is not the same as looking down, either, so don't even think of it as too much of a compromise.
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Photo: Star Naming |
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6. Virgo
Love: Someone may have underestimated your capacity to become annoyed, thinking that because you are such a quiet soul you will not say anything if they attempt to manipulate your feelings. The movement of the heavenly bodies, however, means that on this particular day you are certainly in no mood to be taken advantage of, and intend to prove it. This will empower you and keep away those who could be trouble.
Health: It is easy for you to get carried away with emotions - your own or other people's - and it's important to balance yourself with grounding physical activities. Walking is preferable to using a car or public transportation, weather permitting. Be defiant when it comes to taking time for yourself, as you will pay a high price for ignoring your personal needs. Sitting down for a cup of herbal tea is also a nice thing to do for yourself. Stay calm and centered.
Finance: All your usual interactions feel a bit different now. The entire world, in fact, seems unusual in its response to you. You're made to feel like a million buck in all of your interactions with others, from those you know right down to the cashiers you pay for your morning coffee. Enjoy the heart-warming ambiance.
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Photo: Star Naming |
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7. Libra
Love: The alignment at play today may shock you into a revelation concerning your love life. You may have been continuing an affair while insisting on looking at it through rose-tinted spectacles. An event may come along to remind you that nothing and no one is perfect, and that you may need to adjust your behavior accordingly in order to deal with what is really going on in the relationship.
Health: It's never too late to begin your health regimen. Whatever you find yourself doing in the present moment can be shifted in a healthier direction. If you're about to have a meal, think about the most nutritious thing you could enjoy, and make that your priority. If you're about to go home, ask yourself what kind of exercise you can fit in between now and bedtime, and make it happen! With practice, the healthy habits will come naturally, Libra.
Finance: It's easy to get along well with other people. In fact, everyone you meet is in the same good mood you are today. It's the kind of feeling you would gladly pay for on a regular basis, but it just can't be bought or sold. Enjoy it while it lasts.
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Photo: Star Naming |
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8. Scorpio
Love: Don't worry if some surprising news today makes you seriously consider why you are involved with your current sweetheart. The movement of the heavenly bodies brings clarity, but perhaps not before you have lost your temper. It is necessary for you to understand something about your friend's motives, and also your own for becoming involved in the first place. Put it down to another growth experience and don't look back!
Health: Today's transit makes you feel relaxed and easy going. This is a wonderful feeling, as long as you keep yourself active - it can quickly turn gluttonous and lazy if you are not careful! Short, intense workouts are favored so that you can burn off the steam that naturally builds up throughout the day without excuses! Stay away from heavy foods like bread, dairy and red meat. Enjoy fresh produce, soups and legumes for energy that won't slow you down, Scorpio.
Finance: Don't let silly things disrupt your sense of harmony with your family. On the other hand, staying within budget is not a silly thing. You're either forced to say no to someone or someone else is saying you can't buy what you want. Either way, work on handling the situation with finesse.
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Photo: Star Naming |
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9. Sagittarius
Love: Today's movement of the heavenly bodies may reveal an apparently glaring fault in a relationship that had seemed to be going so well. However, this need not be the end of the affair. If you both feel that you really do care about each other, you can easily sort out the problem, although it will require some courage and determination on behalf of you both. So get to work!
Health: You will feel like talking a lot today, and may be easily distracted, but there is no reason to neglect your health for the sake of gossip! Take care to keep your appointment with yourself to get some fresh air and exercise - this makes a big difference to your overall health, especially on days like this. Make the time to do what you know is important for your health - this includes all the little things like flossing before you go to sleep tonight!
Finance: It's easy to talk to strangers today, and for the next couple of weeks, too. Everyone is in the same good mood you are. It's fun to treat everyone you meet as a long lost friend, and you get the royal treatment too wherever you go. Take advantage of the opportunity to connect, Sagittarius.
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Photo: Star Naming |
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10. Capricorn
Love: You may find yourself feeling incredibly irritated today, especially with the present astral configuration. The slightest remark from your partner (current or prospective) could put you into a real temper. So perhaps it might be a good idea to call this an opportunity to go somewhere quiet and peaceful where you can recharge your batteries and connect with the deep calm within. Then you can be a sweet as pie to a loved one!
Health: You feel generous and loving today. It's a great day to be you! Exude and revel in your energy as you give it. People will want to be around you. You mustn't neglect yourself for others - always a risk for you. Give yourself enough time and space to do your yoga workout, go for your run, shop for dinner, whatever it is you need to do for yourself. Enjoy the company of others, when possible, but prize your own.
Finance: When it comes to money, you're always planning for the future. But right now the only future you have to worry about is the next two weeks. It's a bit late in the game to go too far out of your usual modus operandi, but changing things even a bit makes a big difference to your bottom line.
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Photo: Star Naming |
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11. Aquarius
Love: The present astral configuration could encourage you to break off one particular liaison that does not really seem to be going anywhere, and that could be a drain on your time and energy. You may have felt guilty for even thinking of ending it, but something that occurs today enables you to see the truth of what is going on - and so you decide to take positive action.
Health: When you feel you're at the end of your rope, you tend to disengage from others. This may "work," but it does have a more abrupt side that upsets your health in subtle but serious ways. When you detach from others you detach from yourself. This sends ripple effects throughout your whole body. It tells your stomach its hungry even if it's not, it tells you to sleep instead of staying active, etc. Keeping an eye on yourself is key.
Finance: It's a good time to think about making serious changes. Try spending less and saving more. Consider it practice, even if you don't see much of a dent in your financial situation for the moment.
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Photo: Star Naming |
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12. Pisces
Love: A meeting out of the blue could bring you face-to-face with someone you once knew, but had not ever thought you would meet again. The present planetary alignment indicates that although this may be something of a shock, and that you would ideally have preferred to have some kind of warning, you nevertheless rally to the occasion, and find out you still have much to share.
Health: You have a strong ability to focus on what you have set your mind on, yet focusing on your well-being is something you often avoid. For your own benefit, get a clear perspective on what it is that works for you and what feels like a challenge. Seek to understand what you can do to help yourself on a daily basis. Regular meals with lots of leafy greens, perhaps self prepared, regular exercise that fits nicely in your everyday schedule are all means to attain your goal of feeling happy and healthy.
Finance: Daydreaming about the future is a lot more than the silly activity it normally is. You need a break from the day to day so you can see clearly what you want your life to look like. Don't wait any longer to make your financial resolutions.
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Photo: Star Naming |
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